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        개혁사회주의의 性편향성 : The Changing Socioeconomic Stetus of Rural Women in Reform-Era China 개혁기 중국 농촌여성의 사회경제적 지위 변화

        장경섭 이화여대 한국여성연구소 1995 여성학논집 Vol.12 No.-

        Economic reforms in socialist and former socialist countries have required grassroots people to undergo fundamental and drastic changes in the basic conditions of work and family life. Amidst the rapid transition from the socialist planned economy to the capitalist or quasi-capitalist market economy, people in increasing numbers have been trapped in a deadlock situation where they are neither materially protected by the socialist arrangements for unconditional employment and subsistence, nor functionally integrated into the new system of market-based division of labor and commodity exchange. This dilemma seems especially problematic for women and female-headed households. The logic of liberal economic restructuring implicitly proposes that women's equal entitlement to social empolyment and wage, a socialist principle advocated for decades, is not necessarily compatible with macro-economic efficiency. Once discharged into local communities and families, women's trouble is aggravated as they are now subjected to resuscitated habits and ideologies for gender segregation and thus unfavorably treated in newly available market-oriented economic activities. Destabilization of grassroots people's work and life in the market transition of socialist economies, compounded with gender bias in elite economic theory and grassroots social custom, tends to cause a rapid feminization of poverty and alienation. This paper attempts to present an overall review of the changing socioeconomic status of rural women in reform-era China. The review will be based upon a theoretical proposition that Chinese rural women's socioeconomic status is critically shaped by the interplay between patriarchal liberalism embedded in the market economy and patriarchal familialism embedded in the peasant household economy. This structural condition manifests itself throughout the life course of average rural women. Son preference is reinforced as rural families become more and more conscious about the need for sons not only in securing old-age support, but also in taking advantage of newly available market-oriented economic opportunities. Son preference interacts with the strict family planning policy, leading to female-targeted abortions, concealments, and even infanticides. School-age rural girls are forced to skip classes or drop out from schools as their parents, who do not see much value in investing in their daughters' deucation, want them to help with familial farmworks or household chores. More and more rural girls try to evade such ill-fated cirumstances by moving into various types of urban places, though not many of them are likely to acquire opportunities for stable employment. When men and young girls move into urban places, middle-aged women are left with the mission of maintaining and improving agricultural productivity. Now married rural women are politically encouraged to maximize their role as the core workforce in agricultural production, while agriculture continues to suffer from insufficient state investment, low profitability, and primitive working conditions. There is an interesting contrast in the nature of socioeconomic transformation between rural and urban women. While the above symptoms of gender-beasd reform in the countryside are much less pronounced in the cities, urban women are facing different types of discrimination. Managerial reform in urban state-enterprises is geared to institutionalization of the labor market, which in turn necessitates massive pay -cuts, temporary and permanent lay-offs, and early retirements. As women are much more likely to become targets of these measures, this reveals the bender-biased perspective of reformist political leaders and enterprise managers who seem to analyze the Chinese economy much more “overwomaned”than “overmaned”. This urban-rural difference does seem to attest to a better situation of urban women but constitutes another manifestation of the gender-biased nature of post-socialist reform in China.

      • 중국 농촌개혁의 북한에 대한 함의

        장경섭 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2000 한국사회과학 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 1970년대 후반부터 시작된 중국 농촌개혁의 배경, 과정, 성격, 결과에 대한 다측면적이고 분석적인 검토를 바탕으로 북한 농촌의 중국식 개혁 조건과 가능성을 진단하여 보았다.이를 위해, (1) 북한과 죽국의 사회주의 농촌경제체제를 간단히 비교 ·검토한 후, (2) 중국의 농촌개혁을 사영농업의 거시경제적 및 사회정책적 의의, 농가전략으로서의 농촌산업화의 성격, 집단생산체 해체에 따른 사회보장 문제, 경제정책과 인구정책의 상충 문제, 사영경제활동에 따른 불평등화 현상 등의 다양한 측면에서 객관적이고 장기적으로 평가하고, (3) 북한의중국식 농촌개혁의 전망을 제도 개혁, 이념적 합리화, 자원 동원, 생산조직 형성, 생산동기 부여, 물리적 여건 등의 다양한 측면에서 평가해 보았다. Based upon a multi-faceted and analytical examination of the background, process, nature, and outcome of rural reform in China, this study appraises the conditions and possibility for a Chinese-style rural reform in North Korea.I will (1) briefly compare the North Korean and the Chinese rural economic systems, (2) evaluate the Chinese rural reform in the aspects of the macro-economic and social policy-related implication of privatized farming, the nature of rural industrialization as a familial strategy of rural people, the social security problem of decollectivization, the contradiction between economic and demographic policies, and the inequlity accruing to private economic activities, and (3) appraise the prospect for a Chinese-style rural reform in North Korea in terms of institutional reform, ideological justification, resource mobilization, formation of production organizations, provision of production incentives, and physical conditions.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 제2산업혁명: 국가-농민사회 관계를 통해 본 鄕鎭산업화

