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        형법 제16조 적용기준의 타당성 검토

        장승일 전남대학교 법학연구소 2009 법학논총 Vol.29 No.1

        Verbotsirrtum bedeutet den Fall, in dem der Täter trotz dem Kenntnis des Tatbestandssachverhalts irrtumlich das Verbot von seiner Tat nicht weiss. Also in diesem Fall weiss der Täter, was er tut, nimmt er aber irrig an, es sei erlaubt und dann führt er zur Verwirklichung des Tatbestandes ohne Bewusstsein, dass er Unrecht tut. Wenn der gerechte Grund im §16 KorStGB den Fall bedeutet, in dem der Tater den Irrtum nicht vermeiden kann, so können die Lehre und Rechtsprechung über die Beurteilungsmassstäbe der Vermeidbarkeit im §17 deutchen StGB für die Auslegung des gerechten Grunds in dem §16 KorStGB nützlich sein. Das Wesen der Vermeidbarkeit durch die Erkennen-Können wird mit Richtlinie entscheidet. Wenn nämlich der Täter zumutende Anspannung des Gewissens hätte, so vermochte der Täter die Einsicht in das Unrechtmässige seines Tuns zu gewinnen, über das Vorhandensein oder Fehlen der Vermeidbarkeit. Der Täter also muss überprüfen, ob seine Tat im Zeitpunkt der Tat im Einklang mit dem Satze des gesetzlichen Sollens steht, und wenn er darüber in Zweifel wäre, so dann musste der Täter durch Nachdenken und Erkundigen solchen Zweifel beseitigen. Die herrschende Meinung richtet dadurch seine Augenmerk auf den Anlassbegriff sofern, als der Täter für das Vorhandensein der Vermeidbarkeit den Anlass zur Beurteilung über gesetzlichen Zulässigkeit seiner Tat nehmen muss, dass die Anspannung des Gewissens selbst nicht das nützliche Erkennensmittel für Rechtmässigkeit oder Rechtswidrigkeit der Tat ist. Nach der herrschenden Meinung ist der Massstab für Vermeidbarkeit(Beurteilung), dass dieser Anlass obwohl vorhanden war, aber das Augenmerk des Täters richtet auf das Erlangenkönnen des Unrechtseinsichts. Aber diese Beurteilungsmassstäbe gilt nur für das sog. Kernstrafrecht. In den Sonderstrafrechtsbereichen - besonders Verwaltungsstrafrechtsbereichen - könnte man es nicht einfach annehmen, weil das Unrechtsbewusstsein des Adressats des Rechtsnorms in den Sonderstrafrechtsbereichen relativ schwacher als in den Kernstrafrechtsbereichen ist.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사기죄의 불법구조와 ‘재산상 손해’ 개념의 검토

