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        지역특성을 고려한 홍수방어대안 제시를 위한 공간 다기준의사결정 기법 적용 방안 연구

        이은경,지정원,이재응,Lee, Eunkyung,Ji, Jungwon,Yi, Jaeeung 한국수자원학회 2018 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.51 No.4

        지구 온난화가 심화됨에 따라 도시지역에서 집중호우에 의한 침수 피해가 증가하는 추세이다. 이러한 지구온난화에 의한 기후변화의 변동성은 IPCC 5차 보고서(2014)에서도 기술되어 있으며 기후변화에 의한 강수 패턴의 변화, 수문시스템의 변화 등 수자원 불확실성의 증가에 대하여 시사하고 있다. 최근 서울이나 부산과 같은 대도시의 관로의 수용 범위를 초과하는 국지성 호우가 발생하여 큰 피해를 초래하였다. 도시지역의 침수는 1차적으로 우수관거 통수능 부족에 의한 내수범람이 발생하고 방류구와 인접한 하천의 외수범람이 발생한다. 인구가 밀집되어 있는 도시지역에서 발생하는 침수는 인명피해 뿐만 아니라 도로, 교량, 지하공간 침수 및 파괴를 복구하기 위한 사회 경제적 피해를 동반하기 때문에 농촌, 산지 지역에 비해 피해량이 크다. 또한 도시개발에 인한 불투수면적 증가, 강우 유출시 출구부까지의 짧은 도달시간, 배수시설의 통수능부족 등 다양한 원인이 침수피해를 증대시킨다. 본 연구에서는 집중호우에 취약한 지역을 선정하고 XP-SWMM을 이용하여 내수침수 모의를 실시하였다. 또한 시범지역에 관로 개량, 우수저류지 설치, 우수펌프장 설치와 같은 홍수방어대안을 적용하여 각각의 침수모의를 실시하였으며 해당유역을 격자별로 분할하여 대안별 침수데이터를 추출하였다. 또한 격자별로 가장 적합한 구조적 홍수방어대안을 제시하기 위해 침수시간, 최대침수심, 구조물 설치비용을 평가요소로 이용하였으며 MCDM 기법 중 하나인 Compromise Programming 기법을 적용하였다. 본 연구에서는 동일 유역이라도 지리적 여건에 따라 대안의 선호도가 다르다는 점을 반영하고자 하였으며, Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Making을 적용하여 지역특성을 고려한 홍수방어대안을 선정하는 방법에 대하여 연구하였다. Recently, the flood inundation caused by heavy rainfall in urban area is increasing due to global warming. The variability of climate change is described in the IPCC 5th report (2014). The precipitation pattern and hydrological system is varied by climate change. Since the heavy rainfall surpassed the design capacity of the pipeline, it caused great damage in metropolitan cities such as Seoul and Busan. Inundation in urban area is primarily caused by insufficient sewer capacity and surplus overflow of river. Inundation in urban area with concentrated population is more dangerous than rural and mountains areas, because it is accompanied by human casualties as well as socio-economic damage to recover destruction of roads, brides and underground spaces. In addition, various factors such as an increase in impervious area, a short time of concentration to outlet, and a shortage of sewer capacity's lack increase flooding damage. In this study, flood inundation analysis was conducted for vulnerable areas using XP-SWMM. Also, three structural flood prevention measures such as drainage pipeline construction, detention reservoir construction, and flood pumping station construction are applied as flood damage prevention alternatives. The flood data for each alternative were extracted by dividing the basin by grid. The Spatial Compromise Programming are applied using flood assessment criteria, such as maximum inundation depth, inundation time, and construction cost. The purpose of this study is to reflect the preference of alternatives according to geographical condition even in the same watershed and to select flood defense alternative considering regional characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        다목적 활용을 위한 화천댐 용수공급능력 평가 연구

        이은경,이선미,지정원,이재응,정순찬,Lee, Eunkyung,Lee, Seonmi,Ji, Jungwon,Yi, Jaeeung,Jung, Soonchan 한국수자원학회 2022 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.55 No.6

