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      • KCI등재

        서사 장르의 소설화: 『모비딕』의 경우

        임정명 ( Jungmyung Lim ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2017 근대 영미소설 Vol.24 No.3

        Genres are to inescapably change when new and additional thematic topics are introduced into their repertoires. Herman Melville was in a great need of a peculiar American epic genre which could embrace plural, democratic, and non-Western interests of people in commonality. Melville recognized that generic features of epic were unfit to achieve the ultimate pluralism of the stylistically diversified novelistic subject, due to lack of variety in the voices of the epic narrator which turned out to have caused banality of epic genre. Out of the need to adjust literary devices and formulaic epithets of epic into a modern novel genre, Melville had created Moby-Dick in his most inclusive literary form of novelized epic replacing epic universalism with novelistic pluralism and stylistic diversity. His novelized heroes, however, attempted neither to escape nor to deny the thematic universality of the conventional epic heroes. They extended and transformed their interests by embracing diverse cultural, racial and religious facets of comprehensively intricate world. They ultimately analysed and represented the plural whole, rather than to conform to a universally preconceived ideology. Melville focused on epic’s generic feature as spurred by cultural contact but he removed the temporal and spacial hierarchical distance among different foreign cultural entities. Consequently, wide-ranging equal input of diverse cultural environments were staged instead. Melville’s novelized rhetoric was not limited to the coherent epic narrator and naturally erased universal Western stereotyping against non-Western oriental world and succeeded in portraying a more pluralized Western world by familiarizing the different East with the West through diverse narration.

      • KCI등재

        푸코의 자기 배려

        임정명(Jungmyung Lim) 한국동서비교문학학회 2017 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.39

        Power and freedom are not separate from each other. They are intricate with each other and formative of each other. Michel Foucault suggests that everyone, as a self-governing individual within the power matrix, should take the care of the self. The most important aspect of this activity is that this activity is to be devoted to oneself not as an exercise in solitude, but as a true social practice. One is to carry out personal management of the care of the self within more or less institutionalized structures of power. As long as each individual self works on the care of the self, he/she can cultivate their freedom to appreciate life in pleasure and this care of the self becomes the base of constructive social contract and power. This paper will apply Foucault’s concept of power and individual care of the self to cases of Richard Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelung and Henry James’s The Golden Bowl. While repeatedly reconsidering the probability of constructive coexistence between power and the self, this paper will turn over each representative case of power which is to be exercised over the individuals by Wotan, Alberich and the Ververs. Each one of us, as a self-governing self like Rhine daughters and Prince, has to turn our own thoughts to ourselves within the social contract, and that is the only plausible way for power and freedom to coexist.

      • KCI등재

        클라이티 서트펜과 쇼펜하우어의 연민

        임정명 ( Jungmyung Lim ) 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2019 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.27 No.3

        William Faulkner’s black heroine Clytie Sutpen in Absalom, Absalom! has not properly raised any calibrated debates among those who are generally discontented with Faulkner’s authorial identity as an alleged southern segregationist. This essay examines Faulkner as a pioneer who attempted to yield unconventional perceptions about the future of white and black men and women. Featuring Clytie Sutpen, I will study how a black woman would eventually rise up to exert power of the Schopenhauerian compassion and take on a savior-like position for the people God quit. Faulkner’s female characters in Absalom, Absalom! are not deified as domestic goddesses of masochistic devotion nor vilified as whores with destructive demoness. Instead, women, same as men, are given primary responsibilities for specific labors in times of peace. Further, when a society seems to face virtual demolition in a deadlock of prejudices about race and gender, humans of compassion choose to make perfect resignation of their own existence and will. The entire surrender of their will, as a manifestation of human self-sacrificing compassion, achieves the salvation of the abandoned society. The only individual destined to carry out this task of salvation in Faulkner’s world proves to be a black female, which indicates that Faulkner was as a futuristic thinker who eventually chose not to be swayed by racial and gender discriminations.

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