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      • 옥수수의 바이러스병에 관한 연구 : (1)Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Virus의 形狀과 細胞內出現 (1)Morphology and Intracellular Appearance of Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Virus

        張茂雄,李鍾縕 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1987 資源問題硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        Dip preparations obtained by a modified direct negative staining method revealed both complete virus particles of 80-90nm and incomplete virus particles of 7O-74nm in diameter. Complete particles correspond to the large particles that appeared in the infected cell cytoplasm outside of the viroplasm and in the vacuoles. The large particles probably represent the complete particles of rice black-streaked dwarf virus(RBSDV) and the out coat may be easily removed by phosphotungsteic acid staining. All the features associated with RBSDA infection in maize neoplastic cells, ie. viroplasm, tubular structure and virus particles, were well preserved and easily recognizable in ultrathin section preparations. Large particles 70nm in diameter were free or aligned in tubular arrangement in the cytoplasm and vacuole. All these particles had an inner darken core and an outer lighter coat(complete particles), small particles 50nm in diameter, embadded in the viroplasm, seemed to lack an outer coat (incomplete particles). In the diseased maize leaves, the virus was restricted to the vascular bundle and bundle sheath cells.

      • SCIEKCI등재
      • SCIEKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        참깨의 모자이크 증상에서 분리한 수박모자이크 바이러스에 관한 연구

        장무웅,이창은 한국응용곤충학회 1980 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        참깨, 호박, 오이의 모자이크 증상주에서 전자현미경 및 즙액접종에 의하여 분리한 바이러스에 대하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 본 바이러스를 즙액접종 하였을 때 P. vutgaris, P. sativum, S. indicum, C. melo, C. maxima, C. pepo는 전신감염, C. amaranticolar는 국부감염 되었다. 2. 본 바이러스는 M. persicae로 쉽게 전반되었고, 종자전염은 하지 않았다. 9. 조즙액중의 물리성은 내열성이 (10분), 희석성이 , 내보존성이 일이었다. 4. 본 바이러스의 형태는 길이 의 사상립자이고, 본 바이러스의 감염에 의해 세포질내에서 세포질봉입체가 만들어진다는 것이 확인되었다. 5. 본 바이러스에 감염된 S. indicum, C. amaranticolor의 병엽초박절편을 전자현미경으로 관찰하였던바, 각종세포의 세포질내에 사상립자가 병행배열 또는 산재해 있고, 또 사상립자와 함께 반드시 세포질내입체(pinwheel, boundles, laminated aggregates)가 확인되었다. 6. 이상의 결과를 종합해서 참깨 모자이크병의 병원바이러스를 Watermelon mosaic virus(WMV)로 동정하였다. This paper deals with the studies on the occurence of a new virus disease of sesame and the identification of the causal virus. The virus disease of sesame has been regarded as a widespread disease in the sesame-growing areas in the southern part of Korea. The disease was found to be caused by watermelon mosaic virus (WMV). During the years since 1978, stunting of sesame plants, with yellow mosaic, necrotic spot, and malformation, were collected from 17 different places. Virus isolates from 27 out of 32 samples were identified as WMV. Natural infection of squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and watermelon by WMV as well as sesame was proved. The virus is inactivated at temperatures of 55 to , at dilution of , and in the aging of 10 to 14 days at about . Sesame, Chenopodium amaranticelor, pea, bean, as well as many plants of the Cucurbitaceae, are susceptible to the sesame-isolates of WMV. In negatively stained preparations, particles of the virus appear under the electron microscope as flexible filaments of about in length. Cylindrical inclusions and virus particles were found in the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells by ultra-thin sections of WMV infected tissues.

      • KCI등재

        마늘의 Callus 배양에 관한 연구

        장무웅,이갑랑,조수열,정희돈 한국응용곤충학회 1980 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        마늘의 바이러스 무감염주 생산과 종자 비용절감을 위한 기초적연구를 행하고저 마늘인편의 보통엽조직의 callus배양을 행하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 마늘 callus의 유도 Linsmaier & Skoog는 기본배지에 Benzyladenine 10-5M과 2,4-D10-5M에서 가장 양호한 결과를 얻었다. 2. callus생장은 Linsmaier & Skoog 기본배지에 kinetin 10-6M과, 2,4D10-6M을 함유한 것이 가장 양호하였다. 3. callus조직내의 바이러스 소장을 조사한 결과 투명하고 부드러운 callus조직을 8대 계대배양을 하였을 때 바이러스는 제거되었다. 4. 바이러스무감염이 확인된 마늘 callus조직을 Murashing & Skoog 기본배지에 kinetin 10-5M와 NAA5×10-6M을 함유한 배지에 다식하였을 때 재분화 되어 소식물체를 형성하였다. The experiment was conducted to culture callus tissue induced from foliage leaf of garlic bulb for the production of virus-free stocks and for the reduction of expenses for seeds, The following results were reached. 1. Linsmaier-Skoog basal medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) 10-5M and benzyladenine 10-5M showed the most effective for the induction for the induction of garlic callus. 2. The growth rate of callus was the highest in Linsmaier-Skoog basal medium containing kinetin 10-6Mand2,4-D10-6M 3. The results of periodical assay of virus concentration in callus tissues showed that virus was almost eliminated by repeated transfer of translucent and soft tissue for eight generations. 4. When virus-free garlic callus tissues were transfered to Murashige-Skoog basal medium containing kinetin 10-5M and naphthaleneacetic acid 5×10-6M, the tissues were redifferentiated and formed plantlet.

