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      • KCI등재

        가치사슬분석을 통한 지식정보보안산업의 애로사항 분석

        전효정(Hyo-Jung Jun),김태성(Tae-Sung Kim) 한국IT서비스학회 2013 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        The information security industry market is sluggish despite high expectation for its growth, and thus policies are required to define the causes and to address these issues. The policy formulation requires various historical market and human resource data for analyzing the industry, which cannot be guaranteed secured. This study executed face-to-face in-depth interviews with the frontline businesses in order to gather live opinions and to analyze industry's value chain. problems. and difficulties with a view to defining policy tasks for the development of the industry. The findings of the study revealed the current technical level of the information securi ty industry, the frontline difficulty, and industrial ecosystem status. Based on these findings, the industry revitalization policy was devised and proposed. Objectives of the policy included the fostering of capacity to conceptualize, plan, and design industrial strategies based on the analysis of the industry's value chain and ecosystem. the expansion of the industry's value-added through the enhanced securing and management of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and the nurturing of the security Human Resources (HR) in line with the industrial demand.

      • KCI등재

        정보보호 분야 직무체계 개발

        전효정(Hyo-Jung Jun),김태성(Tae-Sung Kim),유진호(Jinho Yoo),지상호(Sang-Ho Gee) 한국정보보호학회 2009 정보보호학회논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        정보보호 전문인력을 정의하고 양성하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 정보보호업무 전반을 체계화하여 표준화한 ‘직무체계’를 개발하고, 직무체계에 기반하여 인력을 어떻게 교육할 것인가를 정하는 교육과정 및 직무분석이 필요하다. 정보보호 분야의 직무를 정의하고 표준화함으로써 인력의 직무능력을 표준화하고 직무수행을 위해 필요한 지식 및 기술에 대한 정의가 가능해짐으로써 보다 실무 지향적인 전문인력의 양성이 가능할 것으로 기대된다. 직무체계(Skills Framework)란 산업현장의 직무에 근거하여 직무분류 및 직무수준을 설정하고 직무수준별 수행기준을 제시하는 것으로써, 현장 수요에 기초한 교육훈련과정의 개발, 자격 및 인력수급 체계 등을 위한 인프라 정비의 핵심 요소이다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 정보보호산업의 발전을 이끌어갈 실수요에 기반한 체계적인 ‘정보보호 전문인력’의 공급을 위해서는 무엇보다도 표준화된 직무체계의 개발이 시급하다고 인식하고, 정보보호 분야의 직무체계를 개발하여 제시하고자 한다. Successful industries that have maintained their competitiveness are characterized by well-established skills framework system. Skills framework establishes the agreed-upon, industry-identified knowledge, skills and abilities required to succeed in the workplace. Skills framework forms a solid foundation for the development of outcomes-based instruction and assessment, thus it benefits industry, students, educators and government. Each group has a major stake in the education of our students and in the efficient development of a productive workforce. Particularly in fast-changing fields like information security, relevant data that accurately reflect current and future knowledge and skills enable timely direction of resources, development and revision of industry-relevant curriculum, and efficient development of career information and job profiles. Skills framework occupies an indispensable position in any dialog concerning education or training in technical fields. In this study, we develop the skills framework for information security professionals.

      • KCI등재

        교육기관 종사자 대상의 정보보호교육센터 평가를 위한 지표 개발

        전효정(Hyo-Jung Jun),김태성(Tae-Sung Kim),김연복(Yeon-Bok Kim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2013 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.13 No.12

