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      • KCI등재후보

        아동문학 속의 저항하는 동물들

        전세재 ( Seh Jae Chun ) 한국18세기영문학회 2008 18세기영문학 Vol.5 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the changes in human and animal`s relation depicted in the eighteenth and nineteenth children`s literature. The intersection between the increasing interests in the animal rights and the sympathetic attitude towards animals depicted in the children`s literature seems to open up the possibility to explore the changes in the human and animal`s relations from the ecological perspective. For this purpose, I examine Jonathan Swift`s Gulliver`s Travels, Arabella Argus`s The Adventures of a Donkey, E Burrows`s Tuppy, and Anna Sewell`s Black Beauty. Reason which has been efficiently used to justify human superiority to animals becomes a target of satire and sometimes reversely given to animals in Gulliver`s Travels. Moreover in The Adventures of a Donkey and Tuppy, the similarity between humans and animals are highlighted and sometimes animals possess much better quality than humans. Particularly the emphasis on "feeling" seems to elevate animals almost equal to humans in terms of its moral status. Some human`s sentimental attitude towards animals and talking animals`s strong resistance to human`s cruel attitude towards animals persuade the readers into believing that animals are not simply machines but living creatures who feel the pain and pleasure. However those talking animals interestingly are not asking for their freedom, which modern day animal rights activist might argue. In The Adventures of a Donkey, Balaam recognizes their rights based on human`s religion and law, but he asks not for a liberation, but for a merciful treatment from his human master. Similar message spoken by a mother of Black Beauty as well. But those animals are only accepting human rules of the upper class, who is described to exercise sympathy towards animals, in contrast to the lower class who is mercilessly inflicting pain and suffering to animals. To the children, the major readership of those texts, human and animal relationship depicted in those texts seem to give a very strong impact on the ways in which they understand the relation between humans and animals. Obviously those texts seem to improve humans`s understanding of animals at the advantage of the persecuted animals and in that sense they contribute to the causes of animal rights movement and ecological understanding of humans and animals. However, they also strengthen the boundary between humans and animals at the advantage of the former and tend to discipline the lower class for their lack of sympathy.

      • KCI등재후보

        절제(切除)된 정체성: 오드르 로드(Audre Lorde)의 『암일지』(The Cancer Journals)에 나타난 유방절제와 여성의 정체성

        전세재 ( Seh Jae Chun ) 한국영미문화학회 2009 영미문화 Vol.9 No.2

        This paper explores questions of changed identity and reconstruction of I that incorporates Audre Lorde`s experience and mastectomy by examining her collection of journal entries and essays in The Cancer Journals which reveal her process of coping with breast cancer and mastectomy. Although Lorde, a breast cancer patient, lost her right breast for cancer treatment, she redefines her position as one-breasted woman, one of the power rather than weakness and shame. For Lorde, the medical system relegates the breast cancer patients to the position of passive medical objects rather than enabling them to define their own illness experiences and to become the subjects of their own stories of illness. Rather than passively submitting to the dominant social view on women who have undergone mastectomy, she determined to break the verbal silence about women`s experiences of breast cancer through her writing and to address the visual silence by refusing to hide her body. After her mastectomy, Lorde`s healing process, centered on integrating her new physical shape and the emotions generated by this change into her everyday life, is in synchronization with her writing process in the form of autopathography. Lorde`s new sense of self is mirrored in the figure of the amazon warrior, which highlights the central concerns for Lorde in her process of reconstructing an identity. The Cancer Journals, as a political act, intends to effect change on both personal and social levels. On an individual level, Lorde uses her writing to help her integrate her changed body, thought and emotions into her everyday life, an act that is ideologically opposed to the message she receives from the medical and cancer establishments. On a social level, her writing and her refusal to wear a prosthesis make Lorde socially visible as a post-mastectomy woman, thereby challenging the dominant cultural construction of breast cancer and mastectomy as a disease and a condition that women should endure in silence and shame. The Cancer Journals provides women with a paradigm for facing breast cancer and coping with it openly rather than in isolation and silence and for synthesizing the physical, emotional, psychological and social components of illness into their lives.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        자연사의 자연: 길버트 화이트의『셀본의 자연사』에 대한 생태학적 분석

        전세재 ( Seh Jae Chun ) 한국영미문화학회 2014 영미문화 Vol.14 No.3

        This paper is designed to examine Gilbert White’s The Natural History of Selborne(hereafter NHS), which has been evaluated as one of the primary texts of natural sciences and quoted as one of the exemplary ecological texts in the 18th century. The emerging ecocritical studies of literature in the 18th and 19th century seem to overlook the critical examination of the texts of natural sciences, which have been used to support the ecological aspects of the literary texts. The ecological understanding of nature prefigures in NHS. As White articulates in “Advertisement” of NHS, he emphasizes that NHS, though parochial, is the result of his own observation and argues his aim is to lead the attention of the readers to the beautiful wonders of nature. With the scientific and poetic eyes in observing nature, NHS rectifies not only the errors in scientific observation of nature in science texts, but also the ecologically incorrect observation of nature in literary texts. However his imperialistic impulse in observing the nesting habits of the cuckoo, and his emphasis on the economic values of trees in global commerce, among others, suggests NHS is not the ecological texts immune to the socio-political contexts of the 18th century.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        여성, 자연 그리고 치유

