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        언어가 나의 세계를 구성한다는 것에 대하여 - 초기 유식학의 관점에서

        이지중 ( Ji-joong Yi ) 한국철학상담치료학회 2021 철학 실천과 상담 Vol.11 No.-

        It is self-evident that humans cannot think without language. This cannot be denied. From the point of view of early vijñaptimātratā, human consciousness and language have an equal root position. These two can only gain vitality by using each other as causality. This is also the reason that humans can recognize their world even though No-Mind. Then we can say that language constitutes my world. However, language does not contain the object of recognition as its own substance. The reason why vijňapti[識] can exist as nothing is because language is the home and form of phenomenon of them, and then language can also exist by using vijňapti[識] as the causality, language cannot be a substance. If so, we should say that language and the world revealed by the language is irrelevant each other. Humans can think in language, but the world have appeared by language is not real. This is explained by early vijñapt imātratā as eui-eon-bun-byul(의언분별) with enlightenment. Wisdom is another word for enlightenment, the realization of the relationship between language and the being can be an eye for a new interpretation of my world.

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