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      • 백선피지부자복합방(白鮮皮地膚子複合方)의 항아토피피부염 효능에 관한 실험적 연구

        심부용 ( Boo Yong Sim ),지중구 ( Joong Gu Ji ),이원융 ( Won Yung Lee ),김수정 ( Su Jung Kim ),김효영 ( Hyo Young Kim ),이지영 ( Ji Young Lee ),김동희 ( Dong Hee Kim ) 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2014 혜화의학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        In order to investigate the efficacy of BJBB on atopic dermatitis, various immune related factors were studied. The results and conclusions are as follows. Atopic dermatitis symptoms were improved in BJBB treated group and significant decrease in dermatitis index were observed in 13 weeks. ALT, AST and BUN, Cr levels were all with in the normal ranges in BJBB treated group, indicating no induced toxicity. BJBB treated group showed significant decrease in CD4+, CD11b+/Gr-1+ immune cell ratio in dorsal skin by 33% and 62% respectively. BJBB treated group showed significant decrease in the expression of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and histamine by 83%, 62%, 53% and 61% respectively. Also the group showed decrease in the transcription of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 mRNA in spleen by 41%, 52% and 50% respectively. BJBB treated group showed decrease in the expression of IgE by 57% respectively. The results above indicated that treatment of BJBB improved atopic dermatitis symptoms by immune modulation activity a clinical evidence. thus, BJBB has a potential use as a composition of medicinal plants for treatment against inflammation related disease.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        마이크로파 저온진공건조 기술을 이용한 홍삼제조공정 개발 및 제품특성에 관한 연구

        이상호(Sang Ho Lee),지중구(Joong Gu Ji) 한국유화학회 2017 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구는 마이크로파 저온진공건조 기술을 이용하여 고효율 인삼개발을 하고자 하였다. 홍삼제조 공정에서 증삼 후 60-70℃에서 24시간 동안 건조하고 다시 40℃에서 72시간동안 건조한 열풍 건조 홍삼과 증삼 후 마이크로파 저온진공건조기에서 900 watt, 2.45 MHz, 50 mmHg 조건으로 5시간동안 건조하고 다시 750 mmHg로 2시간동안 건조한 홍삼으로 조직 관찰, 관능평가, 진세노사이드 및 조사포닌 함량 변화 등을 비교하였다. 그 결과, 마이크로파 저온진공 홍삼은 색도가 밝은 색으로, 표면적은 다공성 조직으로 변화하였으며, 향미를 높이고 쓴 맛을 크게 감소시킴과 동시에 단 맛을 증가시켜 종합적인 선호도를 높였다. 또한, 단시간에 진세노사이드 Rg₁과 Rb₁ 함량을 열풍 건조 홍삼에 비해 1시간대에서 약 6배, 8배가 증가되었으나, Rg₃ 함량에서는 큰 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 마지막으로 조사포닌 함량은 10-20분대부터 크게 증가하여 이후 지속적으로 높은 함량이 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과를 종합해보면, 마이크로파 저온진공홍삼은 열풍 건조 홍삼에 비해 다공성 조직 변화를 통해 단시간에 진세노사이드 및 조사포닌에 대한 추출 수율을 높이고 향미와 식감을 개선시켜 홍삼에 대한 선호도를 높일 수 있음을 확인되었다. The purpose of this study was to develop the high efficiency of ginseng by using microwave low temperature vacuum drying technology. In red ginseng manufacturing processes, the study results compared the hot-air drying red ginseng dried during 24hours in 60-70℃ and redried during 72hours in 40℃ after the steaming ginseng with the red ginseng dried in microwave low temperature vacuum dryer on condition that 900 watt, 2.45 MHz, 50 mmHg during 5 hours and redried during 2 hours on 750 mmHg after the steaming ginseng about observation of tissue, sensory evaluation and a change of ginsenoside and crude saponin content. As a result, the red ginseng in microwave low temperature vacuum was had high brightness, the surface turned into porosity tissue and added more flavor, decreased bitterness highly on the contrary increased sweetness at the same time that elevated the comprehensive preference. Moreover, In a short time, the content of ginsenosides Rg₁ and Rb₁ increased about sixfold, eightfold in one time zone but there were no wide difference in content of Rg₃ as compared to the hot-air drying red ginseng. Finally, content of crude saponin was increased widely at 10-20 minutes and stayed high crude saponin content consistently. Therefore, this result indicated that the red ginseng in microwave low temperature vacuum increased extraction yields of the ginsenosides and crude saponin through a change of porosity tissue and improved flavor and texture compare with the general hot air dried red ginseng in a short time. According to these results, that provided that could increase the preference about red ginseng.

