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      • KCI등재

        지목분류체계에 관한 연구

        이춘원,김진,Lee, Choon-Won,Kim, Jin 한국국토정보공사 공간정보연구원 2015 지적과 국토정보 Vol.45 No.1

        과거에는 토지 분류의 목적이 단순히 과세를 위한 기초자료로 이용되는 측면에 그쳤으나, 오늘날에는 과세자료로 제공되는 측면이외에도 행정업무를 비롯한 국토계획, 토지의 개발, 도시정비 등에서는 물론이고 토지의 사법상 거래에서도 중요한 참고자료로 활용되고 있으며, 향후에 그 기능을 더욱 확대할 것으로 예상된다. 지목의 기능을 확대하려면, 수요적인 측면에서 지목이 현실적으로 적용되는 개별법령의 시각에서 지목의 분류를 다시 생각해 볼 필요가 있다. 현실지목과 공부상 지목의 불일치를 해소하기 위해서는 현실적인 토지의 사용현황을 조사하여 공부에 정확히 반영하는 것이 궁극적인 해결방법이지만, 이와 더불어 각종 토지관련 규제법에서 토지에 대한 독자적인 분류체계를 취하는 것을 통일하여 국민의 혼선을 방지하는 것이 필요하다. 또한 현행법상 서로 다른 지목이더라도 행정상 동일한 규제를 한다면, 같은 유형의 지목에 포함시킬 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서 통합지적법상 지목의 분류를 다른 토지 규제 법률과 체계상 정합성을 가지도록 새로운 분류체계를 마련하는 것을 제안하였다. In the past, the main function of land use categorization was merely used for basic data for taxation purpose, but recently land use categorization is used as important reference data in various ways, including administrative affairs, national land plan, land development, city maintenance as well as private transactions of land, in addition to the provision for assessment data. In the future, it can be expected to broaden its own functions. For expansion of the function of land use, we need to reconsider categories of land use from a perspective of individual laws and regulations actually regulating land use from a perspective of demand. In order to resolve any discrepancy between actual land use and land use on official books, the ultimate method of resolution is to study the current state of actual use of land and reflect them on official books, but it is also necessary to prevent any confusion of national people by unifying various categories of land adopted by the regulatory acts related to land. In addition, if the same administrative regulations are applied to different land use under the current laws, it is necessary to include them in the land of the same category. This study proposes to establish a new category for securing systematic consistency of the current categories of land use under the integrated cadastral act with other land laws and regulations.

      • KCI등재

        독일법상의 경계확정소송

        이춘원,Lee, Choon-Won 한국국토정보공사 공간정보연구원 2014 지적과 국토정보 Vol.44 No.1

        '토지의 경계에 관한 소송'에 관하여 우리나라 법에는 규정이 없다. 따라서 그 성질, 소송요건, 판단기준 등에 있어서 학설상 논란이 되고 있으며, 향후 이에 관한 법률규정 마련이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 이에 관한 규정이 완비된 다른 나라의 법률을 비교법적으로 고찰할 필요성이 있다. 본 고에서는 그 첫 번째 작업으로서 로마법 및 중세법 등의 경계확정소송의 연혁을 살펴보고, 나아가 경계확정소송에 대한 법률규정이 비교적 완비된 독일법을 소개한다. 독일법에서는 통상의 소유권 소송과는 별도로, 경계의 입증곤란 혹은 불능을 전제로 하여, 인접 토지의 소유권 분쟁이라고 하는 특수한 장소를 고려한 소송절차로서 경계소송을 규정하고 있다. 이 소송은 1차적으로 진정한 경계를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 하고, 이것이 불가능한 경우에 독일민법(BGB) 제920조의 법정 기준에 따라서 경계를 재량으로 창설한다. 이는 '본래 있는 경계의 발견'만이 아니고, 판결에 의하여 토지소유권의 범위의 창설이 인정되는 것이다. 양자는 법원의 판단작용에서 서로 다른 것이지만, 이 양자를 하나로 포섭한 것이 독일의 경계확정소송이다. 우리 법제에서도 이러한 생각을 참고로 하여 서로 다른 2가지 판단작용을 하나의 소송유형 속에 포함시키는 이론 구성이 필요하다. There is no provision regarding the 'litigation on land boundary' under the Korean laws. Therefore, there are disputes in theory with respect to its nature, requirements for litigation, criteria for determination, etc., and it is necessary to establish the provisions of the law on this issue in the future. For this legislation, it is necessary to conduct a comparative consideration on laws of other countries which have completed the relevant provisions. This study, as a first step, researches a history of litigation for determination of boundary under the Roman law and medieval law, and furthermore introduces the German law which has relatively completed legal provisions on litigation for determination of boundary. In addition to common ownership litigation, the German law has established a provision on litigation for boundary as a judicial procedure considering a special place, called as a dispute on ownership of adjacent land, on the assumption that it is difficult or impossible to prove the boundary. The primary purpose of this litigation is to clarify a true boundary, and if such clarification is impossible, a boundary is discretionally created in accordance with the statutory standards under Article 920 of the German Civil Act (BGB). It means creation of the scope of land ownership by operation of decision, not only by the 'discovery of original boundary'. Both cases are different from each other in the aspect of judicial decision, but embracing them into one is a lawsuit for determination of boundary under the German law. Under the Korean legislation, it is necessary to make a theory containing two different criteria for determination into a single type of litigation, considering such aspects.

