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      • 초등학교 사무개선 방안 : 교육활동의 효율화를 위한

        이천세 安東敎育大學 1970 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        This paper was studied for the improvement of the office work in the primary school in Korea, for the teachers would devote themselves to their teaching effectively. The related literature, the kinds of analysized materials and questionaires were studied and asked to the II public elementary schools in the country and 2 public elementary schools in the city in the northern parts of the Kyungpook Province in Korea. Therefore, the findings for this purpose were found as follows; 1. The office documents should be decreased except the necessary ones to instruct children directly. 2. The office documents and written requests asked by other organizations except educational co-operation should be passed through the district office of education to avoid the overlap of unnecessary ones. 3. The verious kinds of the fuctions in primary school should be considered and selected carefully to instruct children effectively in teaching and learning. 4. The staff meeting in primary school should be held mainly on the direct matters conected with children in teaching and learning and should be noticed simply on the management of school. 5. The contends, ways and steps of proceture for the office work in primary school should be simplified and the amount of school affairs should be distributed in equal for each teacher to finish the work while in the office hours. 6. The authorithy and responsibility should be well-balanced and the office duty limits should be cleared and definated. 7. In the management of the primary school and the classes, the teachers should display their abilities in their own free will.

      • 自閉症兒의 敎育(Ⅰ) : 그의 特性과 診斷評價

        이천세 안동대학 학생지도연구소 1983 學生指導硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        Developed countries are highly concerned about the emotionally disturbed who are maladjusted individually or socially and urged to cope with vigrously the educational treatment. But there is all but nothing to cope with the emotional disturbed and even more nothing autism that means subconcept of the children in our country. The present study offers to promote the educational considerations for autistic children in our country. 1. Autistic children's traits by symptoms, causes, process about them. 2. Diagnostic criteria about autistic children and educational diagnosis according to developmental stages (born-adolescent). 3. Contents, assessments and results of T-CLAC for developmental assessment tools of infantile autistic. (1) 9 items and 24 items for assessment. (2) Comparisons of normal children with autistic ones about assessment results each age (2∼5). With the basic theory and assessment materials about above autism, it is a very important problem that we study further about the therapeutic education, diagnostic-assessment criteria, and practical skill of autistic children education.

      • 학교경영의 능률화를 위한 도서지역 교원의 근무태도 조사

        이천세 安東敎育大學 1969 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        In order to improve school management efficiently, the teachers' service attitude to carry on schools is more important than the human resources and material condition are. As it is considered that the teachers' service attitude is much influenced by the regional circumstances. This paper is to show the necesary materials to make school management efficient to investigating teachers' service attitude in Woolreungdo Island which is peculiar in trafic, civic and economic condition. The results of this paper studied all the primary teachers' service attitude in the Island from July,1969 to April, 1969 are as follows : Most of them works here with their own will and are contended with regional circumstance and that attitude should be maintaned and developed continually. The understanding and cooperating the school education are wanted by the territorial and social person. That has much influenced the will of teacher's activity. Therefore, the people should be enlightened and present at school management and teachers should be guided to make relationship with the people. The teachers worried that the school facilities are wanted and the students are much weak-minded. Those problems should be solved for the teachers sooner. New teachers should be guided to be accostumed to this area in a few day and the experienced teachers should be required new teaching skill by surveying the advanced mainland school. As many teachers want to transfer in main land to let their children have good education, and the education of the ilse area is impeded very much. The authority of educational administration should set an educational policy for their children and let them devote them-selves to their teaching job at the islets. As it seems that the Woolreung-do Island is treated as a temparary waiting place for their teaching job and so the school administration can not be run well, the teacher who want to teach in Woolreung-do island should be set his educational philosophy and be ready to stay long time, and these teachers should be dispatched by the autority.