        In April 2020, the Korean government decided to operate the Hwacheon reservoir, a hydropower reservoir to supply water, and it is currently under pilot operation. Through the pilot operation, the Hwacheon reservoir is the first among the hydropower reservoirs in Korea to make a constant release for downstream water supply. In this study, the water supply capacity of the Hwacheon reservoir was estimated using the inflow data of the Hwacheon reservoir. A simulation model was developed to calculate the water supply that satisfies both the monthly water supply reliability of 95% and the annual water supply reliability of 95%. An optimization model was also developed to evaluate the water supply capacity of the Hwacheon reservoir. The inflow data used as input data for the model was modified in two ways in consideration of the impact of the Imnam reservoir. Calculating the water supply for the Hwacheon reservoir using the two modified inflows is as follows. The water supply that satisfies 95% of the monthly water supply reliability is 26.9 m<sup>3</sup>/sec and 24.1 m<sup>3</sup>/sec. And the water supply that satisfies 95% of the annual water supply reliability is 23.9 m<sup>3</sup>/sec and 22.2 m<sup>3</sup>/sec. Hwacheon reservoir has a maximum annual water supply of 777 MCM (Million Cubic Meter) without failure in the water supply. The Hwacheon reservoir can supply 704 MCM of water per year, considering the past monthly power generation and discharge patterns. If the Hwacheon reservoir performs a routine operation utilizing its water supply capacity, it can contribute to stabilizing the water supply during dry seasons in the Han River Basin.

      • KCI등재

        부라티노의 성공 신화: 번안 동화에서 문화산업의 주역으로

        이은경(Yi, Eunkyung) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2023 슬라브학보 Vol.38 No.4

        Aleksey Tolstoys 1936 book The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino, which is based on the 1883 Italian novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, overcame the limitations of adapted fairy tales, and excellently demonstrates the potential of original fairy tales. Buratino, the story’s protagonist, succeeded in becoming a unique Russian brand, being widely used in various character designs, including toys, drinks, and weapons. It was also produced as a play, animated film, and live-action film, and has also been adapted into a political novel for adults, expanding its readership not only to children but to also adults, exerting a great influence across multiple generations. This paper reveals how Collodis Pinocchio was naturally accepted when combined with Russian culture and examines the process by which Tolstoys work developed into various cultural industries beyond the realm of fairy tales. Consequently, it is possible to analyze the reasons why Buratino became an iconic character that greatly reflects the unique characteristics of Russian culture.