      • KCI등재

        외국어로 된 약관의 규제에 대한 소고

        이춘원(Lee, Choon Won) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2009 성균관법학 Vol.21 No.3

        Along with the trend of active globalization today, more and more transactions between different countries take place where the mother tongue languages between the companies and consumers differ from each other, resulting in the preparation of agreements in a language that is other than the mother tongue language of the consumers. In particular, as the foreign companies without any separate entity in Korea usually induce the execution of agreements by referring to the clauses in their mother tongue languages, the question of whether such clauses in foreign languages may form a part of the agreement shall be given consideration, while another question rises when a foreigner executes an agreement in Korea, the language used in the clauses would not be the mother tongue for such party to the agreement, and hence there would be difficulties in easily understanding the content of such clauses. In this line, the issue of how to protect consumers from the clauses prepared in a language other than the mother tongue of such consumers shall be given consideration. In this study, the regulation by the Control Act on General Clauses of Korea shall be closely considered by referring to how such issues are dealt in Anglo-American law and German law. In Anglo-American law, there is a basic legal principle of respecting signature, whereas in principle, the customer trading with a company is deemed to bear the risk from the language in case of agreements in foreign languages which may have been evolved from the individualism that flows throughout Anglo-American law, although there are some exceptions. In comparison, the precedents before the enactment of the Control Act on General Clauses in Germany were composed in the direction of protecting its own nationals with the influence of nationalism. Yet, after the enactment of the Control Act on General Clauses, at the execution of agreement in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Control Act on General Clauses, the direction has taken its turn to the issue of whether the designation of statement (or in some cases, notice) and the pre-requisite on the possibility of recognizing the content of the clauses is satisfied, resulting in the designation in accordance with the language in negotiation and the preparation of clauses in the same language was requested in principle. Provided however, while this legal principle is neutralized over the trades between commercial parties, such neutralization is limited to the use of foreign languages, and therefore, may be applied to all other cases. On the other hand, the Control Act on General Clauses of Korea does not provide any provisions over the control of clauses in foreign languages. However, in the revision of the Control Act on General Clauses on August 3, 2007, Article 3, Paragraph 1 was newly inserted, where it was provided that the clauses were mandated to be prepared in Korea, yet it is very difficult to consider this as a provision to regulate the clauses in foreign languages. Therefore, not only the clauses prepared by the foreign company in foreign languages, but whether the clauses prepared by the Korean domestic company in foreign language also forms a part of the agreement shall be determined by whether the requisites under Article 3, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Control Act on General Clauses are satisfied or not. Considering Article 3, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Control Act on General Clauses, in order to permit the clauses to form a part of an agreement, "the contents of the clauses shall be stated to the customers in generally expected method in accordance with the type of agreement", while "copies of the said clauses shall be provided to the customers in accordance with the requests of the customers" and "significant details shall be fully explained to the customers for their understanding." In relation to the statement of clauses, the term "statement" is provided where "the company shall permit his/her customers

