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      • 북한 핵 · 미사일 위협의 무력화(無力化) 전략

        정경영(Chung, Kyung-young) 한국군사문제연구원 2017 한국군사 Vol.1 No.-

        북핵무기의 소형화 · 경량화 · 표준화와 머지않은 ICBM 재진입 기술확보 시 통제불능 사태에 직면하게 될 것이다. 재앙적 핵전쟁을 예방하기 위해 북한핵을 무력화시키는 전략적 선택을 할 수밖에 없는 상황이 예상된다. 북한 전쟁지도부 등 전략적 중심과 지휘통제통신망을 무력화하고 상징적 핵 · 미사일 시설을 초토화시키는 전략이 요구된다. 이를 위해서는 국가안보실에 컨트롤타워로서 북핵대응 TF를 운용하고, 3축 체계의 조기 전력화가 시급하다. 전략사령부를 창설하여 북핵 · 미사일 위협 대응전략을 수립하고 WMD제거작전을 수행할 수 있도록 해야한다. 또한 전면전을 각오한 국민적 결기가 필요하다. 국민의 안전과 영토 수호를 위한 군사력 운용의 자율성을 발휘할 수 있도록 전시작전통제권을 회복해야 할 것이다. 동맹차원에서 추진할 분야는 북핵 · 미사일 위협에 대한 인식을 공유하고, 한미간 군사행동에 따른 임무와 역할 등 작전 수행체제를 구축하며, 핵미사일 위협제거의 절박성을 전략커뮤니케이션을 통해 한미 양국 국민과 국제사회의 공감대를 확보하는 것이다. 또한 확전방지책을 강구한 상태에서, 북한의 핵 · 미사일 공격징후 또는 전면전 징후 포착 시, 한미 대통령 간 합의하에 군사행동을 실시해야 할 것이다. The neutralization of North Korea’s nuclear weapon system as part of a strategic selection should be undertaken in order to prevent any future possible catastrophic nuclear warfare. This is part of an over-reaching attitude and consensus that will never allow North Korea to exist in the international sphere as a nuclear state. In order to implement such a strategy, a nuclear task force operating as a control tower should be established at the National Security Office for the President. In particular, the early modernization of the ROK’s three vital pillars Strategic Command should also be activated in order tor develop a response strategy against North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats as well as conducting WMD elimination operations. Moreover, the transition of wartime operational control should be conducted in order to restore the autonomy of military action and national determination. In terms of the alliance perspective, our two allies should recognize North Korea’s nuclear and missile threat, and the military operations system including the mission and role of the ROK-U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff should be established. Strategic communication should be conducted in order to secure a consensus on the inevitability and urgency concerning the elimination of North Korea’s nuclear and missile systems. In addition, the substantial deployment of war fighting capabilities in order to prevent any escalation of war should be reinforced. The national command consisting of the two presidents of South Korea and America will be in a position to carry out military action in the event of any identification or clear-cut indicators of North Korea’s nuclear or missile attack or total war. The operational employment of the recently deployed THAAD battery should also be conducted.

      • 9·19 남북군사합의 이행진단과 군비통제 추진방향

        정경영 ( Chung Kyung-young ) 한국군사학회 2018 군사논단 Vol.96 No.-

        Controversial argument related to Sep 19 South-North Military Agreement is not getting waning. In spite of meaningful agreement for military confidence building measures(MCBMs) and prevention of accidental military confrontation on the Korean peninsula, opposing groups insist that the agreement impose severe constraints on the ROK forces’ surveillance, reconnaissance, and early warning and abandon Northern Limit Line. The paper conditionally argues that the ROK forces should never allow the North Korea forces to take military provocations and to attack the south by the robust ROK-US military posture and the ROK forces should play a peace regime building role for a unified Korea. The paper addresses theoretical reviews for arms control, then, assesses the South-North Military Agreement. The paper also examines the misunderstanding through the status of the agreement implementation and facts check. Finally, the paper will make policy recommendations for arms control consisting of further military confidence building measures, and operational and structural arms control including rigorous compliance with the agreement by exchange of Taekwondo martial art, search and rescue exercise, unarmed aerial surveillance flights over no-fly zone under the auspices of the Inter-Korean Joint Military Committee, proportional strength reduction, redeployment of offensive weapons such as long-range artillery and mechanized units. The MCBMs will greatly contribute to achieving a unified Korea along with North Korea’s denuclearization.

