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      • KCI등재

        강화 돈대의 현황과 보존·활용 방안 연구 - 시지정 문화재를 중심으로 -

        이화종,이정철 호서고고학회 2023 호서고고학 Vol.- No.54

        Ganghwa Island is located in the area where the Han river meets the West sea in Korea. The area of the island is 305.75㎢ which is the 5th largest island. In Ganghwa Island, a number of cultural heritage are located; one third of nationally or regionally designated cultural heritage are in the island among the designated heritage in Incheon. It means the cultural heritage would be a important resource for the local society. Among the important cultural heritage in the island, Ganghwa Dondae(fortification) is a significant heritage to show the history and culture of the island as a defense facilities surrounding the whole the island. Ganghwa island was a security and safety place for the Joseon Dynasty since the Manchu war of 1636 and place where Joseon faced the western imperialism in the 19th century. In these all historic events, Ganghwa Dondae(fortification) was a significant role to defend the Korean peninsula against the external forces. This paper attempts to suggest the strategies to preserve and use of the value of the Ganghwa Dondae(fortification). For this, academic research and documents of repair and restoration are explored and the present condition of the sites was examined for the 15 sites of Ganghwa Dondae(fortification) including use of the sites. As a result, some issues are identified about the lack of academic investigation and study for the management, authenticity and integrity, management of landscape and use programmes. In order to manage the value of the Ganghwa Dondae(fortification), the first step would be the scientific excavation on the sites to gather information for repair and restoration. It is also expected that the information will be contributed reconsideration for re-designation of the Ganghwa Dondae(fortification) as a serial property. Based on these study and the administrative support will develop the use programmes for the cultural resources as well as Ganghwa Dondae(fortification).

      • KCI등재

        문화적 플랫폼으로서의 대학박물관의 역할 − 영국 University College London Petrie 박물관 사례 −

        이화종 한국대학박물관협회 2019 고문화 Vol.94 No.-

        박물관은 그 발생 이후 사회적 공공기관으로서의 사회적 역할에 대한 중요성이 지속적으로 강조되어 왔으며, 이런 역할과 중요성은 국제박물관협의회(International Council of Museums)의 박물관에 대한 정의에 반영되어 있다. 사회적 공공기관으로서 최근 박물관은 소장품의 연구·수집·전시·교육뿐 아니라 공동체를 위한 문화예술 서비스를 제공하는 기관으로, 소속 사회의 문화적 플랫폼 역할이 강조되고 있다. 이런 박물관의 공동체를 위한 문화적 플랫폼으로서의 사회적 역할은 최근 박물관학에서 등장한 신박물관학(The New Museology) (Vergo, 1989) 혹은 ‘포용적 박물관’의 개념 등에서 확인된다. 대학박물관 역시 이런 새로운 사회적 역할의 수행을 위한 항구적기관이며, 이런 역할의 가장 중요한 이해당사자는 공동체이다. 박물관과 관련 공동체는 지리적인 범위의 지역공동체부터 문화적 정체성을 공유한 문화적 공동체까지 포함하며, 이런 다양한 공동체를 위한 박물관의 역할이 필요하다. 이런 역할을 위해 UCL Petrie 박물관은 대학의 문화서비스인 UCL Culture의 핵심적인 역할을 하고 있으며, 이와는 별도로 Friends of Petrie Museum의 문화적 공동체와 유기적인 관계를 통해 운영되고 있다. UCL Pertie 박물관의 사례는 한국의 대학박물관에 요구되는 문화적 플랫폼으로서의 사회적 역할을 수행할 수 있는 방향을 제시하는 데 고려할 만한 가치가 있다. 21세기의 박물관은 공동체와 분리하여 고려되거나 존재할 수 없다. 보다 폭넓은 공동체에 대한 인식을 통해 대학박물관의 문화적 플랫폼으로서의 역할을 고민하여야 할 때이다. Since emergence of a museum, the importance of the museums for the society as a public institution has been kept addressed. The definition of International Council of Museums shows such importance well. This social role of the museum includes research, exhibition, education as well as cultural service for the communities as cultural platform. In the field of Museum Studies, The New Museology(Vergo,1989) presents this social role of museum very well. Undoubtedly University museum is also an permanent institute for the new social role and highly important stakeholder for the role is a community. In terms of definition of the community, it can be divided into two meaning. Firstly, the group of people who are relevant to the museum geographically such as local communities. The other communities are groups of people who share cultural identity such as interest in the museum collection. UCL Petrie Museum play an role for the both of communities. For the local communities, the museum is an important part of UCL Culture which is cultural service of UCL for the local. In addition, the relationship with Friends of Petrie Museum is important part of management of museum. The case of Petrie museum is worth to consider to make vision of university museums in South Korea. The museums in 21st century including university museum cannot considered without the communities. In order for university museum as a cultural platform, university museum need to extend the conception of communities.