      • KCI등재

        학술발표회(學術發表會) 논문(論文) : 예부선 상황에서의 충돌에 관한 몇 가지 문제점

        이춘원 ( Choon Won Lee ) 한국해법학회 2007 韓國海法學會誌 Vol.29 No.1

        영국 대법원의 Devonshire 판결과 우리 대법원의 혜성호ㆍ스텔라호 판결을 관통하는 법리에 의하면 예선열일체의 원칙은 부인되어야 한다. 예인선 및 피예인선은 손해배상책임의 문제와 관련하여 완전히 별개의 선박으로 처리되어야 하는 것이다. 첫째, 예인선의 불법행위에 대하여 피예인선이 법률상 책임을 부담하는지 여부는 피예인선이 예인선을 지휘ㆍ감독할 권한 및 의무가 있는가의 기준에 따라 개별적으로 판단되어야 한다. 둘째, 만일 예인선이 자신의 고유한 의무를 위반하였거나 예인선에 대한 지휘ㆍ감독 의무를 위반하였다고 가정하더라도, 책임제한절차에서 두 선박을 일체로 취급할 근거는 없다. 특히, 예인선의 책임제한금액은 예인선의 톤수만을 기준으로 계산되어야 하고, 여기에 피예인선의 톤수가 포함될 수는 없다. We do not believe that the theory of identification between the tug and tow can be accepted any longer, considering the rulings of the Devonshire by the House of Lords in the UK and the Hyesung c/w the Stellar by the Korean Supreme Court. Following these rulings, the tug and tow should be treated as being an entirely separate vessel in relation to the liability issue. Firstly, whether the tow will be liable for the negligence of the tug should be determined case-by-case depending on the fact whether the tow has/assumes the right/obligation to control or supervise the tug. Secondly, even assuming that the tow is in breach of its own obligation or the obligation of control/supervision of the tug, there is no ground to treat both vessels as being one in the global limitation proceedings. In particular, the limitation amount of the tug should be calculated only based on its own tonnage, not including the tonnage of the tow.

      • KCI등재후보

        공유토지 분할에 관한 특례법의 개선방향:

        이춘원(Lee, Choon-Won) 한국부동산법학회 2018 不動産法學 Vol.22 No.2

        When a housing company sells an apartment lot, there are many cases in which a kindergarten neighboring the complex and neighborhood living facilities are sold together. Those who buy the lot of a kindergarten usually buy the site as well as the building, and the entire site of the apartment including the site of the kindergarten is often registered as a shared stake in the register. However, in reality, those who have bought the lot of a apartment and those who have bought the lot of a kindergarten do not have a common relationship for sharing the land, and such situation causes inconvenience to each other due to the land-related administrative processes as well as the meaningless conflicts of interests. The fee burden is heavy when a cadastral record or a real estate register for the applicable site needs to be inspected or copied, and a transaction price for this kind of site is lower than those of the land in the neighboring area, which results in property disadvantage. In addition, if a kindergarten is renovated or newly constructed because the kindergarten has been built for a long time, it is necessary to obtain the consent of all partitioned owners. In case of large apartments, it is virtually impossible to obtain the consent of all partitioned owners, and thus new construction or renovation is extremely difficult. A kindergarten and other sites are composed of one parcel with the apartment land, but the boundaries of the ground are clearly divided. However, the owners of the kindergartens, etc. have no benefit to share the apartment land with the owners of apartments, and have strong needs to divide it. The