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      • 韓國經濟開發計劃과 財政의 役割 : 1962∼'71

        李龍三 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        韓國은 1960年 1人當 GNP가 $79에 불과한 빈곤한 國家였으며 그때의 輸出은 $3,290만 인데 輸入은 그 10培인 $35,400만이었기 때문에 外國의 資本이 없으면 經濟活動을 제대로 할 수 없었다. 이와 같이 美國을 비롯한 외국의 援助가 감소됨에 따라 政府는 外國의 資本을 도입하는 經濟開發5個年計劃을 세워 自立經濟의 確立을 목표로 하였으며 이러한 經濟開發計劃을 성공시키기 위해서는 무엇보다 財政運營의 役割이 중요하였다. 특히 經濟開發에 중점을 둔 財政投融資 活動은 경제성장에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 한국경제개발계획에 있어서 중요한 기능을 한 재정의 경제적 역할을 살펴보고자 하는 것이 목적이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study for the Restoration of Hong Dae-Yong Honsangui - Focusing on the structure and operating mechanism -

        이용삼,김상혁,박제훈 한국우주과학회 2013 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.30 No.3

        Honsangui (celestial globe) which is a water-hammering method astronomical clock is recorded in 「Juhaesuyong」 which is Volume VI of supplement from 『Damheonseo』, written by Hong Dae-Yong (1731~1783). We made out the conceptual design of Hong Dae-Yong’s Honsangui through the study on its structure and working mechanism. Honsangui consist of three rings and two layers, the structure of rings which correspond to outer layer is similar to his own Tongcheonui (armillary sphere) which is a kind of armillary sphere. Honsang sphere which correspond to inner layer depicts constellations and milky way and two beads hang on it as Sun and Moon respectively for realize the celestial motion. Tongcheonui is operated by the pendulum power but Honsangui is operated by water-hammering method mechanism. This Honsangui’s working mechanism is the traditional way of Joseon and it was simplified the working mechanism of Shui yün i hsiang t'ai which is a representative astronomical clock of China. This record of Honsangui is the only historical record about the water-hammering method working mechanism of Joseon Era and it provide the study of water-hammering method mechanism with a vital clue.

      • KCI등재

        A Study for the Restoration of the Sundials in King Sejong Era

        이용삼,김상혁 한국우주과학회 2011 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.28 No.2

        The sundials produced in King Sejong era had the functions of accurate observation instruments and were fabricated in various forms such as Angbuilgu (hemispherical sundial). In this study, we investigated the literature, structural characteristics and principles of Hyeonjuilgu, Cheonpyeongilgu and Jeongnamilgu that were developed in Joseon to have the unique structures. Additionally, the sundials were reviewed in the perspective of technical history by comparing them with the sundials of China. For the restoration of the sundials, we identified the principle in which the light spots and shade of the sun were used, and drew the variations of the altitude and azimuth by the yearly motion of the sun on the Siban on the hemispheric and flat surfaces. Based on these results, we completed the design drawings of the three sundials and proposed the restoration models.

      • KCI등재

        Structure and Conceptual Design of a Water-Hammering-Type Honsang for Restoration

        이용삼,김상혁 한국우주과학회 2012 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.29 No.2

        We analyzed the manufacturing procedure, specifications, repair history, and details of celestial movements of the water-hammering type Honsang (celestial globe). Results from our study on the remaining Honsangs in China and Japan and on the reconstruction models in Korea were applied to our conceptual design of the water-hammering type Honsang. A Honui (armillary sphere) and Honsang using the water-hammering method were manufactured in Joseon in 1435 (the 17th year of King Sejong). Jang Yeong-Sil developed the Honsang system based on the water-operation method of Shui yun i hsiang t’ai in China. Water-operation means driving water wheels using a water flow. The most important factor in this type of operation is the precision of the water clock and the control of the water wheel movement. The water-hammering type Honsang in Joseon probably adopted the Cheonhyeong (天衡; oriental escapement device) system of Shui yun i hsiang t’ai in China and the overflow mechanism of Jagyeongnu (striking clepsydra) in Joseon, etc. In addition to the Cheonryun system, more gear instruments were needed to stage the rotation of the Honsang globe and the sun’s movement. In this study, the water-hammering mechanism is analyzed in the structure of a water clock, a water wheel, the Cheonhyeong system, and the Giryun system, as an organically working operation mechanism. We expect that this study will serve as an essential basis for studies on Heumgyeonggaknu, the water-operating astronomical clock, and other astronomical clocks in the middle and latter parts of the Joseon dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        조선의 8척 규표 복원 연구

        이용삼,양홍진,김상혁 한국과학사학회 2011 한국과학사학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        Gnomon (圭表, Gyupyo) is an observational instrument to figure out the length of a year as well as the 24 seasonal divisions of a year by measuring the shadow stick when southing. China has a long history of gnomon and a few ancient gnomons are remained now. In Korean history, Gnomon appeared first in the Sejong-Sillok (世宗實錄) and was installed inside the royal palace of Joseon dynasty, Gyeongbok palace (景福宮). Generally Gyu (圭) made of stone is placed on the bottom horizontally, and the Pyo (表) made of bronze is stood vertically on it. The first gnomon manufactured during King Sejong's period (世宗, 1418-1450) is 40 Chi (尺) height and it was located in the west side of royal observatory, Ganuidae (簡儀臺). It is known that two kinds of size of gnomon were used during Joseon dynasty. Each size of 8 and 40 Chi of gnomon has 165.5cm and 828cm height of Pyo. The shape and size of 40 Chi gnomon are described in historical astronomical books of China and Korea, thus 40 Chi gnomon was restored as miniature ones recently. However, because of lack of resources, 8 Chi gnomon of Joseon dynasty has not been restored until now. We study and restore the actual size of gnomon in 8 Chi. Each size of Gyu and Pyo is 21.2 Chi and 8 Chi, respectively. The carved scales on Gyu make it possible to measure the length of the shadow cast in 2 millimeters. Heongyang (橫樑) installed on top of Pyo was designed to be propped by two dragons. We design a pond connecting waterways carved on the surface of Gyu. We also make a shadow-definer, Yeongbu (影符), which is a tool for enhancing the accuracy of Heongyang to measure the length of shadow cast.