        장승일 전남대학교 법학연구소 2015 법학논총 Vol.35 No.2

        The benefit and protection of the fraud crime is the personal property. There is room for the secondary benefit and protection to be granted to the principle of trust and freedom of economic decision-making in view of the fact that the types of and legal penalties for the property crime are distinguished according to the behavioral aspects. However, such interpretation leaves room for the nature as property crime of the fraud crime to be denied, and for the formation of the fraud crime to be affirmed even without any property damage. Therefore, the benefit and protection of fraud crime should be viewed as limited to the property right. Unlike in the cases of misappropriation, property damage is not defined in expressive terms in the fraud crime, so there is a conflict of views as to whether ‘property damage’ can be seen as the element of Consensu Corpus delicti. If the benefit and protection of the fraud crime is largely seen as the property, the occurrence of the property damage should be a prerequisite for the formation of the fraud crime. As the fraud crime is a depriving crime with the entire property as its benefit and protection, it should be noted that the fraud crime cannot be formed unless any damage is done to property. Therefore, it is inappropriate for the Supreme Court to view property damage as unnecessary to the formation of the fraud crime. It is thought to be inappropriate to judge that fraud crime has been formed even in the case of a considerable amount of price being paid because this view weakens the property criminality of the fraud crime and degenerates it into the crime of protecting the freedom of decision-making. The Supreme Court should judge only concerning the extent of the deceitful deed without mentioning whether damage has been done to property in recognizing the fraud crime resulting from the use fabrication. In other words, whether the fraud crime is formed or not should be discussed with the reference to whether the deceitful deed has gone beyond the scope of the social reasonability in the case where benefit in return has been received by means of fabricating the original use. It stems from the fact that the Supreme Court does not require property damage when judging the fraud crime. As the fraud crime is a depriving crime with the entire property as its benefit and protection, it cannot be formed unless any damage is done to property. Therefore, it is inappropriate for the Supreme Court to view property damage as unnecessary to the formation of fraud crime. As far as the concept of property in the fraud crime actually brings economic benefits even though it is not a legally protected right, it is worth to be protected as a property in the criminal law. Therefore, even though a property is illegal or is not approved, the crime against the property itself should be punished in an independent view of the criminal law. This view is consistent with the attitude of recognizing the fraud crime in payment in illegal causes. A normative evaluation is needed for what can be seen as property damage. In order to review this, some recent precedents in the Japanese Supreme Court were examined. Property damage is seen to have been affirmed mindful of the punishment of the deceitful deed though it would have been denied in the past. The freedom of decision-making and the principle of good faith in transactions were not recognized independently as the benefit and protection of the fraud crime. However, apart from the set of the amount of damage resulting from the violation of the good faith in the transactions, the attitudes of the Japanese precedents of recognizing the nominal property damage will be a reference point to forming the scope of property damage in interpreting the fraud crime. 본고는 사기죄의 성립요건으로서 ‘재산상 손해’개념을 중심으로 그 불법구조를 검토하였다. 사기죄는 개인의 재산을 보호법익으로 한다. 신뢰의 원칙, 경제적 의사결정의자유도 부차적인 보호법익이 인정된다고 볼 여지도 있으나, 이렇게 해석하면 사기죄의재산범죄로서의 성격이 부정될 여지가 있고, 재산상 손해가 없는 경우에도 사기죄 성립을 긍정할 여지가 있다. 따라서 사기죄의 보호법익은 재산권만이라고 보아야 한다. 사기죄의 주된 보호법익을 재산으로 본다면 당연히 재산상의 손해발생은 필요하다고 보아야 한다. 사기죄는 전체재산을 보호법익으로 하는 침해범이므로 재산상의 손해가 발생하지 않으면 사기죄는 성립할 수 없다. 따라서 대법원이 사기죄의 성립에 재산상의손해가 발생할 필요가 없다고 보는 것은 타당하지 않다. 또한 사기죄는 전체재산을 보호법익으로 하는 침해범이므로 재산상의 손해가 발생하지 않으면 사기죄는 성립할 수없다. 따라서 대법원이 사기죄의 성립에 재산상의 손해가 발생할 필요가 없다고 보는것은 타당하지 않다. 법률상 보호되는 권리는 아니더라도 사실상 경제적 이익을 가져오는 한, 형법상 재산개념에 포함시켜 그 침해로부터 보호할 필요가 있다. 따라서 사법상 비록 불법이거나승인되지 않는 재산이라도 이에 대한 범행 자체는 형법의 독자적인 견지에서 처벌하는것이 타당하다. 이렇게 보는 것이 불법원인급여에 있어 사기죄를 인정하는 태도와도 부합한다. 무엇을 재산상의 손해라 볼 건인가에 대해서는 규범적 평가가 필요하며 학계의논의도 정리되지 않은 것으로 보인다. 이를 검토하기 위해 최근 일본 최고재판소의 판례를 살펴보았다. 탑승권발급, 통장개설 등의 행위는 직접적으로 사기죄에서의 재산상손해가 부정되었을 사안이었음에도 불구하고, 행위자의 기망행위의 처벌을 염두에 두고 재산상의 손해를 긍정한 것으로도 볼 수 있다. 사기죄의 해석에 있어 재산상 손해의범위를 해석하는데 참고가 될 것이다.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        배임죄의 본질과 이중매도인의 형사책임