reason why kindergarten sites, etc., were shared with the apartment site is that the private housing companies in the past have sold the houses conveniently by avoiding the partition registration procedure. Inconsistency between the actual use of land and the registration is a fundamental cause for shaking the ‘function of the real property registry as a disclosure system , and unnecessary registration of co-owned shares is hindering efficiency in national land development, urban maintenance, and tax administration. Therefore, resolving such inconsistency from the actual situation is necessary not only for the protection of the interests of the right holder but also for the restoration of the function of a registry as a disclosure system, and for the administrative enforcement, such as national land development. However, in case that common-ownership has been already registered, it is necessary to divide the common property in the Civil Code, in which case the partition of the common property requires the participation of all partitioned owner. Therefore, if there are many common-owners, it is actually difficult to divide it. Considering these circumstances, for quickly and easily arranging the unnecessary common-ownership relationship on the land, the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Partition of Co-Owned Lands has been implemented as a type of a law in force only for a limited period of time over several times, but the unnecessary common-ownership relationship on the land has not been clarified yet. In this regard, this study reviewed the problems and the improvement points of the application of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Partition of Co-Owned Lands, which has been implemented over several times and is still implemented as a type of a law in force only for a limited period of time, and then proposed the improvement points. 주택사업자가 아파트를 분양하는 경우에 그 단지와 인접한 유치원, 근린생활시설 등을 함께 분양하는 경우가 있다. 유치원 등의 수분양자는 건물과 함께 그 부지를 분양받는데, 등기부에는 유치원 부지를 포함한 아파트 대지 전체에 대하여 공유지분으로 등기되는 경우가 종종 있다. 그런데 현실적으로 아파트를 분양받은 사람들과 유치원을 분양받은 사람은 대지를 함 께 공유하여야 할 공동관계가 전혀 없으며, 토지관련 행정 처리는 물론이고 상호간에 의미 없는 이해관계의 충돌로 서로에게 불편을 초래할 뿐이다. 해당토지에 대한 지적공부나 등기부를 열람하거나 등본을 발급받을 경우에 수수료를 많이 부담하며, 인근 지역의 토지에 비하여 가격이 낮아 재산상 불이익을 받는다. 또 유치원 건물의 개축 또는 신축하는 경우에 모든 구 분소유자의 동의를 받아야 하는데, 규모가 큰 아파트의 경우에는 동의를 받는 것이 사실상 불 가능하여 신축이나 개축이 어려운 상황이다. 유치원 등의 부지와 아파트 대지가 1필지로 되어 있더라도, 지상 경계는 명확하게 구분되어 있다. 아파트 구분소유자들이 아파트 대지를 함께 공유하는 것은 당연하지만, 유치원 등의 소유자는 아파트 구분소유자들과 함께 토지를 공유할 실익이 전혀 없다. 유치원 부지 등이 아파트 대지와 함께 1필지로 된 것은 과거 민간 주택사업자들이 분할등기 절차를 피하여 편의적 으로 주택을 분양한 것에 기인한다. 토지의 실제 사용현황과 등기의 불일치는 ‘공시제도로서 부동산 등기의 기능’을 근본적으로 동요시키는 원인이 되며, 불필요한 공유지분 등기는 국가의 국토개발, 도시정비, 조세행정 등에서 효율성을 저해하고 있다. 따라서 이와 같이 현실과 불일치하는 공유형태의 해소는 그 권리자 보호뿐만 아니라 공시 제도로서 등기부의 기능회복, 나아가 국가의 국토개발 등 행정 집행을 위해서도 필요하다. 그러나 이미 공유등기가 된 경우에는 민법상 공유물 분할로 정리하여야 하는데, 민법상 공유물 분할은 공유자 전원이 참여하여야하며 공유자 수가 많으면 현실적으로 분할이 어렵다. 이러한 사정을 감안하여 신속하고 간편하게 토지에 대한 불필요한 공유관계를 정리하기 위하여 ‘공유토지분할에 관한 특례법을 한시법의 형태로 제정하여 수차례 시행하였지만, 여전히 토지에 대한 불필요한 공유관계는 정리되고 있지 못한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 그동안 수차례 시행되었고 지금도 한시법의 형태로 시행되고 있는 ‘공유토지분할에 관한 특례법’의 적용상 문제점을 검토하고 개선점을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        농지 관리 법제의 동향과 개선 과제

