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        이하우 한국암각화학회 2014 한국암각화연구 Vol.18 No.-

        한국의 윷놀이는 민족고유의 민속놀이이다. 그런데 윷놀이는 윷판을 이용하는데, 이 윷판이 암각화에 등장하고 있다. 윷판은 청동기시대 무덤인 지석묘 개석과 고구려 적석묘의 무덤돌과 조선시대 民墓의 山祭石에 새겨지고, 사찰, 성곽, 종루 등 건물지 주초석과 산정상 부근의 암반 과 암벽에서 발견되고 있다. 청동기시대 지석묘의 윷판에서 현재의 윷놀이 도판까지 윷판은 수 천년동안 한국인의 우주관과 세계관, 역법체계 및 생활문화에 깊숙하게 자리잡아 왔다. 윷판은 선사 고대에 한반도에서 하늘의 별자리를 관측하고 28개의 별자리를 파악하고, 도형으로 만든 도판을 말한다. 28수 별자리 도형은 고구려 고분벽화의 천정에 그려졌다. 28수 별자리는 중국 前漢代에 매우 중시하였으며, 중국 천문사상과 도불문화가 우리나라에 전래하면서 윷문화를 발 달시켰다. 백제시대에는 공식 명칭이 없어서 저포(樗蒲)라는 중국 명칭을 그대로 사용하였으나, 저포의 놀이판은 윷판이었다. 윷판은 하늘의 별자리를 대지의 산정과 주초석과 무덤에 표시한 것으로 우주질서의 동경, 선경세계를 동경한 나머지 현세와 내세의 공간에 28수의 윷판도형을 조각한 것으로 보인다. 윷판은 하늘의 세계를 이상향으로 꿈꾼 사람들이 28개의 별자리를 새긴 천문도라고 부려지고 있다. 윷판이 민족 고유의 28수천문도, 천체운행도라고 하였으며, 신앙의 대상으로서 사신(柶神)으로 표현하기도 했다. 한국인들은 현실에서나 내세에서나 하늘을 이상향 의 세계로 설정하고 천상의 세계를 꿈꾸고 희구하였음을 보여주는 것이 윷판이다. A Yutpan type petroglyphs is one of petroglyphs that have been found in southern korean Peninsula. Such type is the peroglyphs that hace southern local characteristics, not hacing been found even one in anywhere outside Korean Peninsula. Most of the Petroglyphs, which have been examined until now, are composed of the clusters from one piece to a dozen or more pieces. In comparison, The Sanga Yutpan remains are the biggest remains in Korean Peninsula, which 39 expression things were investigated in the single remains. At the same moment, it is also the biggest in petroglyphs of the World. As the investigation of remains, we found that the Sanga Yutpan remains have the characteristics of an early stage of Yutpan type petroglyphs on the expression thing. In addition, the Sanga Yutpan remains have the meaning in that it is an important evidenxe for cultural communication that was remained in Imsil as an ancient traffic route. So, the Sanga Yutpan remains may imply the function of Imsil as the petroglyps route. With this investigation, the culrtural academic research on a game of Yut is urgently needed, which has been passing down as archaeological data, art historic data and playing function. It has to be approached for studying values of the Yutpan type petroglyphs as human cultures un a board sense. Also the Sanga Yutpan remains have to be used well for preserving and protecting the remains. In terms of urilizing for preservation, this author thinks as follos: First, the government can so hold a national contezt that Imsil can hava a chance to develop as a hub of plying Yut culture. Second, focusing on the Sanga Yutpan remains, the government can start to make an effort for registerng plying Yut in UNESCO World Heritage in Imsil. For achiening these targets, the Sanga Yutpan remains have to be designated as cultural treasure and the relevant research institute will be established. So we suggest Imsil may take firstly for registering it in World Heritage.

      • 한국 윷판형 바위그림 연구 - 방위각을 중심으로 -

        이하우 한국암각화학회 2004 한국암각화연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The Yootpan-type Petroglyphs which consists of 29cupmarks is unique Petroglyphs that only found in Korea. There are about 90 Yootpan-type Petroglyphs found in 30 different regions in S. Korea. Since the number is only from the S. Korea it is expected that more of them could be found in North Korea such as northen region Jian, Usanha in China, if any search could be carried into operation. The Yootpan Petroglyphs is a picture of shape of the seven stars of the Big Dipper which has cycle movement that goes around of the North Polar star. The seven stars of the Big Dipper which goes around of the North Polar star locate at fixed 4 each very position of 4 season at particular period of time in different time of a day. The drawers of the Yootpan-type Petroglyphs knew such a rule as locaton of the seven stars of the Big Dipper and changes of the season have a same mechanism and they are very definte. The cross shape azimuthangle has been searched to be proved that they made the Yootpan-shape Petroglyphs In order to prove it exactly and to use it to know in advance. One thing particular is the Yootpan-type Petroglyphs has been found from cornerstones of old structures in 4 different regions. Perhaps if assume a structure is reduced form of universe, then it is certain that it is another kind of symbol that something included in the Yootpan-type Petroglyphs, although it is thinkable that the meaning is carved into the Yootpan-type. It is tried as a methodology to understand the character of the picture. The probability of its understanding as a different azimuthangle, and first and last of manufacture is left in order to be an assignment.