      • KCI등재

        根瘤菌과 宿主植物의 相互作用에 관한 렉틴의 役割

        張茂雄,全瓊姬,朴元學 한국응용곤충학회 1983 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        강남콩 렉틴과 근류균(R. phaseoli)의 결합에 관한 광범위한 실험을 수행하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 강남콩종자의 자엽에서 가장 많은 렉틴은 성장에 따라 뿌리로 이동하였는데 발아후 약 5일경에, 뿌리의 길이가 인 것이 가장 렉틴의 함량이 많았다. 2. 근류균의 배양시기에 따가 강남콩렉틴과의 응집력을 측정 한 결과 배양초기 가 후기보다 응집력이 높았다. 3. 강낭콩종자에 존재하는 렉틴을 추출 정제하여서 6종 근류균과의 응집력을 측정한 결과 R. phaseoli와의 응집이 가장 강했고 이는 렉틴에 대한 특이적 결합, 즉 숙주특이성을 입증하는 것이었다. 4. 단당류에 의한 응집반응의 경쟁적 저해를 시도함으로써 강남콩렉틴의 근류균에 대한 결합부위가 mannose와 galactose를 포함한 oligosaccharides가는 것을 알수 있었으며 이들의 저해효과에 필요한 당의 최소농도는 6.25mM로서 측정되었다. 5. R. phaseoli와 강낭콩 렉틴을 강낭콩 뿌리에 인공감염시켜본 결과 렉틴의 경쟁적 저해가 확인되었으므로 뿌리혹형성에 렉틴의 가교가 관여한다는 가설을 입증할 수 있었다. 6. Immunodiffusion에 의한 R. phaseoli의 항원 결정기는 R. japonicum과 일부 관련성이 있을뿐 다른 Rhizobium spp.과는 전혀 다른 것으로 나타났다. Experiments were carried out to elucidate the specific interactions between host plant, Phaseolus vulgaris, and symbiotic bacteria, Rhizobium Phaseoli. Purified P. vulgaris lectins and six species of cultured Rhizobium were subjected to agglutination test. Lectins from bean and R. phaseoli showed relatively high agglutination activity indicating that host plant lectins recognize carbohydrate moieties on the compatible Rhizobium cell surface. The specific carbohydrate receptors for binding of the lectins on the cell surface of R. phaseoli were found as mannose and galactose. The minimum concentration of sugars for the inhibition was 6.25mM. The lectin content of cultured plant roots was measured after germination and was maximum in 5-day seedlings. The nodulation was competitively inhibited by lectins for the plants cultured with Rhizobium cells. By immunochemical studies, there was some relationship in antigenic determinants between R. phaseoli and R. japonicum but no relationships were observed with other Rhizobium species. The results suggest that the infection by rhizobia to the roots of leguminous plants may be caused by the specific interaction of lectins with rhizobia.

      • KCI등재
      • 蘭의 바이러스病에 관한 硏究 : -(2)Spiranthes mosaic virus-

        張茂雄 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1985 基礎科學硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        The virus disease of orchids has been regarded as a widespread disease in the orchid-cultivating areas in the south part of Korea. Spiranthes mosaic virus was mechanically transmitted to chenopodium amaranticolor from the leaves of Spiranthes sinensis with mosaic symptoms. The virus was multiplied well in the inoculated leaves of C. amaranticolor in which it produced local necrotic ringspot without systemic infection. The virus also was transmitted in the non-persistant by Myzys persicae. In sap of C. amaranticolor, the virus lost infectivity after 10 min at about 60 to 65℃, at dilution of ??-??, and in the aging of 8 to 14 days at about 20℃. In negatively stained preparations, particles of the virus and cytoplasmic inclusions appear under the electron microscope as flexible filaments of about 750nm in length and rectangular form. Cylindrical inclusions and virus particles were found in the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells by ultra-thin sections of infected tissues.

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