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      • KCI등재

        군용 화약류 시험시설의 국내∙외 안전기준 검토 및 효과적인 적용 방안

        전인범,황경섭,박소연,이찬호 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.12

        Fire and explosion accidents continue to occur in domestic chemical manufacturing industries. This is the same for military gunpowder storage and manufacturing or test facilities. The causes of explosions are approximately 75 percent of non-compliance with safety standards, approximately 20 percent of defects in the facility itself, and approximately 5 percent of arson or other reasons. Domestic-related laws on test facilities that carry out detonation and ignition using gunpowder, such as performance tests of military gunpowder in Korea, include the Defense Business Act and the guidelines for the safety management of ammunition and explosives. Domestic laws and standards related to military gunpowder are operated around the facility standards of ammunition and explosives storage facilities or buildings in manufacturing facilities, and reflections on personnel protection against accidental or intentional explosions are insufficient. As a result of reviewing IATG(International Ammunition Technical Guidelines) of the United Nations, AASTP(Allied Ammunition Storage and Transport Publication) of NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and DESR(Defense Explosives Safety Regulation) 6055.09 of the U.S. Department of Defense, there were technical data for personnel protection in the foreign military gunpowder safety standards. They were referred to each other in three criteria and used complementarily. It is appropriate to apply technical data, such as the personnel protection process of foreign military gunpowder safety standards in Korea, to reflect them in policy, or to prevent casualties through engineering approaches to each facility if possible. 국내 화학제조업 등에서는 화재 및 폭발 사고가 지속적으로 일어나고 있다. 이는 군용 화약류 저장시설 및 제조시설이나 시험시설의 경우에도 마찬가지다. 폭발사고의 원인은 안전기준 미준수가 약 75%, 시설 자체의 결함이 약 20%, 방화 또는 기타사유가 약 5%로 집계되었다. 국내 군용 화약류의 성능시험 등 화약류를 이용한 기폭, 점화 업무를 수행하는 시험시설에 대한 국내 관계 법규는 방위사업법, 탄약 및 폭발물 안전관리 기준 지시 등이 있다. 군용 화약류 관련국내의 법령 및 기준은 탄약 및 폭발물의 저장시설 또는 제조시설의 건축물의 시설기준을 중심으로 운영되고 있으며, 우발적인 폭발 또는 의도적인 폭발에 대한 인원방호에 관해서는 반영이 미흡하다. 국외 군용 화약류 안전기준인UN(United Nations)의 IATG(International Ammunition Technical Guidelines), NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)의 AASTP(Allied Ammunition Storeage and Transport Publication), 미국방부의 DESR(Defense Explosives Safety Regulation) 6055.09 검토결과, 국외 군용 화약류 안전기준에서는 인원 방호 목적으로 참고할 만한 기술자료가 있었으며, 3가지의 기준에서 서로 참조되어 상호 보완적으로 사용되고 있었다. 국외 군용 화약류 안전기준의 인원 방호 프로세스 등 기술자료를 국내에 적용하여 정책적으로 반영하거나, 가능하면 시설별로 공학적인 접근을통해 인명피해를 방지함이 적절하다.

      • KCI등재

        디지털치료제(DTx)의 산업 생태계 활성화 요소 탐색에 관한 연구

        전인범,김민천,박명철 한국중독범죄학회 2024 한국중독범죄학회보 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구는 디지털치료제의 산업 생태계 활성화를 위한 방안을 모색하고 생태계 유입 가능성이있는 요소에 대한 실천적 제언을 제시하고 있다. 먼저, 디지털치료제의 국내외 현황을 분석하고 관련 정책을 국가별로 정리하였다. 또한, 산업 생태계 활성화를 위한 요소 탐색을 통하여 건강보험 수가 적용, 온라인 게임, 예방의료차원의 보험사, 지식재산권 보호의 네 가지 요소를 도출하고 각 요소의 현황을 파악하여 디지털치료제 생태계 유입 가능성을 정리하였다. 이와 관련하여 첫째, 건강보험 제도적 영역에서는 디지털치료제를 건강보험 예비 등재 대상으로 정하여 선별급여를 시행하고 간소화된 새로운 등재 절차 마련, 일정 기간 비급여 항목 등재, 가치 중심의 의료 수가 체계 마련을 제언하였다. 둘째, 온라인 게임 영역에서는 기존 콘텐츠의 새로운 서비스 모형을 담아 확장 및응용하는 서비스 서비타이제이션, 게임사의 이미지 제고 및 기존 게임의 스핀오프 등의 방식으로새로운 수익 모델 창출, 사회적 소통을 담당하는 SNS 기업의 참여를 통한 생활 건강 체계 마련을제시하였다. 셋째, 보험사 영역에서는 디지털치료제를 통한 실손보험 4세대 전환 체계 마련, 디지털치료제를 통한 원격 모니터링 환경 구축으로 수익구조의 예측 가능한 손실로 전환, 만성질환자에대한 사후 손실 보전에서 가상 손실금 투자 모델로 변화, 고위험군 진입을 억제하는 예방의료차원의 접근을 제언하였다. 마지막으로 지식재산권 영역에서는 소프트웨어 자체에 대한 특허 적격성을강화, 치료재료 측면에서의 특징적 진보성을 강화, 지식재산권 침해를 최소화하기 위한 블랙 페이지 제도 도입을 제언하였다. This study seeks ways to revitalize the industrial ecosystem of digital therapeutics and presents practical suggestions for elements that are likely to enter the ecosystem. First, the domestic and international status of digital therapeutics was analyzed and related policies were organized by country. In addition, by exploring elements for revitalizing the industrial ecosystem, we derived four elements: health insurance fee system, online games, insurance companies for preventive medicine, and protection of intellectual property. And, the status of each element was identified and the possibility of digital therapeutics entering the ecosystem was summarized. First, in the institutional area of health insurance, it was proposed to designate digital therapeutics as subjects for preliminary registration in health insurance and implement selective benefits, establish a new simplified registration procedure, list non-covered items for a certain period of time, and establish a value-based medical fee system. Second, in the online game area, service servitization that expands and applies new service models to existing content, improving negative perceptions of game companies, creating new revenue models through spin-offs of existing games, proposed the establishment of a lifestyle health system through the participation of SNS companies in charge of social communication. Third, in the insurance company field, the establishment of a 4th generation conversion system to actual loss insurance through digital therapeutics, the transformation of profit structure into predictable losses by establishing a remote monitoring environment through digital therapeutics, change from post-loss compensation for chronic disease patients to a virtual loss investment model, a preventive medical approach was proposed to prevent entry into high-risk groups. Lastly, in the area of intellectual property rights, patent eligibility for the software itself is strengthened, strengthening the characteristic progressiveness in terms of treatment materials, it was proposed to introduce a black page system to minimize infringement of intellectual property rights.

