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      • KCI등재

        지역기업환경 변화추이 분석에 관한 실증연구

        이우배(Lee. Woo-Bae),임정덕(Lim. Jung-Duk),이순정(Lee. Soon-Jeong),김성권(Kim. Sung-Kwon) 한국지역개발학회 2008 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        Local business enabling environment of Busan metropolitan area has been evaluated in four different areas including production factors, local economic condition, policy factors and local living environment. Research outcomes of the time-series analysis indicate that overall business environment of Busan metropolitan area has improved gradually for last ten years. Looking in more details, fields of local policy factors and local living environment show much improvement, whereas deteriorating economic condition gave negative impact on local business environment. Condition of local finance and human resources indicate small improvement. Surnmarizing our research findings, we provide some policy implications for Busan metropolitan govemment to improve its local business enabling environment. First, they need to attract large firms to build a growing market for small-and medium- sized firms. In addition, improvement of local business service industry can help local economy more efficient and profitable.

      • KCI등재

        국가산업단지 성장의 고용창출 효과 분석 연구

        이우배(Lee, Woo-Bae),김성권(Kim, Sung-Kwon) 한국지역개발학회 2014 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.26 No.2

        This study aims to find an impact of growth in our national industrial complex on job creations. Here growth in the complex means not only production but also exports, number of firms, operational rate of firm facility, and size of firms. Research questions are whether these sites of national manufacturing production still play major roles in employment growth. For the case study of eight complex in the nation, a dynamic panel model was used to analyze annual data provided by the Korea Industrial Complex Corp. Our conclusion is that there is no clear-cut findings which support all positive or all negative impacts of growth on job creation. Instead, their impacts differ in different components of growth and different types of industry. Growth in the production shows a positive impact on jobs in the heavy manufacturing and chemical industry, but not in the electrical and electronics industries. In a case of growth in exports, it shows a negative impact on jobs, which differs from general expectations. Two components which show positive impacts on jobs in consistence are a growth in number of firms and a operational rate of firm facility. This implies that government support for entrepreneurship, firm incubation, and attraction of foreign investment, all can be efficient policy of job creation. Support for raising operational rate of firm facilities can also be effective.

      • KCI등재

        IDC산업의 입지적 특성 및 지역경제파급효과 -김해지역 사례연구-

        이우배 ( Woo Bae Lee ) 전남대학교 지역개발연구소 2015 지역개발연구 Vol.47 No.1

        IDC산업은 신경제시대의 도래와 함께 최근 국가 및 지역경제의 새로운 성장동력으로 각광받고 있으며 세계 주요 도시들이 이들 인터넷데이터센터 유치를 위해 경쟁을 벌이고 있는 실정이다. 하지만 최근까지 IDC산업이 지역경제에 미치는 영향 및 성장 잠재력에 대한 연구는 활발하지 못한 것을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 KT-SB 글로벌데이터센터가 입지한 김해지역을 사례로 IDC산업의 지역경제 파급효과 및 성장 잠재력을 분석해 보았다. 먼저 사례지역의 산업구조 분석 결과 김해는 우리나라 대부분 지방산업도 시와 마찬가지로 전통 제조업에 특화에 있으며 IT산업은 집적도가 상대적으로 취약한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 여건을 감안해 볼 때 새롭게 입지한 IDC산업의 지역경제 파급효과는 단기적으로는 그다지 높지 않을 것으로 판단된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 해당 자치단체의 노력이나 정부의 지원 노력이 뒤따른다면 IDC산업이 지역경제의 새로운 성장동력으로 작용할 수 있는 잠재력도 발견된다. 첫째, 지역에 특화해 있는 기계금속산업이나 수송기계부품산업이 미래 지식집약형 기계산업으로 발전해 가기 위해서는 클라 우드 서비스를 활용한 특화 솔루션 개발이 요구되며 지역의 IDC가 이를 실현해 가는데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 둘째, 지구온난화 문제 해결을 위해 새롭게 요구되는 그린 IDC산업 수요에 대응하여 에너지 효율을 높이기 위해서는 고효율 저전력소비 장비 및 솔루션 도입, 전력설비 개선 등이 요구되며 이에 특화된 핵심기술 확보 및 제품개발과 관련한 후방산업의 성장도 기대된다. 셋째, IDC의 코로케이션 서비스 활용을 위한 국내외 기업이 입주할 경우 지식정보산업의 새로운 클러스터로 발전해 갈 수 있을 것이다. In the era of new economy, Internet Data Center(IDC) industry draws interests of many policy makers as an emerging industry of information technology. Many cities in the world now compete to attract internet data centers to their region. Despite these interests, there have not been any considerable research on the location of IDC industry and its economic impacts on the local economy. This research aims to find out economic impacts and growth potential of the IDC studying a case of KT-SB Global Internet Data Center in Gimhae area. Without KT-SB Global IDC, Gimhae in the southeastern region of Korea has been specialized in metal and mechanical engineering industry. Considering its economic structure of the area, immediate impacts of the IDC on the local economy are not expected to the great extent. Nevertheless, with public interests and further policy supports, we can find some possibilities of IDC to grow as a new locomotive of local economic development. First, cloud services and specialized solution provided by IDC can assist local traditional industries of metal and mechanical engineering to be transformed to a new knowledge-intensive high tech industries. Second, growing demands for more energy-efficient IDC industry in future will help its backward industry of tools and instruments of green IDC to grow in the area. Third, with additional location of firms seeking to use co-location services of IDC, Gimhae area can grow as a new economic cluster of information industry.

