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      • 비만 아동의 기질과 대처방식 및 놀이 양상에 관한 연구

        임원 한국유아체육학회 2000 한국유아체육학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 아동의 기질, 대처 방식, 놀이 양상 및 부모의 신체적 요인이 아동의 비말에 미치는 영향을 알아보고, 아동기 뿐 아니라 성장 이후에도 신체적, 심리적, 사회적으로 부정적 영향을 미치는 소아 비만을 예방하기 위한 교육 지침을 마련하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구 대상은 천안시 성환읍 소재의 S유치원에 다니는 만 4-6세 아동 중 본 연구를 위해 고안한 설문지, 부모용 기질 평가 척도를 모두 답하고 신장, 체중 및 체지방율 측정이 가증했으며 특별한 과거력이 없었던 159명이었다. 연구 방법으로는 비만도 측정과 설문지 조사 및 면담이 사용되었다. 대상 아동들은 비만도를 계산하여 비만도가 20% 이상을 비만으로 정의하고, 동시에 체지방 측정기기로 체지방율을 측정하였다. 아동들의 여러 가지 상황에 대한 대처 방식을 알아보기 위하여는 비만 아동의 담임 교사를 대상으로 면담을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 비만 아동은 기질 특성상 저 활동성이며, TV 시청 시간이 길었다. 또한 비만 아동들은 정상 아동들에 비하여 부정적인 대처 방식을 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 비만 아동의 부모들은 높은 교육 수준을 보였으며 비만 아동의 어머니는 체질량 지수가 높았다. 아동의 비만에 영향을 미치는 가정 요인은 유전적 요인과 동시에 행동적 요인, 심리적 요인의 복합적인 영향을 준다고 볼 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the play characteristics, temperament, coping skills and parental factors might affect childhood obesity. 159 children, aged 4 through 6 years living in Cheonan were surveyed by a questionnaire about the children's play characteristics and the parent's related factors such as weight, height, education, familial income. In addition the Korean version of the Parent Temperament Questionnaire for Children was also administered to patents of those children. Obese children showed hypoactivity, more watching TV time, negative coping skills and pessimistic response when they met difficult situations. And obese children's both parent had higher educational level and higher Body Mass Index.

      • KCI등재후보

        Brunner 샘 과증식에서 병발한 선암종 1예

        임원,김광하,박도윤 대한상부위장관ㆍ헬리코박터학회 2016 Korean Journal of Helicobacter Upper Gastrointesti Vol.16 No.2

        Brunner’s gland hyperplasia, also known as Brunner’s gland adenoma or hamartoma, is often encountered as a proliferative lesion arising from the Brunner’s glands of the duodenum. This lesion has previously been described as being benign, with no malignant potential. We report a case of Brunner’s gland hyperplasia that was incidentally discovered on endoscopy for evaluation of gastrointestinal bleeding. The histopathological findings of this lesion revealed a marked dysplastic and malignant changes from the normal Brunner’s gland structure. Our case demonstrates the possibility of malignant potential in the natural history of Brunner’s gland hyperplasia, even though its incidence is very rare. (Korean J Helicobacter Up Gastrointest Res 2016;16:107-110)

      • KCI등재후보

        가정의 소득수준, 어머니의 우울 및 관계적 변인(사회적지지, 부부관계, 정서적 부모자녀관계)이 유아의 사회성에 미치는 영향

        임원신(Lim Won Shin) 한국유아교육·보육복지학회 2011 유아교육·보육복지연구 Vol.15 No.4

        본 연구는 가정의 소득수준, 어머니의 우울과 관계적 변인인 사회적지지, 부부관계, 정서적 부모자녀관계가 유아의 사회성에 미치는 영향을 살펴봄으로써 각 변인들이 갖는 영향력을 알아보고, 이에 대한 지원방안을 모색하고자 한다. 본 연구을 위해 한국 아동청소년 종합실태조사 자료로부터 1017개 가정의 소득수준, 어머니의 우울, 사회적지지, 부부관계, 정서적 부모자녀관계 및 유아의 사회성 점수를 추출하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일반가정이 저소득가정에 비해 어머니의 우울수준은 낮고, 사회적 지지 및 부부관계의 만족도가 높았다. 둘째, 가정소득이 높고, 어머니 우울수준이 낮으며, 부부관계나 정서적 부모자녀관계가 긍정적일수록 유아의 사회성이 높았다. 셋째, 정서적 부모자녀관계, 어머니 우울, 가정소득의 순으로 유아의 사회성에 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors of family income, maternal depression, social support, marital relation and parent-child relation influencing child's sociality, to evaluate these factors, and to search for support measures related to the factors. The subjects were comprised of 1017 families having children aged from three to five years, and the scores of above factors were acquired from the data of index studies for Korean child and adolescent's development in 2009. Analysis with t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, hierarchical regression test resulted in followings. Firstly, maternal depression factor showed lower scores in the general families than the low-income families, but social support and marital relation satisfaction factors showed higher scores in the general families. Secondly, lower maternal depression, favorable marital relation satisfaction and parent-child relation were well correlated with well child's sociality. Thirdly, parent-child relation was the most important factor which influences to child's sociality. In succession, maternal depression and family income were the important factor in decreasing order.