        교육기관에서 개인정보의 보호가 중요한 이슈로 부각됨에 따라, 교육과학기술부(현재의 교육부)는 2012년 9월 교육기관 종사자를 대상으로 정보보호교육을 실시하는 교육센터를 4개(사이버센터 1개 포함) 개소하였다. 정보보호교육센터의 취지를 잘 살리기 위해서는 교육수요자의 수요를 반영한 교육과정을 개발하고 장기적인 교육이수경로를 제공할 수 있어야 하며, 정보보호교육의 전문성을 확보할 수 있도록 전문적인 기술교육과정을 편성함은 물론 자질있는 강의인력을 확보하여야 한다. 본 논문은 정보보호교육센터의 개소가 국내 교육기관 및 교육종사자들의 정보보호 수준향상의 직접적인 계기가 될 수 있도록 ‘교육기관의 운영효율성’ 평가 관점에서 교육내용 및 교육운영을 중심으로 교육기관 평가지표를 개발하고 평가지표의 가중치를 산정하여 제시하였다. As the protection of personal information has been appeared as a main issue in educational institutions, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (currently the Ministry of Education) opened InfoSec Training Center to train personnels of educational institutions in 2012. To achieve the purpose of the establishment of the centers, each center needs to identify training target, make training roadmap and design specialized training curriculum. The paper aims to develop criteria to evaluate training and operating levels of InfoSec Training Centers using AHP.

      • 매튜 본의 <백조의 호수>를 통해 본 상상의 변이와 철학적 함의

        전효정 ( Jun Hyo-jung ) 국제문화&예술학회 2023 국제문화예술 Vol.4 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to infer the imaginative variation inherent in Matthew Bourne’s < Swan Lake > and to examine the ultimate identity of dance by comparing it with the original < Swan Lake >. After that, it is to reveal what the philosophical implications are inherent in this work. Methods: The research method was conducted through the analysis of Matthew Bourne’s < Swan Lake > performance DVD (2000) along with theoretical considerations through previous studies, specialized books, performance pamphlets, and Internet specialized information materials. Result: The imaginative transformations shown in Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake are first, the birth of a male swan, second, the dissolution of classical ballet, and third, the imagination of storytelling. The philosophical implications of Matthew Bourne’s < Swan Lake > are: First, Matthew Bourne’s < Swan Lake > has a gender issue that emphasizes the innovativeness of the work. Second, the archetype and complex of motherhood seen through storytelling. Third, it includes innovationism that seeks a new order by breaking away from existing traditional customs. Fourth, < Swan Lake > by Matthew Bourne is tragic. Conclusion: As a result of the above, < Swan Lake > by Matthew Bourne is a re-creation of the imaginative variation inherent in the above work and the philosophical value contained in it through ballet and modern dance styles.In other words, it is believed that the choreographer’s unique ideas and the reorganization of the theme, content, and form of the work in accordance with the trend of the times caused a great resonance with the audience.

      • KCI등재

        [카르멘]에 대한 마츠 에크의 현대적 재해석

        전효정 ( Hyo Jung Jun ) 대한무용학회 2024 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.82 No.1

        This study is a study on Mats Ek's modern reinterpretation of the work [Carmen] and aims to study the choreography intention and his dance language meant by Mats Ek's Carmen. As a research method, qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interviews. As a result of the study, first, humanity is the most important thing in Mats Ek's choreography. Second, it gave meaning to all stage equipment, props, and costumes, and through this, inaccurate information from previous studies was corrected. Third, Mats Ek tried to express the overall plot and the relationship between the characters realistically, along with a complete understanding of literature. Mats Ek choreographed the work in a modern feminist context by reversing the cliché of women and men in the era when the original novel [Carmen] was published. Through the modern reinterpretation of classical works, he gave appropriate messages and values to modern society, and Mats Ek sought to reinterpret gender, role, and femininity and masculinity beyond [Carmen's] Cliche. This study aims to provide accurate information to researchers for research and to provide new inspiration for choreographers' re-creation of classical works.