        이춘원 ( Lee Choon-won ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2017 고려법학 Vol.0 No.84

        과거 농경중심의 사회에서 농지는 생산의 원천으로서 매우 중요하였기 때문에, 농지의 소유 및 이용에 있어서 법적인 규제는 매우 강하였다. 그러나 산업구조가 변화하고 세계 경제가 급변하는 오늘날, 국가경쟁력의 제고라는 측면에서 국토의 효율적 이용 및 관리를 위한 국토의 역할에 대해서 다시금 검토하여야 하는 상황이다. 지금까지 우리나라 농지규제는 농업을 보호하고 지원한다는 명분하에 농지의 양적인 보존 및 농업의 양적인 확대 정책을 목적으로 하는 것이었다. 그러나 산업구조나 취업구조상 농업의 비중이 급격하게 감소되는 상황에서 농지의 양적 보존에만 급급한 농지규제는 농업생산성을 저하시키고 토지이용의 효율성을 저해할 수 있다. 농지 문제는 농업생산의 문제에서 끝나는 것이 아니라, 농촌의 토지 이용 나아가 전체적인 국토 이용 및 관리의 비효율 문제로 직결될 우려가 있는 것이다. 최근 정책기조가 농업 중심에서 농촌 중심으로 전환되고 있다. 그동안 농업 생산성에 집중되었던 정책적 관심이 영농인의 복지, 농촌지역 활성화 등으로 확대되고 있는 것이다. 이와 같은 중대한 정책 환경의 변화에 따라 농지를 활용한 국토이용의 효율화 방안에 대해서 보다 심도 있게 논의해야 할 필요성이 있게 되었다. 농지가 가지는 식량생산의 중요성을 간과해서는 안되지만, 국가의 발전을 위해서 효율적이고 합리적인 방법으로 경제활동을 할 수 있는 농지의 활용방안이 강구되어야 할 것이다. 농지규제는 기본적으로 정부의 농업정책 패러다임의 연장선상에 있다. 농지에 대한 관리는 `국토의 활용`과 `영농`이라는 2가지 관점에서 보아야 한다. 국토의 활용이라는 관점에서는 `도시적 활용`과 `농촌적 활용`의 조정이 문제된다. 이는 `농지전용(Diversion of Farmland)으로 지역산업을 육성하여 지역경제를 활성화하고 최종적으로 국민경제성장`과 `농업을 보호하여 식량자원의 확보`라는 2가지 목적간의 갈등이 야기될 소지가 있다. 영농이라는 관점에서 농지의 `소유`와 `이용`사이의 조절이 필요하다. 농지의 효율적인 이용을 막는 제약요인으로서 수익 지가(地價)와 실세지가 간의 괴리, 구조개선의 제약, 임대차의 확대, 이용주체들 간의 갈등, 지역자원 유실 등의 문제가 거론된다. 농지규제는 농업만의 문제가 아니라 국가 및 지방정부의 산업정책과도 깊은 관련을 가진다. 지속적이고도 급속한 농가인구 감소로 인해 농가 1호당 경지면적은 지속적으로 증가했음에도 불구하고 농가소득의 수준은 점차 도시지역에 비해 상대적으로 악화되어 가고 있다. 경쟁력이 떨어지는 농사를 지속할 이유가 없어 경작을 포기함에 따라 유휴 농지는 점차 증가하고 있다. 국토계획체계와 관련하여, 계획적이고 종합적인 관리를 위해 `국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률(National Land Planning and Utilization Act)`이라는 단일법 체계로 전환을 꾀하였지만, 여전히 중복되는 법규의 문제로 농지의 효율적 관리기능이 미흡하다. 본 연구에서는 현재 논의되는 농지 관련 정책 및 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률, 농지법, 농어촌 정비법에서의 농지관련 규제를 살펴보고, 국토의 효율적 활용이라는 점에서 이를 극복할 수 있는 방안을 모색하였다. In the past agro-centered society, since farmland was very important as a source of production, legal restrictions on the possession and use of farmland were very strong. However, as the industrial structure has been changed and the global economy has been rapidly changed, it is necessary to review the role of the national territory for the efficient use and management of the national country in terms of enhancing national competitiveness. So far, the Korea`s agricultural regulations have been aimed at the quantitative conservation of farmland and the quantitative expansion of agriculture for protecting and supporting agriculture. However, in the situation where the proportion of agriculture is drastically reduced due to industrial structure and employment structure, farmland regulation, which has been limited only to the quantitative preservation of farmland, may deteriorate agricultural productivity and deteriorate efficiency of land use. The problem of farmland does not end with the problem of agricultural production, but it is directly connected with the inefficiency of the land use in rural areas as well as the overall land use and management. Recently, the policy trend is shifting from agricultural business to rural areas. The policy interest that has been focused on agricultural productivity has been expanding to welfare of farmer and the activation of rural area. As the policy environment has been significantly changed, it became necessary to discuss the efficiency of land use utilizing farmland more in depth. Although the importance of food production in farmland should not be overlooked, it is necessary to find out ways to utilize farmland for economic activities in an efficient and rational way for the development of the country. A regulation on farmland is basically an extension of the government`s agricultural policy paradigm. The management of farmland should be viewed from two viewpoints: `utilization of the land` and `farming`. From the perspective of utilization of the land, it is problematic to adjust `urban utilization` and `rural utilization`. This may lead to conflicts between the two objectives of `revitalizing the local economy and ultimately growing the national economy by promoting the local industry based in the diversion of farmland` and `securing food resources by protecting agricultural industry From the perspective of farming, it is necessary to control between "ownership" and "utilization" of farmland. As a constraint to prevent the efficient use of farmland, the problems such as gap between profit land value and actual land value, restraint of structural improvement, expansion of lease, conflict between users and loss of local resources are pointed out. Farmland regulation is not only a matter of agriculture but also of industrial policy of national and local governments. Despite the stead increase of the land area per farm household due to the continuous and rapid decrease of farm household population, the level of farm household income is gradually getting worse than that of urban area. Idle farmland is steadily increasing because farm households have no reason to continue uncompetitive farming and thus give up farming. Although it attempted to convert into a single legal system of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act for the planned and comprehensive management of the national land planning system, the efficiency of the management function remains insufficient due to the problem of overlapping regulations. In this study, I examine the agricultural land related policies and the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, the Farmland Act and the Rearrangement of Agricultural and Fishing Villages Act, and then find out a plan for overcoming problems from the perspective of the efficient utilization of national land.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 경매에 있어서 유치권의 효력 범위에 관한 연구

