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        DMZ 화살머리고지에서 발굴된 6·25 전사 서양인 사람뼈에서 발견된 쉬모를 결절과 불완전 허리뼈되기

        장유량,김명주 대한체질인류학회 2019 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.32 No.4

        The Ministry of National Defense of Agency for KIA Recovery and Identification (MAKRI) launched the Korean War casualty excavation project to retrieve war remains at the Arrowhead Ridge in the DMZ by affecting the mood of peace-building and inter-Korean tension-reducing, and uncovered possible Korean War casualty’s remains. The present case of excavated bones was well-preserved and the rate of preservation was more than 97%. As an identification results of this case, the ethnicity, age, stature was estimated as European, 16~19 years old, 163~169.5 cm respectively. Schmorl’s nodes and partial lumbarization of the sacrum were observed in the anthropological and forensic examination. Multiple Schmorl’s nodes as various sizes were localized in the upper and lower surface of the vertebral endplate from lower thoracic vertebrae (T8~T12) to lumbar vertebrae (L1~L5). A partial lumbarization of S1 was also observed in the sacrum. In this case, we suggested the hypothesis that Schmorl’s node and partial lumbarization of S1 can simultaneously occur even in the young age as a course of functional adaptation in regarding to the morphological features of the constituent elements of the vertebrae. Further studies for the biomechanical mechanism of Schmorl’s node and lumbarization of S1 in various ethnic groups of large population will reveal more about the relationship between the morphological features of the vertebrae and the bony lesions. 국방부 유해발굴감식단 (MAKRI)은 남북관계 개선으로 비무장지대의 화살머리고지에서 유해발굴사업을진행하여 한국전쟁 전사자로 추정되는 사람들의 뼈를 다수 발굴하였다. 발굴된 사람뼈 중 한 개체는 전체 잔존율이97%로 보존 상태가 양호하였으며, 감식을 통해 연령 16~19세, 신장 163~169.5 cm로 추정되는 서양인임을 확인하였다. 발굴된 뼈의 체질인류학적 조사 결과, 주요 병변으로 쉬모를 결절과 엉치뼈의 불완전 허리뼈되기가 있음을 확인하었다. 쉬모를 결절은 여덟째등뼈~열두번째등뼈 (T8~T12), 첫째허리뼈~다섯째허리뼈 (L1~L5) 몸통 윗면과 아랫면에서 다양한 크기로 관찰되었으며, 엉치뼈에서 S1 분절의 불완전 허리뼈되기도 관찰되었다. 본 사례를 통해 척추를 구성하는 요소들의 형태적 특징들과 관련해 쉬모를 결절과 엉치뼈 (S1)의 허리뼈되기가 젊은연령에서도 기능적 적응의 과정에서 동시에 발생할 수 있음을 보여주었다. 다양한 인구 집단에서 쉬모를 결절과 허리뼈되기의 병인에 대한 추가 연구가 수행된다면 척추의 형태학적 특징과 병변의 상관관계에 대해 더 많은 것을 증명할수 있을 것이다.

      • 응급실로 내원한 청장년층 급성심근경색증 환자의 임상특성 연구

        홍해숙,장유량,Hong, Hae-Sook,Jang, Yu-Ryang 대한수사과학회 2008 대한수사과학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to figure out clinical characteristics in young and adult acute myocardial infarction patients come to emergency room. One hundred fifty four acute myocardial infarction cases were collected and analized from January 2003 to April 2006, especially focused on below the age 50. The results of the study were summarized as follows. The results were proportion up disease occur to women disease rate as men after 50 age and acute myocardial infarction occur to spring and winter most of all. Research for this patients coronary artery condition in cardiac angiography room and coronary artery condition is left anterior descending portion was obstruction and stenosis most of all at that time in emergency room. HDL-cholesterol was not normal range of this patients. About 57.9% patients downward normal range but total cholesterol was very variant condition. Investigated chest X-ray of this patients and result in upward 75% patients was C-T ratio 50% upward condition. And it was shown result from this patients 94. 7% was obesity condition and family history showed mother or father got hypertension or diabete mellitus patients but 42. 7% patients not family history. This patients not going to direct emergency room after via local medical center result in badly condition up. Have got outcomes of youth and adults age patient of acute myocardial infarction come to emergency room. Government and administration have to support advertising this results about acute myocardial infarction condition of nation people. We need to preservation and preventing this disease but if this disease occurrence, to the utmost directly and speedly emergency room for fast therapy.

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