      • KCI등재

        지식정보보안의 인력양성 유망 분야 선정

        전효정(Hyo-Jung Jun),김태성(Tae-Sung Kim) 한국정보보호학회 2011 정보보호학회논문지 Vol.21 No.4

        다양한 기기와 서비스를 기반으로 정보서비스가 민간 및 공공 부문에 보편화됨에 따라 제품 및 서비스의 개발 및 관리, 개인정보보호, 위기관리 및 안전보장 등의 업무를 수행하기 위해 지식정보보안이 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 이에 따라, 지식정보보안산업의 중요성은 더욱 부각되고 있으며 장기적이고 안정적인 산업의 발전을 위하여 실제 보안 업무를 수행하는 지식정보보안인력 확보에 많은 관심이 쏠리고 있다. 본 연구에서는 지식정보보안 전문인력에 대한 효율적인 양성방안을 한국인터넷진흥원(KISA)이 2009년부터 운영하고 있는 ‘KISA 고용계약형 석사과정 지원사업’의 유망지원분야 선정의 예를 들어 제시한다. 사업에 참여자 및 참여 희망자 대상의 설문 조사와 전문가 대상의 인터뷰 결과를 정리한 결과, KISA 고용계약형 석사과정 지원사업의 유망 지원 분야로는 모바일 보안, 융합 보안의 순서로 유망한 것으로 분석되었다. As information services have been widely used in various environments, the knowledge information security sector plays a significant role in development and management of products and services, information privacy management, risk management and safety, etc. Thus, the process of acquiring knowledge information security professionals is getting more attention for promoting the stable and long-term development of the knowledge information security sector. This study identifies and analyzes the promising fields for the KISA Employment-Contract Master Program and suggests promotion strategies for knowledge information security professionals. By surveying participants and would-be participants, and interviewing experts, it is analyzed that ‘mobile security’ and ‘convergence security’ are the two most important fields to be included in the program.

      • KCI등재

        AMI 공격 시나리오에 기반한 스마트그리드 보안피해비용 산정 사례

        전효정(Hyo-Jung Jun),김태성(Tae-Sung Kim) 한국정보보호학회 2016 정보보호학회논문지 Vol.26 No.3

        스마트그리드는 사물인터넷의 핵심 응용서비스이고, 그 중 가장 핵심적인 구성요소인 AMI((Advanced Metering Infrastructure)는 전기사업자와 소비자의 접점에 위치하고 있으며, 스마트 미터는 소비자의 전기사용을 기록하고 사업자에게 전달하는 역할을 한다. 본 논문에서는 스마트그리드에서 소비자와 직접 맞닿아 있는 스마트 미터를 중심으로 AMI에 대한 NESCOR에서 제시하고 있는 사이버공격 및 피해 시나리오를 기반으로 피해비용을 산정한다. 본 연구의 결과는 정책입안자나 전기사업자가 스마트그리드 관련 투자의사결정을 하는데 참고가 될 수 있을 것이다. The smart grid, a new open platform, is a core application for facilitating a creative economy in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT). Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is one of the components of the smart grid and a two-way communications infrastructure between the main utility operator and customer. The smart meter records consumption of electrical energy and communicates that information back to the utility for monitoring and billing. This paper investigates the impact of a cybersecurity attack on the smart meter. We analyze the cost to the smart grid in the case of a smart meter attack by authorized users based on a high risk scenario from NESCOR. Our findings could be used by policy makers and utility operators to create investment decision-making models for smart grid security.

      • KCI등재

        <잠자는 숲속의 미녀> 재안무 사례연구 - 광주시립발레단 중심으로

        전효정 ( Hyo Jung Jun ),차수정 ( Su Jung Cha ) 대한무용학회 2021 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.79 No.1

        This research studied the re-choreography process of “Sleeping beauty” at Gwangju City Ballet. The analysis was carried out with data collected through literature reviews, indepth interviews, participatory observations and field records. Results showed : Firstly, the play was directed in a way that it was distinctive from the original version. Secondly, the music was organized and arranged through professional consultation. Thirdly, the play attempted the fusion between ballet and Korean traditional dance. It is expected that this play would become a basic for creative ballet dance, and moreover act as a guidance for future ballet.

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