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      • KCI등재후보

        인도네시아어와 마카사르어의 양분접사 비교 연구

        전태현 ( Tai Hyun Chun ) 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2007 외국어교육연구 Vol.21 No.2

        This paper examines the differences in the form of circumfix (or confix) between Bahasa Indonesia (BIN) and Bahasa Makassar (BMK). Special attention will be given to the morphological characteristics of circumfix in both cognate languages, BIN and BMK. Based on the observation of word-formation in general and ordinal numbers in particular, this paper claims that there are clear differences in the form of circumfix between the two languages. Through the comparison of circumfix[ber-an] in BIN and [si-i] in BMK meaning ``reciprocal``, both cognate languages: BIN and BMK show the morphological differences of the circumfix. In addition, circumfix [maka-a] in BMK and prefix[ke-] in BIN have the same function in the derivation of ordinal numbers. The finding shows that circumfixes[maka-a] in BMK and[ke-] in BIN are the remarkable morphological characteristic which shows the differences between BMK and BIN. This reflects the core topic of the discussion in this study, "Differences in Similarity." Considering the BMK as one of the regional languages in the Indonesian Archipelago, this study claims that attention and research on regional languages in Indonesia, BMK in particular, is needed. Based upon the views of sociolinguistics and ecolinguistics, this paper suggests that the problems of endangered languages should be more widely understood in the field of foreign language education.

      • KCI등재후보

        말레이시아의 언어 정책

        전태현 ( Tai Hyun Chun ) 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2009 외국어교육연구 Vol.23 No.1

        Perancangan Bahasa di Malaysia -dengan rujukan khusus kepada kolonialisme dan faham pelbagai budaya. Tujuan makalah ini ialah untuk mengkaji aspek dasar perancangan bahasa di Malaysia. Secara am sering didakwa bahawa kolonialisme Eropah merupakan salah satu faktor utama dalam pembentukan masyarakat majmuk dan keadaan masyarakat bahasa di Malaysia masa kini. Berdasarkan dakwaan tersebut makalah ini membincangkan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pilihan bahasa antara bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Melayu dalam konteks pelbagai bahasa di Malaysia. Untuk mengkaji pengaruh kolonialisme dengan lebih terperinci, dua aspek perancangan bahasa di Malaysia dirujuk secara khusus, iaitu: perancangan bahasa semasa pendudukan Jepun di Tanah Melayu dan penubuhan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dalam konteks kesedaran kebangsaan dan kenegaraan. Dengan meninjau kedua-dua aspek tersebut, penulis menyarankan agar isu-isu pilihan bahasa di Malaysia sepatutnya dibincangkan serta dipahamkan sebagai hasil faham pelbagai budaya dalam konteks globalisasi. The purpose of this paper is to examine the fundamental aspects of language policy in Malaysia. In general, it has been claimed that European colonialism is one of the key factors affecting the formation of multicultural society and language situation in contemporary Malaysia. Based on this claim, this paper explores the issues of language choice between English and Malay in the context of multilingualism in Malaysia. To investigate the influence of colonialism more closely, a special attention will be paid to two critical aspects for discussing the context of language policy in Malaysia. One is the language policy of Japanese imperial government during the Japanese occupation in Malaya. The other is the historical background of the establishment of the Institute of Language and Literature or Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka(DBP) in the context of nationalism and nationism. Based upon the above observation, this paper suggests that the issues of language choice in Malaysian society should be discussed and understood as a result of multilingualism in the context of globalization.

      • 대중매체 담화 속의 더블스피크

        전태현 ( Tai Hyun Chun ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2002 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.29