      • KCI등재

        몬테베르디의 음악에서 나타나는 “순환적” 공간과 “직선적” 공간: 《오르페오》 3막의 “위대한 정령이여”(Possente Spirto)를 중심으로

        정경영 ( Kyung-young Chung ) 서울대학교 음악이론연구 2016 음악이론연구 Vol.26 No.-

        몬테베르디의 《오르페오》중 “위대한 정령이여”는 매우 흥미로운 노래이다. 그간 학자들은 악기를 지정한 점, 단순한 버전과 장식된 버전이 사용된 점, 5절에서 노래가 단음절적으로 바뀐 점에 주목해 왔다. 이 글은 이 노래가 사용하는 두 가지 공간 전략에 주목하고 있다. 두 가지 공간이란 ‘순환적 공간’과 ‘직선적 공간’ 이다. 몬테베르디는 1, 2, 3, 4, 6절에서는 순환적 베이스, 회문적 선율 윤곽, 중심음의 사용 등을 통해서 순환적공간을 만들어 내고 있다, 하지만 의미론적으로 가장 중요한 5연에서는 갑자기 이러한 순환적 장치를 모두 포기하고 목표가 분명한 선율과 베이스의 사용, 노래하는 방식의변화 등을 통해서 직선적 음악의 공간으로 옮겨간다. 그리고 이러한 공간에서 사용되는 특징적 음악적 요소들은 음악적 근대성을 선취하는 장치들로 이해될 수 있다. Monteverdi’s “Possente spirto” from L’Orfeo is keenly interesting for several reasons. Hitherto, scholars have been focused on facts that the use of idiomatic instrumentations, double use of singing line (simple version and elaborated version), and change of singing style from the flourished to the simple at the 5th verse. In this paper the author turned his attention to the spatial strategy used in this piece. Montevedi used circular-repeated bass line, palendromic voice contour, and alternative use of tonal center in verses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 to provide the circular atmosphere to it. In the 5th verse, however, he abandoned all the devices and newly used a clearly goal oriented voice and bass lines and changed singing style to achieve the non-circular musical space. Those newly used devices would foreshadow the stylistic aspects of musical “modernity.”

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        몬테베르디의 음악에서 나타나는 “순환적” 공간과 “직선적” 공간: 《오르페오》 3막의 “위대한 정령이여”(Possente Spirto)를 중심으로

        정경영 ( Kyung-young Chung ) 서울대학교 서양음악연구소 2016 음악이론연구 Vol.26 No.-

        몬테베르디의 《오르페오》중 “위대한 정령이여”는 매우 흥미로운 노래이다. 그간 학자들은 악기를 지정한 점, 단순한 버전과 장식된 버전이 사용된 점, 5절에서 노래가 단음절적으로 바뀐 점에 주목해 왔다. 이 글은 이 노래가 사용하는 두 가지 공간 전략에 주목하고 있다. 두 가지 공간이란 ‘순환적 공간’과 ‘직선적 공간’ 이다. 몬테베르디는 1, 2, 3, 4, 6절에서는 순환적 베이스, 회문적 선율 윤곽, 중심음의 사용 등을 통해서 순환적공간을 만들어 내고 있다, 하지만 의미론적으로 가장 중요한 5연에서는 갑자기 이러한 순환적 장치를 모두 포기하고 목표가 분명한 선율과 베이스의 사용, 노래하는 방식의변화 등을 통해서 직선적 음악의 공간으로 옮겨간다. 그리고 이러한 공간에서 사용되는 특징적 음악적 요소들은 음악적 근대성을 선취하는 장치들로 이해될 수 있다. Monteverdi’s “Possente spirto” from L’Orfeo is keenly interesting for several reasons. Hitherto, scholars have been focused on facts that the use of idiomatic instrumentations, double use of singing line (simple version and elaborated version), and change of singing style from the flourished to the simple at the 5th verse. In this paper the author turned his attention to the spatial strategy used in this piece. Montevedi used circular-repeated bass line, palendromic voice contour, and alternative use of tonal center in verses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 to provide the circular atmosphere to it. In the 5th verse, however, he abandoned all the devices and newly used a clearly goal oriented voice and bass lines and changed singing style to achieve the non-circular musical space. Those newly used devices would foreshadow the stylistic aspects of musical “modernity.”

      • 음악 수사학(rhetoric)에 대한 수사학(historiography)적 접근

        정경영(Kyung-Young Chung) 낭만음악사 2006 낭만음악 Vol.18 No.4

        17세기부터 18세기까지 주로 독일 음악 이론가들 사이에서 유행하였던 음악 수사학(rhetoric)은 일반 수사학의 방법, 용어를 빌려와 음악을 설명하려고 하였던 일시적인 유행 이상의 의미를 가진다. 음악 수사학은 음악을 부분으로 나누고 그 부분들을 배열하는 법에 관심을 기울이면서 점차 음악 내적 논리 혹은 음악의 형식에 대한 관심을 불러일으켰으며, 형식에 대한 관심은 음악이 가사나 기능 없이도 나름의 의미를 가질 수 있다는 기악 해방의 한 동력이 되었다. The musical rhetoric, which was flourished around 17th and 18th century in Germany was not a transitional phenomenon. It deeply marked its influence on music history. As a discipline of identifying, arranging, and combining units, the musical rhetoric stimulated the formulation of the idea of ‘musical form.’ The notion of musical form and awareness of the inner logic of music finally resulted a significant historical event, called the emancipation of instrumental music.

