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        Alkali Ferrite 촉매에 의한 경유의 탈황에 관한 연구

        전영연 한국화학공학회 1972 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.10 No.1

        本實驗에서 使用한 alkali-ferrite은 물과 接觸하면 서서히 反應하여 苛性알카리가 되므로 觸媒의 機能 喪失의 原因이 된다. 그러므로 濕氣에 對한 注意만하면 比較的 製造方法이 쉽고 安定하므로 脫黃觸媒로서는 매우 좋은 것이라 생각된다. alkali-ferrite를 使用한 지금까지의 方法은 高壓下에서 操作하므로 裝置나 操作에 어려운 點이 많다. 그러나 本硏究에서는 常壓 또는 減壓 下에서 操作할 수 있으므로 連續作業, 脫黃速度, 觸媒의 交換 等 여러 操作이 매우 有利할 것이고 精留塔과 直結 또는 混成 設計가 可能할 수 있으리라 생각된다. 本硏究의 結果를 要約하여 보면 다음과 같다. ① Alkali-ferrite 中에서 potassium oxide ferrite가 가장 좋다. ② 成分比는 K₂O : Fe₂O₃: Al₂O₃=1 : 1 : 2.5(molar ratio)가 가장 適當하다. ③ 接觸溫度는 400∼450℃가 가장 適當하다. ④ 以上 條件 下에서 黃分이 1.09%인 輕油로 約 60% 脫黃 成績을 얻을 수 있다. A simplified procedure is proposed for the desulfurization by means of the catalytic reaction of alkali-ferrite. The vapor of gas oil shall be passed over the catalyst containing alkali-ferrite supported on an inert carrier such as aluminium oxide. The alkali in the ferrite is potassium oxide or sodium oxide. The reaction temperature of catalyst shall be modified between 300℃ and 450℃, and the pressure atmospheric, and the feed rate of gas oil is 50㎖/hr. The sulfur content of the feed gas oil is 1.09 %. As the result, the efficiency of desulfurization has been about 60%, and the best conditions for catalytic desulfurization were as follow: 1) Alkali in the catalyst … potassium oxide. 2) Ratio of alkali oxide to ferric oxide … 1/1 (molar). 3) Ratio of alkali-ferrite to alumina … 1/1(weight). 4) Temperature of catalyst in the reactor … 400-450℃ at atmospheric pressure.

      • 酸化마구네슘 觸媒에 의한 輕油의 脫黃에 관한 硏究

        全英淵 건국대학교 1972 學術誌 Vol.13 No.1

        A simplified procedure is proposed fur the desulfurization by means of the catalytic reaction of magnesium oxide. The vapor phase of gas oil shall be passed over the catalyst containing magnesium oxide supported by a carrier of aluminum oxide or zinc oxide, The magnesium oxide above should be made with magnesium hydroxide and be activated at 500 C. The reaction temperature of catalyst shall be modified between 300℃ and 450℃, and the pressure atmospheric, and the feed rate of gas oil 120ml/hr. The sulfur content of the feed gas oil is 1.09%. As the result, the efficiency of desulfurization has been about 60%, and the best conditions for catalytic desulfurization were as follow : 1) Magnesium oxide in the catalyst must be made by magnesium hydroxide 2) Zine oxide is better than alumina for the carrier. 3) Ratio of magnesium oxide to zinc oxide is 3/1 (molar). 4) The temperature of catalyst in the reactor is 400-450℃ at atmospheric pressure.

