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      • KCI등재후보

        용문산기도원운동에 나타난 종교적 민족주의

        이진구 한국신종교학회 2008 신종교연구 Vol.18 No.-

        This paper attempts to explore the characteristics of religious nationalism in Yongmoon-San Gido-Won Movement, one of the new religious movements in the contemporary Korea. Na Woon Mong, a founder of this movement, argued that Korean is a relative of Abraham. According to Han-nara of East(동방의 한나라), one of books written by him, Korea is chosen nation and Korean is chosen people by God. In other words, Korean is "new Israel" and Korea is "new Zion." He tried to prove God's Providence in Korea by his own interpretation of Bible. According to him, the names of Korea, such as Chosun(朝鮮), Han-Kuk(韓國), or Jin-Guk(辰國), are signs that Korea is chosen and blessed by the Providence of God. The geo-political situation of Korea, a small country surrounded by powerful countries, is regarded as a sign of Providence of God. The color of Korean people's traditional clothing, known as a term, “the white-clad folk”(白衣民族) is used as a sign of chosen people. The rise of holy spirit movement and the endurance of conservative evangelicalism, especially, a characteristic of Korean protestantism, is interpreted as a strong evidence that Korea is a watchman of truth. Thus, Yongmoon-San Gido-Won movement gives special meanings to Korea and Korean variously in the drama of salvation by God's Will. At this point, we could catch out the existence of religious nationalism, which has a deep relation with Korean spirituality. 이 논문은 용문산기도원 운동의 한국적 영성을 드러내기 위한 방법의 하나로 ‘종교적 민족주의’라는 개념에 주목하였으며 나운몽의『동방의 한나라』를 분석의 주 텍스트로 삼았다. 나운몽은 한민족이 이스라엘 민족을 대신하여 새로이 선택된 축복의 백성임을 강조하였다. 그는 한민족의 국호(한나라, 조선, 진국), 의복(백의민족), 정치적 상황(약소민족의 설움과 곤경), 신앙(성령운동의 흥기와 복음주의의 지속) 등에 초점을 두면서 한민족이 말세의 선민임을 증거하고 있다. 더 나아가 고대 이스라엘과 한국의 관계를 육신 예수/ 신령 예수, 외형적 종교운동/ 내면적 신앙운동, 장자 벨렉/ 동생 욕단의 이분법에 적용시키면서 한민족이 ‘새로운 이스라엘’이자 ‘새로운 시온’임을 강조하고 있다. 이러한 선민의 모티프 속에 종교적 민족주의가 작동하고 있다. 고대 이스라엘의 선민사상이 유대교 민족주의를 낳았듯이 한민족의 선민사상도 한민족 중심의 민족주의를 산출하였다. 그러나 이때의 종교적 민족주의는 타자를 공격하거나 침략하는 배외적 민족주의라기보다는 약소민족이 당하는 시련과 고난에 신앙적 차원의 위로와 소망을 부여하는 종교적 민족주의이다. 즉 『동방의 한나라』에 나타난 용문산기도원의 종교적 민족주의는 강자의 침략적 민족주의가 아니라 고난받는 약자의 방어적 민족주의이다. 그리고 이러한 종교적 민족주의 속에서 ‘한국적 영성’의 한 단면을 읽을 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Performance Analysis: Application to Competency Modeling

        이진구,정재삼 한국기업교육학회 2008 기업교육과인재연구 Vol.10 No.2

        This study is to discuss an empirical case study on performance analysis in X-company and link to the process of developing competency models. The purpose of performance analysis is to correctly identify the problem in order to select, implement, and evaluate appropriate interventions for accomplishing positive performance results and outcomes. We suggest that the utilization of competency be a critical research agenda for improving performance because competency identification is to explain key requirements for a job category such as activities, tasks, setting, and tools. Even though competency modeling is time-consuming and expensive work, competency model can be a helpful intervention tool improving human performance. In this sense, a competency model can be a useful tool.

      • KCI등재후보

        현대 한국 종교의 정치참여 형태와 그 특성

        이진구 한신인문학연구소 2008 종교문화연구 Vol.- No.10

        This paper attempts to explore the types and characteristics of religions in contemporary Korea. There were three forms of political participation in Korean religions, specially protestantism, Roman catholicism, and Buddhism since 1945. The first was the total support of religions for the state power by accepting the anti-communism, during the period of the first republic of Korea, 1948-1960. In return, the political power gave much privileges to Korean religions, especially the protestant churches. The second was the democratization movement of liberal camps in Korean religions during the period of militant regimes, 1961-1987. For the sake of the protection of human rights of the people, the progressive groups of protestantism, Roman catholicism, and Buddhism resisted to the authoritarian rules of militant regimes. The conservative camps, of course, were submissive to the dictatorship of militant governments. The third was the political movement of religious right-wing groups in the period of democratization since 1987. As a result of collapse of militant regimes, civil society movements began to prosper. During the period of 2003-2007, however, the conservative groups among the protestant churches strongly criticized the democratic government as the left-wing and pro-North Korea regime. The protestant right-wing activists tried to change the political power by organization of NGOs or Christian political party. Finally, they succeed in the re-founding of right-wing government.

