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      • 광개토호태왕비문의 신묘 병신년조 기사에 대한 재고찰

        이찬구(Lee, Chan-Goo) 세계환단학회 2016 세계환단학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        이 글은 광개토태왕릉비의 내용 가운데 논란이 많은 ‘신묘-병신년’조에 대해 재고찰한 것이다. 종래의 여러 학설 가운데 정인보, 박시형, 손영종, 박진석, 왕건 군, 이유립, 류승국 설등의 특징과 한계를 살펴보고, 일본학계의 주장에 모순이 있다는 것을 분석하였다. 4세기말 신묘년 기사의 국제관계는 고구려와 백제의 적대관계 및 고구려와 신라의 우호관계를 기본으로 백제와 왜가 내통하는 관계에 있었다. 그동안 일본학계는 왜( 倭 )를 주어로 보는 입장에서 신묘년 기사를 “왜 倭 가 백제 신라를 파 破 하고, 그들을 신민( 臣民 )으로 삼았다”라는 식으로 임의로 해석하였다. 이 해석을 무기로 일본은 식민지배의 논리로 활용하였다. 그런데 이 해석을 바로잡기 위해서는 신묘년 기사의 빠진 두 글자( 百殘 □□ 新羅 )를 찾는 일과 주어를 누구로 보느냐는 일이 선행되어야 한다. 정인보는 처음으로 이 기사의 주어가 왜 倭 가 아니라 고구려로 바뀌어야한다(고구려 주어설)고 주장했다. 이어 그는 빠진 두 글자를 연침 聯侵으로 넣어 보결하였다. 이에 대해 필자는 李龍 (이용)의 탁본과 민영규의 주장에 근거하여 연 聯 을 연 連 자로 보고, 『태백일사』와 정인보의 연침 聯侵 의 침 侵을 받아들여 ‘ 百殘連侵新羅 백잔연침신라’로 보결할 것을 밝힌다. 연침 聯侵 이나 연침 連侵은 그 뜻이 같지만, 탁본에 근거하여 연침連侵 이어야한다고 본다. 이로써 일본학계의 주장에 모순이 있다는 것과 『태백일사』의 가치를 재평가할 수 있게 될 것이다. This article reexamines contents of the articles in the ‘Year of Sinmyo-Byeongsin’ on King Kwangkaeto’s tombstone, which have been an issue in the academic world. It investigates characteristics and limitations of the most influential theories among existing ones; including theories of Jeong In Bo, Park Si Hyeong, Son Yeong Jong, Wang Jian-qun, Lee Yu Lip, Lew Seung Kook, as well as the contradiction in the common theory from Japanese academia. In the late 4th century, Goguryeo and Baekje were hostile towards each other while Goguryeo and Silla were amicable. However, the Japanese academia were in the position that Wae is the subject of the article and arbitrarily interpreted the year of Sinmyo’s article as follows: Wae won over Baekje-Silla and ruled them. This analysis was used as a weapon for Japan s colonial logic. To correctly interpret the article, finding the missing two characters in the article ( 百殘 □□ 新羅 ) as well as clearly figuring out the subject must be preceded. For the first time, JeongInBo argued that the subject of this article should be corrected to Goguryeo, not Wae. Also, he supplemented the missing two characters as ‘Yeonchim ( 聯侵 )’ which means ‘invasion followed by invasion’. Based on the assertion of MinYoungGyu and Yong Lee’s tuoben ( 拓本 ), it is reasonable to accept that ‘yeon ( 聯 )’ which means ‘followed by paired events’ is actually ‘yeon ( 連 )’ which means ‘followed by connected events’, and based on Taebaek-ilsa and Jeong’s assertion of ‘chim ( 侵 ) which means ‘illegal invasion’. Therefore, with the missing two letters as ‘Yeonchim ( 聯侵 )’, the article can be completed as ‘ 百殘連侵新羅 ’ which means ‘Baekje continually invades Silla’. Although the meaning behind the two different characters are the same, ‘yeonchim ( 聯 侵 )’ or ‘yeonchim ( 連侵 )’, based on the tuoben ( 拓本 ), the missing characters should be ‘yeonchim ( 連侵 )’. Therefore it is now possible to reexamined the value of Taebaek-ilsa and the fact that there is a contradiction in the Japanese academics claims.