      • KCI등재

        한방화장품의 눈가 주름 개선 효과

        강신정(Kang, Shin-Jyung),김애정(Kim, Ae-Jung),이명숙(Lee, Myoung-Sook),이연희(Lee, Yeon-Hee),지중구(Ji, Joong-Ku) 한국산학기술학회 2011 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.12 No.1

        맥문동, 차가버섯, 감초, 흑삼, 백출, 백복령, 당귀, 숙지황, 천궁, 작약의 추출물을 이용한 한방소재로 에센스 와 크림을 제조하여 눈가의 주름개선 효과를 평가하였다. 평균연령 44.8세의 한국인 중년여성 6명을 대상으로 에센스 사용 후 크림 사용으로 매일 2회씩(아침, 저녁), 1cm2당 2mg씩, 4주간 연속 사용하도록 한 다음, 4주 경과 후 눈가 주름의 모사판을 제작하여 영상 분석하였다. 눈꼬리 주름 모사판 영상분석 결과, 에센스와 크림 사용 4주 후 주름 R1 은 3.22±0.85에서 2.38±0.32, R2는 3.08±0.83에서 2.22±0.32, R3는 2.29±0.64에서 2.29±0.64, R4는 0.44±0.14에서 0.44±0.14, R5는 0.98±0.21에서 0.98±0.21로 유의하게 감소하여(P<0.05), 본 시료는 눈가주름개선에 효과 있는 것으로 평가되었다. This study evaluated anti-wrinkle effect for eye using essence and cream containing extract of Liriope platy phyllla, Inonotus obliquus, Glycyrrhiza glabra, black ginseng, Atractylodes japonica, Poria cocos Wolf, Angelica gigas, Rehmanniae Radix Preparata and Cnidii Rhizoma, Paeonia lactiflora. 6 female adults on average at the age of 44.8, applied cream after essence under the normal conditions of use on the crow's feet area, twice a day (in the morning and evening), 2mg/1cm 2 for 4weeks. After 4 weeks, the replica of eye wrinkle was made and analyzed the image. The result was that eye wrinkle was decreased in R1(3.22±0.85 to 2.38±0.32), R2(3.08±0.83 to 2.22±0.32), R3(2.29±0.64 to 2.29±0.64), R4(0.44±0.14 to 0.44±0.14), and R5(0.98±0.21 to 0.98±0.21)(P<0.05). Therefore, oriental medicine cosmetics containing traditional herb medicine may play a role anti-wrinkle for eye.

      • KCI등재후보

        선문답의 교육적 생명력 -줄탁동시(啐啄同時)를 중심으로-

        이지중 ( Ji Joong Lee ) 사단법인 한국교수불자연합회 2010 한국교수불자연합학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        줄탁동시란, 학생과 교사가 안과 밖에서 서로 힘을 합하여 새로운 세계를 향해 깨쳐나가는 것이다. 교사는 암탁이 알을 품 듯 학생들을 품되 그들에게 의문을 가지게 함으로써 깨달음의 세계로 인도해야 하고, 이로써 학생 스스로 자신의 삶의 세계에 대한 진지한 의문을 품고 반성케 하는 것이 중요하다. 그리하여 병아리로서의 학생이 깨우침을 위해 줄(쵀) 의 쪼음을 시작할때가 되면, 과감하게 탁(啄)의 교육적 실천을 행해야 한다. 너무 조급하면 아직 성숙치 못한 학생의 삶을 자칫 그르칠 수도 있고, 너무 뜸을 드리면 제풀에 지쳐 학업을 포기할 수도 있다. 미성숙자로서의 학생이 자신의 인간적 성숙을 위해 뜸드리고 있을 때, 교사가 그 정확한 깨우침의 계기를 포착하여 자극을 줌으로써 줄탁동시를 이룰 때 학생은 감겨있던 마음의 눈을 떠서 낡은 껍질을 벗고 새로운 앎을 가지게 된다. 선문답의 교육적 생명력이란 학생들로 하여금 자신과 세계에 대해 질문하게 하고, 이러한 질문을 도와주기 위한 교사의 슬기에 관한 것에 있다. 줄탁동시란 이러한 교사의 슬기에 관한 담론이다. Jool-Tak means that the student and the teacher go together through the wall of the biased view for having the wisdom of the enlightment. For it, the teacher need to have the student to get the soul-searching what he/ she is as well as to understand what the world is around her/ him. The education do not only exist for achiving the knowledge needed by the industrial society but exist for the knowledge of what I am as well as what the world is. Then, the meanings of Jool-Tak coule give lots of implications for today`s education which concentrates to make people that produce much more knowledge.

