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      • KCI등재

        번역(飜譯) 및 주석(註釋) : 청화간(淸華簡) , 부열지명(傅說之命), 주해

        이연주,장숭례 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2014 中國學論叢 Vol.46 No.-

        淸華簡<傅說之命>三篇推斷爲已經失傳兩千多年的古代文獻中所提到的<說命>三篇. <傅說之命>的內容和東晉出現的僞古文≪尙書·說命≫完全不同,因此其在經學、古代曆史學、思想史、文字學等各個領域都具有重大意義. 以李學勤先生爲首的淸華大學出土文獻硏究與保護中心的整理者對這三篇竹書作了釋文和注釋,資料公布後,又有衆多學者發表硏究文章. 本論文在此基礎上對簡文內容做了進一步的解釋和番譯.

      • KCI등재


        이연주,張崇禮 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2017 中國學論叢 Vol.58 No.-

        “Yinzhi(尹至)” and “Yingao(尹誥)” are two of the documents contained in the 1st release of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips(清华简) and published in 2010. Tsinghua Bamboo Slips(清华简) is a collection of Chinese texts dating to the Warring States period, acquired in 2008 by Tsinghua University. “Yinzhi(尹至)” and “Yingao(尹誥)” are closely connected to each other and the background of the stories is the end of Xia(夏) dynasty and the beginning of Shang Tang(商湯)’s reign. They are both comprised of dialogues between Shang Tang(商湯) and Yiyin(伊尹). In “Yingao(尹誥)”, two phrases cited in “Liji(禮記) Ziyi(緇衣)” from Old Text Shangshu(古文尙書) “Yingao(尹誥)”, which are now lost and not handed down, comes out at the start of the document. Old Text Shangshu(古文尙書) “Yingao(尹誥)” were regarded as the same document as Old Text Shangshu(古文 尙書) “Common Possession of Pure Virtue(咸有一德)” by ancient commentator Zheng Xuan(鄭玄). This raised speculation that Tsinghua Bamboo Slips “Yingao (尹誥)” may be the authentic piece of Old Text Shangshu(古文尙書) “Yingao(尹 誥)” or “Common Possession of Pure Virtue(咸有一德)”. In this article, we reviewed “Yinzhi(尹至)” and “Yingao(尹誥)” and annotated and interpreted them into Korean.

      • KCI등재

        清華簡<鄭文公問太伯> 주해

        이연주,張崇禮 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2018 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.62

        Zheng Wengong wen Taibo(鄭文公問太伯) is one of the five old documents contained in the 6th release of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips(清华简) - a collection of Chinese texts dating to the Warring States period acquired in 2008 by Tsinghua University. It contains the dialogue between the Duke Wen of Zheng(鄭文公) and Taibo(太伯), the prime minister, and adopts the form of Duke Wen inquring after Taibo’s health and Taibo expostulating with Duke Wen concerning governing the nation. The document describes the early history of Zheng in a condensed manner and, in doing so, illustrates the situation of the East Zhou period around the eastward evacuation(東遷) of the royal house. Therefore, it is considered to be an important document in the study of history and state of the nation at that time. It is also an interesting document in the light of the tradition of expostulation during the Zhou dynasty. This paper makes an exegesis of the document with some explanatory notes.

      • KCI등재

        清華簡 <子產> 주해 (상)

        이연주,張崇禮 중국어문논역학회 2019 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.44

        <子産>은 2016년 발표된 청화간 第六輯에 포함된 5편의 전국시기 문헌 중 한 편으로 당시의 정치사상과 정치가로서의 자산의 모습과 치적을 기술하고 있다. 본 문헌의 편명은 이러한 연유로 淸華大學藏戰國竹簡整理小組에서 <子産>이라 명명되었다. 자산은 정나라의 재상을 지낸 인물로 춘추시기의 가장 뛰어난 정치가이며 학자 중 한 사람이다. <子産>은 총 10개의 간문으로 내용을 구분할 수 있는데, 본고에서는 <子産> 전편의 구성과 내용에 대해 살펴본 후 이 중 간문1부터 간문6까지를 역주했다. <子産>은 서주 이래 춘추시대로 이어진 德政의 이념을 충실히 이어받고 있는 문헌이며, 간문1부터 간문6까지는 대체로 이러한 德政思想을 군주의 行身과 施政 측면에서 기술하고 있으며, 더불어 관련해 정치가로서의 자산의 모습과 태도를 기술하고 있다. <ZiChan(子産)> is one of the five documents included in the 6th edition of Qinghuajian(Tsinghua Bamboo-Strip, 淸華簡) released in 2016 by the Research and Conservation Center for Excavated Texts of Tsinghua University. It describes the political thoughts of the time when ZiChan(585B.C.?∼522B.C.) of Zheng(鄭) lived and the attitude and accomplishments of ZiChan as a politician. The title of the document was named as ‘ZiChan(子産)’ for this reason. ZiChan(子産) served as a Prime Minister(宰相) of Zheng(鄭) and is one of the most distinguished politician and scholar during the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋時代). <ZiChan(子産)> consists of 10 small parts, and, in this paper, we made an exegesis of Part 1 to 6 of the document after having an overview of the whole document. <ZiChan(子産)> succeeds the tradition of benevolent administration(德政) inherited from the West Zhou(西周) period and deepened during the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋時代). Parts 1 to 6 faithfully reflects this thought of benevolent administration in articulating the moral culture and behavior of the ruler, as well as in describing the attitude and accomplishments of ZiChan as a politician.

