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      • KCI등재

        국가 폭력의 기억과 글쓰기 : 양귀자 문학 연구

        임희현 ( Lim Hee-hyun ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2017 민족문학사연구 Vol.65 No.-

        본고는 '국가 폭력'의 문제가 양귀자의 작품세계 전반을 관통하는 핵심 키워드라고 보고, 이것이 시대의 문제와 어떻게 맞물리며 변주되는지 살핀다. 양귀자의 본격적인 소설 쓰기는 자신이 맞닥뜨린 국가 폭력의 실체를 폭로하고, 이에 대해 분노하는 것에서 시작 된다. 여기서 나타나는 분노의 분출과 폭력 가해자를 향한 응징 행위는 여전히 국가 폭력의 경험에서 벗어나지 못하고 고통 받고 있을 직접적인 고문 피해자들을 위로한다. 그러나 소설을 통한 분노와 응징만으로는 폭력의 트라우마에서 벗어날 수 없다는 사실을 깨달은 작가는 여전히 남아 있는 국가 폭력의 상처를 드러내고 이에 대해 고찰한다. 이를 상기할 때 국가 폭력이라는 문제는 양귀자에게 있어 현재 진행형인 화두라고 할 수 있을 것이다. This article emphasizes the problem of "violence" as the central keyword throughout the work of Yang Gui-Ja and attempts to illustrate how it engages with and creates variations to problems of that time. The writing of Yang Gui-Ja starts with the exposure of violent nature of torture, which she encountered, and the anger that instantly followed. The eruption of anger and punishments toward torturers found their meanings in consoling not only the actual victims of such torture, who had suffered from despair and lethargy, but also other readers at the time, who had been frustrated due to a series of state violences. However, she realized that the anger and punishment through novels can not escape from the trauma of violence, and the writer endeavors to rediscover the scars of the remaining national violence. It can be said that Yang Gui-Ja viewed both small and large violences that occurred between individual and the world as persisting problems.

      • KCI등재

        ‘나’의 재사유와 새로운 공동체의 감각-해방기 허준 소설 연구-

        임희현 ( Lim Hee-hyun ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2016 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.41

        In this paper I intend to take a closer look at the understanding of Heo Jun’s literature as a straight transition from the ‘I’ to the ‘Community’ by paying special attention to the problem of ‘I’ in his works from the Korean Liberation Period. Heo Jun points out the contradiction of the ‘Community’ which uses ‘freedom’ as a banner, yet seeks to restrict the freedom of individuals under the guise of ‘ideology’ and ‘ethics’ and suggests the ‘I’ as a key concept for overcoming this contradiction. Heo Jun’s exploration of ‘I’ and ‘Community’ can be seen clearly in his works from the Liberation Period, 「Flickering Light(jandeung)」, 「Yellow Plum Journal(hwangmaeilji)」, and 「At the Inner Study Room(sokseupjaksil-aeseo)」. 「Flickering Light」 brings new discussion to the problem of ‘I’ through lonliness and reflects the author’s existential worries about returning home and the birth of a new Choson after Liberation. The 「Yellow Plum Journal」 shows direct conflict between the individual and the communal, but what the author’s positive image of the ‘Community’ makes an appearance. Meanwhile, 「At the Inner Study Room」 shows the author’s realistic worries about the idealistic relationship he has shown between the individual and the community. When considering these points, the understanding of Heo Jun’s level-headed meditation on reality as him being a not fully realized politicist needs to be reevaluated. On the contrary, Heo Jun’s literary works are ‘political’ in the sense that they explore the question of ‘what form of government is needed?’ in the Korean Liberation Period through the struggle between ‘I’ and the ‘Community.’

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