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      • KCI등재

        전북대학교 교지 『비사벌』에 나타난 1970년대 여대생의 이미지와 글쓰기 담론 -『비사벌』 창간호, 2호, 4호, 5호에 수록된 여대생의 글을 중심으로-

        전영의 ( Chon Young-eui ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2021 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.93 No.-

        본 논문은 전북대학교 교지 『비사벌』을 중심으로 1970년대 여대생의 이미지와 글쓰기 담론에 대해 연구하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 현재 발굴, 보존된 『비사벌』 창간호, 2호, 4호, 5호에 수록된 여대생들의 글을 중심으로 미디어를 통해 1970년대 여대생들에게 덧씌워진 이미지, 낙후된 지역, 여성과 가부장제라는 사회 안에서 이러한 부정적 이미지를 타개하고 자신들의 위치를 만들어가고자 했던 노력들을 찾을 수 있었다. 1970년대 한국사회에서 지역적으로 소외될 수 있는 지방 거점대학생들이 교지를 발간하고 글쓰기를 함으로써 나 자신, 타인, 사회와 소통하고 공동체 구성의 근거를 마련하고자 했다. 이런 점에서 『비사벌』은 지역 대학 교지로서 첫 번째 의의를 갖는다. 전북대학교 학생들 특히 여대생들은 『비사벌』을 통해 젠더와 사회 내 관계·위치 안에서 수도권과 지방, 남성과 여성, 정숙함과 정숙하지 못함, 가부장적 세계와 이를 깨뜨릴 수 있는 잠재적 위협인이라는 이분법을 깨뜨리고 무위의 공동체를 형성하려고 한 것이 두 번째 의의일 것이다. 로컬적 경계 안에 이들의 글쓰기는 담론적 실천이다. 타인이 부재된, 보이지 않는 관계 안에서 글쓰기를 함으로써 나눔을 시도하고 공동 내 존재를 확인하려고 하였다. 교지에 글을 쓰는 행위를 통해 자신들의 불안감을 솔직하게 표현하고 이를 타개하고자 했던 이들의 행위는 공동 내 존재로서 ‘차이와 차별’이라는 사회적 공간에서 관계적 공간으로 나아가고자 했던 노력이다. The essay, focusing on Bisabeol, the image of female university students and writing discourses in the 1970s appearing in university journals in the Jeonbuk region were examined. Focusing on the writings of female university students in Bisabeol Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.4, and Vol.5, which have now been excavated and preserved, it was possible to discover the negative image that was overlaid on female university students in the 1970s through the media. We were able to find efforts to overcome these negative images and to establish their own position within the society of women and patriarchy. In the 1970s, students from local base universities, who could be locally marginalized in Korean society, publish journals and wrote school papers to communicate with themselves, others, and society and lay the groundwork for community formation. In this point, Bisabeol has the first significance as a local university journal. Meanwhile, in the 1970s, female university students at regional hubs had the image of a potential threat to the metropolitan area and rural areas, men and women, virtuousness and not virtuousness, and the patriarchal world. However, Jeonbuk National University students, especially female university students, tried to break this dichotomy and form a community of inaction through Bisabeol. This is probably the second significance of Bisabeol. Within local boundaries, their writing is a discursive practice. In an invisible relationship where others were absent, he attempted to share through writing and to confirm the existence of the community. They tried to express their anxiety honestly and overcome it through writing. Their actions are an effort to move from the social space of ‘difference and discrimination’ to the relational space as beings within the community.