      • KCI등재후보

        천전리각석의 관점에서 보는 유라시아 마름모꼴 문양의 상징과 의미

        이하우 한국유라시아연구원 2023 유라시아문화 Vol.8 No.-

        This study began with some questions related to the establishment and symbolism of diamond-shaped(rhombus) patterns, which are balanced shapes, among geometries. In particular, the focus was on examining who was the subject of the production. The diamond-shaped pattern symbolizes the nature of life's birth, and its origin can be seen as a pattern reminiscent of the shape of a woman's lower abdomen. In this article, we tried to examine the pattern expressed in a large space called Eurasia. Geometric patterns frequently appeared at a high level in the west of Eurasia, but in Central and East Asia to the east of the Ural Mountains, they appear quite restrained or in abstract form. The background of such a phenomenon is that the formative development process was different, and it seems that it was all due to differences in the way of living and environment. However, it is noteworthy that such a geometric pattern suddenly appears in earnest in Cheonjeon-ri, Korea. It is an overly simplified explanation to interpret the diamond-shaped character only as a symbol of women. In this article, it was pointed out that among the fundamental backgrounds of the formation of diamond-shaped patterns and symbols, the settlement life of the Neolithic period could be a cause factor. In other words, in a society where women's leading role as the actual protagonist of settlement life is recognized, the pattern could have developed into a symbolic image representing the times as women became the subject of producing diamond-shaped patterns. From this point of view, I would like to infer the date of appearance of the geometric patterns of Cheonjeon-ri Petroglyphs to the Neolithic period.

      • 한국 암각화의 파급 경로에 대하여

        이하우 한국암각화학회 2021 한국암각화연구 Vol.25 No.-

        1970년의 첫 발견에 이어, 긴 시간 동안 우리 암각화 연구는 크게 발전해 왔다고 할 수 있다. 암각화 양적인 부분에서부터 연구의 질적 문제에 이르기까지 상당한 업적을 쌓아 왔다. 그동안 조 사된 암각화 유적은 그 분포상태가 암시하고 있는 대략적인 의미까지도 살펴볼 수 있는 수준에 이 르렀다. 38개로 집계되는 암각화 유적의 분포도를 보면, 그 대부분은 일정하게 나타난 경로상의 흐름과 같은 것을 찾아볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 그러한 분포도, 위치가 말하는 것처럼 한국 암각화가 어디에서 시작하여 어떻게 이동하면서 발전하였는가 하는 전반의 면모를 살펴보고자 한다. 그것은 일차적으로 한국 암각화의 전파 또는 이동 경로의 양상과 같은 것이다. 현시점에서 바라보는 암각화의 전파 또는 파급하여 가는 경로는 한반도 동쪽에서 시작하여 서 쪽으로 진행하고 있다. 그리고 그곳에서 북상하여 확산해가는 현상을 그려볼 수 있게 한다. 따라서 한국 암각화의 루트를 살펴보고자 하는 본 연구는 그 자체로서 의미는 그렇게 크지 않을 수도 있 겠지만, 이러한 연구를 통하여 이어지는 암각화의 연구는 물론, 암각화의 전파를 통하여 야기되는 또 다른 문화현상의 전개를 이해함에 있어서 하나의 방향타와 같은 무엇을 찾아볼 수도 있을 거라 는 기대가 있다. 그런 의미에서 문화전파, 그 경로를 다투어보고 싶은 것이다. Since the discovery of the 1970s, research on Korean petroglyphs has developed significantly over a l ong period of time. From the number of p etroglyphs to the qualitative part, it has made significant achievements. According to the remains of the petroglyphs investigated so far, t he o verall n ature of t he d istribution status h as n ow reached a point where it can look at the approximate meaning. Looking at the d istribution of 38 remains, most of t hem s how the same t hing a s a steady path f low. Therefore, this study sought to examine the distribution map, as its location suggests, where and how Korean petroglyphs developed as they moved, and the path of Korean petroglyphs. Research on the propagation route, or ripple route of petroglyphs viewed at this point allows us to draw a model that moves from the east of the Korean Peninsula to the west, and that moves northward from there. Therefore, the study, which seeks to examine the root of Korean rock art, may not have much meaning in itself. However, through this study, i t is h oped that there will be a k ind of rudd er i n developing another cultural phenomenon caused by Korean petroglyphs and the propagation of petroglyphs, and in that sense, the purpose of the study is to deal with a kind of cultural propagation and its path.


        뇌 동맥류를 동반한 Takayasu's Arteritis 1례 : 증례 보고 Case Report

        이하우,홍순기,한용표,허철,김헌주 대한신경외과학회 1992 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.21 No.5

        A Case of Takayasu's arteritis associated with intracranial aneurysm is described. We discussed the clinical features, radiologic findings of the case, and reviewed the literatures of this disease entity.

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