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      • 心腎의 相互관계와 修行중에서의 역할

        李龍植,尹暢烈 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2004 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        1. 心腎的相互關係 1) 心陽與腎陰的關係 人體在正常的生理狀況下, 必火必須降至腎, 助腎陽而共同溫煦腎陰, 使腎水不寒; 腎水必須昇至心, 助腎陰而共同濡養腎陽, 使心陽不亢. 這種現象就被稱爲 "心腎相交" 或 " 水火旣濟". 2) 腎陽(命門火)與心陽(心火)的關係 在生現狀況下, 心陽依存於腎陽的溫煦作用, 于是命門火充足時, 使心陽旺盛, 亦使血流循環良好, 而且良好的血流循環又充養腎陽. 3) 心藏神與腎藏精的關係 精是神的物質基礎, 神爲精的外在表現. 腎精充足, 才能使心主神志的功能維持正常, 令神機聰靈. 2. 心腎的相互關係和修行中的作用 1) 修行令人安定心志, 使心火下不降 修行使人安靜放松, 人的心理由心主宰, 若心志安定時, 不使心火上炎, 竝使之下降而令人頭腦淸爽. 2) 水昇火降 在端直腰部的姿勢下修行時, 上部的心火下降, 下部的腎水上昇, 因而形成水昇火降的局面. 3) 保精 韓醫學認爲精時構成人體, 維持生命活動的基本物質, 因而把精看作至寶. 大槪慾要保精時, 首先要從所有煽情性的刺戟文化解脫, 以抑制相火的發動, 如比可在一定程度上抑制精的漏泄. 而且要節制情欲, 節制男女之間的交合, 以防精液的過多損失, 這又是保存腎精的方法. 4) 煉精化氣 煉精化氣是修行的第一段階, 只有做到煉精化氣時, 才能更上一層樓. 煉精化氣時在人體不使精漏泄, 反而化氣, 而增强人體機能的方法, 時保精的有效手段, 通過適當的修行, 使下丹田里聚集的精液化氣, 布散到全身, 這又是水昇火降的一種.

      • KCI등재

        국립국악원 국악연구실 학술사업의 성과와 과제

        이용식 국립국악원 2017 국악원논문집 Vol.36 No.-

        The Division of Music Research of National Gugak Center was established in 1987. However, the academic activities of the Center has conducted from 1970 before the Division was founded. The Division of Music Research has conducted various academic research since its establishment which cannot be done by a private researcher. In this sense, the review of the outcomes of the Division at this stage of the 40th anniversary of its establishment can be the consideration of the history of music research in Korea. The academic activities of the Division of Music Research can be classified in the reproduction of the old music scores, the translation of the old music literature, the production of music and dance notations, various publications, the oral history, and so forth. The various academic activities of the Division have been the provide of the first-hand and second-hand materials to the academic world. Through these activities, the Division has played a great role in the development of Korean musicology. The Division has conducted other academic activities such as the research of musical instruments and educational resources. The Division also runs the archive, museum, and library as well. The Division of Music Research has conducted difficult and money-consuming activities that cannot be done by private researchers. It was the role of the Division as a national institution. As the 40th years of the establishment, the man-power, budget, and scale of the Division have grown a lot. The Division should play the key role to lead the Korean musicology with efficient and systematic academic activities in the future. 국립국악원에서는 1970년 한국음악학자료총서 제1집을 발간하는 등 학술사업을 진행해왔다. 이후 1987년에 국악연구실이 설립되면서 개인이나 학계에서는 진행할 수 없는 다양하고 본격적인 학술사업을 진행하면서 한국음악학의 영역을 확장하는데 큰 기여를 해왔다. 국악연구실의 학술사업은 논문집 발간, 고악보 영인, 고서적 번역, 각종 악보 및 무보 발간, 해외보급을 위한 영문책자 발간, 구술채록 사업, 국악연감 발간, 총서 발간 등으로 구분할 수 있다. 한국음악학자료총서는 1970년 제1집(대악후보) 이후 제52집까지 악보, 회화, 사진 등의 영인을 통해 한국음악학 연구의 기초자료를 생산했다. 한국음악학학술총서는 1991년 제1집(조선왕조실록 음악기사 총색인) 이후 제9집까지 음악학으로 특화된 주제의 충실한 역주를 통해 국악학계의 학문적 역량을 발휘했다. 국악전집과 한국음악은 각각 정간보와 오선보로 우리 음악을 기록한 악보로서 우리 음악의 보존과 전승에 큰 기여를 했다. 궁중무용무보는 국내 최초이자 유일한 궁중무용을 기보한 것으로서, 무용학 발전의 토대를 이루었다. 해외보급자료인 Korean Musicology Series는 한국음악의 세계화에 큰 기여를 했다. 국립국악원 구술총서는 기존의 연주자만이 아니라 이론가, 작곡가 등의 구술을 통해 현대 한국음악의 흐름을 이해하는 첩경이 되었다. 국악연감은 현대 음악문화의 통계작업으로서 음악학의 기초가 된다. 한민족음악총서는 북한 음악에 관한 심층연구를 통하여 한국음악학의 영역을 확장했다. 국악원논문집은 1989년 창간호를 발간한 이후 현재까지 35집을 발간하면서 한국음악학 성장에 기여했다. 국악연구실은 학술사업 외에도 2006년 개소한 악기연구소를 통한 악기연구도 활발히 진행하고 있는데, 국가기관 주도로 악기의 개량 및 개선 사업을 이루지고 있다. 또한 교육연구사업으로 진행했던 국악용어표준안과 교육용 국악 표준악보 발간 사업은 국립국악원이 국가기관으로서 국악계의 표준을 제시하여 교육의 확장에 크게 기여한 성취를 이루었다. 국악연구실에는 이외에도 국악 관련 각종 음향 및 동영상 자료, 악기 등을 수장하고 관리하는 아카이브와, 국악박물관, 자료실 등을 운영하고 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        체육특기자 대학입시 제출용 경기실적증명서 개선방안

