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      • KCI등재

        남한지역 한약자원식물의 수집분류와 이용체계에 관한 연구 1. 남한지역 한약자원 식물의 수집분류

        이종일 한국자원식물학회 1992 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        The plants medicinal resources of southern area(Soraksan, Bughansan, Odesan, Gwanagsan, Sollaegsan, Gyeryongsan, Sogrisan, Deogyusan, Chinsan, Jogyesan, Mudeungsan, Hallasan) ofkorea were investigated 10 times from May 1,1992 to November 30,1992In order to analyze the vegetation of southem area, medical wild plants structure and distr:~bution.Medical wild plants of southern area consisted of 94 familis,284 specis in all. The resources of impor-tant herb drugs were Polypodiaceae, Graminea, Liliaceae, polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae,Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, Favaceae, Apiaceae, Ldbiatae, Solanaceae, Companulaceae, Compositae.The herb drygs were comparatively more thanin other mounteins in our country.

      • KCI등재

        한국산 개자(Brassica juncea)의 재배학적 특성연구 1 : 수집품종의 특성 및 파종기 차이에 따른 주요형질의 변이

        李鐘一,李相來,崔炯局,權炳善 韓國作物學會 1985 한국작물학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        개자의 육종적 개량 가능성과 재배적 개선 가능성을 검토하기 위하여 수집된 5개품종들을 파종기를 달리하여 1980~82년 까지 3 개년에 걸쳐 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 공시품종간에 추태기는 제주종, 서울종, 일본종이 빠르고 영산포종과 수원종은 늦은 편이었으며 성숙기는 수원종이 가장 늦었다. 2 . 초장은 수원종이 가장 짧았으나 협당종실수는 가장 많았으며 분지수는 서울종, 영산포종이 많은 반면 입중, 협장 및 중에 있어서는 품종간 차이가 인정되지 않았으며 종실수량은 서울종이 248kg/10a로 높았다. 3. 유분함량은 품종간 28.8 ~32.1%의 변이를 보였으며 황갈색종피인 서울종. 영산포종. 제주종이 높은 경향이었고 탈지박중의 Glucosinolate 함량은 전체적으로 높은 경향이었다. 4. 파종기가 지연됨에 따라 추태, 개화가 지연되며 초장, 총 분지수, 수당협수가 감소하는 경향인데 추태는 수원종, 제주종, 일본종이 개화기는 제주종이 초장은 서울종, 제주종이 수당협수에서는 서울종, 수원종. 일본종이 그리고 협당입수에서는 제주종이 민감한 반응을 나타냈다. 5. 파종기 지연에 따른 입중, 중. 협장 및 유분함량이나 지방산조성 변이는 인정되지 않았다. 6 경노계수 분석 결과 수량에 대한 직접효과가 큰 형질은 총 분지수, 개화기, 수장이었고 간접효과가 큰 형질은 수장을 통한 초장이었던 반면 파종기가 지연됨에 따라 초장이나 수장 보다 개화기나 결실비율의 직접효과가 뚜렷해지는 경향이었다. To investigate the possibility of improvement of seed mustard varieties, these experiments were conducted at Muan in Chonranamdo for three years with five local seed mustard varieties and seeding dates. Local varieties collected from Seoul, Cheju and introduced from Japan showed earlier bolting date while Yungsanpo and Suweon varieties bolted later and Suweon variety exhibited the latest maturity. Suweon variety had the shortest plant height with higher number of grains per pod. Seoul and Yungsanpo varieties had more total branch numbers than others. There was no varietal difference in grain weight, pod length and one liter weight. Grain yield per 10a was highest in Seoul variety by 247.5kg. Late seeding date delayed the bolting and flowering date while plant height, total branch numbers, pod numbers per ear and grain number per pod were decreased. The magnitude of varietal response to seeding date was varied greatly with traits. Grain weights per liter, 1,000 grain weight, pod lengths, oil contents, and fatty acid compositions were not affected by the different seeding dates.