      • 合成 및 天然Gel에 包括固定된 Streptomyces roseochromogens生菌體에 의한 Steriod의 生物學的 變換에 관한 硏究

        全英淵 건국대학교 1983 공대학보 Vol.9 No.1

        Streptomyces roseochromogene's 生菌體에 의한 dehydroepiandrosterone으로부터 16α-hydroxylate dehydroepiandrosterone을 生成하는 hydroxylation 反應에 있어서 生菌體를 感光性 架橋劑인 ethylene glycol diacrylate prepolymer (30-G)와 天然高分子物質인 agar gel 및 calcium alginate gel에 각각 包括固定시켜서 反應시켰을 때의 生菌體의 hydroxylase activity의 變化를 比較 硏究하였다. 3種의 gel 모두가 좋은 反應結果를 가져왔다. 그 중에서도 agar gel은 매우 좋을 生菌體의 包括固定에 사용할 수 있는 物質로 思料된다. 그러나 calcium alginate gel은 合成 polymer인 30-G 보다 activity가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 24時間마다 새로운 反應液으로 交替하며 連續的으로 反應시킨 結果 包括固定된 生菌體의 activity를 매우 좋은 狀態로 오래 持續시킬 수 있었다. 非固定菌體에 比較하여 약 5倍로 延長할 수 있었다. The living cells of Streptomyces roseochromogenes were immobilized by entrapment with polyethylene glycol diacrylate (30-G, photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymer), calcium alginate and agar gels, and their transformation ability of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to 16 α-hydroxylate dehydroepiandrosterone (16 α-OH-DHEA) was studied. 30-G, agar and alginate gels have proved capable of hydroxylation to 16 α - OH-DHEA. Agargels displayer faster rates and higher yields than the both of alginate gels and 30-G gels. The activity of the entrapped cells was maintained fairly longer than that of the (roe cells and the stability of the 16α-hydroxylase activity of the cells over repeated reaction was very much improved by immobilization.

      • 韓國 食品 微生物의 Ochratozin 生産에 關한 硏究

        全英淵 건국대학교 1973 學術誌 Vol.15 No.1

        At the experiment, the cultures of Aspergillus sulfureus which were isolated from fermented soybean cake in Korea, were extracted with chloroform-methanol (50 : 50 v/v) for ochratoxins. The extracts were farther purifired by 1% aqueous bicarbonate and transfered to another portion of chloroform after acidification of the salt solution with 1 H-hydrochloric acid solution. Ochratoxins A, B and C from the above experiment had been analyzed by layer chromatography (TLC) and they were compared with ochratoxin A standard. The sample and standard spots on TLC plate fluoresced into blue from green in ultraviolet light when the plate was held over a concentrated solution of ammonia, and in this manner ochratoxins A, B and C were confirmed.

      • 合成 및 天然 Gel에 包括固定된 Streptomyces roseochromogenes 生菌體에 의한 Steroid 의 生物學的 變換에 관한 硏究

        全英淵 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1983 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        Streptomyces roseochromogenes 生菌數에 의한 dehydroepiandrosterone으로부터 16α-hydroxylate dehydroepiandrosterone을 生成하는 hydroxylation 反應에 있어서 生菌體 를 感光性 架橋劑인 ethylene glycol diacrylate prepolymer(30-G)와 天然高分子物質인 agar gel및 calcium alginate gel에 각각 包括固定시켜서 反應시켰을 때의 生菌體의 hydroxylase activity의 變化를 比較 硏究하였다. 3種의 gel 모두가 좋은 反應結果를 가져왔다. 그중에서도 agar gel은 매우 좋은 生菌體의 包括固定에 사용할수 있는 物質로 思料된다. 그러나 calcium alginate gel은 合成 polymer인 30-G보다 activity 가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 24 時間마다 새로운 反應液으로 交替하며 連續的으로 反應시킨 結果 包括固定된 生菌體의 activity를 매우 좋은 狀態로 오래 持續시킬 수 있었다. 比固定菌體에 比較하여 약 5培로 延長할수 있었다. The living cells of Streptomyces roseochromogenes were immobilized by entrapment with polyethylene glycol diacrylate (30-G, photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymer). calcium alginate and agar gels, and their transformation ability of dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA) to 16α-hydroxylate dehydroepiandrosterone(16α-OH-DHEA) was studied. 30-G, agar and alginate gels have proved capable of hydroxylation to 16α-OH-DHEA. Agar gels displayer faster rates and higher yields than the both of alginate gels and 30-G gels. The activity of the entrapped cells was maintaned fairly longer than that of the free cells and the stability of the 16α-hydroxylase activity of the cells over repeated reaction was very much improved by immobilization.