      • KCI등재

        清華簡 <耆夜> 주해

        이연주,장숭례 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2015 中國學論叢 Vol.47 No.-


      • KCI등재

        清華簡 <子產> 주해(하)

        이연주,張崇禮 중국어문논역학회 2019 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.45

        <ZiChan(子産)> is one of the five documents included in the 6th edition of Qinghuajian(Tsinghua Bamboo-Strip, 淸華簡) released in 2016 by the Research and Conservation Center for Excavated Texts of Tsinghua University. It describes the political thoughts of the time when ZiChan(585B.C.?∼522B.C.) of Zheng(鄭) lived and the attitude and accomplishments of ZiChan as a politician. The title of the document was named as ‘ZiChan(子産)’ for this reason. ZiChan(子産) served as a Prime Minister(宰相) of Zheng(鄭) and is one of the most distinguished politicians and scholars during the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋時代). <ZiChan(子産)> consists of 10 small parts, and, in this paper, we made an exegesis of Part 7 to 10 of the document following the previous one which dealt with Part 1 to 6, and briefly compared the contents of <ZiChan(子産)> with what has been known of him in ancient texts, especially in ZuoZhuan(左傳). Overall, <ZiChan(子産)> succeeds the tradition of benevolent administration(德政) inherited from the West Zhou(西周) period and deepened during the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋時代), although we can also find realism in politics in it. It is noteworthy that <ZiChan(子産)> contains some information on Zheng’s Penal Code., which is regarded as important in studying the history of Chinese laws. <子産>은 2016년 발표된 청화간 第六輯에 포함된 5편의 전국시기 문헌 중 한 편으로 당시의 정치사상과 정치가로서의 자산의 모습과 치적을 기술하고 있다. 본 문헌의 편명은 이러한 연유로 淸華大學藏戰國竹簡整理小組에서 <子産>이라 명명하였다. 자산은 정나라의 재상을 지낸 인물로 제나라의 안영과 더불어 춘추시기의 가장 뛰어난 정치가인 동시에 사상가로도 높이 평가되는 인물이다. <子産>은 총 10개의 간문으로 내용을 구분할 수 있는데, 본고에서는 앞서 발표한 청화간 <子産> 주해(상)에 이어 【간문7】부터 【간문10】까지를 역주하였다. <子産>은 서주 이래 춘추시기로 이어진 德政의 이념이 충실히 반영된 문헌이라 할 수 있으며, 【간문7】부터 【간문10】까지는 자산의 구체적인 정무수행과 목민에 대해 기록하고 鄭 刑書에 대해 함의와 구성의 일단을 밝히고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        청화간(淸華簡) < 예량부비(芮良夫毖) > 주해(하)

        이연주,장숭례 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2016 中國學論叢 Vol.52 No.-

        Rui Liangfu Bi(< 芮良夫毖 >) is one of ten old documents contained in the 3rd release of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips(淸華簡) - a collection of Chinese texts dating to the Warring States period, which was acquired in 2008 by Tsinghua University. Rui Liangfu Bi(< 芮良夫毖 >) is written by Rui Liangfu(芮良夫) during the reign of Zhou King Li(려王, 879 - 841 B.C.) of West Zhou and is one of the lost poems of the pre-Qin period. It contains the caution and admonition to the ruling class and the king while showing Rui Liangfu``s concern about the disorder and confusion of the country. It is one of the typical expostulation poem(毖詩) of the pre-Qin period. This paper makes an exegesis of the second piece and discusses the meaning of the excavation of the Rui Liangfu Bi(< 芮良夫毖 >).

