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      • KCI우수등재

        다중이용업소의 환기방법에 따른 냉·난방에너지 소비량

        장소미,고유진,민준기,홍희기 대한설비공학회 2020 설비공학 논문집 Vol.32 No.8

        Recently, the pandemic virus COVID-19 causing many infections and cases of infection by from being in the same space with an individual or individuals without direct contact has been alarmingly increasing. Referring to COVID-19’s virulent propagation mechanism, it may be inadequately safe to maintain a distance of 1 to 2 m from an infected person to prevent infection, and frequent, effective ventilation is necessary to remove more virus particles. In this paper, a cafe was selected as a typical multi-use store. TRNSYS18 was used to compare and analyze the heating and cooling load values with the different types of ventilation methods. The analyses were: ventilation not performed, forced ventilation performed at 1500 CMH continuously for 24 hours (simple forced ventilation), forced ventilation according to the concentration of CO2 (reasonable forced ventilation), ventilation using a crossflow plate, and rotary energy recovery ventilation. Compared to the reasonable forced ventilation, the plate and the rotary energy recovery ventilation showed reduction ratios of 6.3% and 20.9% respectively. The heating loads increased by 16.1 times for simple forced ventilation and 6.2 times for reasonable forced ventilation compared to when ventilation was not performed. Conversely, the plate and the rotary energy recovery ventilation showed an increase of approximately two times only. 본 연구에서는 다중이용업소를 대상으로 환기를 하지 않는 경우와 강제환기를 할 경우, 그리고 열회수형 환기장치를 사용하여 환기를 할 경우에 대해 냉․난방에너지 소비량을 산출하여 비교․분석하였다. 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. (1) 강제환기량이 증가함에 따라 환기를 하지 않는 경우에 비해 냉․난방부하 모두 증가하였다. 단순 강제 환기의 경우 냉방부하는 2.1배 증가하였으나 난방부하는 16.1배로 크게 증가하였다. 창호를 개방하건 환기팬을 가동하건 일단 금년 여름은 환기량을 확보하는 데 집중하고, 본격적인 난방철이 되기 전에 환기량 확보와 난방에너지 저감을 위해 열회수형 환기장치의 설치를 권고한다. (2) 하계 운전 시 환기를 하지 않는 경우에 비해 현열부하는 별로 달라지지 않는 반면에 잠열부하가 환기량에 따라 크게 증가한다. CO2 농도에 따라 합리적으로 환기량을 제어하는 강제환기에 비해 열회수형 환기장치를 사용하면 판형 6.3%, 회전형 20.9% 냉방부하가 감소한다. 다중이용업소에서 출입구를 개방한 상태에서 냉방하는 경우 에너지 낭비가 매우 크나, 건물 조건에 따라서는 1인당 30 CMH 이하의 환기량이 될 수도 있기 때문에 에너지 절약 및 안정적인 환기량 확보를 위해 열회수형 환기장치의 도입은 필수적이다. (3) 동계 운전 시 환기를 하면 현열부하와 잠열부하가 모두 증가하며, 특히 현열부하가 큰 영향을 받는다. 환기를 하지 않는 경우에 비해 단순 강제환기의 현열부하는 112.0 GJ로 약 15.3배, 합리적 강제환기시(44.3 GJ)에도 6.1배 증가한다. 판형과 회전형 열회수형 환기장치를 도입하면 현열부하는 각각 14.7 GJ, 14.0 GJ로 합리적 강제환기 대비 각각 66.8%, 68.4%의 감소율을 보인다. 환기하지 않는 경우와 비교해도 열회수형 환기장치를 도입하면 난방에너지는 2배 정도 증가하는데 그친다. 다중이용업소와 유사한 환경이 학교와 종교시설 등이다. 앞서 언급한 바와 같이 동절기에는 연속적으로 창문을 열고 난방을 하는 것이 현실적으로 어렵다. 이미 경험한 바와 같이 한두 시간 밀폐된 상태에서 냉난방하고 간헐적으로 창문을 열어 환기하는 것은 대단히 위험하며, 밀폐된 공간에서의 급격한 확산을 피하기 위해서는 연속적인 환기가 전제되어야 한다. 이를 위해 에너지 절약과 연속적이고 안정적인 환기량 확보를 위해 열회수형 환기장치의 도입이 법제화되어야 한다.

      • KCI우수등재

        열회수형 환기장치 적용 시 다중이용시설의 환기횟수에 따른 냉·난방부하와 감염률

        장소미(Somi Jang),고유진(Yujin Ko),박보경(Bokyung Park),홍희기(Hiki Hong) 대한설비공학회 2021 설비공학 논문집 Vol.33 No.4

        Recently, confirmed patients of COVID-19 continue to occur in multi-use facilities, and cases of aerosol infection increase in non-ventilated spaces. As ventilation rate increases, the virus infection rate decreases exponentially, but forced ventilation for reducing the infection rate leads to energy loss. In this paper, a cafe was selected the same as the previous paper. TRNSYS18 was used to calculate the heating and cooling loads according to ventilation rates and methods. Based on this, the correlation with the infection rate was analyzed. During heating operation, the heating loads increased as ventilation rate increased, and the heating sensible loads were particularly affected. Ventilating with 3 ACH, the heating loads increased by 14 times for forced ventilation, compared to non-ventilated. Applying ERV, the heating loads increased by 3.5 and 3.3 times for the plate and rotary respectively. The cooling latent loads increased significantly as ventilation rate increased, compared to non-ventilated during cooling operation. Ventilating with 3 ACH, the cooling loads increased by 2 times for forced ventilation, 1.6 and 1.2 times for the plate and rotary respectively. When infected and non-infected people stay in the same space for 5 hours without wearing a mask, it is possible to keep the infection rate below 2% with 3 ACH. As a way to prevent the spread of COVID-19, ventilation is very effective, and considering energy savings, ERV introduction is essential.

      • KCI우수등재

        열회수형 환기장치의 습도교환효율에 따른 동/하계 결로 발생률과 에너지회수율

        고유진(Yujin Ko),장소미(Somi Jang),송두삼(Doosam Song),홍희기(Hiki Hong) 대한설비공학회 2020 설비공학 논문집 Vol.32 No.10

        To resolve indoor air pollution such as CO₂ concentration problems that threaten the health of the occupants as well as to minimize the ventilation load that occupies a large portion of the cooling and heating loads, recently, the air-conditioning industry of cooling buildings including general houses has attracted much interest in Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV). The commercially available ERV shows relatively good performance in general outdoor conditions, but condensation occurs inside the device from a humid climate in summer or a low temperature in winter, causing problems such as mold and rust. In this paper, the actual condensation occurrence ratio of South Korea was derived according to the latent effectiveness, and the outdoor conditions in which such condensation occurred were analyzed. As a result of summer simulation, the condensation occurrence ratio of Seoul/Busan was approximately 4.9%/12.9% at 0% latent effectiveness, and 0.7%/3.0% at 10%. In Seoul and Busan, condensation rarely occurs when the latent effectiveness is more than 20%. As a result of the winter simulation, the condensation occurrence rate of Seoul/Busan is approximately 84.9%/51.6% at the latent effectiveness of 0%. In the case of Seoul, as the latent effectiveness increases, the condensation occurrence rate slowly decreases, and then rapidly decreases from 30%. Condensation rarely occurs at 80% or more. In the case of Busan, it decreases linearly, and condensation rarely occurs at 70% or more.

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