        이춘원(Lee, Choon Won) 한국부동산학회 2010 不動産學報 Vol.43 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVE Even though a lien under law has only effect of retention, the civil execution act takes on abernahmeprinzip with respect to a lien and thus practically, in the procedure of payment, a lien takes priority over a mortgage which was established before such lien. In order words, even though a lien was established against any object to be executed in the civil execution procedure, a mortgagee or other common creditor has no any restriction on execution of real property, but cannot take over real property obtained by a successful bid auction. Therefore, since it is equivalent to the effect of recognition of a lien holders as having top priority right of payment, a mortgagee who has pre-established security, or a creditor who has made a provisional attachment or attachment may encounter unexpected loss. In other to prevent such loss or damage, it is necessary to limit counterforce of a lien. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study conduct a research in a method of legal interpretation theory through literature investigation and case analysis. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The reason that the civil execution law has adopted 'abernahmeprinzip' might be because it kept in mind in the concept of a lien as receivable increasing value of property. Therefore, it is necessary to take a different position on 'receivable embodying exchange value of property itself. In order words, since receivable for construction payment might contribute to the increase of the value of retained property, such receivable need to have a priority over pre-established mortgagee. However, since a lien for any receivable embodying exchange value, such as a right to claim a return of payment, has a similar nature to a mortgage, both are in the position of competition or contrast. 2. RESULTS Given the fact a lien us acknowledged for fairness, it is also necessary to determine whether counterforce of a lien can be acknowledged or not, in the aspect of fairness. In addition, through typical consideration, it is necessary to take a different positions between 'receivable increasing the value of property', such as receivable for construction payment, and 'receivable embodying exchange value of property itself. such as a right to claim a return of transaction payment. There is a case where it is permissible to claim a lien to a debtor but it is not permissible to claim a lien to persons other than a debtor. In such case, it is desirable to hand this issue by limiting the scope of parties who can claim a lien, rather than negating the establishment of a lien. This issue has been addressed in terms of 'correlation' as one of requirements of established of a lien, but is should be addressed in terms of the effective scope of a lien.

      • KCI등재

        건설공사에서 하도급 대금의 담보에 관한 일고찰 - 미국의 Mechanics" and Materialmen"s Lien의 소개

        이춘원(Lee Choon Won) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2007 성균관법학 Vol.19 No.3S

          In the construction work, the realistic loan security system is needed for subcontractor to ensure construction bonds. However, undertaking a construction contract. it is quite difficult for subcontractors to demand a loan securityof a contractor realistically. Therefore, ensuring the Construction Bonds in undertaking a contract, the establishment of real rights granted by way of security in law makes it easier to ensure such bonds. The civil law says allocatees can request the settlement of a mortgage or a lien as a way of ensuring construction loans under Article 666, but this system rarely has an effect as a way of ensuring subcontractors bonds. In relation to ensure construction loans lor subcontractors, there is a system called Mechanics" and Materialmen"s Lien in America and this is evaluated as the effective system. In this thesis, there"s an introduction about the American system ensuring construction loans. Mechanics" and Materialmen"s Lien.<BR>  Mechanics" and Materialmen"s Lienin America offers any person who supplied improvement of real estate, labor, service and material but didn"t get paid a right to get what is owed before any other creditors. M and M lien, as a Lien established by a statute of law. is realized on the improved real estate.<BR>  The purpose of M and M lien is basically to protect subcontractors or material supplier and it needs to control the interests among the owner, real estate security lender, buyer, whose interests are against each other.<BR>  Like a Pennsylvania system, if the owner is responsible for lien of a person who"s not in related of contract directly in spite of paying offthe construction bill, the owner has a risk of duplicate payment. Therefore, the owner"s M and M lien"s range of responsibility needs to be limited.<BR>  In the state of Tennessee, mechanics lien for the residential property occurs to the original allocatees who are in relation of a direct contract with the owner of the property but doesn"t occur to subcontractors, material suppliers, etc, who aren"t in direct contract relationship. The background of this limit is the political consideration to protect homeowners who might not have enough expert knowledge.<BR>  In the state of lowa, if the owner doesn"t occupya real estate for residential purpose. they follow the Pennsylvania system and if the owner does f?r residential purpose, they follow the New York system.<BR>  In the state of Nebraska, the homeowner"s lien and its range of responsibility is limited to the original allocatee from the time when the owner is notified of the responsibility of lien from an obligee of lien and the deposit unpaid in the contract with the owner.<BR>  In the state of Michigan, they protect the homeowners with the arrangedfund. In other words. to avoid the owner"s duplicate payment. "Homeowner Construction Lien Recovery Fund" was created.<BR>  Like above, America"s M and M lien deals with the control of interests between subcontractors alike and the owner, contractor, subcontractor, a creditor of a building fund, a grantee of real estate and it is affected by the political situation of the state, varying its contents.<BR>  America"s M and M lien can be focused on the point that it is a security f?r Construction Bonds but specifically, what kind of social & legal problems there are, also what kind of discussion is being carried out for the solution, and how it is functioning in reality need to be clarified more hereafter.