      • KCI등재

        세계유산의 완전성과 진정성을 고려한 서울 암사동 유적의 보존과 활용을 위한 암사초록길 검토

        이화종,김기룡 한국신석기학회 2020 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.39

        Since Seoul Amsadong site was discovered by Great Flooding in 1925, excavation and studies on the sites were conducted in 1970 and 1980s. The site was considered as a significant site for study of Neolithic culture in Korean Peninsular. Withe reopen of the site since 2000s, a verity of fields of study have been carrying out. One of the study would be considering the Seoul Amsadong site as the World Heritage Site. For nomination of World Heritage, the site should have Outstand Universal Value and meet authenticity and integrity. Upon the value of the Seoul Amsadong Site which testifies the human adaption against natural environment in Neolithic Period with riverside settlement for subsistence with fishing and hunter-gathering, the site should be understood as a complex of the settlement and natural environment. It can be said that the Seoul Amsadong Site means the settlement and the cultural landscape incluing Han river. In terms of authnticity and integrity for World Heritage, the Seoul Amsadong Site should be understood with relation with the Han river. The current condition of the site is, however, that the site and river is completely disconnected and sever by Olympic motor way. In order to meet the authenticity and integrity, the Amsa Green Way, which recover the natural environment with connecting the Seould Amsadong Site and the Han rive, would be meaningful attempt. Given the current plan for the project, the location, scale and design should be carefully considered with the value of Amsadong Site.

      • KCI등재

        서울 암사동 유적의 세계유산적 가치 검토

        이화종 한국신석기학회 2023 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.45

        The Amsadong Site, which were discovered as the Great Flood in 1925, is a representative Neolithic site on the Korean Peninsula, and is already designated and protected as a nationally- designated cultural heritage due to their importance and significance. Recently, the value of the Amsadong site has been newly recognized and used as a socio-cultural resource, and preparations for the nomination of World Heritage based on the value and significance of the site. According to research on the Amsadong site, it would be the earliest Neolithic site in the Midwest of the Korean Peninsula, and is a representative site of the Korean Peninsula that shows Neolithic culture that emerged in the process of adapting to a new climate in Holocene. In particular, the pottery culture, which is represented by comb-patterned pottery excavated from the Amsadong Site, is a archaeological evidence that proves the universality of East Asian earthenware culture that changes into a new decoration technique and the process of differentially occurring, changing, developing, and spreading of comb-patterned pottery culture in the Korean Peninsula. In the early study of comb-pattern pottery culture, there was also a study of the diffusionism with Eurasian earthenware culture, but this is time to be reviewed through expanded research through multi-layered space setting including the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. Comparing the value of Amsadong Site with criteria i)-vi), the nomination criteria of iii) and iv) can be met in consideration of differentiated pottery culture, new substance for adaptation to the changing environment, and the formation of settlement villages. However, in order to strategically promote the nomination as a World Heritage Site, it will be necessary to review the development of Neolithic pottires and comb-pattern pottery culture based on a wider space range, including the Korean Peninsula. In particular, for the serial nomination of World Heritage, it is necessary to review the outstanding and universal value through a review of Neolithic sites in the Midwestof the Korean Peninsula. The nomination of World Heritage is an effective way to protect and promote the value of the value of Amsadong Site, and we look forward to continuous efforts for World Heritage sites.