      • KCI등재

        지역기업의 입지 만족도와 역외 이전의 관계에 관한 연구 : 입지요인별 만족도 분석결과를 중심으로

        이우배 ( Lee Woo Bae ),김성권 ( Kim Sung Kwon ) 한국지방행정연구원 2016 地方行政硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        This research aims to find out decisive factors of firm relocation in manufacturing and proper strategies of local government for retaining and attracting firms likely to be relocated. A case study of the Changwon National Industrial Complex indicates that among twelve location factors of manufacturing firms, access to recreation and park services for labors is not only a meaningful but also an influential determinant of firm’s relocation. This research finding emphasizes growing significance of quality of life and culture in local community for attracting firms of high-tech industry. In addition, such factors as ‘feasibility of achieving business services and information,’ ‘local residential environment,’ ‘logistics and delivery cost,’ ‘local labor costs’ and ‘feasibility of site expansion’ are also found influential in some aspect, but not significant in statistics. This research outcome suggests that supply of low cost land and tax subsidy by local government are not sufficient for retaining and attracting manufacturing firms. Instead, increasing amenity of cities and building business-friendly environment would be more effective in local economic development.

      • KCI등재

        정부 지역산업진흥사업의 투자효과 분석 연구

        이우배(Lee, Woo-Bae) 한국도시행정학회 2013 도시 행정 학보 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 정부가 지난 1999년부터 추진해 온 지역산업진흥사업의 정책성과를 우리나라의 대표적 산업도시인 울산지역을 사례로 참여기업 설문조사를 통해 분석하였다. 조사기간인 2007년부터 2010년 사이 4년간 정부의 투자지원을 받은 기업에 대한 성과분석 결과, 성과지표별 총괄치가 해당기간에 대부분 증가하는 것으로 나타나 앞선 선행연구에서와 같이 울산지역에서도 정부지원의 성과가 있는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 하지만 경제적성과와 기술적성과 모두에서 총괄실적에 비해 업체당 평균실적이 낮게 나타나는 것을 알 수 있어 정부지원사업의 성과가 비교적 소수의 대기업이나 중견기업에 의해 창출되고, 나머지 소규모 기업의 경우 지원성과가 없거나 미미하기 때문으로 풀이되어 향후 소기업에 대한 정부의 성과 창출 노력이 요구된다. 개별성과지표를 보면, 먼저 경제적 성과지표의 경우 참여업체의 매출액과 수출액 등에서 큰 증가를 가져 온 것을 알 수 있다. 이에 반해, 종업원수는 파급효과가 상대적으로 낮게 나타나며, 설비투자에는 아무른 영향이 없는 것을 알 수 있다. 향후 정부의 지원효과가 지역의 일자리 창출을 위한 기업의 설비 확장이나 종업원수 증가로 연결되기 위해서는 기존 사업모델의 개선 노력이 요구된다. 다음으로 기술적 성과지표의 경우 정부지원으로 인해 기업체연구소 신설이나 R&D사업화 실적 등에서 전체적으로 크게 높아진 것을 알 수 있다. 이에 반해 특허출원 및 특허등록건수, 연구개발인력수 등의 증가는 상대적으로 낮은 것을 알 수 있도, 이들 지표의 업체당 건수는 해당기간에 오히려 감소하는 것으로 나타나 기술혁신의 성과가 대기업에 편중되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 성과지표별 사업비 투자와 실질적 성과와의 상관관계를 분석해 본 결과 경제적성과지표 가운데 기업체 설비투자는 정부지원과 높은 상관관계를 보여주는 반면, 매출액과 부가가치액, 종업원수등은 정부투자와 상관관계가 기대치 이하인 것으로 나타난다. 이는 기업의 매출액 신장이나 종업원수 증가 등은 정책변수 이외의 해당년도 글로벌 시장 환경 등 다른 외적인 요소에 많이 좌우되는 것으로 풀이되어, 정책효과의 분석에 있어 조심할 필요가 있음을 시사한다. This research aims to find out the outcomes of government’s local industrial development policy using a case study of Ulsan metropolitan area, which we consider a growth pole of South East Korea. Analyzing a survey research on every local firm which participated in the government programs during the period, between 2008 and 2010, we could find that government’s policy produced some