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        봉사학습의 유아교육 적용 가능성 탐색

        오주은 ( Joo Eun Oh ),임민경 ( Min Jung Lim ) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2015 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.16 No.3

        본 연구는 봉사학습과 관련한 국외 유아교육 연구의 문헌분석을 통해 봉사학습의 적용 가능성과 연구 방향을 설정하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 48편의 국외 학술지 논문을 선정하고, 연구주제와 내용을 살펴보는 문헌분석을 실시하였다. 연구주제를 분석한 결과, 봉사학습에 관련한 국외 연구들은 봉사학습의 의의, 교육적 효과, 봉사학습의 적용 측면에서 이루어지고 있는것으로 나타났다. 봉사학습은 유아발달과 교사 전문성 향상에 교육적인 효과를 나타내었고, 교사양성 과정에서 광범위하게 활용되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 향후 유아교육에서 봉사학습의 적용을 활성화하기 위한 방향성을 논의하였다. This literature synthesis incorporates theoretical and empirical literature on early childhood education focusing on service learning. The purpose of the review is to offer implications for research to apply service learning in the field of early childhood education. 48 peer-reviewed articles are included in the research synthesis and are analyzed by research topics and outcomes. The research synthesis reveals the conceptualization and values of service learning, the effects of service learning on children and teachers, and service learning in early childhood education. The review indicates that service learning has been positively linked to child development and teachers`` professional development, and has been extensively used in preservice teacher education. Finally, implications for further research are discussed.

      • 의료보호 정신분열병 환자의 의료이용 양상

        서수경(Soo-Kyung Suh),신영전(Young-Jeon Shin),남정현(Jung-Hyun Nam),임민경(Min-Kyoung Lim) 대한사회정신의학회 2001 사회정신의학 Vol.6 No.1

        연구목적: 1992년부터 1998년까지 7년간 우리나라 의료보호 정신분열병 환자수, 치료유병률 및 구성변화와 의료이용 양상의 변화를 파악함으로써, 정신질환과 관련한 의료보호 정책수립과 시행에 필요한 기초적인 자료를 제공하고자 한다. 방 법: 1992년 1월 1일부터 1998년 12월 31일까지 의료보호관리공단의 의료보호 청구자료와 의료보호통계연감을 가지고 의료보호 청구명세서에서 주상병이 정신분열병인 의료보호 대상자를 대상으로 하여, 환자의 특성과 이용양상을 살펴보았다. 결 과: 1) 의료보호 대상자 중 정신분열병 환자수는 1992년 24,373명이었으나 1998년에는 32,285명이었다. 치료유병률도 1992년 대상자 100명당 1.12명에서 1998년에는 2.44명이었다. 치료유병률은 여성에 비해 남성이 높았다. 연령군별로는 모든 연도에 걸쳐 30-39세군의 치료유병률이 가장 높았다. 유형별 치료유병률은 시설수용자가 가장 높았다. 2) 의료보호 정신분열병 환자는 남성이 여성보다 높은 비율을 차지하였으며 연령별로는 입원, 외래모두에서 젊은 군의 비율이 증가하고 있었다. 유형별로는 입원군에서는 거택보호환자의 비율이, 외래군에서는 시설수용자군의 비율이 높았으나 점차 거택보호대상자군의 비율이 높아지고 있었다. 3) 의료보호 정신분열병 환자의 이용률, 1인당 내원일수, 진료일수 및 1인당 진료비는 입원서비스의 경우, 1996년과 1997년에 모두 급격히 증가하는 양상이었고, 외래서비스는 1995년부터 급격히 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 성별로는 입원서비스에서 여성이 차지하는 비율이 높았지만 외래서비스에서는 남녀간 차이가 분명하지 않았다. 연령별로는 입원서비스에서 50대군, 외래서비스에서는 3·40대군이 가장 높았다. 유형별로는 입원서비스에서 거택보호대상자, 외래서비스에서는 시설수용자가 차지하는 비율이 높았다. 결 론: 의료보호 대상자 군내에서 정신분열병 환자의 비율과 진료비가 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 것으로 나타나 의료보호 정책상의 정신분열병 환자에 대한 효과적인 관리의 중요성이 더욱 커지고 있다. 1995년부터의 입원서비스 이용의 급증과 외래서비스 이용의 감소가 관찰되었는데 이는 병상수의 증가, 의료보호 기간의 연장 등과 같은 정책요인이 작용하였을 것으로 추측된다. Objective:To understand the trend in the numbers of schizophrenic patients, treatment prevalence, composition and health care utilization of schizophrenic patients under the Medical Aid Program(Sch-MA) from 1992 to 1998, and to provide basic information necessary to establish and conduct the Medical Aid Program. Method:The analysis is based on claims data of the Medical Aid Program from 1992 to 1998. Results:1) The number of schizophrenic patients among of beneficiaries of the Medical Aid Program are 24,373 in 1992, and has gradually increased to 32,258 in 1998. The treatment prevalence is 1.12 per 100 persons in 1992, and has gradually increased to 2.44 per 100 persons. Sex and age differences are both present. Treatment of men through Sch- MA is more prevalent than that of women, and the prevalence of treatment of patients in the age bracket 30-39 is the highest. 2) Sch-MA is composed of more male than female patients, and this trend is more prominent in patients that used admission services. Among patients that used outpatient services, younger groups have increased in size gradually. Among patients that used admission services, patients in type-1 households form the largest group, and among the patients that used outpatient services, institutional residents form the largest group. However, the number of Sch-MA (type-1) patients has increased from year to year. 3) Service utilization rates, visit days per person, prescribing days per persons, and the medical costs per person in utilization of admission services have increased since 1995, and was highest in 1996 and 1997. In contrast, the utilization of outpatient services, service utilization rates, visit days per person, prescribing days per person, and medical costs per person have decreased since 1995. Utilization of admission services is highest among 50-59 years-olds, and utilization of outpatient services is highest among 30-39 years-olds, with 40-49 years-olds utilization being higher than that of 50-59 years-olds. Utilization of admission services is highest among those utilizing type-1 household, and utilization of outpatient services is highest among the institutional residents. Conclusion:The proportion of schizophrenic patients among the Medical aid clients and the cost of service utilization is increasing continually. Therefore the importance of effective policy and management for Sch-MA is also increasing. Especially, the rapid increase in the utilization of admission services and the rapid decrease in the utilization of outpatient services since 1995 which has been observed, may be due to policy factors such as the increase in the number of beds and the prolongation of the duration of service utilization.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소화성궤양 발생 및 재발의 위험인자