      • KCI등재후보

        단재 신채호 교육관 고찰

        이지중(Lee, Ji-Joong) 한국교육사상연구회 2007 敎育思想硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        본 논고는 『단재 신채호전집』을 분석의 기초로 삼아 그의 교육관을 고찰하는데 목적이 있다. 논고 결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 단재가 이해한 교육은 기본적으로 국권회복과 근대적 국가 설립을 위한 긴요한 방편이었다. 그리고 그 목적은 애국교육 및 애국자 양성을 위한 정육교육(情育敎育)에 있었고, 국가의 미인 국수(國粹)를 교육의 주요 내용으로 선정․조직하고자 하였다. 또한 이를 위한 구체적 실천방안으로는 역사서 및 역사적 위인의 전기 탐독, 구서의 간행 그리고 국문의 적극적 활용 등을 들 수 있다. 국수란 한 나라의 역사적 풍습, 습관, 법률, 제도 등의 정신을 뜻하는 것으로서, 곧 국가의 미를 말하는 것인데, 단재는 특히 이 국수를 한국 문화의 소중함과 자랑스러움을 일깨우고 지켜낼 수 문명의 생식기 같은 것으로 여겼다. 서구 근대적 사상등도 이러한 국수를 바탕으로 주체적으로 수용하고 해석하여 국권회복과 근대국가 건설을 위한 애국 교육의 주요 내용으로 활용하고자 하였다. The purpose of this article is to study Dan-Jae, Shin Cha-Ho(丹齋 申采浩, 1880~1936)‘s patriotic educational thought. Basically, he understood education as essential methods to regain national rights and to establish a modernized country. Therefore I'd like to analyze the educational aim that he wanted to set up, the educational contents that he wanted to teach and the trend of thought that influenced the constitution of his educational thought. After which I would like to investigate some educational suggestions to improve today's education into a more desirable condition. The results of the study are summarized as follow. First, he established the aims of education as Sang-mu-kyo-yuk(尙武敎育), which means an education for people which is soldier-like and as Jung-yuk-kyo-yuk(情育敎育), which means an education for loving ones country. Secondly, he wanted to establish the traditional beauty of country, kuk-su(國粹) as the contents of education for Jung-yuk-kyo-yuk(情育敎育). Thirdly, he emphasized the importance of the Korean language and encouraged old books that have emphasized the beauty of Korea. Finally, the trend of thought at that time that influenced constructing his thought greatly was his attitude to reinterpret Confucianism, his inclination towards patriotism, and western modernistic knowledge like the theory of social evolution.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        교육에서 언어와 존재자의 관계성 문제 -『유식학』의 관점에서-

        이지중 ( Ji Joong Lee ) 한국교육철학회 2004 교육철학 Vol.26 No.-

        The aim of this study is to explore the connection between language and existence in education, therefore to clarify that language is the foundation of ontology for human`s understanding of the world and human thinking have its structure of `name and form(意言分別)`, also to argue that today`s education should turn its eyes from the objectives knowledges oriented aim to thinking about learner`s whole life. According to what they can see, education can be defined in various ways, it can be defined as the process of Q & A about "How to live`?" and "How to obtain the meanings of his/her life by learners themselves?" In this point education means to be the process of human being`s understanding for his/her life-world, therefor we should note that education is needed for the accurate understanding of language character of learners. Because human being`s thinking and the meanings of life-world have their structure of `name and form(意言分別)`. For this reasons, we can access to education in two levels. First, it is the education that we make learners to understand the fundamental character of language. It shows that we make learners know that human being`s thinkings are under condition of `name and form(意言分別)`. Therefore they can understand that not only human thinkings are constituted with language but also human thinkings are limited by the historical and social structure of language, and admit that human being`s knowledge can not work by itself forever. Second, it is the education that learners transfer his/her linguistic system authentically. The transformation of linguistic system is authentically important as the existential category of human beings. So, it is important how we can provide the educational opportunity to experience ultimate nature of language and knowing. For this practices, we should present it in order to understand the way of thinking of human beings in their linguistic structure. These can be the feasible tasks of education that students can understand the ultimate nature of human thinking, her/his life and life-world as it is.

