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        자아조절자원이 감정에 대한 대응전략에 미치는 영향

        이진용(Jin Yong Lee),전담(Dam Jeon) 한국마케팅학회 2011 마케팅연구 Vol.26 No.1

        부정적 감정이 돈에서 유발되었을 때, 감성 회계에 의해 소비형태가 1)쾌락적 제품의 소비 회피(hedonic avoidance), 2)정화 소비(laundering)로 나타난다(Levav and McGraw 2009). 본 연구는 1개의 사전연구와 2개의 실험을 통하여 자아조절자원의 고갈효과가 감정에 대한 대응전략, 즉 쾌락적 소비 회피와 정화소비에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 검증하였다. 사전조사 분석결과는 기존 연구를 지지하는 것으로 나타났다. 부정적 감정을 불러일으키는 돈을 소비해야 할 경우 쾌락적 제품 회피와 정화 소비 선택비율이 더 높게 나타났지만, 긍정적 감정을 불러일으키는 돈을 소비할 경우 이러한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 실험 1을 통하여 자아조절자원의 고갈여부에 따라 쾌락적 제품 회피 및 정화소비의 선택비율에 차이가 나타나는지 검증하였다. 부정적 감정을 불러일으키는 돈을 소비할 때 나타나는 회피와 정화 소비의 선택비율이 조절자원의 고갈로 인해 대체로 줄어들었다. 실험2에서 부정적 감정에 대한 대응전략인 회피와 정화 소비를 쾌락적 소비와 함께 제시하였다. 조절자원의 고갈로 인해 적극적인 대응전략인 정화 소비의 선택 비율은 통계적으로 유의한 수준으로 줄어들었지만, 회피를 선택한 비율은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 정화 소비는 소극적인 방식인 쾌락적 소비의 회피에 비해 조절자원을 더욱 많이 요구하는 적극적 대응전략이므로 조절자원의 고갈효과에 따라 감소 비율이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이와 함께 정화소비, 회피 모두 부정적 감정을 개선하였지만 정화소비에서 부정적 감정이 완화되는 효과가 훨씬 크다는 사실을 확인하였다. Levav and McGraw(2009) proposed ``emotional accounting`` in which money can be categorized by the feeling it evokes. They examine how the feeling about money influences its consumption pattern and how the affective label on the money impels appropriate coping behavior. When the feeling evoked by money is negative, consumers avoid hedonic purchases but prefer to use the money for utilitarian products or virtuous expenditures. The present study investigated the influence of ``resource-depletion`` on the processes and outcomes of emotional accounting. We focused on consumers` strategies coping with negative affective tags and moderating roles of the self-regulation resource depletion. Many of the previous studies on self-regulation found that resource depletion might influence a variety of psychological processes including those of self-control. We investigated the moderating role of self-control resource depletion in adopting coping strategies for alleviating negative emotion such as ``hedonic avoidance`` and ``laundering`` consumption (e.g., donation and education expense). In this research, we conducted one pretest and two experiments and analyzed the data using logistic regression analysis. In Pretest 1a, participants were presented with one of two scenarios (describing either positive or negative circumstances) and asked to choose one option between a hedonic product option and a no-choice option (avoidance). In Pretest 1b, participants were asked to make a decision between an educational spending (laundering) and a beach trip expenditure (hedonic consumption). Consumers in the negative circumstances more often chose an option of hedonic avoidance by giving up a current hedonic alternative and a laundering option such as spending the money for an educational purpose, compared with consumers in the positive circumstances. Participants in Experiment 1 performed two tasks, introduced to them as distinct studies. They performed either a depletion task (sudoku game) or a non-depletion task (a task of drawing figures) for 10 minutes. Participants in each condition were asked to choose an option as in the Pretest. We examined how 1) consumer`s self regulatory resource (depletion vs. non-depletion) and 2) the type of emotion about money (positive vs. negative) exerted an influence on consumer`s decisions. That is, we aimed to investigate the moderating effects of resource depletion. In negative circumstances, the percentages of hedonic avoidance and laundering options were decreased in the depletion condition, compared with those in the non-depletion condition, although the difference in hedonic avoidance was not statistically significant. However, in positive circumstances, the proportions of hedonic avoidance and laundering options were not statistically significantly different under the two conditions of depletion and non-depletion of self regulation resources. In Experiment 2, we simultaneously presented the options of hedonic avoidance and laundering as strategies for coping with negative feelings. Because ``avoidance`` includes more automatic components, it requires less self-regulatory resources than ``laundering`` composed of more controlled components. The analysis results of Experiment 2 showed that the percentage of the laundering choice was drastically decreased in the depletion condition, compared with the percentage in the non-depletion condition. We could understand that an option of laundering is an outcome of an active coping strategy requiring more resources for self regulation. However, the proportions of avoidance were not significantly different under the two conditions of depletion and non-depletion. The findings of this study suggest that avoidance and laundering are consequences of distinct coping strategies with negative emotions. Additionally, we found that laundering and avoidance improved negative emotions positively. However, hedonic avoidance, an outcome of a passive strategy could not improve emotional

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