        김진주 ( Jin Joo Kim ),김나영 ( Nayoung Kim ),이병환 ( Byoung Hwan Lee ),강정묵 ( Jung Mook Kang ),서평주 ( Pyoung Ju Seo ),임민경 ( Min Kyoung Lim ),권정희 ( Jung Hee Kwon ),송병준 ( Byeong Jun Song ),이정원 ( Jung Won Lee ), 대한소화기학회 2010 대한소화기학회지 Vol.56 No.4

        Background/Aims: Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is one of the common gastrointestinal diseases, and its medical management has been developed so much that the incidence of its serious complications, such as bleeding and perforation, are declining significantly. Its prevalence in Korea is not definitely decreased, probably due to increasing proportion of elderly patients and their rising usage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and aspirins. This study was conducted to identify the risk factors for development and recurrence of peptic ulcer disease in Korea. Methods: From 2003 to 2008, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and detailed personal questionnaires were performed for patients who visited Department of Gastroenterology at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. In total, 475 PUD patients and 335 non-ulcer dyspepsia patients were included. The results of questionnaires and repeated upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at initial diagnosis time and follow-up periods were analyzed. Results: Multivariable analysis showed that male, H. pylori infection, NSAIDs use and smoking were risk factors for the development of PUD. The use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 receptor antagonists has significantly reduced the risk of PUD in patients who had taken NSAIDs and/or aspirins. H. pylori infection was found as the only risk factor for the recurrence of PUD. Conclusions: For the old patients who are taking drugs, such as NSAIDs and aspirins, concomitant use of PPIs or H2 receptor antagonists should be considered to protect from the development of PUD. H. pylori eradication has been confirmed again to be essential for the treatment of PUD patients infected with H. pylori. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2010;56:220-228)

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        중국 여성근로자의 산업보건 실태에 관한 고찰

        문용,고민정,임민경 한국산업위생학회 1998 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        This study reviewed on the occupational health status of female workers in China, where the half of female population are workers in occupational settings and realizes the importance of occupational health among them, to establish the occupational health management system in Korea as Korean female workers have been increasing for the last few decades. Results of the study were as follows. 1. The proportion of female workers in total workers have increased from 7.5% in 1949 up to 37.6% in 1990. As for the distribution of female workers by industry, manufacturing part has the highest proportion of female workers in total and out of total female workers, the rank was health·social welfare (53.2%), community·personal service(45.4%) and agriculture·forestry·fishing(44.1%). 2. The system of occupational health management for female workers was related to superior organization well by administrative district & work place and professionals were distributed to one per ten thousand persons or more, depending on each region's conditions. 3. The regulations of occupational health management for female workers are defined in a variety of fields. Considering the physiological characteristics of female workers, government has tried to minimize the loss due to menstruation, pregnancy, delivery and lactation and has let them have vacations, guaranteeing the health facilities at the same time. Also government has defined the scope of prohibited work to protect legal right of them.

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