        장승일 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2015 동북아법연구 Vol.9 No.1

        동산의 이중매도행위가 타인의 사무에 속하지 않음으로 인해 배임죄를 부정한 대법원 판례 이래, 부동산이중매매사안에서 중도금을 수령한 매도인에게도 배임죄 성립을 부정하여야 하는 가에 대해 논란이 되고 있다. 과거 통설은 매수인이 아무런 반대담보도 없이 중도금을 먼저 매도인에게 지급하여야 하는 현실에 비추어 계약 당사자가 대등한 위치에 놓여있다고 볼 수 없는 점을 고려하면, 중도금을 수령한 이중매도인의 도움 없이는 매수인이 등기를 이전할 수 없는 상태, 그 상태에서 다른 수단으로 대체할 수 없는 매도인에게 주어지는 의무를 ‘본질적인 의무’라고 보아야 한다고 한다. 그러나 배신설에서 말하는 신뢰위배라는 개념은 배임죄의 중요 한 논거가 될 수는 있을지 몰라도, 신뢰관계를 위배했다는 이유로 배임죄를 구성하는 것은 아니 다. 배임죄의 본질은 신뢰관계를 전제로 하고 있는 사무처리자의 배신행위에 있는 것이 아니라 사무처리자의 임무위배에 대한 비난에 있기 때문이다. 부동산 이중매매의 경우 등기협력의무 는 배임죄의 보호법익인 재산권의 보호를 위한 본질적인 것으로 이를 단순히 계약자간의 등기 절차이행을 요구하는 청구권으로 해석함이 타당하다. 따라서 부동산이중매도인의 경우에도 형 법상 배임죄로 처벌하는 것은 타당하지 않다. 그러나 매도인이 등기협력의무를 위배하여 제3자 에게 이중으로 부동산을 매도하는 경우 매수인은 단순히 계약상의 권리를 취득하지 못함으로 써 이를 회복하는 과정에서 막대한 추가 피해를 야기하고, 이러한 현상이 사회에 만연하게 되면 사회전반에 걸쳐 더 큰 경제적 손실을 부담하여야 한다. 부동산 이중매도인이 등기협력의무를 위배하는 경우 형사처벌이 가해지는 것에 대해 우리 사회가 일반적으로 받아들이는데 거부반 응이 없는 법감정이고, 형법에 의해 보호되어야 할 개인의 재산권의 범위에서 배임죄가 그 본연의 기능을 다하지 못하게 하는 것도 경계하여야 한다는 점도 고려하여야 한다. 부동산이중매도 행위에 대한 비난가능성을 간과할 수 없다면 배임죄 적용이외의 해결방법을 모색해야할 필요가 있다고 본다. Precedents of the Supreme Court recognized that the breach of trust of the seller was established for the dual sale of the real estate. One of the major reasons for their arguments was that the seller was the main agent in the breach of trust case as the one who dealt with the work of another person cooperating in preserving the buyer's property, based on his or her duty of cooperating in the registration transfer. Against this view, the counter argument arose that the seller in the dual sale of the real estate could not be the main agent in the breach of trust case because he or she could not be viewed as the one who dealt with the work for another, and the Supreme Court decreed in this case that the court could not charge the seller with the breach of trust in the double sale of the movables for starters. The Supreme Court's view is appropriate in denying the breach of trust being established in the double sale of movables. Reference cases did not deal with the dual sale of the real estate, but they denied the breach of trust being established on the same ground as for the above case in the matters of the reserved payment in substitutes for real estate. In light of the basic view of the Supreme Court that the criminal law should be barred from intervening in the realm of a civil case dominated by the rigid interpretation of criminal constituent features of the breach of trust and by the private autonomy, in the future, it is likely to be inclined to deny the breach of trust being established for the matters of the double sale, whether their objects are movables or real estate assets. In particular, it is so obvious that the seller's duty in the double sale does not amount to what is referred to as another's work in the breach of trust case. However, the ruling in this case makes it necessary to reconsider driving the plan of relief for the victim of the double sale into the realm of a civil suit. It is a very rare case that the victim is practically compensated for his or her damage. Even if, with luck, the seller does not disappear without a trace, but faithfully attends a trial, it sometimes takes years depending on the occasions before the damages are executed and the damage is compensated for. It is thought that the idea disregards this social reality of ours that the malicious double seller could get away from the criminal punishment on the grounds of the principles of “the freedom of contract fulfillment” and “supplement of criminal penalty.” Thus, as mentioned in the dissenting opinions against the ruling in this case, the need in accordance with criminal policy that the malicious seller should be criminally punished is being recognized, and it is thought that there is need for a solution for this. To meet the necessity of punishing the malicious seller, there is need for establishing a new provision with which the matters of the double sale are separately dealt with and it is expected that serious discussions about this are to arise.

      • KCI등재

        상(相)은 어디에서 비롯할까?