      • KCI등재

        동ASIA 종교의 생명 사상과 상생 정신 ; 수운교(동학)에 있어서의 생명사상과 해원상생의 정신

        이찬구 ( Chan Goo Lee ) 한국신종교학회 2005 신종교연구 Vol.12 No.-

        Jeungsan Kang, Ilsoon(甑山 姜一淳) declared doctrine of mutual life-giving(相生) in 1905. His message has influenced to other new religions in Korea. I argue that what doctrine of mutual life-giving and philosophy of life in Suwoon Choi Jewoo(水雲 崔濟愚), who has awakened 40 year earlier than Kang, Jeungsan, entails in this paper. At the same time, I try to aim to investigate relations between two thinkers. And I explain philosophy of life and Resolution of Bitterness and Grief and Mutual life-giving in the Suwoongyo. Choi Suwwon, who established Dong-hak(東學) in 1860, expounded I serve God within me (侍天主)and I am transformed to follow the divine will(造化定), My mind is your mind(吾心卽汝心), and all understand and do not move from it(各知不移), in the Donggyeongdaejoen. (東經大全)These thoughts resulted in the socio-ethical principle treat a human being as you would treat God(事人如天). This manifesto entailed revolutionary ethics and formed platform of Donghak peasant revolution for egalitarian ideal. Suwoongyo(水雲敎) developed Donghak`s thoughts further. Suwoongyo, founded in 1923 is the only sect to emphasize resolution of bitterness and grief. Lee-Choi Chulyongja(李崔出龍子), a founder of Suwoongyo, established Dosolcheongung (兜率天宮), the headquarter at Kumbyeong (錦屛山) mountain of Daejeon Metropolitan city(大田廣域市). Dosolcheongung is an heavenly altar to venerate Heavenly God(Hanallim;하날님) for appeasing wandering lonely ghosts. Final aim of resolution of mutual life-giving is to realize immortal world without death. And Suwoongyo insists to transform not only this world but heavenly world into paradise with the doctrine of unity of Buddha, Heaven, and mind(佛天心一圓). Unity of Realm of Buddha, Heaven, and Human being means completion of Gaebyeok(開闢). Thus philosophy of life in Donghak and Resolution of bitterness and grief in Suwoongyo were concluded in Gyaebyeok. This is exactly Choi Suwoon meant Dasi Gyaebyeok(다시開闢).

      • 충무공 李舜臣의 陣中 禮思想 고찰

        이찬구(Lee, Chan Goo) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2008 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.10

