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      • KCI등재

        중일전쟁 시기 조선화교의 항일활동

        李正熙(Yi Junghee) 동양사학회 2017 東洋史學硏究 Vol.139 No.-

        This paper aims to analyse the anti-Japanese resistance activities of overseas Chinese of colonial Korea during the second Sino-Japanese War from various angles, focusing on the earlier years(1937.7-1941.12) and the later years(1942.1-1945.8). Their resistance activities were analysed, based on documents published by Japanese-Government-General of Korea. Anti-Japanese resistance activities of them appeared in the earlier years in modest forms such as the espionage activities of each Chinese consulate and spreading of anti-Japanese false information. Otherwise, there were more active forms of resistance such as espionage, arson, and other destructive activities through the establishment of anti-Japanese resistance organization such as Ziki Society(自己團), Chinese Young Society(中國靑年團), and Nitto Society(日東會) in the later years. Also in the later years, we can see that their activities against the Japanese were happening on a nationwide scale. One point of note is that many of the overseas Chinese who participate in anti-Japanese activities were closely affiliated with the Eighth Route Army, based in Shandong and Hebei Provinces of China. Shandong and Hebei Provinces were the hometown of Overseas Chinese of colonial Korea. In consideration of the discussion above, I wish to propose that their levels of anti-Japanese resistance was the highest among the East Asian overseas Chinese.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 애니메이션 역사를 중심으로 한 중국 캐릭터의 특징에 대한 연구

        이정희(Yi Junghee),최문희(Choi Moonhee) 한국디지털디자인학회 2009 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        13억 인구의 중국이 동북아의 새로운 문화콘텐츠산업 마켓'으로 주목받고 있다. 세계 문화콘텐츠산업의 국가별 시장 점유율은 미국 일본 영국 독일에 이어 5위를 차지하고 있고 중국의 성장 가능성은 점점 향상되고 있다. 대중음악·영화·드라마 분야는 중국·일본·동남아 등에서 이미 다양한 산업적 파급효과를 낳고 있으며 몇 해 전까지 일본이 선점하고 있던 아시아 문화콘텐츠 시장의 판도를 흔들어 놓고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 중국의 캐릭터·애니메이션 산업이 동북아시대를 맞이해 앞으로 더 많은 가능성을 가지고 발전해 나갈 것으로 예상된다. 하지만 전 세계 문화콘텐츠산업의 50%이상을 차지하고 있는 미국과 일본의 캐릭터에 대해서 많은 연구가 있지만 중국 캐릭터에 대한 자료나 연구가 폭넓게 이루어지고 있지 않은 실정이다. 본 연구는 애니메이션의 역사를 통해 캐릭터의 역사를 알아보고자 문헌을 통해 중국 캐릭터 역사를 총 6단계로 정리하여 역사별 특징에 대해 연구하였다. 그리고 통계자료들을 통해 중국의 캐릭터 산업의 현황에 대해 알아보았다. 또한 중국 캐릭터를 내용분류 형식 분류 표현기법 분류 구성특징으로 분류하여 그 특징에 대해 사례를 들어 연구하였다. 애니메이션 속의 캐릭터 특징을 정리하면 첫째 옛 것을 새로운 포장으로 무리 없이 감싸는 장인정신이 살아있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 국가주도형 제작체제로 작가주의의 양산 조건이 전제되어 있기 때문이다. 둘째 수묵·담채의 캐릭터 표현의 특화 및 인형 및 절지로의 표현기법의 오랜 역사성이라 하겠다. 셋째 계몽주의적인 소재의 내용을 가진 캐릭터의 비중이 많다는 것이 특징이다. 또한 은유적인 영상에 불교적·유교적인 이념을 표현하여 현실적인 내용과는 차별화를 두었다. 본 연구는 손자(孫子) '모공편(謀攻篇)에 나오는 지피지기 (知彼知己)라는 고사성어처럼 중국 애니메이션의 역사를 통해 중국 캐릭터에 대해 알고 중국 캐릭터의 표현특성들을 파악하여 중국시장에 성공적인 캐릭터 디자인을 할 수 있도록 한국 디자이너들에게 중국캐릭터의 이해를 높이는 데 도움이 되고자 하는데 그 의의가 있다. 향후 중국 캐릭터의 연구가 깊이 있고 다양한 범위에서 지속되어 중국 캐릭터시장에서 한국의 디자인이 더욱 활성화되기를 기대한다. China 13 million population comes into spotlight as new market of cultural contents industry. The characters and animation industry of China have a lot more potentials and expects to be developing for Northeast era for these situations. There are many studies of American and Japanese characters which are over 50% market share in the world cultural contents industry but broad studies and information about Chinese characters are not been doing. This study is to know character history through animation history from documentations. It researched special features of each step above the six ones. And the situations of Chinese character industries shows through statistical information in this thesis. I also studied deeply Chinese characters through the classifications which are contents classification a form classification expressing classification and special features of organization. Animations and characters of China have a lot of market potentials. find through animation history that there is live workmanship in Chinese animations which comfortably wrap old ones in new ones. This is to help Korean designers raise the understanding levels of Chinese characters so that the designers design successfully for Chinese market. I expect various studies about Chinese characters keep going so that design developing of Korean characters is activating more.

      • KCI등재

        왕징웨이(汪精衛) 난징국민정부시기 화교 송금시스템의 변화

        김종호(Kim JongHo),이정희(Yi Junghee) 중국근현대사학회 2018 중국근현대사연구 Vol.78 No.-

        For thirteen years from 1937 to 1949, local societies in China and overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia experienced harsh circumstances due to the continuous military conflicts of the Sino-Japanese War, Pacific War and Chinese Civil War. As fighting among the empires and political powers of Britain, Japan, the Chinese Nationalist Government, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reached a peak, Chinese local societies and overseas Chinese communities with their economic networks straddling between Southeast Asia and South China had to negotiate and adapt in order to survive these crises, regardless of whether they were government–affiliated or local independent subjects. This paper aims to investigate their survival capability amidst changing monetary systems of the empires and political regimes through focusing on overseas Chinese remittance business during Wang Jing-wei’s puppet-governmental era. The foreign exchange circulation of the overseas Chinese remittance network between Southern China (Fujian and Guangdong provinces) and Southeast Asia is the central topic of analysis in this paper. Due to the massive emigration of Chinese labourers from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century, remittances of their wages from Southeast Asia back to their hometowns in China, so-called Qiaopi, had led to a large amount of money in circulation and the dynamic functioning of a financial network in that geographical corridor. Because Chinese labourers in Southeast Asia gained their income through foreign exchange, it had to be converted to Chinese local currency for the use of their families in China. As the Chinese emigration massively increased, a large amount of foreign exchange was converted to Chinese currency and was circulated between Southeast Asia and South China. However, due to the invasion and subsequent occupation of Japanese empire on South China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, the private Qiaopi network could not be operated any more. In addition, the Qiaopi network with its massive circulation of foreign exchange soon naturally attracted close attention of Japanese empire. The Japanese empire tried to regulate the existing Qiaopi network through the Wang Jing-wei’s puppet government in order to weaken resistance of Chinese. Under this circumstances, local societies in China and overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia showed contradictory attitudes towards the Japanese regulations. In particular, this paper deals with two essential overseas Chinese hometowns, Jinjiang and Shantow, to investigate reactions of them. How did local societies and overseas Chinese communities adapt to those harsh wartime circumstances? How did the Japanese established Wang Jingwei’s puppet government try to control the Qiaopi network? How did the Qiaopi network shifted its structure in face of wartime crisis? This paper aims to answer those questions.

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