positive outcomes in areas of research activities of the firms, such as more active R&D investments, building new R&D facilities, hiring more R&D workforce, more commercialization research of technology, etc. This means that government’s subsidy for local firms worked effectively as a catalyst for innovation of the firms. Nevertheless, these growing research activities induced by government subsidy have yet resulted in the firm’s increase in sales and labor forces. Our correlation analysis shows that government policy has little impact on employment growth of the firms. In other words, government’s local industrial development policy has yet impacted on job creation, in spite of their positive impacts on R&D activities of the firms. In order to increase their impact on productivity and employment, our research suggests three implications: improving a delivery system of government subsidy for target firms, such as proper services at proper places; providing more services in areas of firm location and expansion; providing more services for workforce development so that the growth in firm’s sales result in job creation.

      • KCI등재

        지식경제시대 전통산업도시 부흥전략 연구 : 미국 러스트벨트 도시 사례를 중심으로

        이우배(Lee, Woo-Bae) 한국지역개발학회 2020 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        This research aims to study revitalization strategies of rustbelt cities in North America and their implication for Korean traditional industrial cities which have underwent gradual economic decline in recent. For their regional economic innovation, our case cities commonly invest in developing new industries for their future rather than assisting for competitiveness of their basic manufacturing. New industries include a medical service and life science industry, robot and ICT, green energy, financial business and cultural tourism, etc. A popular location of these new industries is a downtown area in a central city which millennial generation prefers to live. Under a smart growth policy, downtown areas with research universities and historic amenities have been rebuilt as innovation districts of high-tech industry and professional service. At the same time, inclusive growth policy assists economically distressed communities in a central with public aid and tax assistance exemptions for stimulating business enterprise and creating jobs. Abandoned housings and vacant lands have been purchased by local government for building open space or depositing them for future use. Rather than planning for population growth, our case cities restructure their space for smart shrinkage. At last, in planning and implementing their urban revitalization strategy, private organization and public-private collaborative agencies are more active than local government. In addition, a large portion of finances for their development came from both private investments and levy of local beneficiaries rather than pure public assistances from national and local government.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 개발을 통한 지역경쟁력 강화방안 연구 : 경남 남해군 사례를 중심으로