      • Microbial Transformation of a Steroid by Immobilized Cells of Streptomyces roseochromogenes

        Chun,Yung-Yun 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1982 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        Streptomyces roseochromogenes 菌體를 Polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate gel에 包括 固定시키고 dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA)의 16α-hydroxy-DHEA으로의 微生物學的 變換의 能力에 대하여 硏究하였다. 包括固定된 菌體의 反應은 非包括된 菌體에 比하여 느리나 그 活性이 매우 오래 계속되었다. 그리고 包括된 菌體의 安定度는 되풀이 使用에서 매우 優秀하였다. pH 變化에 따른 Steroid 變換에서는 包括된 菌은 pH 6-8 範圍에서 약간 優秀하였고 溫度變化에 따른 反應에서는 27℃ 이상에서 약간 優秀하였다. 그러므로 光重合性인 Polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate gel은 Steroid 變換 微生物 菌體의 包括物質로서 매우 有用하다고 思料된다. The living cells of Streptomyces roseochromogenes were immobilized by entrapment with photocrosslinkdable resin prepolymers such as polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate(A-24G and A-52G) and their ability to 16α-hydroxylate-dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA) was studied. The initial conversion rate of DHEA of the immobilized cells was lower than that of the free cells, but the reactivity of the entrapped cells was maintained fairly longer than that of the free cells. The stability of the entrapped cells over repeated reactions was very much improved by immobilization. The conversion rate of the gel-entrapped cells in A-24G was somewhat higher than that of the cells in A-52G. In the pH-dependency of the steroid transformation reaction, the entrapped cells showed a slightly better activity than the free cells at the pH-range 6-8. The entrapped cells were more stable at the higher temperature and showed a wide optimal range than free cells.

      • Bioconversion of Steroid by Living Cells Immobilized in Photo-crosslinkable Resin Prepolymers

        Chun, Yung Yun 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1980 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        光重合이 可能한 高分子 重合體 內에 包括 固定시킨 生菌體 Streptomyces roseochromogenus에 의한 steroid 의 hydroxylation 에 關하여 硏究하였다. 包括 固定시킨 生菌體는 dehydroepiandrosterone(5-androsten-3β-ol-17-one)을 3β,16α-dihydroxyandrost-5-ene-17-one.으로 變換시켰다. 包括物質로서 使用한 光重合性 prepolymer는 2種의 水溶性 polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate(14-G, MW ca 1700 와 9-G, MW ca 600)을 使用하였다. 光重合性 prepolymer를 使用한 關係로 生菌體의 損傷없이 包括固定이 매우 容易하게 이루어졌다. 包括固定된 生菌體의 活性은 固定되지 않은 菌體에 比하여 매우 오래 持續되었다. 固定 菌體의 繼續的인 再使用으로도 steroid의 水酸化 反應에 約 150時間은 매우 좋은 活性을 繼續 維持 할 수 있었다. Bioconversion of steroid by Streptomyces roseochromogenus cells immobilized in photo-crosslinkable resins was studied. The entrapped microbial cells catalyzed the transformation of dehydroepiandrosterone(5-androsten-3β-ol-17-one) to 3β,16α-dihydroxyandrost-5-ene-17-one. The used photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymers as entrapping materials were 2 kinds of hydrophilic resin prepolymers, such as polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate(14-G, molecular weight ca 1700 and 9-G, molecular weight ca 600). Operational stability was improved considerably by the entrapment of microbial cells into photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymers. The activity of the immobilized cells of microorganism was maintained fairly longer time than that of the free cells. In the repeated use of gel granules having immobilized cells of Streptomyces roseochromogenus, improved good reactivity of the entrapped cells was maintained constantly for about 150hrs. The presence of NADH a external cofactor in the reaction system increased the rate of reaction substantially, but the presence of NADPH in the reaction system did not promote the rate of reaction.

      • 硫黃細菌에 의한 金屬 製鐵 및 加黃고무의 脫黃 再生에 관한 硏究

        李培咸,全英淵,丁聖九 건국대학교 1970 學術誌 Vol.11 No.1

        In this paper the important results obtained on properties of culture condition for iron-oxidizing to sulfide ores and discharge sulfur in Rubber treated by Ferrobacillus ferrooxi-dans-28 and Thiobacillus thiooxidans-4 which isolated soil are as follows : ① F. ferrooxidans-28 is completly oxidized to Fe2+ for incubates at 25℃, three days in K-medium ② The optimum temperature for iron-oxidizing and growth rate of F. ferrooxidans -28 is range 20-30℃ and optimal pH, the range 1.5-3.0. ③ Bacterial action are most effected in K-medium contaning 400-600ppm Nitrogen. ④ T. thiooxidans-4 is prominently discharged sulfur in Rubber. ⑤ Bacterial sulfur dicharge rate attained 24% for 4-days, 30℃ incubation. ⑥ And it seems to belike that the smaller rubber particle size, the easier to dicharged sulfur become.

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