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        고용창출투자세액공제가 자본투자와 노동투자의 효율성에 미치는 영향

        전순철(Soonchoul Jeon),김용수(Yongsoo Kim),노희천(Heechun Roh) 대한경영학회 2018 大韓經營學會誌 Vol.31 No.5

        고용창출투자세액공제 제도는 기업의 시설투자와 고용증대를 연계하여 기업 경쟁력 강화에 기여하고자 2011년 도입되었다. 하지만 동 제도의 절세효과로 인한 기업의 투자금액 증가가 향후 기업의 성장동력이 되지 못하는 경우 기업투자에 대한 사후 보조금에 지나지 않게 된다. 이에 본 연구는 고용창출투자세액공제가 기업의 자본투자효율성과 노동투자효율성에 미치는 영향 및 자본투자효율성과 노동투자효율성 간의 관계에 미치는 추가적인 영향에 대해 분석하였다. 한편, 국세청은 일자리창출기업을 정기 세무조사대상에서 제외하고 있기 때문에, 기업은 세무조사를 회피하기 위한 수단으로서 고용창출투자세액공제를 활용할 가능성이 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 세무조사위험의 고저에 따른 차별적 영향에 대해서도 추가적으로 분석하였다. 본 연구의 분석결과 전체표본의 경우 고용창출투자세액공제는 자본투자효율성과 노동투자효율성에 영향을 미치지 않았다. 하지만 과다투자기업와 과소투자기업으로 구분하여 분석한 결과, 고용창출투자세액공제는 과다투자기업의 자본투자효율성과 노동투자효율성 수준을 하락시켰으며, 과소투자기업의 자본투자효율성과 노동투자효율성 수준을 제고시키는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 고용창출투자세액공제를 받은 기업의 경우 노동투자비효율성이 자본투자비효율성을 더욱 심화시키는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 세무조사위험이 높은 기업이 고용창출투자세액공제를 받는 경우 전체표본과 과다투자기업의 노동투자효율성 수준이 낮아졌다. 또한 고용창출투자세액공제 기업 중 세무조사위험이 높은 기업이 낮은 기업보다 노동투자비효율성이 전체표본과 과소투자기업의 자본투자비효율성을 더 많이 악화시키고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 자본투자효율성과 노동투자효율성 간의 관계에 고용창출투자세액공제가 미치는 추가적인 영향에 대해 세무조사위험을 고려하여 실증분석하였다는 공헌점이 있다. 특히 고용창출투자세액공제를 받은 기업의 자본투자비효율성이 노동투자비효율성을 더욱 심화시킨다는 본 연구의 분석결과는 투자와 고용의 연계를 분리한 2017년 세법개정안이 올바른 방향의 개정안이라는 실증적 증거를 제시한다는 시사점이 있다. The tax credit for employment and investment introduced in 2011 is aimed at contributing to improvement of productivity, increase in sales and enhancement of competitiveness as a growth engine by linking investment of facilities with job creation. However, if the increase in investment due to the tax cut effect does not play a role as the future growth engine of enterprise, the system will be merely a post-subsidy for investment of enterprise and increase in employment. Therefore, this study analyzed the impact of the investment tax incentives linking investment of facilities with job creation on investment efficiency, which is different from existing tax credit for temporary investment tax credit. In addition, contrary to the existing temporary investment tax credit, the tax credit for employment and investment requires investment and employment for exemption. Therefore, this study also analyzed the impact of the tax credit on labor efficiency. We also analyzed the additional effect of the tax credit for employment and investment on the relationship between investment efficiency and labor efficiency. Meanwhile, the National Tax Service excludes job creation companies from regular tax investigation. Accordingly, companies with the high risk of tax-audit detection may use the tax credit for employment and investment to avoid tax investigation. Therefore, this study analyzed whether the impact of the earned income tax credit on the relationship between investment efficiency and labor efficiency, on the investment efficiency and on the labor efficiency and labor efficiency varies depending on the level of tax-audit detection risk. The main results of this study are as follows. First, in the case of the full sample, the tax credit for employment and investment did not affect efficiency of investment. However, the analysis about over-invested firms and under-invested companies showed that the investment tax credit decreased investment efficiency of over-invested companies and it improved investment efficiency of under-invested companies. Second, in the case of companies that received the tax credit for employment and investment, inefficiency of labor increased inefficiency of investment. The results of this study suggest that the connection between investment and increase(or retention) in employment, which is required for the tax credits, is not desirable in terms of the efficiency of investment. Third, when the firms with the high risk of tax investigation receive the tax credit for employment and investment, labor efficiency in overall sample and over-invested firms is lowered. In addition, it is shown that inefficiency of labor aggravates inefficiency of the investment in overall sample and under-invested companies when firms with the high risk of tax-audit detection have a tax deduction for job creation rather than a low tax-audit detection risk. This study has contributed to the empirical analysis of the additional impact of the tax credit for employment and investment on the relationship between capital investment efficiency and labor investment efficiency, taking into account the risk of tax-audit detection. In particular, the results of this study suggest that inefficiency of capital investment increases inefficiency of labor investment, especially for companies that receive the tax credit. The results of our study provide empirical evidence that the 2017 tax reform bill, which seeks to separate investment and employment, is desirable.

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