      • KCI등재

        清華簡 〈子產〉 주해(하)

        李姸周(번역자),張崇禮(번역자) 중국어문논역학회 2019 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.45

        〈子産〉은 2016년 발표된 청화간 第六輯에 포함된 5편의 전국시기 문헌 중 한 편으로 당시의 정치사상과 정치가로서의 자산의 모습과 치적을 기술하고 있다. 본 문헌의 편명은 이러한 연유로 淸華大學藏戰國竹簡整理小組에서 〈子産〉이라 명명하였다. 자산은 정나라의 재상을 지낸 인물로 제나라의 안영과 더불어 춘추시기의 가장 뛰어난 정치가인 동시에 사상가로도 높이 평가되는 인물이다. 〈子産〉은 총 10개의 간문으로 내용을 구분할 수 있는데, 본고에서는 앞서 발표한 청화간 〈子産〉 주해(상)에 이어 【간문7】부터 【간문10】까지를 역주하였다. 〈子産>은 서주 이래 춘추시기로 이어진 德政의 이념이 충실히 반영된 문헌이라 할 수 있으며, 【간문7】부터 【간문10】까지는 자산의 구체적인 정무수행과 목민에 대해 기록하고 鄭 刑書에 대해 함의와 구성의 일단을 밝히고 있다. 〈ZiChan(子産)〉 is one of the five documents included in the 6<SUP>th</SUP> edition of Qinghuajian(Tsinghua Bamboo-Strip, 淸華簡) released in 2016 by the Research and Conservation Center for Excavated Texts of Tsinghua University. It describes the political thoughts of the time when ZiChan(585B.C.?∼522B.C.) of Zheng(鄭) lived and the attitude and accomplishments of ZiChan as a politician. The title of the document was named as ‘ZiChan(子産)’ for this reason. ZiChan(子産) served as a Prime Minister(宰相) of Zheng(鄭) and is one of the most distinguished politicians and scholars during the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋時代). 〈ZiChan(子産)〉 consists of 10 small parts, and, in this paper, we made an exegesis of Part 7 to 10 of the document following the previous one which dealt with Part 1 to 6, and briefly compared the contents of 〈ZiChan(子産)〉 with what has been known of him in ancient texts, especially in ZuoZhuan(左傳). Overall, 〈ZiChan(子産)〉 succeeds the tradition of benevolent administration(德政) inherited from the West Zhou(西周) period and deepened during the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋時代), although we can also find realism in politics in it. It is noteworthy that 〈ZiChan(子産)〉 contains some information on Zheng’s Penal Code., which is regarded as important in studying the history of Chinese laws.

      • KCI등재

        淸華簡 〈子産〉 주해 (상)

        李姸周(번역자),張崇禮(번역자) 중국어문논역학회 2019 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.44

        〈子産〉은 2016년 발표된 청화간 第六輯에 포함된 5편의 전국시기 문헌 중 한 편으로 당시의 정치사상과 정치가로서의 자산의 모습과 치적을 기술하고 있다. 본 문헌의 편명은 이러한 연유로 淸華大學藏戰國竹簡整理小組에서 〈子産〉이라 명명되었다. 자산은 정나라의 재상을 지낸 인물로 춘추시기의 가장 뛰어난 정치가이며 학자 중 한 사람이다. 〈子産〉은 총 10개의 간문으로 내용을 구분할 수 있는데, 본고에서는 〈子産〉 전편의 구성과 내용에 대해 살펴본 후 이 중 간문1부터 간문6까지를 역주했다. 〈子産〉은 서주 이래 춘추시대로 이어진 德政의 이념을 충실히 이어받고 있는 문헌이며, 간문1부터 간문6까지는 대체로 이러한 德政思想을 군주의 行身과 施政 측면에서 기술하고 있으며, 더불어 관련해 정치가로서의 자산의 모습과 태도를 기술하고 있다. 〈ZiChan(子産)〉 is one of the five documents included in the 6th edition of Qinghuajian(Tsinghua Bamboo-Strip, 淸華簡) released in 2016 by the Research and Conservation Center for Excavated Texts of Tsinghua University. It describes the political thoughts of the time when ZiChan(585B.C.?∼522B.C.) of Zheng(鄭) lived and the attitude and accomplishments of ZiChan as a politician. The title of the document was named as ‘ZiChan(子産)’ for this reason. ZiChan(子産) served as a Prime Minister(宰相) of Zheng(鄭) and is one of the most distinguished politician and scholar during the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋時代). 〈ZiChan(子産)〉 consists of 10 small parts, and, in this paper, we made an exegesis of Part 1 to 6 of the document after having an overview of the whole document. 〈ZiChan(子産)〉 succeeds the tradition of benevolent administration(德政) inherited from the West Zhou(西周) period and deepened during the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋時代). Parts 1 to 6 faithfully reflects this thought of benevolent administration in articulating the moral culture and behavior of the ruler, as well as in describing the attitude and accomplishments of ZiChan as a politician.

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