      • KCI등재

        투르게네프의 『아샤』: ‘낭만화’로 구현된 혼종적 문화정체성

        이은경(Eunkyung Yi) 한국노어노문학회 2021 노어노문학 Vol.33 No.3

        본 논문은 투르게네프의 『아샤』(1858)를 통해 투르게네프식 ‘낭만화’의 의미와 동시대인의 혼종적 문화정체성을 살펴보았다. 서정성이 짙은 그의 일부 작품들은 시대적 요구와 사실주의 미학에서 벗어나 있다는 폄하를 받지만, 오히려 이러한 작품들이야말로 투르게네프식 주제의 의미화와 진정성을 잘 드러낸다. 투르게네프는 러시아문학의 세계화를 이끈 작가였다. 그는 『아샤』를 통해 해외에 거주하는 러시아인의 삶과 그들의 독특한 의식을 조명하였다. 몸은 타국 땅에 있지만, 영혼은 여전히 러시아에 속해있는 그들을 그리면서 개인의 운명적 멍에를 러시아 역사와 동일선상에 놓는다. 등장인물들의 미성숙함, 불안, 실수, 그리고 후회 가득한 모습은 이처럼 두 문화의 경계선상에 놓여있는 현실의 러시아인을 사실적으로 그려내었다. 독일의 라인강을 배경으로 벌어지는 사랑의 서사는 강렬한 러시아적 정서를 전하는 동시에 동시대에 대한 성찰과 러시아인인 동시에 유럽인으로 살아가는 이들의 혼종적 문화정체성을 정확하게 묘사한다. 등장인물들의 성장에 관한 다양한 이야기를 이끌어내면서 『아샤』는 이해불가능한 그럼에도 미숙하고 영원한 그리움의 대상인 아샤의 형상으로 ‘러시아성(Russianness)’을 구현하였다. This article examines the meaning of Turgenev-style "romanticism" that blossomed in the era of Russian realism through Turgenev"s Asya. Some of his lyrical works were denigrated for being outside the demands of the times and realistic aesthetics, but on the contrary, it can be said that it is these works that show well the meaning and sincerity of Turgenev"s themes. Turgenev was a writer, who led to globalization of Russian literature. His view was not confined to the interior of Russia, he also illuminated the lives, specific worldview and consciousness of Russians living abroad. Describing those who stay in foreign land but whose souls still belong to Russia, he put the fateful yoke of the individual on the same line with Russian history. The immaturity, anxiety, mistakes, and regrets of the characters realistically show the reality of Russians who are on the border of two cultures. Along with the embodiment of German romanticism through Asya Turgenev presents in a unique narrative style the thème of those russians who have European vision but at the same time miss their motherland Russia. In this respect, we can confirm that this work is a masterpiece that precisely describe the thoughts and behaviors of contemporary Russians. By drawing various stories about the growth of the characters, Asya embodies ‘Russianness’ in the form of Asya, who is incomprehensible and immature but still is an object of eternal longing.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        문명에 대한 논의와 사상적 전개

        이은경(Yi, Eunkyung) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2015 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.58

        In the twentieth-century Russian literature and culture, negative elements deriving from social and historical advancement have often stood out. It is noteworthy to point out that this problem-consciousness is not only dealing with problems within political and social domains, but also with the problems of universal humanity. From early on, within the arena of political issues and social problems, Russian literature and culture have keenly eyed the harmful effects brought on by the advancement of humanity. One among these is that evolution of civilization has degenerated the territory of human minds. Berdyaev predicted about the humans enslavement by the civilization and offered his thoughts on that end; likewise, Mamardashvili insisted that unless expansion and deepening of consciousness are set as prerequisites, then it will mean degeneration and not evolution. In order to explore the advancement and degeneration of human minds within the modern society, this thesis focuses on the civilization argument within the Russian thoughts. From the historical perspective, I wanted to reveal the fact that the disputes over Russian culture - more specifically the advancement of civilization - has not led the humanity towards the right direction but has led them to the degradation of human minds instead. Moreover, this thesis issues a stern warning to the post-modern society and provides an interesting research about Mamardashvili, who has widened the horizon of modern literature research.

      • KCI등재

        소비에트 애니메이션의 ‘러시아적 캐릭터’ 모색과 구현 - 레오니트 시바르츠만의 캐릭터를 중심으로 -

        이은경 ( Eunkyung Yi ) 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 2020 슬라브연구 Vol.36 No.4

        This article deals with Leonid Shvartsman, the most famous russian animator and producer and his classic animations. Shvartsman worked with many film directors in the soviet period and he left a deep footprint in the history of russian animation. In its early days, russian animation has been influenced a lot by Disney but after 1960s with the reorganization of Soyuzmultfilm and the emergence of a new generation directors it could create and establish its own area. Soyuzmultfilm has attracted a lot of criticism that it became a tool for the propaganda of Soviet education, but we also have to recognize its positive function of good and healthy characters created by the Soviet ideology which emphasize the importance of social purification and education. The trademark of the characters of Shvartsman is that they are dressed in clothes of ‘Russian’, ‘Russian culture’. In this point of view we can say that the efforts of Shvartsman, who tried to protect russian animation from the influence of Disney with the slogan: “not to be encroached, but to overcome the Disney style” made it possible the birth of russian characters. Shvartsman points out that humor is the smallest but the greatest power that can save the world. We can see that this view of the world derived from the Jewish lineage is deeply melted in his animation. Therefore, it can be said that the animation created by Shibarzman reveals well the cultural identity of the Soviets in which various ethnic groups and their lives are mixed with harmony.