      • KCI등재후보

        FDS 및 Pathfinder를 이용한 노인의료복지시설의 피난시간 산정

        전인범(In-Beom Jeon),이익모(Ik-Mo Lee ),황용우(Yong-Woo Hwang),천영우(Young-Woo Chon) 한국위험물학회 2018 한국위험물학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Currently, the number of elderly people aged 65 or older in Korea is increasing steadily, reaching 14.3 %. As the number of elderly people increases, the number of elderly welfare facilities such as nursing homes is also increasing, and the number of elderly welfare facilities has increased to 75,708 in 2016 from 50,517 in 2003. In November 2010, a fire occurred at an elderly care center in Pohang city, and There were 17 deaths and 10 injured. Since then National Fire Safety Code have been significantly strengthened. However, accidents of evacuees such as medical welfare facilities for the elderly are continuously occurring. Now, Institutional research on evacuation planning is underway in many areas. we calculated the evacuation time (ASET : Available Safe Egress Time) according to presence or absence of fire facilities and the evacuation time (RSET : Required safe egress time) associated with the type of building in the elderly medical welfare facilities. In this study, fire facilities, which are essential for elderly medical welfare facilities, are operated for efficient evacuation by using Pyrosim and Pathfinder for sofa in living facilities (elderly medical welfare facilities) And whether they can evacuate. The conclusion was that normal operation of fire facilities and additional building considerations (such as ramps and exit widths) could be identified for evacuation of non-durable patients.

      • KCI등재

        고폭탄 탄약시험 간 이동형 강재 방호벽의 안전성능 판단 및 유효 방호력 평가 방법

        전인범(In-Beom Jeon) 한국산학기술학회 2021 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.22 No.6

        본 연구에서는 고폭탄과 같은 고위험 탄약에 대한 신뢰성 시험을 수행하는 기관에서 갖추어야 할 방호벽에 대해 유효 방호력을 평가하였다. 고폭탄이 인원에게 줄 수 있는 영향은 폭발압력에 의한 고막, 폐의 손상 등과 폭발과 동시에 발생한 파편에 의해 받을 수 있는 관통상이 있다. 따라서 COMP B가 충전되어있는 고폭탄을 기준으로, 피해 정도를 산정하기 위한 폭발방호 이론과 수치적 계산과 시뮬레이션을 통한 방호력 검증을 수행하였다. 수치적 계산 결과 시나리오로 설정된 방호벽과 폭발원점의 거리(7 m)에서 고폭탄 폭발 시 방호벽에 미치는 최대 폭발압력은 77.74 ㎪이었으며, 50 ㎜ 두께의 방호벽에 대한 파편의 관통력은 41.34 ㎜로 계산되었다. AUTODYN을 활용한 시뮬레이션 검증에서는 방호벽과 인원에게 영향을 주는 최대 폭발압력은 각각 58.68 ㎪과 18.175 ㎪이었으며, 파편의 관통력은 35.56 ㎜였다. 이 수치는 인간의 피해 한계보다 낮은 수치로 방호벽의 방호력은 유효할 것으로 판단되었다. In this study, a series of processes for evaluating the effective protection against barriers that should be equipped in institutions that perform reliability tests on high-risk ammunition, such as high-explosive ammunition, were introduced. The impact that high-explosive bombs can have on personnel includes damage to the eardrum and lungs caused by explosion overpressure and penetrating wounds that can be received by fragments generated simultaneously with the explosion. Therefore, a high-explosive with COMP B explosives as its contents were set up, and an explosion protection theory investigation to calculate the degree of damage, numerical calculations and simulations were performed to verify the protection power. A numerical calculation revealed the maximum explosion overpressure on the protective wall when the high-explosive exploded and the penetration force of the fragment against a 50 ㎜-thick protective wall to be 77.74 ㎪ and 41.34 ㎜, respectively. In the simulation verification using AUTODYN, the maximum explosion overpressures affecting the firewall and personnel were 56.68 ㎪ and 18.175 ㎪, respectively, and the penetration of fragments was 35.56 ㎜. This figure is lower than the human damage limit, and it was judged that the protective power of the barrier would be effective.