        장승일 한국 프랑스어문교육학회 1996 프랑스어문교육 Vol.4 No.-

        Les systemes que la pensee institue au plus profond d'elle-meme sont tous reputes par G.Guillaume de meme forme essentielle, qui tient de la forme de la langue, laquelle consiste en une mise en relation abstraite de deux termes adversatifs. Le caractere dynamique des systemes, qui correspond a un parcours dans les deux sens de cette relation binaire, provient de ce que les systemes sont charges de representer la pensee en mouvement. D'apres Guillaume, la pensee, partout et toujours, continue un mouvement a elle ingerent par un mouvement identique oriente en sens inverse. De sorte que si elle est partie du large pour aller a l'etroit, elle continuera en se portant, par terlique, de l'etroit au large. Ce jeu fondamental de mouvements determinant la puissance de la pensee, Guillaume l'appelle le tenseur binaire radical. Toute la puissance de la pensee hymaine viendrait donc de son aptitude a contraster. L'operation de base, assise de la systematique des langues, est la mise en contraste de l'universel ("large") au singulier ("etroit"). Selon les psychomecaniciens, dans les langues indo-europeennes, le mecanisme constructif du mot, ou lexigenese, repose donc sur un mouvement de singularisation auquel replique un mouvement d'universalisation conclusif. C'est la forme meme du tenseur binaire radical. La premiere operation est une operation de discernement (ideogenese); elle consiste a isoler, dans la masse amorphe du pensable, une notion ou un ensemble de notions (semes); cette operation est portee par un mouvement de pensee qui va de la generalite du pensable a la particularite de la notion a discemer: mouvement a l'etroit. La seconde operation est une operation d'intellection (morphogenese); elle consiste a verser l'idee discernee dans les cadres permanents et generaux que la pensee a elabores pour entendre le pensable, cette operation va du particulier de la otion discernee a la generalite des categories linguistiques, applicables a toute espece de matiere notionnelle: mouvement au large. Aussi la genese du verbe comporte-t-elle la successivite de deux mouvements comme celle des autres categories de vocables: ideogenese et morphogenese. Si l'aspect est une forme qui, dans la systeme meme du verbe, denote une opposition transcendant toutes les autres oppositions du systeme et capable ainsi de s'integrer a chacun des termes entre lesquels se marquent lesdites oppositions (G.Guillaume 1929;109), on doit reperer les etapes ideogenetiques ou l'on peut discerner les potentialites aspectuelles et les etapes correspondantes sur l'axe morphogenetique ou l'on peut apprehender leur categorisation aspectuelle. L'opposition aspectuelle reconnue par Guillaume, aspect immanent/ aspect transcendant/ aspect gi-transcendant, nous semble-t-elle, se situe sur l'axe B-C du schema 14 et s'integre a chacune des etapes chronogenetiques. Chemin faisant, nous avons apporte une petite retouche au systeme aspectuel guillaumien: sur l'axe A-C, recouvrant donc l'axe precedent B-C, nous avons mis l'opposition des potentialites aspectuelles "imperfectif/ perfectif". La raison en est que dans l'opposition immanence/ transcendance c'est l'interpolation ou l'extrapolation de la personne par rapport a l'evenement qui est prise en consideration alors que pour l'opposition imperfectif/ perfectif c'est l'incompletude ou la completude de l'evenement lui-meme qui sert de base. La premiere distinction aspectuelle, formellement marquee, qu'il convient de faire, a precisement trait a l'opposition entre l'immanence au temps d'evenement et son exteriorite d'apres, ou transcendance. La seconde distinction, aussi bien materielle que formelle, concerne la matiere notionnelle du verbe, c'est-a-dire son semanteme, apporte par la tension de discernement dans la genese du mot.

      • KCI등재

        우리는 상(相)에 대해 적어도 무엇을 말할 수 있는가?

        장승일 한국 프랑스어문교육학회 1995 프랑스어문교육 Vol.3 No.-

        Le but de cette contribution est seulement de presenter aussi clairement possible ce qui, dans le domaine mouvant de l'aspect, peut praritre le moins incertain. Sur le plan conceptuel, l meilleure approche possible de l'aspect est liee a la distinction du temps chronologique (explique) et du temps inherent (implique). Un proces, quel qu'il soit, doit non seulement s'inscrire dans le temps, mais il a besoin, pour etre, d'une certaine etendue de duree. Ce temps interieur au proces, indispensable a son existence, ce temps inherent est conceptuellement de l'ordre de l'aspect. La ou le temps chronologique est un temps externe au proces ui fixe l'espace temporel ou le proces a lieu, le temps aspectuel est un temps existentiel, inscrit a l'interieur du proces qu'il soustend. Le temps chronologique englobe le proces; le proces englobe le temps aspectuel; le proces est dans l'interiorite du temps chronologique; le temps aspectuel est dans l'interiorite du proces. Au niveau conceptuel, l'aspect a trait aux bornes du proces, a sa duree et a ses proprietes de continuite ou de discontinuite. Toutes ces notions relevent en effet du temps inherent.

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