      • 業間指壓體操에 關한 硏究

        李鎭球 진주교육대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.22 No.1

        This finger-pressure gymnastics is: 1. You can practice finger-pressure gymnastics by yourself, and it is a kind of gymnastics combined with linger-pressure. ex) To refrshrefresh the fatigue on shoulder you can press at the root of your shoulder and lift up and down it. 2. There are 18 points for Finger-press gymnastics from your head to the lowest part of your body. It is largely devided into two parts; finger-press gymnastics for standing form and sitting form. 3. To do finger-pressure gymnastic exercises on your whole body is ideal, but it doesn't matter if you pick up some parts of your body and practise it on them. ex) When you want to do linger-press, you had bettor practice finger-pressure gymnastics on your head and neck. When your shoulder is hardened, you will do well to practise it on your shoulder. 4. It will he satisfactory if you practise it in such groups as schools, places of work, and so on, or you are free to enjoy it by yourself as you please. 5. If you finger-pressure gymnastics as a beginning to the physical education lesson is believed to contribute to the creation of desirable atmosphere for learners. 6. Practice of finger-pressure gymnastics as a beginning to the physical education lesson is believed to contribute to the creation of desirable atmosphere for learners. 7. This finder-pressure gymnastics will Contribute to the management of your health and the efficiency of work if it is practised in each place of work. 8. It is absolutely important that first of all you should start to practise it by yourself and on end. A Study on Gymnastics for the finger-pressure between lines A study of Gymnastics for "Upgain" manual Therapeutics A study on FINGER-PRESS GYMNASTICS between lines

      • 意思公示 自由權의 羈束的 寄與性 : Der dienende Charakter des Grundrechts der Kommunikationsfreiheit

        李鎭求 동아대학교 부설 사회과학연구소 1996 사회과학논집 Vol.13 No.-

        Die Kommunikationsfreiheit wird als ein, wenn nicht das wichtigste Grundrecht des Menschen in den meisten Verfassungen garantiert, denn die Kommunikationsfreiheit spielt eine zentrale Rolle dabei, den Rechtscharakter und die Gerechtigkeit einer Verfassungsordnung angeben und realisieren zu ko¨nnen. Deshalb fungiert die Kommunikationsfreiheit in vielen Verfassungsordnungen als ein verfassungsrechtliches Kern-Grundrecht, das als unmittelbar wirkender Ansatz zur freien Entfaltung anderer, konkurrierender Freiheitsrechte beitra¨gt. In diesem Sinn kann die Kommurikationsfreiheit nur dann ihre zentrale Kraft geltend machen, wenn sie in der Rechtsordnung durch Gesetz gewa¨hrleistet wird. Und genau wegen dieses Charnkters oder wegen dieses Sinnes kann die Kommunikationsfreiheit allein aus dem Kontext verfassungstheoretischer U¨berlegungen heraus interpretiert und verstanden werden. Eine solche Interpretation des Doppelcharakters der Kommunikationsfreiheit wird in der vorliegenden Untersuchung unternommen. Die Resultate dieses Bemu¨hens sind wie folgt zusammenzufassen; Das Grundrecht der Kommunikationsfreiheit verfolgt das Ziel, zur Realisierung und zugleich zur Harmonisierung des Grundrechtes aller Menschen auf Kommunikationsfreiheit untereinander beizutragen. Der doppelte Charakter des Rechts auf Kommunikationsfreiheit besteht also darin, zum einen fu¨r die Verwirklichung der anderen menschlichen Grundrechten zu sorgen, zum anderen und parallel dazu verfolgt es die Aufgabe, die harmonische Wechselwirkung aller Grundrechte zu gewa¨hrleisten. Die Kommunikationsfreiheit wird also als ein Grundrecht des Menschen beschrieben, das aus dem Respekt vor dem Recht unterschiedlicher Menschen auf Selbstverwirklichung in einem Staatsgebilde heraus verstanden und genossen werden soll. Auf diesem Wege kann die Kommunikationsfreiheit eine groβe Bedeutung fu¨r die reale und ideale Freiheit entfalten. Dabei muβ freilich der "dienende" Charakter der Kommumikationsfreiheit richtig begriffen werden: Der dienende Charakter dieses Freiheitsrechtes besteht in erster Linie in Handlungen, die das Subjekt der Kommunikation vornimmt, um zur Erfu¨llung o¨ffentlicher Aufgaben beizutragen; er erstreckt sich nicht auf Aktionen, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, durch wirtschaftlichen Zwang oder vergleichbare Tatbesta¨nde zwanghafte Unterwerfungsverha¨ltnisse zu produzieren. Die Kommunikationsfreibeit in diesem Sinne meint also kein schrankenloses, von der Vcrpflichtung zur sozialen Bindung losgelo¨stes Verhalten, sie sorgt vielmehr fu¨r einen Zustand, in dem der gegenseitige Respekt der Menschen voreinander im gegenseitigen Umgang gesichert werden soll.

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