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        문신에 대한 한국인의 인식

        이상훈 ( Sang-hoon Lee ),이충혁 ( Chung Hyeok Lee ),김정수 ( Joung Soo Kim ),박미연 ( Mi Youn Park ),정찬우 ( Chan Woo Jeong ),이상준 ( Sang Jun Lee ),최응호 ( Eung Ho Choi ) 대한피부과학회 2021 대한피부과학회지 Vol.59 No.1

        Background: Increasing numbers of individuals are getting tattoos in recent times; however, the possible adverse effects of tattoos performed by non-medical practitioners are often overlooked. Limited information is available regarding the actual numbers of individuals getting tattoos and the perception regarding tattoos in the general population. Objective: We investigated the prevalence of tattoos and public perception of tattoos. Methods: Between August and September 2019, we performed a questionnaire survey that included 1,000 individuals aged ≥20 years. Results: Among the 1,000 participants in this survey, 370 (37%) had received a tattoo; the number of participants with cosmetic tattoos (68.4%) was nearly 2-fold higher than the number of participants with body tattoos (31.6%). The most common motivation for getting a tattoo was “for beauty” (44.9%), followed by “convenience of make-up” (34.1%), and “recommendation from friends or others” (14.6%). In the tattoo-related satisfaction category, information regarding injected dye-induced adverse effects, facility hygiene, and pre-allergy testing were commonly rated as unsatisfactory by respondents. Only 322 (32.2%) participants were aware that semi-permanent tattoos could not be erased. Furthermore, 780 (78.0%) participants had a negative impression regarding body tattoos, and 844 (84.4%) participants preferred to get tattoos at specialized medical institutions based on the national regulations to minimize possible tattoo-induced adverse effects. Conclusion: This study confirmed that a relatively large number of individuals had received tattoos but had a negative impression regarding this procedure. Educational and institutional management for public safety are necessary owing to a lack of awareness regarding tattoos and tattoo-related safety. (Korean J Dermatol 2021;59(1): 15∼24)

      • 뇌동맥 혈관조영 CT검사 시 조영제 정맥주사 위치에 따른 목정맥 역주행 현상 분석과 역주행 감소방법에 관한 고찰

        김현진(Hyun Jin Kim),정하붕(Ha Boong Jung),김종필(Jong Pil Kim),유봉헌(Bong Heon Yu),오동찬(Dong Chan O),이충혁(Chung Hyeok Lee),홍문기(Mun Gi Hong) 대한CT영상기술학회 2015 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        목적 : 뇌동맥 혈관조영 CT 검사에서 경동맥(CCA. Common Carotid artery)이 아닌 목정맥(Jugular Vein)으로 조영 증강이 되는 조영제 역주행 현상이 발생되곤 하며, 이는 재검사의 증가와 영상품질 저하의 주요 요인으로 작용하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 정맥주사(I.V) 위치에 따른 역주행발생 확률의 차이를 분석하고 나아가 역주행현상의 발생 감소방법에 대하여 고찰하는데 목적을 두었다. 대상 및 방법 : 2010년 01월부터 2012년 12월까지 본원에서 뇌동맥 혈관조영 CT검사를 시행한 환자 409명을 대상으로 조영제 역주행 현상의 발생 유무를 역행적 비교조사를 통해 분석하였다. 또한 분석된 조사결과에 따라 한 쪽 팔만을 선택하여 I.V위치를 고정하는 방법을 업무지침으로 반영시킨 후 2013년 03월부터 역주행 발생 감소 여부에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 결과 : I.V 위치에 따른 조영제 역주행 현상은 총 409명중 146명의 환자에게서 발생하였고, 오른쪽 팔 I.V가 42건으로 28.77%, 왼쪽 팔 I.V가 104건으로 71.23%의 비율을 보였다. 또한 새로운 업무지침을 반영한 오른쪽 팔 고정 I.V를 시행한 결과로 총 100명의 환자 중 16건(16%)의 역주행이 발생하여, 업무지침 반영 전의 발생확률 35%에 비하여, 19% 감소하였다. 결론 : 뇌동맥 혈관조영 CT검사 시 조영제 역주행현상 발생 비율은 오른쪽 팔에 I.V했을 때 상대적으로 왼쪽 팔 I.V때 보다 역주행 현상의 발생이 낮게 분석되었다. 이에 무작위로 선택되었던 조영제 I.V 위치를 오른쪽으로 고정하여 검사를 진행한다면 기존의 역주행 발생활률 대비 약 2배 정도 조영제 역주행 발생 감소효과를 얻을 수 있으며, 나아가 재검사율 감소와 작업시간 단축, 영상품질 향상에 유용할 것으로 사료된다. Introduction : In brain artery angiography CT, not the common carotid artery but the jugular vein enhanced media can be occurs, and if it repeats, it can be the main cause of the degradation of its image quality. So in this study, analyze the different site of the retrogression (I.V) and further, find the method to reduce retrogression effects. Material & Method : From 01, 2010 to 12, 2012 at our hospital, we did a F/U from 18 patients who did brain artery angiography CT scan regardless of 409 patients. And we analyze research to find effects which cause decrease retrogression. After we fixed our guideline to fix the I.V to only one hand side in 2013, retrogression rate became decreased. Results : Retrogression effects from the different site of I.V effects on 146 patients out of 409 patients. and it is expected to be 104 patients which is 71.23% from left arm IV and 42 patients which is 28.77% from right arm I.V. By following the new guideline which is to fix the right arm I.V. there were a row of sprinting from 16 patients out of 100 patients. So that’s means it decrease 19.70% compare to reflection of the guideline.(that were 35.70%) Conclusion : It shows that right arm I.V brain artery angiography CT has less retrogression ratios than left arm I.V brain artery angiography CT. Before, we were chose the site of the I.V randomly. So if we fix the site by right side, it can reduce the retrogression by twice ( or 20% of reduce). And further, it can reduce the repeated ration and reduce working time, useful to prevent reducing image quality.

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