      • 천안함 사태와 한국의 안보태세

        정경영 ( Kyung Young Chung ) 한국군사학회 2010 군사논단 Vol.62 No.-

        The paper attempts to draw lessons and tasks in the event of the sinking of the Cheonan warship by a torpedo of a North Korean submarine on March 26, 2010, which the international joint investigation team verified the causes of the sinking. The sinking of the Cheonan was perceived by the ROK Armed Forces as the worst disgraceful incident since the Korean War. The ROK forces have to thoroughly analyze the vulnerability of the overall national security system and to make fundamental reform. North Korea clearly violated the United Nations charters, which ensure territorial integrity and political independence, and the Armistice Agreement signed by the United Nations Command and the Communist counterparts including North Korea and China. North Korea also did not follow the North-South Basic Agreement, which prevents the recurrence of war on the peninsula. Due to the violation of North Korea, South Korean government has legality to retaliate against North Korea in terms of economic, diplomatic, and military sanctions. President Lee Myung-bak`s May 24 speech to the Korean people and the joint press interview by Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Unification, and National Defense released sanctions against North Korea. President Lee proclaimed The sinking of the Cheonan was assessed as North Korea`s military provocation, which attacked the Republic of Korea. Suspension of trade, cooperation and investment between the Two Koreas, immediate implementation of the right of self-defence in the event of further intrusion, resumption of psychological operations against North Korea, non-entry of North Korean commercial ships into South Korean maritime territory, reinforcement of Proliferation Security Initiative, submission of the incident to the United Nations Security Council are sanctions. He demanded that North Korea should apologize the incident to the world community as well as the Republic of Korea, and immediately punish the related individuals. In the mean time, Kim Jong-il ordered the Korean People`s Army combat readiness. North Korea also indicated that they will aim the South Korean`s loud speakers and strike them if South Korea resumes psychological operations. In the mean time, the ROK and the U.S. governments will conduct combined anti-submarine exercises, participate in PSI exercises in the region of Northeast Asia and beyond the region, and resume Team Spirit exercise as ROK and U.S combined military sanctions. The South Korean people need to overcome the worst national security crisis since the Korean War by retaliating North Korea in the manner of international cooperation and encouraging the president to effectively implement sanctions. South Korea should reform its national security system by reviving secretary general office of National Security Council, which was eradicated by the current administration. The Crisis Planning Board needs to be recreated at the presidential direct control or be born again under the control of Prime Minister. To prepare for any serious maritime incident like the sinking of the Cheonan is to improve initial action and crisis management systems, and dissemination system. The ROK Armed Forces need to develop crisis management personnel`s professionalism. The South Korean forces should establish integrated maritime rescue operation system among civilians, governmental officials, military men and police men. The ROK government should seriously review the critical issue over whether North Korea is our primary enemy. Some insist that the transition of the war time operational control as planned in 2012 should not be executed due to the revelation of the ROK government and forces` vulnerability of crisis management capability as the South Korean people vividly observed the Cheonan warship incident. However, the reason why the ROK government and forces failed in crisis management is because the ROK did not allow our forces to exercise wartime operational control over their forces. That is why the ROK forces should overcome mannerism by playing a pivotal role in defending their country with authority, will to fight, and warfighting capability against any North Korea`s military provocation. The Cheonan incident shows us that the government`s authority and the existence of the ROK forces could be threatened in case of unsuccessful operations of national crisis. The two main pillars of maintaining a state are economy and security. As government, military and people collectively are ready to fight in order to encounter North Korea`s aggressive provocations with strong resolution, then we will be able to overcome the national crisis and successfully manage peace.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • [논문]'제2작법(Seconda prattica)' 되읽기

        정경영(Kyung-Young Chung) 낭만음악사 2005 낭만음악 Vol.- No.68

        몬테베르디가 모호하게 사용하였던 '제2작법'이라는 용어의 진정한 의미는 가사의 '구문' 보다는 '의미'를 파악하여 그것이 드러나도록 음악적으로 해석해내는 것이다. 가사의 '구문'을 따르는 음악을 주장하였던 제1작법은 상대적으로 '이론화'하기 쉬웠던 반면, '의미'를 따르는 음악을 주장한 제2작법을 '이론화'하기란 쉽지 않았다. 구문이 객관적이라면 의미는 상대적이고 주관적이기 때문이다. 그것이 바로 끝내 몬테베르디가 자신이 약속한 '제2작법'에 대한 이론서를 쓰지 못한 이유이다. 아르투지-몬테베르디 논쟁은 이러한 입장 차이를 선명하게 보여주며 몬테베르디의 마드리갈 '무정한 아마릴리'는 몬테베르디가 '이론화'하지 못한 자신의 음악적 입장을 '실제적'으로 드러내고 있다. The true implication of the term, 'Seconda prattica' was the musical interpretation of the semantic aspect of the text. Pursuing the thesis, the author traces debates around the terminology, examines Monteverdi's setting of 'Cruda Amrilli' and finally attempts to make a distinction between music that reflects the syntactic aspect of words and music that interprets the semantic aspect.

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