      • 농촌지역 주민의 가치관 연구 : 慶北 安東地方을 中心으로

        이천세 安東大學安東文化硏究所 1989 安東文化叢書 Vol.1 No.-

        우리나라는 국가발전을 위한 당면목표를 경제성장에 두고 삼차 경제개발 오개년 계획을 추진하고 있으며 1973년도 경제정책의 기본을 ① 안정기반을 위해서의 지속적인 성장 ② 농어촌의 획기적인 개발 ③ 수출증가에 의한 국제 수지의 개선 ④ 중화학공업의 진흥과 사회 간접자본의 확충에 두고 있다.

      • 傳統的 價値觀의 變化

        이천세 安東初級大學 1978 安東初級大學 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        현재 우리나라는 물질적이나 정신적으로 현대화를 위하여 계속 발전하고 있는 이때 경부 안동지방의 주민을 과거 전통적인 가치관이 73년도에 비해서 78년도는 어떻게 변하였으며, 60대와 20대간 연령별로는 어떠한 차이가 있는지 고찰하여 국가발전을 더욱 가속화시키기 위한 가치관 확립에 관한 연구결과를 요약한다. 가. 사회적 측면 (1) 효도관 『자식의 입장은 생각하지 않고 부모만을 즐겁게 하는 것이 효도』라고 생각한 전통적인 효도관은 『달라져야 한다』는 것에 73연도 (약 88%) 보다 78연도(약93%)가 더 많았으며, 특히 20대는 (약31%) 60대(약22%) 보다 『옳지 않는 생각이다』에 더 많이 반응하였다. 젊은이들은 부모들이 자녀의 육성과 사회에 봉사한 공로를 확정하여 가정에서 소속감 인정감을 가지고 유쾌한 생활을 할 수 있도록 부모에게 효도하여야 한다 (2) 가족제도 장남이 가계의 계승자로서 부모를 모시고 생활한다는 가치관이 많이 감소되어 『맏 아들을 데리고 있는다』에서 73연도(약47%)에 비하여 78연도(약31%)에는 아주 적어졌는 반면에 『모두 분가시킨다』에는 73연도(약27%) 보다 78연도(약56%)에는 약 30%가 증가되었다. 60대는 『맏 아들을 데리고』 있기를 원하나(약73%) 20대는 『모두 분가』하기를 원하고 있다. (80%) 자식들이 모두 부모 모시기를 싫어하는 경향들 지정하여 장,차남이나 남,녀 관계없이 부모의 은혜에 보답하고자 부모를 봉양하겠다는 의식을 갖게 함이 절실한 문제이다. (3) 의식관 부모상을 당했을 때의 의식을 더욱 간소화하겠다는 것이 점점 증가되고 있는 경향이다. (73연도에 약53%, 78연도에 약69%) 60대가(약74%), 20대(약66%) 보다 더 간소화할 것을 바라고 있는 반면에 『지금과 같이 한다』에서는 20대(약29%)가 60대(약6%)보다 아주 많았다. 여기에서 60대는 자기자신에 관한 문제이고 20대는 부모에 관한 문제이기 때문에 신중을 기하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 시대에 적합한 간소화가 이루어질 것을 기대한다. (4) 남존여비관 남존여비사상은 73연도(약61%)에 비하여 78연도(약86%)에 더 많이 반대하였고 연합에 관계 없이 60대(약83%)와 20대(약87%)가 다 같이 대부분이 반대 하였다. 이러한 가치관이 가정에서나 일반사회생활에서 생활화될 것을 기대한다. (5) 장유유서관 이제 연장자의 명령에 무조건 복종한다는 것은 볼 수 없고, (4.5%) 『가급적 따라야 한다』(약27%)고 생각하나 『뜻이 다르면 반대한다』는 경향으로 많이 변하고 있다. (73연도 약8%, 78연도 약68%), 연령별로도 20대(약69%)와 60대(약68%)가 차이 없이 뜻이 다르면 따를 수 없다고 하였다. 이제 존경의 대상은 인격과 능력, 업적을 중요시 함을 알 수 있다. (6) 관존민비관 78연도에는 『관리가 백성보다 높다』는 생각은 많이 적어지고(약13%) 『관리와 백성은 같거나』(약72%) 『백성이 높다』는 경향이다(약15%) 연령별로는 60대가 『관리가 높다』는 생각(약20%)을 조금 가지고 있으나 관리와 백성은 같거나 백성이 높다는 것에 60대는 약80%, 20대는 약91%가 반응하여 실질적으로 관존민비사상은 없어져가는 현상이다. (7) 혈연지연관 공무집행에서 혈연 지연을 찾는 것은 『잘 못한 일이다』에 73연도(약54%)와 78연도(약60%)는 큰 변화가 없고 『그렇게 할 수도 있다』(약30%)가 상당한 수이다. 연령별로는 『잘 못한 일이다』에 20대(약63%)가 60대(약54%)보다 많은 반면에 『잘하는 일이다』에서 60대의 약24%가 반응하였다. 혈연 지연관은 아직도 상당히 남아 있다. (8) 주민 참여관 마을의 중요한 『농민 전체』가 결정해야 한다는 것은 73연도(약61%)에 비해서 78연도(약87%)에 많이 증가되었다. 연령별로는 20대의 대부분(약94%)과 60대의 3분지2(약74%)가 『농민 전체』가 결정해야 한다고 하였으나 60대는 아직도 동장에게 위임하는 경향이 많다. (약20%) 그러나 전체적인 추세는 동민의 참여의식이 상당히 높아졌음을 알 수 있다. 나. 경제적 측면 (1) 계획성 전체적으로 미리 계획을 세워서 생활한다는 것에는 73연도(약63%)와 78연도에(약65%) 큰 변화는 없으나 연령별로는 60대에서 『미리 계획을 세워서』생활하기(약30%)보다 『그때 그때 생각나는 대로 생활함이(약64%) 많은 반면에 20대는 계획적인 생활을 함이 대부분이였다. (약86%) (2) 절약성 자식들의 결혼식은 차츰 간소화되어 가고 있으나(73연도 약18%, 78연도 약81%) 『아주 간소화 한다』에서 60대(약49%)가 20대(20%)보다 아주 많은 반면에 『가정형편에 따르다』에서는 20대(약74%)가 60대(약40%)보다 훨씬 많았다. 