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      • KCI등재

        인공와우 시뮬레이션에서 나타난 건청인 영어학습자의 영어 말소리 지각

        임애리(Yim, Ae-Ri),김다히(Kim, Dahee),이석재(Rhee, Seok-Chae) 한국음성학회 2014 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.6 No.3

        Although it is well documented that patients with cochlear implant experience hearing difficulties when processing their first language, very little is known whether or not and to what extent cochlear implant patients recognize segments in a second language. This preliminary study examines how Korean learners of English identify English segments in a normal hearing and cochlear implant simulation conditions. Participants heard English vowels and consonants in the following three conditions: normal hearing condition, 12-channel noise vocoding with 0mm spectral shift, and 12-channel noise vocoding with 3mm spectral shift. Results confirmed that nonnative listeners could also retrieve spectral information from vocoded speech signal, as they recognized vowel features fairly accurately despite the vocoding. In contrast, the intelligibility of manner and place features of consonants was significantly decreased by vocoding. In addition, we found that spectral shift affected listeners’ vowel recognition, probably because information regarding F1 is diminished by spectral shifting. Results suggest that patients with cochlear implant and normal hearing second language learners would experience different patterns of listening errors when processing their second language(s).

      • KCI등재

        10대 초반 학생의 담화에서 나타난 구문 발달

        임애리(Ae-Ri Yim),박은숙(Eun-Sook Park),김향희(Hang-Hee Kim),서상규(Sang-Kyu Seo) 한국언어치료학회 2008 言語治療硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        This study examined grammatical structures of pre-teen students in written and spoken discourses of narrative and expository. The discourses were analyzed by grammatical complexity measures of: average T-unit length; embedded clauses per T-unit; subordinate clauses per T-unit; average clause length; and percentage of embedded clauses in subordinate clauses.   The results were as follows:   1. There were significant differences in grammatical complexity of written language samples.   a. In written narratives, average T-unit length and subordinate clauses per T-unit significantly increased from age ten to age twelve, and embedded clauses per T-unit significantly increased from age ten to age fourteen.   b. In written expository, embedded clauses per T-unit significantly increased from age ten to age twelve and to age fourteen, and percentage of embedded clauses in subordinate clauses increased from age twelve to age fourteen.   2. Average T-unit length and average clause length discriminated age ten from age twelve. Embedded clauses per T-unit and percentage of embedded clause in subordinate clause discriminated age fourteen from age ten and from age twelve.   These results show that in evaluating pre-teens expressive lan- guage, it is appropriate to use expository and written discourses as language samples, and to analyse language samples by embedded clauses and number of words per T-unit and clause.   Further studies are called for with qualitative analyses of grammati- cal structures. Also, such subject variables as reading ability and socioeconomic status need to be considered.

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