        이 글은 16세기 조선과 일본과의 7년 전쟁 중에 조선의 장군인 이순신(시호 충무공)이 진중에서 보여준 禮사상을 고찰하는데 목적이 있다. 이순신의 생애에 나타난 예사상의 德目을 필자는 자효(慈孝)와 충의(忠義)로 본다. 부모와 자식, 부하를 대하는 태도, 그리고 국가와 국토와 백성을 대하는 태도는 바로 자효와 충의, 즉 충효관(忠孝觀)으로부터 나온 것이다. 그것이 군인으로서, 또 비상시인 전장터에서 유감 없이 거의 완벽하고 철저하게 발휘되었다는 것은 충무공의 생애를 일반적인 삶과 구별하는 관건이라 아니할 수 없다. 필자는 이를 유교적 관점에서 仁과 義로 설명하였다. 仁義는 그 근원을 하늘에 두고 있다. 仁義와 忠孝는 모두 하늘의 덕(천덕)과 질서(천서)를 인간이 내면화하여 표현한 것이다. 예컨대, 인의는 天德(천덕)과 天序(천서)를 마음으로 표현하는 것이라면, 충효는 그 몸의 구체적 표현이라고 보는 것이다. 인의가 상대를 의식하지 않고 자신의 내면적 본체성을 스스로 발현하는 것이라면, 禮(예)란 상대와의 관계 속에서 인의를 실천하는 행동양식이라 할때, 충효는 충무공이 지향한 예의 대표적 양식이라 할 수 있다. 나아가 이순신은 忠義(충의) 를 大義(대의)정신으로 승화시켰다. 그래서 전쟁터에 나가 일본과 싸웠고, 매번마다 해전에서 승리를 거두었다. 이순신과 함께 전쟁에 나가 싸웠던 明나라 진린 도독은 “천지를 주무르는 재주와 허물어진 나라를 바로잡은 공이 있는 사람”으로 평가하였는데, 이는 과시 장수다운 언사이며, 이를 좀 더 유교적 언어로 표현하면, 천지의 도(道)와 의(宜)로써 백성을 대하고, 천지로 더불어 그 덕을 합하여 나라를 구제한 大人이라는 말이다. 그런데 공자는 사람이 仁(인)에서 聖(성)으로 나아가는 길을 제시한 바 있다. 과거 堯舜 같은 성인도 이 성(聖)에 이르는 것을 어렵게 여겼다고 한다. 이런 의미에서 필자는 충무공 이순신을 인자(仁者)와 성인(聖人)사이에 있으면서 禮를 실천한 朝鮮의 將帥였다고 보는 것이다. This article aimed to investigate the idea of Ye which was shown by Yi Sun Sin (Chung Mu Gong) during the 7-year war between Korea and Japan in the 16th century. I regard Ye as a parental love and filial piety, and loyalty. The love and piety, and the loyalty cause the attitudes of treating parents, children, subordinates, nation and its people. As a military officer, Admiral Yi Sun Sin showed his almost perfect the love and piety, and the loyalty even in the war zone and it explains that we are able to distinguish his life specially from others lives. I interpreted the love and piety, and the loyalty as benevolence and righteousness from Confucian points of view. The origin of benevolence and the righteousness are based on the heaven. Human beings internalized virtue and order to represent both benevolence & righteousness and piety & loyalty. If I explain it further, while benevolence and righteousness are internal expressions of virtue and order, loyalty and filial piety are external expressions of virtue and order. Benevolence and righteousness manifest one s internal noumenality for oneself. On the contrary, loyalty and filial piety can be interpreted as practical patterns of behaviour among counterparts relationship. Loyalty and filial piety are the representative patterns of Ye . Furthermore, Yi, Sun Sin sublimated loyalty in great cause. Thereupon, general Yi and his navy won all the naval battles, which had no record of defeat. Qinlin, the government official of Ming Dynasty who participated in the war with Admiral Yi, set a high value on Yi Sun Sin. As he said Yi is the one who has an unusual ability and merits to defend and rebuild up the destructed nation . This is the assessment on the manly Admiral Yi. In another term of Confucian expression, he treat people on the basis of the truth or the path to enlightenment, and fairness. Assimilating his virtue to energy in the heaven and on the earth makes it possible to rescue his nation. Confucius indicated the way that people become a saint from the stage of a benevolent man. Sages like the kings Yo and Sun in the chinese era thought that it was difficult for them to become a saint. In this respect, I regard Admiral Yi as a person between a benevolent man and a saint realizing Ye .

      • KCI등재

        『정감록』에 나타난 역학적 사유에 관한 고찰

        이찬구 ( Lee Chan Goo ) 국제뇌교육종합대학원 국학연구원 2017 선도문화 Vol.22 No.-

        `Jeonggamnok(鄭鑑錄)` is known as the best well-known Korean Book of Prediction of future fortune. There are several terms to characterize the `Jeonggamnok` such as `thorough decision`, `a writing of divination`, and `a secret solution`. Among these, `Tojongbigyeol(土亭秘訣)` is the most commonly called name because of its familiarity to the public. However, the scholars agreed that the `Jeonggamnok` is the official book and continues to discuss Korean traditional thoughts and general public thoughts in the context of `Jeonggamnok` as the core. The written years of the `Jeonggamnok` could be seen as after the Late Joseon Dynasty because of the prediction of new kingdom`s birth. Until now, it has been known as the first mention of the `Jeonggamnok` in the `the Book of the Kings` was Jeongjo 6(1782). However, it can be confirmed that the actual first mention was in 1739 in the official government documents according to the `Bibyeonsadeungnok(備邊司謄錄)` This study sees the thoughts of Book of Change was reflected on the `Jeonggamnok` based on the context that the book is recognized as the cultural accumulation as well as traditional thoughts and general public beliefs. In this study, we found out the meaning of `a savior from the Jeong clan` and `the benefit of meeting a great man`. Additionally, we studied how the principles of `Book of Changes` were admitted. Furthermore, we could see how these influenced the formation of human subject consciousness of the Korean Native Religions such as Donghak or Jeungsangyo which emerged in modern times.