이것으로 20대는 자기들의 결혼식은 아주 간소화할 의향이 적음을 알 수 있다. (3) 노동관 노동능력이 있으면서 『일을 안해도 좋다』는 것은 73연도(약30%)에 비해서 78연도(약7%)에 많이 감소되었고, 60대는 『일을 하는 것이 좋으나』(약44%) 늙은 사람의 자의에 일임하는 것이 더 좋다(약49%)고 한 반면에 20대는 자의에 일임하는 것(약20%)보다 일을 하는 것이 좋다(75%)고 적극적인 표현이 었다. 전체적으로 노동관이 확립되어 간다고 볼 수 있다. (4) 자립관 연도별로 자립관에 큰 차이 없이 『자기 일만 열심히 한다』에 반이상(57%)이 반응하였고, 연령별로는 60대가 『도와 주기를 바란다』에 많은(약49%) 반면에 20대는 『자기 일만 열심히 한다』에 70%가 반응하였다. 의뢰성이 감소되고 자립관이 차츰 확립되여 나가는 경향이다. (5) 발전관 우리 농촌이 지금 보다 『아주 잘 살 것이다』에서 73연도에 약30%이든 것이 78연도에는 약 51%로 증가되었다. 연령별로도 잘 살 수 있다는 희망을 가진 자가 20대(약97%)와 60대(약97%)가 다 같이 대부분이고 『아주 잘 살 것이다』에는 60대가 더 (약21%) 많았다. 앞으로 우리 농촌은 더욱 더 잘 살 수 있다는 희망에 부풀어 있다고 볼 수 있다. On this study about the change in a traditional viewpoint of value through the questionaires of 406 inhabitants in Andong area, kyongbuk Province, the result was found as follows: The viewPoint of value emphasized in 1978 rather than in 1973 1) The traditional viewpoint of filial Piety was eliminated. 2) Parents disliked to be supported by their sons and daughters, and wanted them to set up a branch family. 3) The simplification of the formal ritual in parents` death. 4) The elimination of the viewpoint of giving the predominance of men over wemen, of the young`s giving precedence to their elders and of giving the predominance of officials over people. 5) They hoped to participate in the works of inhabitants with cooperation. 6) The simplification of their sons and daughters` wedding ceremony. 7) Greater importance of hard-working spirit. 8) They hoped that our farm villages could be developed. The different viewpoint of value between the twenties and the sixties. 1) The twenties more objected the traditional viewpoint of filial piety than the sixties did it. 2) The sixties wanted the eldest sons to spport their parents, but the twenties didn`t. 3) The sixties more hoped to simplify the formal ritual of parents` death then the twenties did. 4) The twenties were against the viewpoint of giving the predominance of officials over people, of bloodrelationship, and of territorial relationship. 5) The twenties insisted on the participation of the inhabitants in the works of villages. 6) There were many sixties who carried on their home life without any plan, but the twenties did it systematically. 7) Many sixties saved expenses in their sons and daughters` wedding. 8) Many twenties insisted on our working as long as we have the ability of labour, but sixties emphasized on the individual willingness of working. 9) Many twenties emphasized on the self-reliance, but the sixties had a strong dependence on others. 10) The sixties had a strong vision that our farms could be developed. We should but behind us the bad traditional viewpoint of value in the past time, adopt the good one which is preserved forever, and stabilize the new, effective one for the development of our country, which should be one of the most important tasks we have to solve.