        이우배(Lee, Woo-Bae),민말순(Min, Mal-Soon) 한국지방정부학회 2008 지방정부연구 Vol.12 No.3

        과거의 산업화과정에서 도시개발은 생태환경을 무시한 무절제한 확산의 과정이었다. 이로 인해 심각한 환경문제와 지역 불균형 문제가 초래되었으며 지속가능한 개발에 대한 새로운 관심을 불러일으켰다. 이와 때를 같이하여 국민소득의 증가와 함께 자연환경에 대한 관심이 높아지고 여가 시간을 증가로 관광수요가 늘어남에 따라 생태자원이 지역성장의 새로운 잠재적 요소로 주목받고 있다. 특히 낙후지역인 농어촌 지방의 경우 생태자원을 활용한 지속가능한 개발전략은 지역 활성화에 새로운 계기를 줄 수 있다. 본 연구는 경남의 남해군 사례를 중심으로 지방자치제 실시 이후 추진해 온 지속가능한 개발전략이 지역발전에 미친 영향을 분석해보고 향후 낙후지역 개발의 새로운 전략을 자리매김할 수 있는 지를 평가해 본다. 지역발전의 평가지표로는 경제 활성화 지표와 주민의 삶의 질 향상 지표도 포함시켰다. In the process of industrialization, land for urban use has been expanded enormously without considering the carrying capacity. Such an excessive development results in serious environmental problems, which raises the concern about sustainable development. The growth-oriented developmental road, the paradigm of development so far, has been shifted into a sustainable one. With an increase in income and spare time, people would spend more money and more time on cultural activities and leisure. Therefore, cultural and tourism-oriented businesses come to be a high value-added sector and create good job opportunities which vitalize local economy. Reflecting such trends of sustainable development and eco-tourism activities, counties with clean and beautiful natural environments would utilize their environmental assets and enlarge their potential power in order to strengthen their competitiveness. This paper would suggest the model of local economic development for a distressed region, which wishes to keep pleasant natural environments by carrying out environmental-friendly projects and policies.

      • KCI우수등재

        지역주력산업 육성을 위한 사업화지원사업의 성과 영향요인에 관한 연구

        이우배(Lee, Woo-Bae),황종환(Hwang, Jong-Hwan) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2017 國土計劃 Vol.52 No.1

        This research aims to find factors influencing outputs of government assistance for commercialization of local firms and suggest its policy implications. Our case study is governments program for regional industrial development in Ulsan Metropolitan area. Research findings suggest that in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency of government support for commercialization, we need to provide local firms with a combined package of various types of programs rather than individual ones separately. In addition, assistance for firms with a currently developed new commodity is found more effective than assistance for firms with existing commodity or in the stage of development. Firms with engagement in related R&D assistance programs also show better outcome. To improve program efficiency, our study indicates that provision of adequate amount of subsidy for each program is more needed than good management of the program. The amount of subsidy needs to be differentiated based on the characteristics of firms and programs. Our findings show that assistance for firms having sales department in their company and more export-oriented firms is more effective and economically efficient as well. Giving assistance for the firms in regional main industry is also significant.

      • KCI등재

        지역 기반산업이 비기반 서비스부문에 미치는 경제파급효과 분석 연구

        이우배(Lee Woo Bae),김성권(Kim Sung Kwon) 한국지역개발학회 2011 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.5

        A proposition of this research is that despite of deindustrialization in a current regional economy, an export-based manufacturing industry will continue to lead future growth of our regional economy. In order to maximize economic impact of growth in a local manufacturing industry, however, we need to find out exact relationship between manufacturing and service industry in a region and invest more on services with big impacts of manufacturing growth, but which have poor business infrastructure. A case study of Gyeongnam indicates that its export-based industry of mechanical-engineering provides them with large impact on production and employment of distributive- and producer-service industry. Nevertheless, impact on individual- and social-service industry has been found relatively low. Despite of such a big impact of manufacturing on the growth of distributive- and producer-service industry, however, almost half of them flows out to other region, a capital region in particular, since its business infrastructure is relatively poor. Our research outcome suggests a policy implication that If Gyeongnam region can develop their distributive- and producer-service industry and support their export manufacturing industry, its regional economy will grow much faster than expected.

      • KCI등재

        국가산업단지의 일자리 창출에 영향을 미치는 경제적 요인에 관한 연구

        김성권(Kim, Sung-Kwon),이우배(Lee, Woo-Bae) 한국지역개발학회 2009 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        This study tests and hypothesis that growth of production, export and number of firms in a manufacturing sector has a positive impact on the rise of its total employment. It is expected that our research outcome can correct current misconception of "jobless growth" in a manufacturing sector and will support the fact that manufacturing industry still works as a locomotive of national economic growth both in production and in employment. For a case study, time-series data of Changwon national industrial complex in Gyeongnam Province has been used. Research outcomes based on the vector error correction model(VECM) indicates that all economic factors have positive impacts on employment growth. Among them, total amount of exports have the largest and enduring impact of the employment growth. Total amount of production shows relatively indirect impact on the employment. They impact positively on employment through growth in total exports. In the case of number of firms, we found little impacts on the number of employment. In conclusion, we can argue that stimulating exports in a manufacturing sector is a good strategy for creating jobs. Growing size of exports can increase total production and finally create more jobs in the manufacturing industry.

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