        전세재(Chun, Seh-Jae) 문학과환경학회 2014 문학과 환경 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the complex relations between women, nature and healing in Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place written by Terry Tempest Williams, in light of healing effect of writing. Interestingly she gives the account of her mother’s struggles and eventual death to cancer and the parallel destruction of the Bear River Bird Refuge to the rising waters of the Great Salt Lake. In the process of dealing with pain and loss, she shifts from the observer to the passionate activist. With her loss and suffering, nature becomes refuge and offers hope of healing and more importantly, writing this book itself becomes the essential aspect in the process of embracing the changes in nature, her family, the female body, and her own identity. Through the storytelling of her past, saturated with healing effects of nature, she has rejected the masculine tradition which would encourage her silence and the obedience to religion and community. Refuge shows how nature can inform and heal a life but also the writing itself performs the healing effects, in spite of the dangers of the narcissistic rationalizaton of the self and of igniting another challenge.

      • KCI등재후보

        포스트휴먼: 의인화와 동물-되기의 기법

        전세재(Chun Seh-Jae) 문학과 환경학회 2008 문학과 환경 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to explore the rhetorical strategies to evade the anthropocentricity in representation, which are conducive to conceptualize the post-human. For this purpose, I will investigate the ecologically oriented concept of anthropomorphism, and becoming-animals which is proposed by Deleuze and Guattari. Anthropocentric anthropomorphism has been frequently found in the western culture which has privileged human's superiority to non-human beings. Consequently the possible bonds between humans and animals have been ignored and humans tend to repress their animality in themselves. But the consideration of anthropomorphism as ecologically friendly rhetoric is strategically helpful to lower the boundaries between humans and animals and further to recognize the animality in humans. Similar to ecological use of anthropomorphism, the concept of "becoming-animals" is helpful to explore the possibility of forming post-human identity which is always in process of becoming, which is neither humans nor animals. A becoming is not a correspondence between relations. But neither is it a resemblance, an imitation, or, at the limit, an identification. It is to cross a threshold, to reach a continuum of intensities that are valuable only in themselves, to find a world of pure intensities where all forms come undone. The purpose of becoming-animals is neither to support animal rights, nor the recognition of individuality. Rather it is to become a new being in progress. "Anthropomorphism" and "becoming-animals" as ecologically useful rhetoric tend to hint at the possible conceptualization post-human which overcomes the fixation of being or any type of essentialistic centrism.

      • KCI등재

        Ecology, Nature and Sublime

        전세재 ( Seh Jae Chun ) 한국18세기영문학회 2010 18세기영문학 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the ecological implications of the sublime popularized in the eighteenth century. The eighteenth century is conventionally thought of as the epoch of light-the enlightenment, led by what the French called their lumiere-Edmund Burke sets himself up as the priest of obscurity, of darkness. And the quest for the sublime takes one right over the top. The eighteenth century desire to delve into the aesthetic classification and origin enlightens a once benighted text, Longinus` Peri Hypsous. If Longinus sublime is more centered on the elevated notion of sublimity and Dennis highlights the conception of the terrible sublime, the syntheses of both traditions are found in Edmund Burke`s conceptualization of the sublime. If Burke advances Dennis`s notion of the terrible sublime in nature, he also comprehends it in a way that is very different from Dennis`s understanding. Relying partly on Burke`s earlier formulation, Kantian sublime is oriented towards the dynamics of cognitive process. Nature in Longinus and Burke is perfunctory in the sense that the spectator can simulate the sense of sublime without the existence of the natural elements to be exact. Natural sublime could work to empty out the self and what is replaced inside one`s self is the sense of awe, fear, and death, not for nature but for the self which is reoriented by the sublime experience. In The Seasons by James Thomson, many passages evoke terror before the sizable and destructive forces of nature. Robert Blair`s death in "The Graves" is threatening and sublime and emphasizes on the universality and immorality of death to everyone, while Edward Young`s death in the magnificent Night Thoughts seems not so eerie or threatening, rather it is more or less highlighting the narcotic quality of death in which death lives into the lives of our presence and even allures and seduces, unlike Blair, us to embrace death as the path to immorality. Wordsworth, however, unlike his predecessors, attempts to translate the sublime moment into the ways in which the spectator can catch a glimpse of something beyond himself. The sublime moments in many of those English landscapes are really not about mountains, rivers and forests. Here what the sublime spectator perceives is the enormous communion between the individual microcosm and the planetary macrocosm of Being. But the process is a reciprocal phenomenon. The physicality and in particular the body of the spectator are intermixed with what the mind forges, and the state it experiences opens up the possibility of the ecological interpretation of the sublime.

      • KCI등재후보

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