      • KCI등재

        한국신종교의 생사관과 의례 동학 수운교의 생사관

        이찬구 ( Chan Goo Lee ) 한국신종교학회 2011 신종교연구 Vol.24 No.-

        This study investigates the view on the life and death of Donghak and the unique characteristic of Suwoongyo on the view of the life and death. As mentioned in Donghak that he has the medicine of immortality, Su-woon Choi refuses death. As a result, he proposed hermit (a mountain wizard) as an ideal life. Unlike Chinese Taoism, hermit does not seek his longevity only. But, he views the earth and heaven as one world and focuses on the realization on earth. In Donghak, Su-woon Choi admits that demon is Hanalnim himself, which is a completely contrasting view against the grounds of Neo-Confucianism as demon is not the creature of heaven and earth and yin and yang but it is a supernatural and spiritual entity. In Donghak, the purpose of discipline is to become one with Hanalnim while we are alive. To become one with Hanalnim through discipline while we are alive is the basic belief, having Hanalnim in ourselves. Once we became one with Hanalnim, we can transcend life and death. The theory of Suwoongyo, as Donghak, was created based on the consolidation of Confucianism, Buddhism and Seon(or Daoism). Accordingly, the view on the life and death can be discussed within the boundary of Confucianism, Buddhism and Seon(or Daoism). The view on the universe of Suwoongyo is that Buddha, Hanalnim and the Mind are one. Suwoongyo accepts the Theory of Three Worlds of Buddhism. It views that, by making relations with these Three Worlds, hermit and Buddha can be unified into one and men can be reborn as a universal entity to stand at the center of the universe. The founder of Suwoongyo said that Suwoongyo is the Great Way through Unification of Three. It says that the Three Worlds become one as the way of life and the way of death are unified into one. Accordingly, it is not to divide life and death, but it is to connect them into one to communicate between life and death, leaving no space and distance between these two. As a result, the life mentioned in Suwoongyo is the Universal Self which is open infinitely to this universe. Heart is the main body of the eternal life, and this is originated from the Bulchunshim (Buddha, Heaven and Mind).