      • KCI등재

        <아리랑>의 탈식민성 연구

        전영 한중인문학회 2011 한중인문학연구 Vol.32 No.-

        이 논문은 아리랑에 나타난 민중성과 시대적 특수성을 살펴봄으로써 아리랑의 탈식민 성을 연구하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 아리랑은 식민치하의 조선현실에서 생존권 투쟁을 위 한 민중의 삶과 저항을 생동감 있게 보여주는 소설이다. 하와이 강제 이주 노동자, 독립운동을 위한 자발적 이주자, 일제 강제이민정책과 소련공산당의 한인강제이주정책에 의한 이주자, 조 선인학병과 일본군 ‘위안부’ 문제 등 일제 강점기 조선인들이 겪은 삶과 시대적 특수성이 잘 드러난다. 피식민인들은 계급차별, 불평등한 토지소유․분배 문제로 인한 억압과 착취, 식민 인들이 상상계에서 만들어 낸 이항대립관계로 인해 상대적 열등감을 갖는다. 피식민인들은 이 를 극복하기 위해 식민인들에게 의존 혹은 협력을 하여 자기재현을 이룬다. 혹은 다양한 방법 을 통해 정체성을 회복하려 한다. 이것이 바로 ‘자기재현’과 ‘정체성 회복’이라는 탈식민의 양 가성이다. 첫째, 일부 식민지인들은 교육과 협력을 통해 서구화된 문명을 배우고 식민인의 의 식주를 흉내냄으로써 지배자의 순치된 식민지인들이 되어 자기재현을 이룬다. 혹은 협력을 통 해 자기재현을 이루지만 이를 다시 민족 주체성과 정체성을 지니는 도구로 사용하고 역으로 이용하여 식민현실을 깨부수려 하는 것으로 나타나기도 한다. 둘째, 또 다른 식민지인들은 방 어적 폭력, 교육 등 다양한 행위들을 통해 정체성을 회복하려 한다. 특히 식민치하에서 교육을 받고, 협력을 통해 자기재현을 이루는 인물군 중 일부는 교육을 통해 정체성 회복을 이루는 인물들이라는 점에서 두 인물군은 교집합적인 요소를 갖는다. 지주들의 착취와 폭력에 대항하 는 소작인들의 방어적 폭력, 일제강점이라는 식민현실에서 벗어나기 위한 독립운동, 가부장제 와 식민주의라는 이중적 억압에 대한 여성들의 적극적 저항 등 민중들의 탈식민성은 다양하 게 드러난다. 또한 자의 혹은 타의에 의해 형성된 디아스포라들의 탈식민성도 찾을 수 있다. 하와이 이주 노동자 경우를 보면 조선인의 정체성을 가지고 있는 1세대들처럼 2세대 역시 부 모에게서 민족정신을 이어받고 정체성을 유지하며 광복군에 지원하는 등 다양한 모습의 탈식민성을 보인다. 이들의 적극적 행위들은 피식민인의 심리적 보상과 상처의 극복, 디아스포라 의 단결 등으로 이어진다. 민중들의 이러한 행위는 타자의 위치를 전복시켜 의식의 주체가 된 다는 입장에서 탈식민적 의의를 갖는다. 결국 탈식민이란 정체성 회복과 자기재현이라는 두 가지 명제를 해결하는 과정 속에서 변증법적으로 나타나는 것이며 탈식민주의란 근대를 인식 하는 새로운 패러다임이자 국가권력과 자본주의 시장경제체제가 가지고 있는 폭력, 그 폭력에 의해 지배되는 오늘날에 대한 성찰이다. The essay was written with purpose that study about post-colonialism of Arirang with look into nature of the people and quality of period. Arirang is a novel that It show life of the people and there resistant for a fight the right to live and a feeling of live in the chosun of colonial period by Japan. It become known life of korean and quality of period by emigration labors by force, arbitrary emigrants for an independence movement, emigrants by a force emigrate policy, chosun's student soldiers and military sexual slaveries by Japan. It mean that resistant of the people is post-colonial, the resistant is the fact for solution of division, landholding, the abolition of class distinction. Post-colonial have two special quality that is ‘self-reappearance’ and ‘recovery identity’. First ‘self-reappearance’ have two means. They ape clothing, food, house of colonizer and learn western civilization. They become the taming people under colonial administration and the people under colonial administration achieve self-reappearance with education and cooperation. or they achieve self-reappearance with cooperation but they use cooperation like a tool for keep there national independence and identity on the contrary. Second post-colonial quality appear ‘recovery identity’. The people try to recover there identity through variety action. for example violence of defense, education. Soo-guk and Yang chi seong's relation ship is very active movement. It is active resistance and violence of defense about double pressure on system of absolutely power of father, or a male. also Diaspora show post-colonial quality. If we look a case about emigration labors by force, a first generation have identity of korean, and second generation who are there children have korean identity and inherit national spirit from parents. They show post-colonial quality through various case or support to independence army. This behavior is connect a psychological compensation of the people under colonial administration, overcome of injury, unity of Diaspora. It has a significance of post-colonial to the people become subject of spirit with exchange of a place of another person. Post-colonial is appeared dialectically in the process to solve two proposition ‘self-reappearance’ and ‘recovery identity’ after all and Post-colonialism is self-examination today about new paradigm to recognize the modern age, violence of capitalistic economy system and power of a nation, and was under the control of violence.

      • 건축정보 분류체계 구축을 위한 정보 분류체계 비교 연구

        전영,이교선 동국대학교 산업기술대학원 1993 산업기술논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        As far as the Korean building industry is concerned, information classification systems have been rather recently introduced, but sadly enough, with insufficient knowledge of theoretical and scientific background. In this context, there is a need for more sophisticated tools for formulating information requirements, an investigation into existing international systems in wide use and an establishment of a proper information classification system. The aims of the study is to establish the theoretical basis of information classification systems needed in the total building context, to investigate into related existing systems and to propose an information classification system suitable with the domestic building industry.