      • KCI등재

        인터페이스 디자인을 위한 그래픽 화면 구성요소

        이화종 한국디자인학회 1998 디자인학연구 Vol.- No.24

        인터페이스 디자인(Interface Design)을 제작하는 디자이너는 그 정보를 사용자 입장에서 쉽고 빠르게 얻을 수 있게하는 기능성과 심미성을 적절히 조합하여 기능성이 강조된 진보적인 인포메이션 디자인(Inforrnation Design)을 하는 것이다. 그러므로 인터페이스 디자인 작업은 디자이너의 입장이 아닌 사용자 입장이어야 하며, 사용자의 'NEED'를 반영하고 충족시키는 정보전달을 최우선 하는 디자인이 되어야 할 것이다. 본 논문은 지금까지 정립되어있지 않은 인터페이스 디자인의 시각적인 화면(Screen Layout) 구성요소 중 필자가 선정한 10가지의 소재(Visual Elements)를, 디자이너의 입장에서 심미성을 치우쳐 시각적인 아름다움을 강조하여 자칫 인터페이스 디자인의 기본되는 기능성을 배제하는 오류를 범하는 상황을 조금이나마 축소할 수 있는 기능성을 찾아보려 한다. As a frontier, the designers of today' s interactive inteIt'ace search for new ways to use technology as a tool of communication design, In interactive projects, the interlace has an important role to play by making it easy for users to get the infolmation they need, Good design makes information visible and manageable, The design goal for an interface is to clarify the information and to communicate with users, Interface designers should consider functionality as well as beautification of screen layouts in their progressive work, In this paper, I take a stnlctured approach to the subject of intcIt'ace study by concentrating on 10 critical elements of screen layout design and case studies of outstanding interface design projects, The reason I focused on these 10 critical interface elements, was to create the design of function and to avoid the mistake of many designers, which was easy to ignore the functionality of interface design to achieve the beautification of screen layouts.

      • KCI등재

        타이틀시퀀스 속에 적용된 이미지와 타이포그래피의 움직임을 통한 감정 표현 연구

        이화종 한국기초조형학회 2009 기초조형학연구 Vol.10 No.3

        The movement of images and typography applied to title sequence are newly created and recreated over and over in these days of the digital surroundings. It shows us that designers can easily make the results of their work in the convenient computer environments. By juxtaposing two elements and describing them together, the combination of images and typography in title sequence goes beyond the technology itself and represents a powerful emotional expression on screen. Dynamic pictures created by the movement of images and typography communicate meaningful messages more strongly to audiences. Especially, the movement of typography placed together well might be the best way of expressing feelings and messages because it has a distinctive feature of written material. This study focuses on finding a solution for designers to use effectively the movement of images and typography in new media, by presenting its historical background and basis and analyzing its way to be applied to title sequence as a effective communication tools of expressing feelings and messages on screen. 오늘날 타이틀시퀀스에 나타나고 있는 이미지와 타이포그래피의 움직임은 디지털 환경 속에서 새롭게 생산되고 재생산되기를 반복하고 있다. 이러한 현상은 디자이너들이 편리한 컴퓨터 환경에서 더욱 손쉽게 결과물을 만들어 낼 수 있게 되었음을 뜻한다. 타이틀시퀀스에서 디지털 이미지와 타이포그래피의 운명적인 만남은 외형적으로 화려하고 테크니컬한 모션그래픽을 넘어 이미지와 타이포그래피의 병치(竝置) 현상에 의해 화면 속에서 감성적 표현을 만들어낸다. 이러한 움직임이 만들어 내는 동적인 화면은 정적인 화면보다 관객들에게 보다 강력하고 손쉽게 함축적인 메시지를 전달하며, 잘 짜여진 타이포그래피의 움직임은 문자 고유의 특성상 직설적이며 가장 효과적인 감성 표현을 위한 최상의 도구로 자리매김하고 있다. 본 논문은 타이틀시퀀스에 적용된 올바른 타이포그래피의 움직임을 분석하고, 관객에게 효과적인 감성 표현의 도구로 메시지 전달을 용이하게 이루어내는 타이포그래피의 움직임에 대한 시대적 배경과 역사적 근거를 제시하고, 뉴미디어 환경에서 디자이너가 효과적이고 감성적인 정보전달의 도구로써 이미지와 타이포그래피의 움직임을 올바르게 사용하는 표현방법을 연구하고자 하였다.

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