      • 남북한경제와 재정운용에 관한 연구

        이용삼 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1999 社會科學硏究 Vol.6 No.4

        본 연구는 한반도의 평화적 통일을 위하여 남북한 경제현황과 경제교류 및 남북한 재정을 분석하고 통일을 위한 통일비용과 재원확보방안 등을 고찰하는데 그 목적이 있다. 남북한은 해방이후 분단을 계기로 자본주의시장경제체제와 사회주의계획경제 체제라는 각각 다른 경제체제를 운용하여 왔기 때문에 남북한경제에 있어서 재정의 경제적기능이 기본적으로 서로 다른 특성을 가지고 있다. 북한재정의 경제적 기능을 살펴보면 자원배분기능, 소득분배기능 그리고 통제기능으로 특징지을 수 있으며 한반도통일에 있어서 비중있게 다루어야 될 통일비용문제는 통일독일의 경험에 비추어 볼 때 중요한 변수임에 틀림이 없을 것이다. 따라서 남북한재정의 현황을 고려한 통일비용에 대한 재원확보에 우선순위를 두어야 할 것이다. 그러나 북한경제의 상황은 폐쇄적이고 비효율적인 경제정책으로 인하여 1990년이후 1998년까지 '마이너스' 경제성장을 지속하고 있는 등 경제적으로 어려움을 겪고 있으며 한편으로는 현재 진행되고 있는 경수로사업 등을 비롯하여 최근 민간차원의 금강산종합개발계획 및 공단개발계획 등은 정부의 햇볕정책 및 정경분리정책과 맞물려 북한경제의 개방가능성을 엿보게 한다. 따라서 이와같은 한반도의 특수한 경제적 상황을 고려하여 통일정책이 수립되어야 할 것이다. 그리고 남북한이 통일비용의 재원조달방안으로 고려할 수 있는 것들을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째 통일세의 신설, 둘째 통일후 남북한 군사비지출의 감축에 의한 재원조달, 셋째 통일국채발행, 넷째 북한소재 국영기업의 민영화 매각에 의한 재원조달, 다섯째 통일기금조성 등이 있다. 이와같은 통일비용의 재원조달방안들과 함께 북한경제를 활성화시킬 수 있는 외자유치 및 민간차원의 남북경제교류를 더욱 활성화 시켜서 남북한간의 소득격차를 가능한 줄여야 통일후 재정부담이 적어질 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        삼중성 $\lambda$ TAURI의 광도곡선 분석과 시선속도의 분석

        이용삼,권수진 한국우주과학회 1995 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.12 No.1

        충북대학교 천체관측소에서 1990년 12월부터 1994년 1월까지 총 31일 밤 통안 삼중성 $\lambda$ Tau의 UBVRI 광전측광 관측을 수뺑하여 각 필터별로 586점씩 총 2930점의 관측점으로 광도곡선을 완성하였다. 제 1식심의 광도곡선으로부터 1개의 제 1식심시각을 구하고 새로운 광도요소를 얻었다. 분산이 심한 U광도곡션을 제외한 우리의 BVRI 광도곡션과 Grant(1959)의 BV 광도곡션을 혼합하여 Wilson-Devinney 계산법으로 ,$\lambda$ Tau의 측광학적 해를 구한후, 이 광도곡선과 Fekel and Tomkin (1982)이 수집한 시선속도 곡선을 동시에 만족하는 $\lambda$ Tau의 시선속도 곡선의 해를 구하고, 이 값으로부터 이 쌍성계의 절대량을 산출하였다. 주성의 반경과 질량은 각각8$8.3R_\odot$과$8.1m_\odot$이고 반성의 반경과 질량온 각 각 $6.5R_\odot$과 $2.1m_\odot$이다. New UBVRI observations of triple star $\lambda$ Tau were made at Chungbuk Ntional University Observatory for 31 nights from Dec. 1990 to Jan. 1994. A total of 2930 photometric observations were obtained with 586 points for each filters, and BVRI light curves were constructed. From the primary light curves, the one times of primary minimum light was determined with a new light element. The photometric solutions of light curves for $\lambda$ Tau were calculated by using Wilson-Devinney method with our BVRI light curves and the BV light curves obtained by Grant(1959). We determined spectroscopic solutions that were satisfied with these two light curves and the radial velocity curves had been collected by Fekel and Tomkin (1982). From these values, absolute dimensions for this system were estimated. The radius and mass for the primary star are turned out to be $8.3R_\odot$ and $8.1m_\odot$, and $6.5R_\odot$ and $2.1m_\odot$ for the secondary star, respectively.

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