      • 한국산 가공식품의 단백질함량에 관한 연구

        전영,홍영숙,성낙응 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1980 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.3 No.2

        This study was designed to determine and report the the protein contents in Korean industrial food eaten in our daily lives. Samples were industrial foods of cereals, legumes, meats, milk, fishes, shellfishes, vegetables, and fruits. The protein contents were determined by micro-kjeldahl method. 1) The content of protein was generally higher in the industrial foods than in the natual foods. 3) The contents of protein in the natural legumes were high compared with that of the industrial foods of meats, milk, fishes and shellfishes. 3) The amount of protein in the industrial foods of vegetables and fruits was very low compared with that of industrial foods of meats, milk, fishes and shellfishes.

      • 退溪 李滉(1501-1570)의 ‘敬’思想을 통한 陶山書院 建築空間의 考察

        전영,박용재 東國大學校 2000 東國論叢 Vol.39 No.-

        Function of buildings is social needs. Social need is built up of instinctive need and cultures and structures of human thinking. Spaces must be analyzed functions and ideas. Karl. Marx says that society develops from facing and struggle of Productive power and Productive relation. They are constructed social basis. Arts, cultures, philosophies, laws and religions are constructed social superior structure And the maintain the historical Productive relations. Sullivan designed with the principles of reconciling the world of nature with science and technology. From ever follows function was his famous dictum (Ludwig Mies van der Rohe later said "form IS function"). His buildings were detailed with lush, yet tastefully subdued organic ornamentation. His attempt to balance ornamentation into the whole of building design inspired a generation of American and European architects; the idea that ornamentation be integral to the building itself, rather merely applied. This thesis is studied on the spaces of seowon through the ideas which grounded on Marx and Sullivan. Yi Toegye, a great confucian In 16th century in choson, made an idea, Gyung Philosophy, as the basis idea on spaces of seowon. So, I studied the relations of his idea and his Dosan seodang and Dosan seowon. Gyung Philosophy is characteristic of Metaphysis. Traditionally, Confucianism is the most important idea in choson cynasty. All of laws, systems, cultures are based on the confucianism. The Gyung Philosophy of Yi Toegye is more original and important idea than others in choson. Characteristics of the Gyung Philosophy are a hierarchy of 存養(cun-yang) keeping and encouragement in mind and 省祭(xing-cha) self-reflection. So, I studied on characteristics of spaces and dispositions through hierarchy of idea. As the results of this study are followings; 1) hierarchy of spaces is concluded from hierarchy of ideas. 2) name of spaces is assisted users who master ideas. 3) spaces are separated autonomic and coercive spaces. These are inform that hierarchy of ideas settled in disposition. 4) inner spaces are a very oppressive space. so, effects of learning are increase. All of building are set in by Gyung Philosophy of Yi Toegye, keeping and encouragement in mind and self-reflection. also, We know that names of buildings are assisted function of spaces for hierarchy of ideas.

      • KCI등재

        파절된 도재면에 대한 수종의 도재 수리 시스템의 인장결합강도

        전영,양병덕,이호진,박주미,송광엽,Jeon Young-A,Yang Byung-Duk,Lee Ho-Jin,Park Ju-Mi,Song Kwang-Yeob 대한치과보철학회 2005 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        Statement of problem. Dental ceramics exhibit excellent esthetic property, compressive strength, chemical durability biocompatibility and translucency. However, it suffers from inherent brittle fractures. Various techniques and materials for intraoral porcelain repair has been suggested. Purpose. This study is to compare the tensile bond strength of four commonly used porcelain repair systems (Vivadent, Bisco, Ulttadent, Voco) and to insure the best system for the clinical application to the fractured porcelain. Materials and methods. A total of fifty specimens were fabricated. Specimens were stored in $37^{\circ}C$ distilled water for 7 days and thermocycling was performed(1000 cycles), and subjected to a tensile force parallel to the repair resin and porcelain interface by use of an Universal Testing Machine. Result. 1. Voco showed the highest tensile bond strength. In decreasing order, the tensile bond strength of the other materials was as follows : Ultradent, Bisco, Vivadent. 2. There was a statistically significant difference between the porcelain repair systems(Voco, Ultradent > Bisco, Yivadent) (p<0.05). 3. SEM examination of prepared porcelain surfaces revealed that the surface treated with Voco showed brittle fracture. However, Ultradent, Bisco and Vivadent showed ductile fracture. 4. All specimens treated with four porcelain repair systems showed adhesive failure between porcelain and composite resin.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 독일 중학교 사회 교과서의 미디어 리터러시 관련 내용 비교 분석

