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        타이완 세딕민족 한글 서사체계 활용의 어휘 기반 연구

        全廣鎭(Jeon, Kwang-jin) 한국중어중문학회 2019 中語中文學 Vol.- No.77

        The first purpose of this study was to collect about 1,000 basic vocabularies of Sediq language to lay the foundation for use of the Hangeul writing systems by Sediq people and the second purpose was to verify the adaptability of the Hangeul writing systems in detail at the level of vocabularies to solidify the foundation for use of the Hangeul writing systems. The resultant achievement of such purposes is well summarized in 【Appendix】(1∼4) titled 〈Details of verification of the vocabulary foundation for use of the Hangeul writing systems by Sediq people〉. In summary, appendix (1) describes the process through which 1,291 basic vocabularies exceeding the original goal 1,000 vocabularies were collected, the vocabularies were divided into simple words (1,019 words) and compound words (272 words) to correct the Roman alphabet writing word forms to indicate actual pronunciations, and Hangeul writing was verified based on the results. Appendix (2) shows 137 vocabularies borrowed from Japanese separately gathered and written in Hangeul. Appendix (3) shows 446 person name vocabularies, and appendix (4) shows the results of empirical Hangeul writing of 40 place name vocabularies. Another outcome of this study is that it diagnosed problems in the Roman alphabet writing system, which is the basis of the establishment of the Hangeul writing system, and found out methods to correct the problems. After resolving the leading tasks as such, Hangeul writing was verified with numerals, personal pronouns, loanwords, and person name / place name vocabularies, and as a result, it was proved that there was no problem in the adaptability of the Hangeul writing. In addition, several new facts were found. First, matters that must be revised or supplemented were found in the writing system. It was found that three new consonants not in the list of consonant phonemes were being used in loanwords and person name vocabularies. They are initial consonants /j/ and /z/, and a final consonant /w/. Second, it was found that semi-consonant syllables included [we] and [wi]. The above-mentioned three consonants and two semi-consonant syllables were reflected on the ‘2019 Hangeul writing system’. In addition, the discovery of semi-homonyms(9 pairs), homographs(12 pairs), heteromorphic synonyms(28 pairs) can be also regarded as one of the outcomes. In particular, among the nine pairs of semi-homonyms, examples of conflicts between /l/ and /r/, or between /x/ and /h/ could not be found. This proved that the shortcoming of the ‘2017 Hangeul writing system’ that wrote each of these two pairs identically is not much problematic in reality. If these small outcomes can be one of conerstones for establishment of Hangeulology(Study of Hangeul writing system) later, it will be the Grace of God.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 한자 병기에 관한 3종 이론 기초