      • KCI등재

        Common Law에서 신의성실의 원칙

        이춘원(Lee Choon Won) 한국비교사법학회 2016 비교사법 Vol.23 No.3

        오늘날, 국제화에 따라 국가 간의 FTA가 체결되고, 국제거래에서 법 통일을 도모하는 노력이 행해지고 있다. 그러한 흐름 속에서 신의성실(Good Faith)의 원칙은 중요한 논의의 대상의 하나이다. 로마법의 영향을 강하게 받은 Civil Law 국가들에서는 공통적으로 신의성실이 중요한 일반 원칙(doctrine)으로서 인식되고 있다. 그러나 게르만법에서 유래하는 전통적인 법 체제를 유지해 온 영국 등 Common Law 국가에서는 신의성실을 일반원칙으로 도입하는 데에 있어서 소극적이다. 영국에서도 한 때 신의성실이 일반원칙으로 승인될 가능성은 있었으나, 19세기에 유행하였던 경제자유주의의 영향으로 나타난 ‘매수인 위험부담주의(Caveat Emptor) 원칙’ 등으로 그 가능성이 소멸되어 버렸다. 계약상 성실하고 공정하게 행동하여야 할 일반적인 의무는 지지되지 않고 있다. 영국법에서 신의성실을 일반적 의무로 받아들이지 않는 것은, 권리에 대하여 전통적으로 매우 자유로운 접근을 하는 영향 때문이다. 영국 계약법은 대등하게 거래를 하는 매우 빈틈없는 상인사이의 대규모적인 상업거래에 초점을 맞추고 있는 것이다. 미국은 Common Law 법체계에 속하지만, ‘제2차 계약법 리스테이트멘트(American Law Institute’s Restatement(2d) of Contract 1981)’ 에서 모든 계약에서 당사자에게 신의성실의 의무를 부과하여 신의성실을 계약상 일반원칙으로 인정하고 있으며, ‘통일 상사법전(Uniform Commercial Code)’에서도 신의성실에 관한 규정을 두고 있다. 미국에서 신의성실은 계약상 묵시적인 의무로 다루어지며, 정의를 위한 것으로 인식되어 계약 당사자에게 부수적인 의무를 부과한다. 신의성실 의무는 계약 당사자의 의도를 존중하며 강제적이거나 차별을 폐지할 수도 있다. 신의칙은 채무불이행의 일반적인 기준으로 중요한 역할하며, 계약서에 표현되거나 명백한 것을 빙빙 둘러 교묘히 피하지 못하도록 한다. 본 논문에서는 신의성실에 대한 비교법적인 연구로서 Common Law 법제 하에서 신의성실에 관한 입장을 정리하여 소개하였다. Today, due to globalization, FTAs were executed between countries, and an effort to promote the unity of law in the international transaction has been made. In such trend, the principle of good faith is one of the important subjects for discussion. In the civil law countries that were strongly influenced by the Rome Law, it is common that the good faith is recognized as an important doctrine. However, the common law countries, including UK, that have maintained the traditional legal system derived from the Germanic Law, are passive in adopting the principle of good faith as a doctrine. In UK, there was a possibility that the principle of good faith would be accepted as a doctrine, but such possibility was eliminated due to the ‘principle of Caveat Emptor’ emerged by the influence of economic freedom which was popular in the 19th century. The idea of a general obligation arising out of any contract to act fairly and in good faith could not be supported. The reason why the UK law does not consider good faith as a general obligation is that UK traditionally tends to have a very free approach to rights. The UK contract law focuses on large-scale commercial transactions among exact merchants who make transactions on an equal basis. The U.S is a country adopting the common law system, but the American Law Institute’s Restatement(2d) of Contract 1981 recognizes that good faith is a doctrine by imposing the obligation of good faith on contractual parties in all contracts, and the Uniform Commercial Code also have the provision of good faith. Good faith is treated as an implied provision in the contract. It imposes obligations on the contracting parties that are perceived to be in the interests of justice. The obligation of good faith ensures that the intent of the contracting parties is not frustrated. The good faith obligation does not only proscribe conduct. It may also mandate or require affirmative action. It is important to note that the doctrine is generally perceived as a default standard in the United States. It cannot be used to effect ‘an end-run around the unequivocal and express terms of the contract.’ This thesis is a research under comparative law regarding good faith, and introduces the position of good faith under the common law system.

