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      • KCI등재

        한나 아렌트의 "악의 평범성"을 통한 학교폭력의 본질 탐색

        이혜정 ( Hyei Jung Lee ),송병국 ( Byeong Kug Song ) 한국교육철학회 2015 교육철학 Vol.55 No.-

        School Bullying phenomenon was analyzed base on ``the banality of evil`` of Hannah Arendt in this study. That is, the mechanisms was explored how the banality of evil which was characterized by thoughtlessness and inability of speaking was revealed and the context was analyzed that the banality of evil was emerged by peer culture with pyramid structure of hierarchical arrangement. School bullying was occurred based on pyramid structure of hierarchical arrangement in the classroom and peer group united organically with violence ideology therefore each person show violence - permissive attitude in this process. Pyramid structure of hierarchical arrangement along side force in the classroom was made subject of being upholded and followed for preserving the implicit order and class of force and youth could not sympathy with peer because of youth members` complying with this implicit and immanent order and eliminating thought. As a result of that, the banality of evil was observed in the school bulling phenomenon that is, before Hannah Arendt reported with Eichmann. Youth thought tat they used slang of peer group habitually for expressing intimacy but this phenomenon occurred in the way to obey implicit order including violence ideology and then each person lose their own language and evaded responsibility for school bullying. There is suggestion on the understand about school bulling philosophically and fundamentally in the view of point that the banality of evil through Eichmann was emerged as result that totalitarianism carried out itself to Eichmann and the worst violence of totalitarianism was to eliminate the human plurality. In other words The banality of evil have been already observed in the school bullying phenomenon because neoliberal education policy from 1995 reorganized all of school and have endeavored after making new a desirable human character that utilitarianism was actualized, youth already realized intuitionally that they were not equal anymore and each person were not unique. Class according to the force of members had solid loyalty to the effectiveness and economic feasibility even though it was implicit. Evil of violence was not the state in the absent of will and conscience therefore before emphasizing morality for preventing school bullying Youth have to recover the ability of thinking and speaking in order to realize and communicate themselves. Even though recovering the ability of thinking and speaking cannot raise the morality automatically youth need to perceive attitude of consideration and tolerance though being aware of the human plurality. The very person to make a difference is person who is right there though changing peer culture characterized by hierarchical order and refusing force of accord with it.

      • KCI등재

        유럽연합 기업의 사회적 책임을 위한 거버넌스가 한국기업의 사회공헌활동에 갖는 의미 탐색

        이혜정 ( Hyei Jung Lee ),김민 ( Min Kim ),송병국 ( Byung Kook Song ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2014 유라시아연구 Vol.11 No.4

        This study explores the meaning of building the governance for social contribution activities of companies in Korea through the precedent in EU‘s governance for CSR. Based on the Social Learing theory and Goverment interplay for CSR, the process of building governance for CSR in EU is examined and the implications from the EU case to ocial contribution activities of companies in Korea is suggested. Through the theory by Zadek and government intervention theory for CSR by Moon, CSR was the learning process and solution for social problem which was the result of company activities at the same time among the government, companies and civic organizations on the process which social economical and enviromental problems changed to Social issues. Government has to initiate the governance, the forth agent for performing the new purpose like settlement through CSR while civic organization, company and government itself keeping their own original roles. And based on these theories, perspectives and relationship of three agents which deal with CSR grounded corporation was explained. In case of EU, Issues about environment and labor which caused by activities of companies has been consolidated and some issues related to global management was institutionalized. EU Commission manage CSR issue through the overall system for CSR ‘the European Alliance for CSR’ and ‘European Multistakeholder Forum on CSR’. Even though civil organizations urge that Responsibility of Company has to be CSR has to be regulated but they weigh on companies to accept global standard for CSR. It means that EU Commission and civil organization regard CSR as strategy for solving social problems. While companies participate in the system for CSR initiated by EU Commission and established NGO for CSR. It shows that companies accept CSR as the strategy for sustainability. In Korea social learning level of government, companies and civil organizations related to social contribution activities is managerial stage. Even though they include the plan for social contribution activities in their business mid-term plan but regard social contribution activities as something compulsory. Issue of Social welfare which is targeted in social contribution activities already consolidated. And governace initiated by government and civil organization’s changing attitude for participating in governace are suggested. Building the governance through cooporation among the departments related social contribution activities needs for distributing resource by the public benefit not company’s. And it need for preventing privatization and marketablization of public area. Civic organizations experience the difficulties for finding balance between partnership with companies and government and keeping autonomy. Despite of it, civil organizations have to request companies to perform responsibility to the society through CSR and social contribution activities at the same time seek the collaboration with government and companies. It is not easy of companies in Korea to follow the institutionalized CSR like companies in EU. But companies have to perform the internaional CSR Standard for approaching the global market. Therefore it is the time that companies have to think about perform social contribution activities through governance The important thing is about role and function of new agent, governance. As it was explained in this study this forth agent has to perform the role and function for development of CSR and social contribution activities.

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