      • KCI등재후보

        고폭탄의 비정상 폭발 시 파편의 위험성에 대한 연구

        황경섭,전인범,김동희 국방기술품질원 2023 국방품질연구논집 Vol.5 No.1

        In this study, the effects of the abnormal detonation of high explosives on the surrounding test personnel during shooting tests were studied. The effects of the incident pressure, impulse, and fragments of the detonation on humans were predicted and analyzed probabilistically. The results showed that the impact of incident pressure and impulse on the nearby test personnel due to the detonation of high explosives had a longer distance of effects of the detonation in the order of rupture of the eardrum, head impact, and whole body displacement impact. Furthermore, death by fragments was found to occur until relatively long distances compared to the effect of hazardous fragments striking a person. On the other hand, compared to the effects of incident pressure and impulse, fragments of high explosives were found to have significant effects until relatively long distances from the detonation source. This study is expected to be utilized as a basis to identify the risk of abnormal detonation during shooting tests.

      • KCI등재

        고체추진제 절단 시험 화재 피해 저감을 위한 개선 연구

        정민철,구승환,전인범,김일환 한국산학기술학회 2024 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.25 No.2

        This study evaluated improvement measures to reduce fire damage in cutting tests to extract specimens from propulsion engines to perform storage reliability evaluation performance tests for guided weapons. The propulsion engine cutting test for guided weapons is essential for producing and analyzing specimens by cutting the combustion tube part of the propulsion engine. The propulsion engine uses the solid propellant of the rocket motor as fuel, so there is a risk that the propellant inside is ignited during the cutting test as it is a propellant specialized for ignition. Therefore, the risk factors that may occur when performing a cutting test were analyzed, and improvements were identified to eliminate the cause of fires. The safety and efficiency of cutting test operations can be improved using the results of this paper.

      • KCI등재

        프로빗 함수를 이용한 고폭탄의 위험성에 대한 연구

        황경섭(Gyeong-Seop Hwang),전인범(In-Beom Jeon) 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.10

        본 연구에서는 155 mm 고폭탄의 조기 폭발에 대한 위험성을 파악하기 위해 폭발 시 주위에 위치한 사람 및 구조물에 미치는 영향에 대해 연구를 수행하였다. 고폭탄의 폭발로 인한 사람 및 구조물에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 폭발과압 및 충격량을 기존 연구에서 제시된 상관식을 이용하여 예측 및 비교하였다. 또한, 예측된 폭발과압 및 충격량을 이용하여 고폭탄의 폭발 시 사람 및 구조물에 미치는 영향을 프로빗 함수를 통해 확률론적으로 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과로 폭원과의 거리가 5 m 이하에서 기존 상관식을 이용해 예측된 폭발과압 및 충격량은 일부 결과를 제외하고 대부분 폭원과 가까울수록 높은 경향이 관찰되었다. 폭발에 의한 사람의 부상은 폐 손상으로 사망하지 않는 것으로 확인되었으며 고막 파열, 머리 충격 및 전신 전위 충격으로 인한 사망 확률은 폭원과 가까울수록 높게 나타났다. 한편, 폭발에 의한 구조물의 손상은 유리창은 파손되며 구조물의 붕괴, 심각한 및 가벼운 손상 확률은 폭원과의 거리가 2 m일 때 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 고폭탄의 사격시험 시 조기 폭발에 대한 폭발 특성 및 위험성을 파악하는데 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 판단된다. The present study was conducted on the effect of an explosion on humans and structures located around it. This was done to understand the risk of a premature explosion of a 155 mm high explosive. The explosion overpressure and impulse were predicted using previous correlations and compared. In addition, probabilistic analysis was performed using probit functions to analyze the effect on humans and structures using the predicted overpressure and impulse. As a result, when the distance from the explosion source was 5 m or less, it was observed that the overpressure and impulse predicted using the previous correlations tended to increase when closer to the explosion source except for some results. Humans were not shown to die from lung damage from the explosion. The probability of eardrum rupture, death from head impact, and whole-body displacement impact was higher when closer to the explosion source. The effect of the explosion on the structures was observed to have the highest probability of major and minor damage and collapse of a structure when the distance from the explosion source was 2 m, and the window was damaged at all distances. The present study will be used as a basic data to understand the blast characteristics and risk of premature explosion during the test of high explosives.

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