      • KCI등재

        뉴미디어 확장에 따른 콘텐츠 시장의 변화 연구

        이종일 한국인체미용예술학회 2020 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The expansion of new media has dramatically transformed the content market. In the broadcasting sector, in particular, content diversity is essential to overcome a sharp drop in advertising costs, which resulted from poor viewing rates. Under these circumstances, this study investigated changes in the content market and discover the influence of content changes on media. For this, changes in the content market were divided into old media and new media, and the causes of the expansion of new media and its influence on content were examined. Lastly, this paper is summarized, and conclusions are given by suggesting a content development plan for broadcasting companies under the expansion of new media. Old media refer to conventional media including TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. With the growth and development of IT technologies, however, they have been replaced with new media such as YouTube, Facebook and mobile apps. As broadcasting content such as TV series and K-pop are exported to many countries under the name of ‘hallyu (the Korean Wave)’, the excellence of Korean culture has been popularized. Such content has already been developed through traditional media. Thanks to the new media (YouTube), K-pop culture has been formed and spread all over the world, considerably improving the image of the Republic of Korea. Based on this, the traditional media have also opened their own YouTube channels and developed new content to escape the influence of new media platforms and stay competitive in new business markets. For both old and new media, it is most critical to secure the competitive content that 5G consumers want in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

      • KCI등재

        Licence and Control in Ulysses: Verbal Play and Sentimentality

        이종일 한국제임스조이스학회 2011 제임스조이스저널 Vol.17 No.2

        Joyce’s vision of the dynamic tension between static and kinetic impulses that informs Ulysses is faithfully embodied in its aesthetic aspects. On the one hand, the novel, built upon structuring frames of varied levels and patterns, is polished to the utmost by the author’s supreme artistic sense. On the other hand, it is filled with formal excrescences and coarse materials. This conflicting, but interrelated, mode might be discussed in the antithetical terms of licence and control, focusing on two concepts of verbal play and sentimentality. Ulysses never loses control entirely even when indulging in transgressions of normal syntax. For one thing, the dislocation of words is carried out within the limit of the minimal syntactic order needed to convey the meaning of the sentences. That is, the licence of local disordering is under the control of the general order, which, though transgressed superficially or partially, remains intact on the fundamental and potential level. For another, basic sense is never lost in breaking normal linguistic patterns. The changing of ordinary word order, far from a gratuitous caprice, often contributes to effectively convey the relevant thematic meaning or the narrative context. In this way, the kinetic aspects on the formal level suit the main action and theme, which play the role of static factor in the complicated and digressive text. Ulysses contains a lot of sentimental subjects, but it presents them in an unsentimentalised manner. Joyce rarely gives a direct presentation of Bloom’s distracted and sentimental state of mind resulting from Molly’s presumed adultery. By making the scene of adultery take place utterly offstage and just suggesting the effect the adultery has on Bloom’s mind he avoids sentimentality. By the similar token, unlike Bloom who is immersed in the sentimental mood incurred by his dead son’s appearance at the end of Circe, the author distances himself from the scene and provides himself with a broader vision, thereby catching and embedding varied levels of significance. Furthermore, the presentation of the scene is complicated by inversions which imbue it with ironical overtones, a restraining counterpart to the released sentimentality in the situation. Joyce’s vision of the dynamic tension between static and kinetic impulses that informs Ulysses is faithfully embodied in its aesthetic aspects. On the one hand, the novel, built upon structuring frames of varied levels and patterns, is polished to the utmost by the author’s supreme artistic sense. On the other hand, it is filled with formal excrescences and coarse materials. This conflicting, but interrelated, mode might be discussed in the antithetical terms of licence and control, focusing on two concepts of verbal play and sentimentality. Ulysses never loses control entirely even when indulging in transgressions of normal syntax. For one thing, the dislocation of words is carried out within the limit of the minimal syntactic order needed to convey the meaning of the sentences. That is, the licence of local disordering is under the control of the general order, which, though transgressed superficially or partially, remains intact on the fundamental and potential level. For another, basic sense is never lost in breaking normal linguistic patterns. The changing of ordinary word order, far from a gratuitous caprice, often contributes to effectively convey the relevant thematic meaning or the narrative context. In this way, the kinetic aspects on the formal level suit the main action and theme, which play the role of static factor in the complicated and digressive text. Ulysses contains a lot of sentimental subjects, but it presents them in an unsentimentalised manner. Joyce rarely gives a direct presentation of Bloom’s distracted and sentimental state of mind resulting from Molly’s presumed adultery. By making the scene of adultery take place utterly offstage and just suggesting the effect the adultery has on Bloom’s mind he avoids sentimentality. By the similar token, unlike Bloom who is immersed in the sentimental mood incurred by his dead son’s appearance at the end of Circe, the author distances himself from the scene and provides himself with a broader vision, thereby catching and embedding varied levels of significance. Furthermore, the presentation of the scene is complicated by inversions which imbue it with ironical overtones, a restraining counterpart to the released sentimentality in the situation.

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