      • KCI등재후보

        재건축 부담금의 헌법적 검토

        이춘원(Lee, Choon-Won) 한국부동산법학회 2018 不動産法學 Vol.22 No.1

        그동안 유예되었던 재건축부담금의 부과조항이 다시 시행됨에 2018년 1월 1일 이후에 관리처분 계획 인가 신청을 하는 재건축 사업에 대하여는 재건축부담금이 부과되게 되었다. 재건축 부담금이 8억원에 달할 것이라는 정부의 분석을 놓고 일부 재건축단지를 중심으로 위헌소송을 준비하고 있다. 재건축부담금 부과의 위헌여부와 관련하여 ‘미실현이익에 대한 과세’, ‘이중과세 논란’, ‘재산권 제한에서의 과잉금지의 원칙 위반 여부’, ‘평등의 원칙 위반여부’ 등이 문제점으로 거론된다. 미실현이득에 관한 과세와 관련하여 헌법재판소는 “입법정책의 문제일 뿐, 헌법상의 조세개념에 저촉되거나 그와 양립할 수 없는 모순이 있는 것으로는 보이지 않는다”고 하면서, 공정하고 정확한 계측절차 등을 통해 실질과세, 공평과세 등 조세원리에 부합하도록 관련 절차를 마련해야 한다는 의견을 부가하 였다. 국토부는 재건축이익환수법 입법당시부터 위와 같은 헌법재판소의 의견을 미리 반영하여, 법률자체에 구체적이고 객관적인 부담금 산정방식을 마련함으로써 위헌소지를 미연에 방지하였다고 한다. 그러나 재건축 단지 조합원들은 재건축 추진 아파트만 소유하는 1주택 조합원의 경우에 부담금을 낼 여력이 없으면 강제로 집을 팔고 나갈 수밖에 없어, 초과이익환수제가 개인의 재산권을 지나치게 침해한다고 주장한다. 정부와 재건축 단지 조합원들의 첨예한 이해 대립 속에서 재건축 부담금의 부과와 관련하여 법조계 및 학계의 법리 논쟁도 심화되고 있다. 청와대가 대통령 개헌안을 발표하면서 토지공개념을 더욱 명확하게 규정하겠다고 한다. 향후 헌법의 개정여부와 별개로, 토지 공개념에 관한 논쟁이 심화될 여지가 있다. 재건축 부담금의 부과와 관련하여 토지 공개념 및 헌법상 법리적 검토가 필요한 상황이다. 본 논문에서는 재건축부담금 부과의 위헌여부와 관련하여 거론되는 여러 쟁점을 검토하고, 토지공개념의 입장에서 재건축 부담금을 살펴본다. As the provision of imposition of reconstruction charges that has been deferred will be re-executed, the reconstruction charge will be imposed on reconstruction projects that apply for the approval of a management disposition plan after January 1, 2018. As to the government’s analysis that the reconstruction charge will be KRW 800 million, some reconstruction complexes are preparing for filing an unconstitutional lawsuit. In connection with determining whether the imposition of reconstruction charge is unconstitutional, ‘taxation on unrealized profits’, ‘double taxation’, ‘violation of the principle of excessive prohibition of restriction on property right’, and ‘violation of the principle of equality’ are raised as problems. Regarding the taxation on unrealized profits, the Constitutional Court suggested that the relevant procedures should be established in order to meet the tax principles, such as actual taxation or fair taxation, through the procedures of fair and accurate measurement, stating that it is a matter of legislative policy but it does not seem to be contradictory to or incompatible with the concept of taxation in the Constitution’. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said that it reflected the aforementioned opinions of the Constitutional Court in advance from the time of making the Act on Restitution of Excess Rebuilding and prevented a possibility of unconstitutionality by establishing a concrete and objective method of calculating the charge in the law. However, union members of reconstruction complex argue that the system of restitution of excessive profit infringes an individual’s property right because a union member of reconstruction complexapartment if he/she has no capacity to pay the charge. Under the sharp conflict of interests between the government and reconstruction union members, the controversy surrounding the legal and academic circles has also been intensified in connection with the imposition of reconstruction charges. Cheongwadae is planning to more clarify the public concept of land ownership, announcing the constitutional amendment proposal of the President. Apart from the revision of the Constitution in the future, there is a possibility of further debate on the public concept of land ownership. In connection with the imposition of reconstruction charge, it is necessary to review the public concept of land ownership and the legal principles under the Constitution. This paper reviews various issues related to the unconstitutionality of imposing reconstruction charges and examines reconstruction charges from a perspective of the public concept of land ownership.

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