      • KCI등재

        포스트코로나 시대의 동학과 수운교 불천심학

        이찬구 ( Chan-goo Lee ) 한국신종교학회 2021 신종교연구 Vol.45 No.-

        이 논문은 포스트코로나 시대를 앞두고 종교가 준비해야 할 방안의 하나로서 수운교의 불천심학(佛天心學)을 연구하는 것을 목표로 한다. ‘불천심’은 문자 그대로 ‘부처-하날님-마음’을 뜻하지만, 수운교의 주요 교리로서의 불천심은 불교, 유교, 선교의 세 종교를 조화시키는 것이다. 2020년 이후 한국 사회는 인터넷을 이용하는 비대면사회로 전환하였다. 코로나19는 우리에게 인간생명의 중요성을 일깨워주고 있으며, 현대문명에게 잠시 멈춤의 경종을 울려주고 있다. 지금 유일한 방역은 백신을 접종하는데 있다. 그것이 유일한 위안이다. 우리가 간과할 수 없는 것은 접종 이후이다. 코로나가 종식된다 하더라도 그 이후에 나타날 수 있는 정신적 공허감을 극복하는 일이 중요하다. 그 방안의 하나가 종교적인 마음 수련이 될 것이다. 각 종교마다 그 목표하는 바는 다르겠지만 동학은 마음 수련을 중요시한다. 동학은 수운선생에 의해 이미 심학이 제기되었다. 수운심학의 핵심은 시천주이고, 그 실천 방법은 수심정기이다. 이 마음을 지키고 기운을 바르게 하는, 수심정기(守心正氣)에 기초한 심학이 수운교에서 불천심학으로 발전하였다. 수운교의 불천심학은 마음수련을 기본으로 한다. 이는 부처와 하날님이 ‘동일하다’는 인식에서 출발한다. 그래서 하날님의 마음이 곧 사람의 마음이며, 부처님의 마음이 곧 사람의 마음이기 때문에 서로 감응이 일어나 하나를 이룬다고 본다. 이 세 마음이 합일의 관계로 발전하는 것이다. 따라서 세 마음이 일원(一圓)이 되기 위해서는 ‘불-천-심’ 또는 ABC의 사이에 놓여 있는 틈을 없애는 실천적인 노력이 필요하다. 그런 과정에 마음 수련이 따르게 된다. 마음 수련은 동학의 21자 주문에 의해 이루어진다. 이런 의미에서 수운교의 불천심학은 자아완성으로 향해가는 수련의 과정이라고 할 수 있다. 이상과 같이 필자는 포스트코로나에 시대에 제기될 종교의 변화를 염두에 두고, 마음수련의 의미를 살펴보았다. 코로나 이후 수운교가 마음수련의 한 방안으로 제시한 불천심학이 의미있게 기여할 것으로 기대한다. This paper aims to study SuwoonGyo’s BulCheonShim(佛天心) Learning as one of the ways religion should prepare ahead of the post-corona era. ‘BulCheonShim’ literally means ‘Buddha-Heavenly God-Mind’ but BulCheonShim as the major doctrine of SuwoonGyo is to harmonize three religions of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. Since 2020, Korean society has been transformed into an untact society using the Internet. Coronavirus 19 is reminding us of the importance of human life and is asking modern civilizations to ‘stop’ for a while. The only quarantine now lies in vaccinating. That is the only comfort. What we cannot overlook is after the inoculation. Even if the coronavirus ends, it is important to overcome the mental emptiness that can emerge afterwards. One of the options would be religious mind training. Each religion may have a different goal, but Donghak values mind training. Donghak has already been referred to as Mind Learning by Suwoon. The key point of Suwoon’s Mind Learning is in Sicheonju侍天主(worshipping Heavenly God), and the way to practice it is Mind Learning based on Sushimjeongki守心正氣 which protects the mind and keeps the energy right. This learning has evolved from Suwoongyo to BulCheonShim Learning. BulCheonShim Learning, according to SuwoonGyo, is based on mind training. This starts with the perception that Buddha (Bul) and God (Cheon, Hanallim) are “the same.” So, God’s mind is the mind of man (Shim 心), and Buddha’s mind is the mind of man, so it is believed that each of them is responsive to achieve one. These three minds develop into a united relationship. Therefore, in order for the three minds to become one, practical efforts are needed to eliminate the gap between ABC or “Buddha (Bul)-God (Cheon)-man (Shim).” In such a process, mind training follows. Mind training is done through Dong-hak’s 21-character spell. In this sense, SuwoonGyo’s BulCheonShim Learning is a process of training towards self-completion. As above, I looked at the meaning of mind training, keeping in mind the changes in religion that will be brought about via the post-corona era. After Corona, BulCheonShim Learning, which SuwoonGyo suggested as a way to train the mind, is expected to make a meaningful contribution.

      • KCI등재

        다매체 시대, 군집 유형에 따른 미디어 이용방식에 관한 연구

        이찬구(Chan Goo Lee),이종영(Jong Young Lee),성지연(Ji Yeon Sung) 사이버커뮤니케이션학회 2009 사이버 커뮤니케이션 학보 Vol.26 No.3

        융합시대에 들어서면서 소비자의 미디어 이용행태는 전통 미디어 환경 하에서의 이용 방식에 비해 상당히 능동적으로 변화하고 있다. 이는 소비자 특성이 점차 능동, 참여, 공유, 확산을 추구하는 개인적 성향 변화 때문이기도 하지만, 소비자들이 이용할 수 있는 미디어의 수가 그만큼 다양해졌고 기술적 발전에 의해 이전보다 쉽게 미디어를 이용할 수 있게 되었다는 환경적인 변화가 이루어지고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 현 시점에서 멀티플랫폼 환경이라는 것을 소비자 입장에서 다시 한번 고려할 필요가 있다. 그것은 미디어가 갖는 속성 때문에 공급자 중심의 연구보다 이러한 미디어 환경의 변화가 야기하는 사회적 변화 및 그 효용가치에 대한 연구가 더 중요하기 때문이다. 이러한 인식 하에, 본고는 멀티플랫폼 환경 시대의 미디어 소비자들이 미디어를 이용하는 목적이 플랫폼으로서의 미디어가 아니라 콘텐츠로서의 미디어라는 기본 개념을 바탕으로 하여, 멀티플랫폼 환경에서의 미디어 소비자 성향을 상대적 미디어 이용지수라는 개념을 이용한 군집분석을 통해 고찰하였다. 연구결과 ‘균형적 매체 이용군’, ‘인터넷 중심군’, ‘TV 중심군’, ‘라디오 중심군’, ‘전통적 매체 이용군’ 등 5군집으로 분류되었고, 이들 군집간에는 인구통계학적 특성에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다. The Media Use Behaviors of the Consumers in the age of the convergence is changing more actively than under the traditional media environments. This is because the environment which we can use the media more easily than before have been changed according to the technological improvements & plenty of the media and also this belongs to the Consumer’s traits change that would be likely to move into the personal traits of pursuing the Activeness, Participation, Sharing & Diffusion. So, We have to take into more consideration of the Multi platforming environment in the eyes of the consumers because it’s more important to study the effective value and the social change resulted from the media environmental change. and we analysed the Media consumer’s traits in the multi platforming environment through the K-means cluster analysis. and used the relative media usage index. As a result, 8 cluster groups were drawn out and we classified those groups into the 5 groups: balanced media using group, Internet based group, TV based group, Radio based group, traditional media using group, and showed the significance in the demographic traits of the statistics.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        수운의 천주와 과정철학