        전광진 ( Kwang Jin Jeon ) 성균관대학교 인문학연구원(성균관대학교 인문과학연구소) 2015 人文科學 Vol.0 No.59

        이 논문은 교과서 한자 병기 문제에 대한 이론적 기초를 확실하게 다지고자 작성되었다. 교과서 한자 병기 방안은 2014년 9월 24일에 교육부가 ‘2015 문.이과 통합형 교육과정(안)’을 발표한 후 1년간 찬반양론이격렬하게 벌어졌다. 2015년 9월 22일에 교육과정을 확정 발표 하면서 한자 병기 문제는 2016년 연말까지 연기됨에 따라 앞으로도 논쟁이 계속될전망이다. 교과서 한자어에 대한 한자 병기 확대 방안이 지니는 이론적기초에 대한 인식 부족으로 말미암아 반대 의견이 끊임없이 제기 되고있기 때문에 이를 세 가지 면으로 나누어 집중적으로 논의하고자 한다. 첫째, 문제의 발단에 대하여 심층적으로 논의해본다. 한자 병기를 흔히 한자 문제로 오인함으로써 문제의 본질을 잘못 파악하고 있다. 교과서에 쓰인 수많은 한자어에 대하여 중요도가 높은 것을 선별하여 한자로병기하는 것이기 때문에 한자가 아니라 한자어에 대한 중요성과 그 위상을 심도 있게 검토해볼 필요가 있다. 둘째, 초등 교육의 중요성에 대하여 심도 있게 검토해본다. 교육의 첫단추라는 점에서 초등교육은 매우 중요하다. 특히 초등학교 3학년은 평생 교육의 가장 큰 분수령이다. 독서 학습(Learning to read)에서 학습독서(Reading to learn)으로 전환되는 것이 바로 초등학교 3학년이기 때문이다. 한자병기를 초등학교 3학년 교과서부터 실시하려는 교육부 방안은 이런 점에서 매우 큰 의미를 지닌다. 이러한 점에 입각하여 한자 병기가 지니는 3대 의의를 추론해 본다. 셋째, 한글과 한자의 관계에 대한 정확한 인식 및 참다운 한글 사랑방안에 대하여 깊이 있게 분석해본다. 한자 병기에 대한 찬반양론은 한글과 한자의 관계에 대한 인식 차이에 그 뿌리를 두고 있다. 상호 보완적으로 보는 찬성론과 상호 배타적으로 보는 반대론에 대하여 이론적으로 깊이 있게 분석해 본다. 아울러 한자 배척이 아니라 문맹 민족에 대한 한글 보급이 참다운 한글 사랑임을 밝혀두고 싶다. 한자병기와 관련된 오해와 편견 그리고 반대는 위와 같은 세 가지 기초 이론을 올바로 인식하게 된다면 불식될 수 있을 것이다. 결론에서는한자병기를 통하여 기대할 수 있는 효과와 바람직한 방안을 (1) 우리나라의 현실에 부합하는 한자 교육 방안, (2) 창의적인 인재 양성에 부합하는한자 교육 방안, (3) 국어사전 활용 교육에 의한 저(低)비용 고(高)효과의한자어 중심 한자 교육 방안, 이상 세 가지 면에서 고찰해 본다. This article is written to offer some theoretical bases for the use of hanja (Chinese letters) along with Korean (or hangeul) in school textbooks. Since the announcement of the 2015 draft curriculums combining liberal arts and science courses by the Ministry of Education on September 24, 2014, there had been heated year-long debates both for and against the use of hanja along with Korean. Although the curriculums were confirmed on September 22, 2015, the original plan for using hanja with Korean in textbooks was postponed until the end of 2016. Under the notion that the boycott against the use of hanja mainly derived from a poor theoretical bassis on this issue, this article aims to offer some explanations on it in three different aspects. First, this study will discuss the starting point of the debate in depth. Many are likely to understand the use of hanja as a matter of using Chinese letters only, which is misleading and lets them miss the true nature of the problem. The new curriculum was planned to select some major Sino-Korean (hanja-eo) referring to a set of words in the Korean language vocabulary that originated from or were influenced by hanja) used in textbooks and write them down in hanja along with Korean. So it is a matter of emphasizing the importance of Sino-Korean words, not the Chinese letters themselves. Second, the importance of elementary school education should be further examined in-depth. Primary school education plays a very important role as the first step for the Korean educational system. Especially the third grade year in elementary schools is a watershed period when “learning to read” shifts to “reading to learn.” Therefore, the ministry`s plan to let the students learn hanja from the third graders is highly meaningful. In this respect, this study will examine the three important meanings of the policy. Third, this study will discuss in depth the correct recognition of the relation between Korean and hanja, and appropriate ways to express our love of Korean as well. The pros and cons opinions of the use of hanja came from a gap in terms of perceiving the relation between these two writing systems. I will try to discuss different opinions of both the advocates and opponents in a more theoretical way. A boycott against hanja does not reflect the real love of Korean. People should show their love of Korean by introducing this writing system to the illiterate people. Misunderstanding of, prejudice against and opposition to the use of hanja in textbooks can be resolved by understanding the three basic ideas mentioned above. In conclusion, there are three advisable ways which we can expect from the use of hanja: 1) a proper hanja education plan that copes with the situation of Korean society; 2) a proper hanja education plan that meets the needs of cultivating creative future leaders; and 3) a low-cost, high-efficient hanja education plan based on the active utilization of Korean dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        타이완 원주민 부눈족 언어의 한글 서사체계

        전광진 ( Kwang Jin Jeon ) 한국중문학회 2010 中國文學硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        關於沒有文字的民族, 用韓文來書寫타的語言, 必須首先調査該語言幷擬定타的音韻系統不可。因此, 對布農語音韻系統李壬癸(1991), 齊莉莎(2000), 原民會(2005)所做的硏究, 爲本論文提供了흔好的基礎。綜合這三種系統, 本文創建了布農語的韓文書寫系統(JHBSystem)。雖然這一書寫系統具有一些問題, 但這些小問題不會影響到整個書寫系統。與原民會(2005)所創的具有80%準確度的羅馬字母書寫系統相比, 本文所擬定的書寫系統沒有흔大的遜色。當然, 在當地人試用這一系統之前, 下定論還爲時過早。因此, 對此硏究, 有待不斷的努力和多角度, 更深入的硏究。由於篇幅上的原因, 本文在試用韓文書寫系統記錄布農語時, 只局限於齊莉莎(2000)的語料。但今後, 本人將把韓文書寫系統適用於台灣族群母語推行委員會(2006, 2008), 林道生(1998), 餘錦豪·歐陽玉(2002)和藿斯陸曼·伐伐(2002, 188-228)中所記錄的會話, 傳說, 諺語, 童謠, 生活歌謠, 用以編寫成一部≪布農語韓文敎材≫, 幷進一步證明韓文書寫系統的優越性。但當前最迫切的任務是讓當地人掌握布農語韓文書寫系統, 幷讓他們在實際生活中直接體驗韓文書寫系統的適用與否。要想完成這一任務, 需要投入大量的時間和資金, 因此, 只依고本人的微薄力量是難以實現的。深深希望, 以後有志之士的參與和合作來實現此構想。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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