      • KCI등재

        Complete Genome Sequences of the Genomic RNA of Soybean mosaic virus Stranins G7H and G5

        임원,김국형,김유호 한국식물병리학회 2003 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.19 No.3

        The complete nucleotide sequences of the genomic RNAs of Soybean mosaic virus strains G5 (SMV-G5) and G7H (SMV-G7H) were determined and compared with sequences of other SMV strains. Each viral RNA was determined to be 9588 nucleotides in length excluding the poly (A) tail and contained an open reading frame to encode a polyprotein subsequently processed into up to ten proteins by proteolytic cleavage. Comparison of the amino acid sequences with those of other SMV strains showed high percentage of amino acid sequence homology with the same genome organization. The nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequences between SMV-G5 and SMV-G7H were greater than 99% identity. When compared with those of other SMV strains in a phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences, they formed a distinct virus clade showing over 97% amino acid identity, but were more distantly related to the other potyvirus (44.1- 69.6% identity). Interestingly, SMV G7H strain caused a severe mosaic or necrosis symptom in soybean cultivars including Jinpum-1, Jinpum-2, and Sodam, whereas, no symptom was observed in SMV-G5 inoculation. Complete nucleotide sequences of these strains will give clues for determining symptom determinant(s) in future research.

      • 산책활동에서 나타난 2세 영아의 자연과의 만남 및 이해

        임원신 ( Won Shin Lim ),한인숙 ( In Sook Han ) 한국유아체육학회 2009 한국유아체육학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 2세 영아의 산책활동을 통해 자연과의 만남이 이루어지는 과정과 자연이 영아들에게 어떻게 이해되는지를 탐색하는데 목적을 두고 어린이집의 종일반 만2세 영아 10명을 대상으로 연구를 진행하였다. 영아들이 산책활동에서 보고, 느끼고, 경험하는 영아들의 세계를 참여관찰을 통해 자료를 수집하고 분석하였다. 연구 결과 지속적으로 이루어지는 산책활동에서 2세 영아는 자연과의 만남을 매우 즐겁게 적극적으로 참여하는 것으로 나타났다. 첫째, 산책활동의 횟수가 더해갈수록 발견하기, 탐색하기, 표현하기의 과정은 더욱 활발하게 나타나 영아의 언어, 신체 및 정서 발달 등 전반적인 발달을 촉진하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 산책활동에서 놀이가 더 활성화 되고, 그 놀이를 통해 자연에서 스스로 많은 것을 배우는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 영아들은 자연과의 만남을 통해 끊임없이 발견하고 탐색하며, 적극적인 놀이와 학습으로서 자연을 이해하고 있었다. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of stroll activities on two-year-olds` experience and understanding of nature. The subjects of this study were 10 selected two-year-old children. A participant observation was carried out to gather the data about what the two-year-olds saw and experienced and how they felt while they took a walk. As a result of analyzing the collected data, the two-year-olds appeared to actively participated in the stroll activities with joy and they seemed to be enjoyed to see nature. The detailed findings of the study are as follow: First, the two-year-olds took an increasingly active attitude toward discovering, exploring and expressing as they were more involved in the stroll activities, which contributed to facilitate their overall development including verbal, physical, and emotional growth. Second, prolonged participation in the stroll activities encouraged the two-year-olds to play in a more dynamic manner, and they were able to learn more from nature on their own in the process. In a word, the two-year-olds continued to explore nature and discover more things in it, and they looked at nature as a vehicle of play and learning.

      • KCI등재

        슬랙스원형의 밑위앞뒤길이 여유분에 관한 연구

        임원,박재경 한국의류학회 1994 한국의류학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to suggest the proper ease of total crotch length concerning both appearance and comfort. The research processes as follows. 1) For the purpose of obtaining the necessary ease of slacks in body movement, experimental slacks of no ease of total crotch length were made. Three college girls putting on these experimental slacks were examined on their back middle waist lines using cross-cut method. 2) Experimental slacks for suggesting the proper ease consist of 7 types; slacks CO, WI, W3, W5, W7, C3, C5. The sensory evaluation for appearance and comfort was applied to evaluate the 7 slacks. The results can be summarized as follows. 1. As the leg-movement angle increased, the vertical space increased and the horizontal space decreased. There was negative relationship between vertical and horizontal space. And as the leg-movement angle increased, the area of space increased. The shapes of space showed the amounts of space and the direction of force by the movements. 2. The appearances of slacks C3, W3, C5 were better than the other slacks. The eases of the crotch were better than those of the waist line in appearance. And slakcs W7 was better than any other slacks in comfort. When the amount of each part of eases was same, the comfort in eases of crotch was not as good as that of waist line. 3. In slacks, the proper ease of total crotch length was 3% and 5% of total crotch length.

      • 목회자가족의 아동복지시설 운영사례연구 : 피얼스애육원 설립자(정원근 목사)가족을 중심으로

        임원 신한대학교 2021 신한대학교 논문집 Vol.44 No.-

        The Korean War left tons of war orphans and it led many foreign organizations to support and protect the war orphans by installing nationwide child welfare institutions. Since most foreign organization were started as a part of mission strategy, they built or supported a child welfare institution with Christianity background. This study is based on a case study of operation of Won Geun Jeong family’s child welfare institution. Pastor Jeong named the institution a Pierce Infantorium because he had a connection with Pastor Robert Pierce, the founder of World Vision International. The analysis was based on the life history analysis of Pastor Won Geun Jeong, the founder of Pierece Infantorium, and his books. Also it was based on the process of his spouse, the second director, his second daughter, who worked as a secretary general, and his daughter-in-law, the third director. There were many cases of operating child welfare institution as a pastoral family at that time. However few cases have been concretely summarized. From the Korean War up to the present day pastoral families have contributed to social welfare in various ways, but they are confronting criticism as well as compliment. Through this case study, I hope that more objective research on the participation of pastoral families in social welfare will be actively conducted so that it will be a lesson for future generations.

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