      • 自閉症兒의 集團適應을 위한 指導方案

        이천세 안동대학 학생지도연구소 1984 學生指導硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        In order to adjust the autistic child to group activities in the kindergarten and elementary school, teachers should do as follows: 1. Extinction of inadequate behavior, paying attention, imitation of simple movement, and making them present through individualized teaching according to the teacher's directions. 2. Playing with instruments, playing to rules, role-playing, coordinating through the subgroup teachin. 3. And listed precautions and problems in case the autistic in the school ages were taught in special class, emotional disturbed class, and mainstream. Conclusions derived from the results in teaching above can come to the following. 1. It is desirable that the earlier teaching for adjustment the autistic to group activities be continually done. 2. Teaching planning for adjustment them to group activities is that parents' education is more important than that just to them, so teaching at home is expected. 3. Coordination of home, society, and school must be centered into the therapeutist. 4. It is good to move from stable learning situations into complex learning situations gradually. 5. It is more significant to let them take part in subgroup activities with the mental retarded. 6. It is important to arrange the methods of teaching, person to person, ubgroup, mainstream according to their developmental level. 7. It is useful to move from special class, emotional disturbed class into mainstream according to his adjustment to group activities.

      • 自閉症兒의 敎育(Ⅱ) : 治療敎育의 方法

        이천세 안동대학 학생지도연구소 1984 學生指導硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        It has been shown that the behavioral therapy is more effective approach than the traditional play therapy in the remedial education for autistic children. However, it may be incorrect to regard as not requiring rapport between therapist and client in the behavioral therapy, and remdial education for autistic cildren also is based upon the human relation. It should become a premise that they spontaeneously bring forth adequate response to the therapist. The present study offered the principles of reinforcement, learning, and extintion, principles of behavior modification for approaches to remedial education of autistic children, and demonsted some approaches to apply those prindiples to 1) learning attitude modeling, 2) perception cognition task learning, 3) expression learning, 4) verbal learning and 5) arithmetic learning. I would expect that by applying those therapic approaches to kinds of the autistic and degree of them adequately, 1) they could become self-care, 2) live in all the same age group together without maladjustment.

      • KCI등재
      • 社會發展을 위한 韓國家族關係의 近代的 接近(一) : 倫理的 價値觀

        이천세 安東大學安東文化硏究所 1989 安東文化叢書 Vol.1 No.-

        인간생활의 기본적 근거이며, 최초의 교육장이고, 지역사회, 국가사회, 국제사회를 구성하는 중핵적인 소집단인 가족집단에서 가족원상호간에 이루어지는 인간관계를 가족관계(family relationships)라고 한다.

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