        Language is a major mechanism in the process of social construction. It is an instrument for consolidating and manipulating concepts and relationships in the area of power and control. Language is a social practice (Heine, 1997, Fowler, 1985:61). In most cases linguistic choices in mass media are not randomly made, rather, the choices often reflect a certain ideology that language users bring to that limited thought. In this respect Orwell``s (1968) claim is adopted: language had become a means "for concealing or preventing thought," instead of being "an instrument for expressing thought". In Chapter II, by reviewing news stories from the Korean dailies, Chosun Ilbo, Donga Ilbo, Kukmin Ilbo, and Hankuk Economy Daily, I find some clues of the doublespeak (Lutz, 1996) of government bureaucrats concerning the IMF crisis in Korea in 1997. In Chapter III, through analyzing Indonesian daily, Kompas, the American news network CNN, and also Deutsch Welle (DW) Radio``s news and commentary concerning a series of bloody ethnic clashes in Palangkaraya, Kalimantan, Indonesia, I point out the nature of the relationships among the points of view of mass media, power and reality (Tuchman, 1995). In Chapter IV, I claim that the live public debate on RCTI(1999. 9.15.) in nature is not a non-biased or value-free one, rather it is ideological propaganda (Fowler, 1991, Hodge and Kress, 1993, Chomsky 2001) from the powerful authority to the passive public in Indonesia. To proving this claim, I analyze a dialogue text between the moderator and a NGO member during a live debate concerning the Timor Timur crisis. In Chapter V, I summarize this study and claim that ideology is realized in language (Fowler, 1991). In addition to this, I claim that mass media language, particularly in nature favors the power, a few specific elite classes, the bureaucratic officials rather than pursuing the public interest. The data pointed out above is a partial examples of doublespeak as a means of concealing ideology (thought).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        찌아찌아족 한글 교육의 실태에 관한 연구

        전태현 ( Tai Hyun Chun ) 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2012 외국어교육연구 Vol.26 No.2

        인도네시아의 찌아찌아족이 2009년 한글을 차용한 것을 놓고 각계각층의 다양한 의견이 제시된 바 있다. 그러나 그 논의들이 인도네시아의 정치·사회적 변동의 관점에서 이루어진 경우는 극히 드물다. 더구나 찌아찌아족의 현재 한글 교육 실태에 관한 문제는 아예 논외로 되어 버린 상황이다. 따라서 본고의 기술 목적은 네가지이다. 첫째, 1999년 인도네시아 지방자치법 제정과 민주화 문제를 한글 차용과 연관시켜 고찰해 본다. 둘째, 지방자치단체장의 결단이 한글 차용의 결정적 계기가 되었다는 사실을 밝힌다. 셋째, 로마자 알파벳을 공식 문자로 삼고 있는 인도네시아 공화국의 지방자치 단체에서 단행한 한글 차용이 인도네시아 헌법과 언어법에 저촉되는 문제는 아닌지 살펴본다. 끝으로 현지 설문조사를 통해 찌아찌아족의 현재 한글 교육 실태와 한글 교육에 대한 현지 주민들의 여론을 파악해 본다. In perspective of the Cia-Cia tribe`s adoption of Hangul in 2009, a diversity of opinions from various circles were discussed. However, the opinions were less discussed in the perspective of the political and social changes of Indonesia. To add, it has never been examined on the use and realities in education of Hangeul among the Cia-Cia tribe. This study has four objectives. Firstly, this study determines a correlation between the introduction of Hangeul with the democratization movement and the enactment of Indonesian Regional Autonomy Law in 199. Secondly, it argues the decision of the regional government, hence the conclusive factor to the adoption of Hangul. Thirdly, this paper also investigates the effect of the introduction of Hangeul in the Republic of Indonesia which officially adopted the Roman alphabet, based on related provisions in Constitution and Language Act. Lastly, to investigate the realities of Hangul education and local public opinions about the Hangeul education, in this study questionnaire based survey method was used.

      • KCI등재

        말레이어와 한국어의 개 속담 비교연구

        전태현 ( Chun Tai Hyun ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2016 東南亞硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        In this paper, I examined Malay and Korean dog proverbs from a cognitive linguistic perspective. More specifically, I carried out a comparative study of Malay and Korean dog proverbs based on ‘Great Chain of Being’ metaphor by Lakoff & Turner’s (1989) theory of metaphor in analyzing the animal proverbs. Metaphorical thinking cognitively as a conceptual mapping between a source domain and a target domain, I explored the dog proverbs and found that a dog generally maps onto various negative human images in both Malay and Korean proverbs such as an evil man, a greedy man, a poor man, etc. Hence, there are three cognitive differences on dogs between Malay and Korean proverbs. Firstly, a dog has a positive connotation only by comparison with other animals in Malay proverbs. In contrast, a dog can have a positive connotation independently in Korean proverbs. Secondly, an expression like ‘dog feces’ is not used in Malay proverbs while it is used frequently in Korean proverbs. Thirdly, a dog does not map conceptually onto other people in Malay proverbs in contrast with Korean proverbs. In the present study, I argued that these three cognitive differences can be associated with Muslim beliefs among the Malay society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사전편찬과 번역 : 인도네시아-한국어, 한국어-인도네시아어 사전의 사례