        이용식 한국체육정책학회 2017 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to suggest a improvement plan for that game performance certificate by submission university entrance examination of student athlete is realized fair and objective performance certification. Research results are as follows. First, both of individual event and team event needed to be specified ranking/total participating team or athlete number at game performance certificate. Second, ranking of participating team or athlete and event level division needed to be specified at game performance certificate for overuse stop of low level event and objective differentiation of game performance. Third, game performance certificate needed to be specified advance of the qualifying rounds or final rounds at participation event, victory/defeat(outcome) or score of participation rounds. Fourth, game performance certificate of team event needed to be specified development of position performance evaluation index, measurement and quantification of position performance. Fifth, game performance certificate of individual event needed to be specified ranking/total participating team or athlete number, quantitative game result(record or score), level of contribution of event performance.

      • KCI등재

        “법개발학”(Law and Development)의 현재

        이용식 한국제도∙경제학회 2019 제도와 경제 Vol.13 No.2

        “Law and Development” is an area of inquiry that explores the impact of law on economic and social progress. This short paper accounts the current status of “law and development”, introduces the recently developed the General Theory of Law and Development, and discusses the contributions that “law and development” can make for Korean society. “법개발학”(law and development studies)은 ‘법이 경제와 사회발전에 미치는 영향’에 관해 연구하는 학문이다. 본 소고는 최근에 수립된 법개발학의 “일반이론”(General Theory of Law and Development)을 포함하여 법개발학의 내용을 소개하고, 법개발학이 한국 사회에 기여할 수 있는 부분에 관해 논의한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학 체육특기자 동일계 진학제도 개선대안 연구

        이용식 한국체육정책학회 2022 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to clearly understand or suggest what the university sports specialists‘ same series of studies admission system, and improvement justification of university sports specialists‘ same series of studies admission system, alternatives are available to improve university sports specialists‘ same series of studies admission system. Through this study, the university sports specialists‘ same series of studies admission system is increasing the effectiveness of the policy to guarantee the right to study for high school sports specialists, and the admission quota of university sports specialists‘ same series of studies is insufficient compared to the number of high school sports specialists, so it is necessary to expand the department of university sports specialists‘ same series of studies. However, it was suggested that improvement is necessary within the scope that the basic rights of the Constitution are not violated. In the review of the alternatives to the improvement of the university sports specialists‘ same series of studies admission system, first, the improvement plan within the maintenance of current university sports specialists‘ same series of studies admission system, second, the department expansion plan for university sports specialists‘ same series of studies, third, the open plan for the entrance series of advanced academic career among university sports specialists were proposed. The first plan is the most feasible plan, and the second plan is a plan that can be reviewed if there is consent from the same series of studies' expansion department. The third plan is a long-term task that requires reorganization of the whole university sports specialists‘ same series of studies admission system and expansion of management institutions such as university sports councils.

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