        전영,정문성 한국사회과교육연구학회 2022 사회과교육 Vol.61 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to obtain implications through comparative analysis of contents related to media literacy in middle school textbooks in Korea and Germany. For this purpose, eight types of Korean middle school textbooks and five types of German middle school textbooks were compared and analyzed based on a matrix of six elements of media literacy (understanding, access, utilization, criticism, production, and participation) by Seol Kyu-joo and six elements of social studies function (questioning, collection, analysis, presentation, group activity, and decision-making) by Bareum Lee. As a result of comparative analysis, first, while Korea focuses on understanding concepts and characteristics of mass media and popular culture, Germany focuses on how mass media and popular culture actually affect students' lives in detail. Second, while Korea does not deal well with negative content or controversial issues, Germany specifically deals with a lot of controversial issues related to youth. Third, Korean textbooks lack media criticism, production, and participation activities compared to German textbooks. From a long time ago, social studies textbooks in Korea have been criticized for being fossilized textbooks centered on concepts and theories. Compared to the past, there have been many improvements such as the inclusion of a lot of research activities. However, in the comparative analysis of media literacy-related content, media literacy education closely related to daily life is still insufficient in Korean textbooks compared to that in German textbooks. 이 연구의 목적은 한국과 독일의 중학교 사회 교과서에 나타난 미디어 리터러시 관련 내용 비교 분석을통해 시사점을 얻기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 한국 중학교 교과서 8종과 독일 중학교 교과서 5종을 비교하여 분석하였다. 분석틀은 미디어 리터러시 6개 요소(이해, 접근, 활용, 비평, 생산, 참여)와 사회과 기능 6개 요소(질문, 수집, 분석, 발표, 집단활동, 의사결정) 매트릭스를 사용하였다. 연구 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국의 경우는 대중 매체와 대중문화의 개념과 특징을 이해하는 것에 초점을 두고 있는데 비하여 독일은 대중매체와 대중문화가 실제로 학생들의 생활 속에서 어떻게 영향을 미치는지를 구체적으로 다루어보는데 초점을두고 있다. 둘째, 한국은 부정적 내용이나 논쟁 문제를 잘 다루지 않는데 비하여 독일은 청소년과 관련된 논쟁문제를 구체적으로 많이 다루었다. 셋째, 한국 교과서는 미디어 비평, 생산, 참여 활동이 독일 교과서에 비하여부족하다. 오래전부터 한국의 사회과 교과서는 개념과 이론 중심의 화석화된 교과서라는 비판을 받아왔다. 과거와 비교하여 탐구 활동이 많이 포함되는 등 많이 개선되었으나, 미디어 리터러시 관련 내용 비교 분석에서는여전히 독일 교과서에 비해 생활 속에 밀착한 미디어 리터러시 교육은 부족한 것으로 판단된다.

      • 들깨 국내 재래종 및 육성종 유전자원의 균핵병 저항성 검정

        전영,이호선,성정숙,Awararis Debie Aseefa,이주희,허온숙,노나영,이재은,고호철,이석영 한국약용작물학회 2018 한국약용작물학술대회 발표집 Vol.2018 No.10

        Background : Sclerotinia rot, caused by a fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is one of the serious and unpredictable yield losses in perilla (Perilla frutescens) leaf production in Korea. Screening disease resistant genetic resources is necessary to develop disease-resistant cultivars and conduct related research. Methods and Results : A Total of 150 perilla accessions, including 123 Korean landraces and 27 cultivars developed in Korea, were evaluated for resistance to Sclerotinia rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) using detached leaf inoculation technique. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolate KACC40457 was inoculated at the seedling stage (five to six leaves). For detached leaf method, a mycelial plug was placed fungus-side down on the main leaf vain and incubated at 22 ± 1℃ on moistened paper towel in a plastic box. Three Korean landraces, including IT117036, IT117106, and IT117110, and cultivar IT229431 showed 100% of resistance ratio (no. of plants showed below 1 ㎝ of lesion size/total evaluated plants × 100). Seven accessions including five landraces, IT117080, IT117107, IT117048, 117042, 117029, and two cultivaers, IT276225 and IT213781, showed high level of resistance that is higher than 80% of resistance ratio Conclusion : 11 accessions which showed strong and moderate level of resistance to Sclerotinia rot could be possibly used by breeders, farmers, and researchers to produce new disease resistant cultivars and use them commercially. However, research related to the exploration of appropriate materials (accessions) for breeding cultivars with good quality, high functional components, high consumer acceptability, etc. should be continued, considering pathogenicity test was conducted in young stage.

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