      • KCI등재

        교육행위로서 선문답에 대한 이론적 배경

        이지중 ( Ji Joong Lee ) 한국교육철학학회 2014 교육철학연구 Vol.36 No.3

        선문답은 왜 논리적으로 설명되지 못하는 대화를 하는 것일까. 여기엔 어떠한 교육적 생명력이 숨어 있을까. 선문답의 생명력이란 어떠한 논리로도 풀리지 않는 모순성에 있다면, 선문답이 터하고 있는 지평은 어떻게 설명될 수 있을까. 논자의 관심은 선문답의 이론적 배경이라 볼 수 있는 『중론』과 초기유식의 논서인 『섭대승론석』을 중심으로. 선문답의 화두가 그렇게 제시될 수밖에 없는 이론적 근거를 밝혀보고자 하는 것이다. 논고 결과 중관학과 유식학의 논리는 무자성공 내지 무분별지이다. 그리고 이것은 대승불교를 관통하고 있는 논리이기도 하다. 이러한 무분별지 내는 무자성공을 말로서 표현할 때, 그것의 본래성은 사라지고 만다. 언어가 무자성공을 그리고 무분별지를 그대로 담지할 수는 없기 때문이다. 따라서 아무리 친절하게 설명한다고 하여도 깨달음이란 것의 본래성이 설명될 수도 없거니와, 한 인간의 실존적 체험으로만 가질 수 있는 것을 말로서 줄 수는 없는 것이다. 그런 까닭에 선사는 제자의 의문에 대해 친절하게 설명하는 대신, 오히려 제자의 의문을 증폭시키는 엉뚱한 대답을 하거나 단지 큰 소리를 지를 수밖에 없는 것이다. 따라서 선문답의 보다 직접적인 교육적 생명력은 언어적 분별을 넘어선 초논리성에 있다고 할 수 있고, 이 초논리성을 방편으로 삼아 제자가 자신의 공부를 스스로 깨치도록 이끄는데 있다고 할 수 있다. The liveliness of Zen dialogue is contradictoriness that can not be solved by any kind of logics. The text of Zen dialogue deconstructs language order thoroughly. Because Zen dialogue is not the kind of conversation for sharing meanings between dialogists. Then how can we explain the horizon of Zen dialogue. What I wish to show in this paper is to explore the theoretical background of Zen dialogue that should be presented like the form based on Mulamadhyamakakarika, Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way and 攝大乘論釋, Mahayana-samparigaha-sastra. Viewed in this light, we can see the logics of Consciousness-only and Mulamadhyamakakarika are of 無自性空 or 無分別智. It is the logic to through to Mahanaya Buddhism. But those 無自性空 or 無分別智 cannot be explained by language or words. When we explain them, the nature attribute of them must be disappeared. Because language or words are discerning something and it is the nature of language or words. Also, language or words can not hold 無自性空 or 無分別智 itself. If we accept this views, we can also admit that someone can not explain the enlightenment by language as well as can not give the experience of enlightenment to others. Someone``s enlightenment must be experienced by him or herself only. So a master of Zen Buddhism has to reply his dialogue in illogical sentences or yell. It follows from what has been said that the liveliness of Zen dialogue exists on transcendence of logics, giving some opportunity for students to understand the nature of Buddha by him or herself. In this point education means to be the process of human being``s understanding for his/ her life-world, therefore we should note that education is needed for the accurate understanding of language character of learners. Because human being``s thinking and the meaning of life-world have their structures of ``name and form``.

      • KCI등재

        유식학적 언어관의 인격교육적 이해

        이지중 ( Ji Joong Lee ) 동양철학연구회 2008 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.54 No.-

        Human can communicate the world through language only. The aim of his thesis is to understand the essence of language by Yogacara Buddhist theory and interpret it into a character-educational field. Yogacara Buddhist`s language conceptions are divided in two branches. One is Discriminativeness depending on language(의언분별성), and the other is Mutual-opacity between language and Formal Object(언어와 대상사물의 상호불투명성). In this regard, we can assert that even though human could think beings in the world through the way to be opened by language, it is quite different between language and beings in the world. In turn, the character, thus Sa-ram-deam(사람됨, personal quality) means the fundamental of every knowledge and activities of a human have and deal with. Then if human could think beings in the world through language only, we can say that it is true Sa-ram-deam(사람됨, personal quality) can appear through language also. So, if we understand the essence of language and the relationship between language and beings, we could obtain the viewpoints to transcend the boundaries of our mind which have been captured in natural attitude and make an opportunity to constitute our Sa-ram-deam(사람됨, personal quality) newly. Then I think we can plan the character-educational project for understanding the essence of language conceptions.

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