      • KCI등재

        마트료시카의 예술적 상상력 - 동아시아와 유럽의 문화 교류를 중심으로 -

        이은경 ( Eunkyung Yi ) 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 2021 슬라브연구 Vol.37 No.3

        This article examines the cultural exchange between East Asia and Europe in relation to the birth of the Matryoshka, a craft that represents Russia. The origin of Matryoshka is traced back to a japanese doll, but its birth has a background of cultural exchange between Eastern and Western art which influenced each other. Russian artistic experimentation is also added to this and as a result we can see the form of today’s Matryoshka. After Japanese ports reopened to Western trade in 1854, Europeans were fascinated by the Japanese handicrafts and clothes imported. One of the most admired thing among them was genre painting Ukiyoe, which had a great influence on Impressionist art. In the same way, the powerful fascination of Japanism, that occurred in Europe in the Mid to Late 19th century created a butterfly effect in Russia as well. Japanese wooden doll is newly born as a Matryoshka in the workshop of the Mamontov family, a prestigious family in Russian culture and art. Having the same layered form like japanese wooden doll, Matryoshka has been transformed into a completely different craft representing Russian culture. The name of the doll symbolizes fertility (abundance), and its painting on the surface shows the life and appearance (externals) of Russians. Matryoshka, a product of cultural exchange between East and West, has become a representative craft of Russia through a unique and creative reinterpretation of art and various experiments based on endless imagination.

      • KCI등재

        남시베리아 신화의 데미우르고스, 에를리크 형상

        이은경(Eunkyung Yi),김연수(Younsoo Kim) 한국노어노문학회 2021 노어노문학 Vol.33 No.4

        본 논문은 남시베리아 지역에 널리 퍼져 있는 창세신화 속 에를리크 형상에 대해 살펴보았다. 몽골어계 부랴트족과 사얀-알타이 지역의 튀르크어계 민족들의 신화에 등장하는 에를리크는 죽은 자들을 다스리는 지하세계의 최고 지배자이다. 에를리크는 창조자 울겐의 조력자인 동시에 경쟁자로서 대비된다. 울겐과 에를리크의 관계처럼 남시베리아 지역 창세신화에는 상호부조의 법칙이 존재한다. 이 세계의 발전적 진화를 위해 이 둘은 경쟁적으로 세계를 만들어나간다. 에를리크는 데미우르고스이며 최초의 존재이자 태고의 정령으로 울겐의 ‘밝은’ 이미지와 상반된다. 에를리크는 인간에게 영혼을 불어넣고 그것을 관장하는 동시에 ‘어두움’을 부여한다. 에를리크는 신과 인간의 경계를 넘나드는 매력적인 신화 형상이라고 할 수 있다. 신적 자질과 기능을 갖고 있으면서도 불완전하며 인간의 삶과 밀접하게 연관되어 있기 때문이다. 인간의 영혼을 주관하는 에를리크의 형상에는 남시베리아에 거주하는 민족들의 세계관이 고스란히 반영되어 있다. 에를리크는 각 지역과 민족의 역사와 문화를 반영하며 창세신화 속에서 다양한 모습과 활동을 드러낸다. 또한 샤머니즘과 불교의 영향이 더해지면서 에를리크 형상에는 시베리아 민족들의 종교관까지도 반영된다. 에를리크 형상은 시베리아 신화의 고유함을 내포한 동시에 전파되는 과정에서 새로운 문화와 종교, 세계관과 결합되면서 다양한 모습으로 진화되어 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있다. This paper is a study on the character of Erlik in myths of South Siberia. Erlik is the lord of the dead and the supreme judge in the underground world. He is not only the Creator Ulgen"s partner, but also his antagonist. In myths of South Siberia, there is mutualism like the relationship between Ulgen and Erlik. Ulgen and Erlik compete in the Creation and this leads to the evolution of the world. Erlik is a demiurge, the first living being, the primitive spirit. He has a “dark” image in contrast with the "bright" Ulgen. Erlik breathed a soul into people and takes charge of it after the death of a person. Erlik has a very interesting image. He crosses the line between good and evil. On the one hand, he has the status of a god, and on the other, he is an imperfect being. He is closely related to human life. The character of Erlik reflects the worldview of the people of South Siberia. It is presented in different versions from the historical and cultural backgrounds of each nation. It reflects the view of religion influenced of shamanism and buddhism. The character of Erlik includes the inherent mythological property of south Siberia. At the same time, it varies under the influence of new cultures, religions and worldviews.

