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        사회적 유대를 교환하는 경제를 향하여? : 『21세기 시민경제학의 탄생』에 대한 비평

        장인권(Jang In Kweon),송원근(Song Won Keun) 한국사회경제학회 2016 사회경제평론 Vol.29 No.2

        자마니와 브루니는 폴라니(Karl Polanyi)가 지적한 대로 사회에서 독립해 사회를 지배하고 있는 자본주의 시장경제를 시민경제라는 형태로 현대적으로 복원시키려는 대표적 연구자들이다. 이런 노력의 결과물이 바로『21세기 시민경제학의 탄생』이었다. 이 글은 이들의 시도를 정리하고, 이 시도들이 우리 사회에 어떤 의미가 있는지를 탐구하기 위한 시도이다. 이를 위해 철학적이고 때로는 윤리적인 담론들을 나름의 방식으로 요약하고, 해설하며, 이를 토대로 이들이 말하는 시민경제를 ‘사회적 유대를 교환하는 경제’로 개념화하였다. 우리가 ‘사회적 경제’로 부르는 이 새로운 경제는 2008년 글로벌 금융위기 이후 절실한 사회운동으로 발전하고 있다. 이 경제와 현실의 운동이 자본주의 대안으로서 유효할지에 대한 논쟁은 접어두더라고 이 새로운 경제가 이들의 저작을 통해 어떤 방식으로 배열되고 논의되는가를 꼼꼼하게 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 동시에 이들의 연구사적 성과는 무엇이고 한계는 무엇인지를 제시하였다. 이를 통해 시민경제 혹은 사회적경제가 ‘사회적 유대를 교환하는 경제’로 향해갈 수 있는지를 진단해 보았다. The co-author of Civil Economy: Efficiency, Equity,Public Happiness, Stefano Zamagni & Luigino Bruni are trying to revive ‘civil economy’ in line with capitalist market economy. This critical survey reviews their efforts to rediscover civil economy and trying to find its meaning to our newly started ‘social economy’ in Korea since 2007. For these purposes we first inquire into their definitions(such as homo reciprocans, relationship-goods, and happiness) and conditions of civil economy. And then we re-conceptualize their civil economy as ‘economy exchanging social solidarity’. The so called ‘social economy’ has been developed as a compelling social movement after global financial crisis in 2008. In these respects, their theory, arguments and real world movements of civil economy will be surveyed and argued. Lastly, we conclude suggesting some research performances and limitations on their ‘civil economy’.

      • 選手들의 運動 適應 意識에 관한 硏究 : 晉州施 男高 運動 選手를 中心으로 With Boys' high school players in Chinju, Kyeongnam as an object

        張寅權,鄭祥永 진주교육대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.31 No.1

        To search far the athletic adaptable sense of high school students, researchers chose 68 high school boystudents who had been selected to be the representatives from Kyeongnam for 67th national athletic meetings, as an object. And then we investigated their backgrounds, general characters, adaptable abilities, and so on. The result are as follow : 1. Players' Backgrounds. a) As for their age distribution, 62 of 68 players (91.18%) are between 16 and 18 years old. As for their blood type, most of them have type "O" and "A" (each type has 22 persons, 32.35%), type B 16 persons (23.53%), and type AB 8 persons (11.76%). b) Their IQs are relatively excellent ; 30 persons (44.12%) are between 120 and 139,26 persons (38.24%) between 110 ad 119, 11 persons (16.8%) 90 and 109, and 1 person (1.47%) is over 140. c) Their careers as a player are largely between 4 and 5 years (26 persons for 37.24%), 23 persons (33.82%) have done athletics for less than 3 years, 15 persons (22,06%) between 6 and 7 years, 4 persons (5.89%) 8 and 9 years. Therefore we'll have to make an effort to find a player at an early stage. 2. Player's General Characters. a) The motives they came to start athletics are physical condition, talent and ability, economic riches, domestic poverty, and so on. But it is shown that they make more account of physical condition than talent and ability. b) Who had advised them to do athletics were mostly teachers, and the purpose of doing sports was largely to go on to university and the hope for the future was to become gymnast, as a whole. 3. In physical adaptation for athletics, it is shown that they don't adapt themselves to the event of special ability well and the weakest point in physical condition is characteristic adaptation, and the technical adaptation for the event of special ability is also weak. 4. In psychical adaptation, they are troubled with psychical burden before playing game. For the reason players for individual game make much of their own honor and players for team game of school honor. 5. The opinion for elevating player's athletic adaptation and game ability is mostly to expand training field and equipments, and coach technique scientifically in both individual and team game. For these, the government must expand social and school gymnastic equipments with policy and encourage a training at home and broad for athletic lenders and players. We'll have to accomplish the gymnastic advancement through these scientific direction for technique.

      • 身體 障碍 高校生의 體育活動 實態에 關한 調査硏究 : 晉州市 男子 高校生을 中心으로 High School Students in Chin-ju as an object

        張寅權,鄭祥永 진주교육대학교 1986 論文集 Vol.30 No.1

        The researchers investigated and analyzed the actual state of the activities in gymnastic class for the physically-handicapped students attending high school so that we might search for the reasonable teaching methods to run a class. For the purpose of this study, 41 physically-handicapped students attending 9 boy's high schools in Chin-ju, Kyeongnam, were selected as the object of this study. The results are as follows : 1. It is possible for the physically-handicapped students to take a physical exercise in gymnastic class because most of them feel no pain. 2. Though they feel inconvenient in physical activities, they have an idea to join in the events which they can do. 3. They don't want to be excluded from physical activities in gymnastic class. 4. The concern degree of gymnastic teachers leer them was high 5. They similarly empress their satisfaction and dissatisfaction at the academic records, and so we can conclude that they demand the reasonable methods to estimate their grades.

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