        이찬구 ( Chan Goo Lee ) 한국신종교학회 2006 신종교연구 Vol.14 No.-

        I analyzed the Suwoon(Choi Je Woo, who achieved spiritual enlightment in 1860)`s conception of Heavenly God(Hanalnim) by Process philosophy, laying stress on his 21-letter incantation(Jumun, 呪文). A.N.Whitehead separated creativity from God, but said that God was the primordial creature of creativity. Likewise, Suwoon regarded Ultimate Energy(Jigi, 至氣) and Heavenly God(天主) as a single body of impersonality and personality. Although the Suwoon`s Heavenly God and Whitehead`s God are not perfectly identical, they are the same in that God intervenes in the world. The greatness of Donghak advocated by Suwoon lies in his foresightedness, which received three thema raised by Process philosophy; creativity, God and world. Donghak surpasses Process philosophy in that it is both Process philosophy and a social movement. Process philosophy means process theology in Donghak. At this level, I analyzed Innaecheon(人乃天, Human beings are Heaven) of Chondogyo(established in 1905) and Bulchunshimilwon(佛天心一圓, Buddha is Heavenly God, Heavenly God is Mind, and Mind is Buddha) of Suwoongyo(established in 1923). These two denominations are developed as religion after the advocacy of Donghak. A fundamental thought of primitive Donghak is Sicheonju(侍天主, Human beings serve Heavenly God). While this thought was evolving to be a religious form, Innaecheon and Bulchunshimilwon tenets were born. Innaecheon developed from Sicheonju is a main tenet of Chondogyo and Bulchunshimilwon is one of Suwoongyo. Recently, Kim Sang-il said that Innaecheon and Bulchunshim are enough to be subjects of study in Process Religion(Donghak and Process Philosophy). Innaecheon is especially characteristic in that it enhances the dignity of human being and Bulchunshimilwon in that it approaches the problem of God and world balancing God`s impersonality with its personality and immanence with transcendence. Whitehead makes God of a personality and creativity of a impersonality harmonious. In addition to this, Heavenly God becomes God and Jigi becomes creativity in primitive Donghak. God isn`t absolute and substantial. It characterizes Suwoongyo that it inherited thoughts of primitive Donghak and especially concentrated its dogmatic interest on the problem of God and world.

      • KCI등재

        신종교와 수행 ; 동학수운교의 수행에 관한 고찰

        이찬구 ( Chan Goo Lee ) 한국신종교학회 2005 신종교연구 Vol.13 No.-

        Susimjeonggi(守心正氣) is one of the most important Suwoongyo(水雲敎)- as a Donghak religion- method of discipline, for susimjeonggi is to keep God`s mind and restore God`s energy. The Five Practices(ogwan;五款) is a five-part method of Suwoongyo`s religious thought and practice. In a word, the five practices are : Incantation(Jumun;呪文), Pure Water(cheongsu;淸水), Prayer(gido;祈禱), Law Day(beopil;法日), Charity Rice (gongdeogmi; 功德米). Specially, incantation refers to reading the Sicheonju(human being God within;侍天主) Jumun and entering one`s religious training. Therefore, susimjeonggi is the life of sicheonju that Suwoongyo aims, and it mean to fulfill the unity of Bul Cheon Sim(Buddha is God; God is Buddha;佛天心一圓). Thus, pray to six words of Amida Buddha-as Nam-mu-a-mi-ta-bul(南無阿彌陀佛).

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