      • KCI등재

        차(茶)문화의 접점과 문화적 상징으로서의 사모바르

        이은경 ( Yi Eunkyung ) 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2021 국제지역연구 Vol.25 No.1

        본 논문은 러시아문화에 있어 중요한 역할을 했던 ‘차’를 다루었다. 중국에서 유입된 차가 러시아의 일상 문화에 어떻게 접목되었는지와 차 문화의 결정체인 사모바르의 의미를 밝히고자 했다. 오늘날 사모바르는 러시아를 상징하는 하나의 상징물이 되었다. 러시아인의 ‘넉넉한 마음’을 대변할 뿐 아니라 화려함을 좋아하는 민족성과 기질을 보여주는 것이기 때문이다. 사모바르는 러시아 민속공예품으로 알려져 있지만, 사실상 러시아 고유의 것이라기보다는 복잡한 역사적·문화적 교류와 영향에서 비롯되었다. 사모바르는 찻주전자의 기능과 더불어 장식예술로서의 가치를 보여주었다. 차의 전파와 더불어 다기(茶器) 수입이 성행했던 서유럽의 환경과 비교해보면, 사모바르는 타문화를 재해석하여 고유의 것으로 재창출시킨 특별한 의미를 지닌다. 사모바르는 러시아의 문화상징이 됨과 동시에 실용성을 갖춘 응용예술로까지 확장되었다. 즉, 사모바르는 찻주전자로써 기능성을 충분히 가진 채 집안을 장식하는 예술품으로서 ‘러시아적’ 특성을 갖게 된 것이다. 사모바르는 이제 러시아를 대표하는 상징물로서 많은 외국인에게 러시아 고유의 문화로 받아들여지고 있다. 러시아의 생활양식과 맞물린 문화적 요소로 자연스럽게 인식되는 가운데, 세계 그 어디에서도 고유의 이름인 ‘사모바르’로 불리고 있는 것이다. ‘스스로 끓이는 기계’라는 뜻처럼 그 어떤 영향에 의한 것이 아닌 자생적으로 생겨난 것이란 의미를 획득하기에 이르렀다. This article deals with tea which played important role in Russian culture. It reviews how tea-drinking became a part of Russian daily life and the meaning of Samovar as an iconic symbol of tea culture. It is no exaggeration to say that today Samovar has become a symbol of Russia. It is because that Samovar represents ‘generous hearts’ of Russian people and reveals their ethnic characteristics and temperament who prefer the splendor. Samovar is known as a Russian folkcraft article but actually it is a result from complex cultural and historical encounters and their influence rather than Russia’s own thing. Samovar demonstrated its value as a decorative art along with the function of a teapot. Samovar has special meaning because it concerns the case of recreating unique things by reinterpreting other cultures, which is different from the situation in Western Europe, where tea wear became actively imported with the spread of tea. Samovar has become a cultural symbol of Russia, and at the same time it is considered as a work of applied arts with practical utility. In other words, functioning good enough as a tea pot, Samovar is appreciated as an art objet with 'Russian' characteristic which decorates the house. Nowadays for many foreigners Samovar is considered as a symbol of Russia, which represents original Russian culture. Being easily recognized by people as a cultural element closely connected with the Russian lifestyle, it is called in any part of the world by its own name “Samovar”. Like the name meaning ‘a machine that boils itself’, it looks as if it came out itself, not by the influence from other side.

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