        전태현(Chun Tai-Hyun) 한국사전학회 2003 한국사전학 Vol.- No.2

        This study aims to investigate some deficiencies of two bilingual dictionaries, Indonesian-Korean Dictionary (IKD) and Korean¬Indonesian Dictionary (KID). The focus of investigation is on the problems of translation, because each of these two bilingual dictionaries is the piece of translation. In this respect, this paper deals with several critical factors in translation work of IKD and KID from two different perspectives. Firstly from the cultural perspective, I analyze the ways of explanations about the information in entry words. Secondly, I explore the needs to add grammar descriptions in those two dictionaries from the linguistic perspective. The results shows that both of these bilingual dictionaries, IKD and KID uncover a large number of errors and mistakes in selection and translation of culture-specific entry words. In this respect, I argue that most of these kinds of problems are caused either by the translator's ignorance of the exact meaning and usage in the source and target language or by the original deficiencies of the source text. Based on this argument, I claim that bilingual dictionary making is not just an ordinary translation, but rather a professional translation work.

      • KCI등재

        『라 갈리고』에 나타난 부기스족의 정체성과 세계관

        전태현 ( Tai Hyun Chun ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2013 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.43 No.-

        Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengaji identitas dan pandangan dunia kelompok etnik Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Pada zaman tradisional lalu orang Bugis telah menciptakan sistem penulisan yang disebut Lontaraq, yang dipengaruhi naskah beraksara klasik India. Berbeda dengan kelompok etnik lainnya di kepulauan itu, orang Bugis telah mengembangkan bahasa lisan dan tulisannya dengan memanfaatkan Lontaraq. Salah satu sumber tertulis yang dikembangkan orang Bugis adalah La Galigo, karya sastra mitos terpanjang di dunia. Mitos ini mengisahkan asal-muasal dan pandangan dunia orang Bugis. Menurut La Galigo, orang Bugis menyadari keberadaan tiga unsur kosmos, yakni alam dunia, dewa, dan manusia. Di antaranya, dewa dan manusia sebagai komponen paling penting dalam alam dunia. Selanjutnya, beberapa tokoh dan laku budaya penting, misalnya Bissu (mediator antara dewa dan manusia), Siri`` (pembalasan dendam atau hukuman atas pelanggar adat untuk menegakkan kehormatan diri), dan Saung manu`` (adu ayam sebagai simbol keperkasaan) dalam La Galigo menunjukkan bahwa orang Bugis memandang kehidupan dari komposisi segitiga (triangular) ini. Orang Bugis kelak mengalami perubahan sosio-kultural yang pesat melalui persentuhannya dengan peradaban Islam dan Barat. Meskipun demikian, La galigo tetap bertahan sebagai warisan budaya paling agung orang Bugis, yang merepresentasikan identitas dan pandangan dunia orang Bugis hingga dewasa ini.

      • KCI등재

        말레이어 속담의 동물은유 분석: "코끼리", "물소", "호랑이"를 중심으로

        전태현 ( Chun,Tai Hyun ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2015 東南亞硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        This paper aims to analyze Malay proverbs including three major animals in the Malay world from a cognitive linguistic perspective. More specifically, this paper makes use of [Great Chain of Being] metaphor, i.e. animal metaphors to scrutinize how people are conceptualized in Malay proverbs through conceptual mapping with ``elephant``, ``buffalo``, and ``tiger``. This research shows that 1) ‘elephant’ represents a king, a rich man, a fat man, or a woman, 2) ‘buffalo’ symbolizes a criminal, a stupid man, a family or an inexperienced young male, while 3) ‘tiger’ stands for a strong man, an authoritative man, an evil man, a brave man, or a quick-working man in Malay proverbs.

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