        장경섭 서울대학교 국제지역원 1997 국제지역연구 Vol.6 No.1

        등소평 개혁의 최대 업적인 鄕鎭산업화는 8억 농민의 사회/경제적 운명을 뒤바꾸는 중국에서의 제2산업혁명이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 새로운 발전노선은 농업 사영화를 통해 농가별/지역별 자율성이 강화된 농민사회의 주도적 역할에 의해 뒷받침되고 있으며, 이는 국가가 농민사회를 대체하는 것에서 농민사회를 활용하는 발전전략으로 전환했음을 의미한다. 일련의 가구별 생산책임제를 통한 농업의 사영화는 농업 생산성의 제고를 통해서 보다는 농민들의 자유로운 비농업부문에로의 진출을 통해서 더욱 중요한 경제적 결과를 남긴 것으로 드러난다. 즉 사영농업의 부활이 농업생산의 미시적 과정에 미친 영향보다는 농촌 경제발전을 둘러싼 국가와 농민사회 사이의 제도적 관계에 미친 거시적 영향을 더욱 중요하게 보아야 하는 것이다. 또한 국가가 농업생산책임제의 도입과 동시에 실시한 농산물 수매가의 대폭적 인상은 농가의 비농업부문 진출을 위한 생산자본 및 상품시장의 형성이라는 중요한 조건을 마련했으며, 농촌지역 직업/거주 이동의 부분적 자유화가 농민들의 경제활동 다변화의 행정적 여건을 조성했던 것이다. 고질적인 이중주의적 혹은 도시편향적 발전관을 포기한 개혁정권이 내놓은 일련의 대농민 양보책들이 농민들의 적극적인 수입다변화 의욕과 맞물려 엄청난 범위와 속도의 노동집약적 산업화를 촉발시켰다. 이러한 과정을 종합해 볼 때, 중국의 향진사업화는 농촌경제의 탈집단화 과정에서 경제활동을 둘러싼 국가와 농민사회 사이의 제도적 관계가 재편됨으로써 그 사회적 조건이 마련되었으며, 농산물 가겨과 농촌 인구이동에 관한 국가정책의 전환이 촉매작용을 했던 것으로 보인다. Xiangzhen industrialization, the most important achievement of Deng Xiaoping's reform, involves social and economic transformation of China's eight hundred million peasant population and constitutes what might be considered the second industrial revolution in the Chinese history. This new line of economic development has been buttressed by the active role of peasant society and families whose organizational autonomy has been reinstated through rural decollectivization. The state now pursues economic development by relying on, not replacing, peasant society. Agricultural institutional privatization, based upon a series of production responsibility systems, has been more significantly responsible for sectoral diversification of the peasant ecnonomy than for improvement in agricultural productivity. That is, the impact of provate farming should be found more crucially in the reshaping of the macro institutional relationship between the state and peasant society than in the improvement of the micro process of farm work. Also, various concessions made by the state for peasants -- e.g., upward adjustment of the state procurement prices of farm products and substantial liberalization of the residential and occupational choices of peasants -- helped prepare the financial and social conditions of new entrepreneurial and laboring opportunities. The reformist regime, consciously detaching itself from the dualist or urban-biased developmental ideology of the predecesor regime, has successfully tapped the indigenous developmental zeal and potential of grassroots peasant society.

      • KCI등재

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