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      • J.D Salinger의 小說과 Buddhism

        李鈺 淸州大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        J.D. Salinger, one of the contemporary writers has inclined to embrace humanism involving the Oriental thoughts along with the tradition and mainstream of American literature. He himself has been interested in the Zen Buddhism and has become a prominent writer among the readers for The Catcher in the Rye, a fiction of socio-cultural criticism to his society around 1950s, in which he has depicted a dream of teenager in the quest of an ideal world in his imagination by protecting playing kids from falling off at the of the cliff. Also, Salinger's main characters have been saved from their own spiritual breakdown when they were enlightened by the doctirne of ‘Satori’ (by Suzuki) embodied in Mahayana Buddhism, and have determined themselves to live for mankind to save mankind from the crucial destiny. Especially, literary thoughts reflected in Franny and Zooey, have closely connected to doctrine of Mahayana Buddhism that is also Salinger's view. In brief, following are some of the issues pertinent to any detcailed analysis of what Salinger's critics have had to say about his writing: (a) His protagonists are often intelligent, sensitive, and very aware adolescents, or adults who, in either case, seek their own identity in relation to an external world with which they find themselves more or less at odds. (b) A definition of the adult world is sometimes sought or offered-- it may be viewed as commercialized, materialistic, phony, ugly grotesque, ego-- a 11 suggestive .of reasons for the sensitive protagonist to retreat from it. (c) Salinger is very concerned with the rather ancient question of innocence and experience in human lives, and how the life experience that is inevitable may best be realized in true spiritual growth, instead of producing a tough cynicism. (d) Salinger's style includes a rather inspired use of detail and a good deal of 20th century slang, vocabulary of adolescents and colloquialisms.

      • Couples : 성도덕의 타락과 죽음

        이옥 청주대학교 국제문제연구원 1993 國際文化硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        John Updike의 문학세계에서 성은 주인공들의 지배적인 관심사가 되고 있다. 이것은 Updike가 대중들의 호기심에 영합하려는 외설적 의도를 넘어 현대사회의 황폐한 정신 상황을 묘사하려는 것이며 또한 작가로서의 예술적 의도와 관계가 깊다. Sigmund Freud나 D.H.Lawrence는 19세기의 기계주의적 정신문명이 인간의 본능적 욕망을 무조건 억압하려는 것을 거부하였다.

      • KCI등재

        18世紀 佛蘭西에 있어서의 理神論과 「가돌릭」의 對立

        李玉 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1957 人文科學 Vol.1 No.-

        To survey this article briefly, the author analyes and explains the trepd of thought, led by Voltair, in the eighteenth Century France, and also makes clear the antagonistic relationship between the philosophy of the Enlightenment and Catholicism in France at that time. He also discusses the influence by which the thought of the Enlighrenment was effected in the French Revolution later. During the Enlightenment period the thinkers generally claimed that the law of nature had two aspects; mechanism and moral element, so that both providence of nature and the morality of man must be sought after. In short, this article describes what the influence of Deism was upon both Catholicism and the French Revolution.

      • 보육시설 평가인증제 도입과 보육의 질(質)

        이옥 덕성여자대학교 사회과학연구소 2002 사회과학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        This study discussed some tasks to implement the accreditation procedure of child care centers in order to offer quality child care services in Korea, which was based on reviewing the cases in some relatively progressive and conservative countries with respect to 'child care policy'. The dicussion included the quality child care as a real goal of accreditation system, the problems, effects of the child care accreditation, and what constitutes quality child care. Especially, parents's viewpoint on quality, children's experiences in centers, and the community and national supports for child care centers were emphasized as the key elements of implementing the accreditation system of child care centers in Korea.

      • 「위대한 유산」(Great Expectations)과 「두 도시 이야기」(A Tale of Two Cities) 속의 사회악

        이옥 淸州大學校 國際文化硏究院 2008 國際文化硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to survey the attitude of Charles Dickens on the social evils and his message to the human beings through analyzing Great Expectations & A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens is regarded as a social novelist and we can not appreciate the moral significance of his work unless we relate it to the view of values and structures of the society. Dickens sharply criticizes social snobbery and hypocrites by means of satirical depiction. Especially he shows the poor human mind which can be affected by big property and the power of authority. In Great Expectations, Dickens teaches us to distinguish between social prestige and moral worth. Pip's social rise is accompanied by a moral decline, and it is only when his ‘great expectations' collapse that he is able to become a gentleman in the moral sense. Dickens's satire asks us to try reversing the accepted senses of innocence and guilt, success and failure, to think of the goods as the world's evils. Through the social conditions depicted in A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens shows that the social system restrains and violates the natural relations between the aristocracy and the lower classes. He thinks the French Revolution as an inevitable course in the organic historical process bring about the retributive destruction originating from the conflict between the oppressor and oppressed. Dickens may criticize parliament, the courts, the social systems, or the evils of irresponsible capitalism, but he never explicitly suggests how such things could be reformed. He merely is a spokesman for the reforming conscience of the middle classes. It is the Dickens's message to his age that warm heartedness, sincerity, and self-sacrificing love are necessary for human happiness and social betterment. Also it is his novel that really played a leading part in awakening the public conscience to social evils.

      • Wuthering Heights에 관한 연구 : 영원한 생명의 탐색 The Search for eternal life.

        이옥 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 1986 人文科學論集 Vol.5 No.-

        Emily Bronte¨s Wuthering Heights is a unique imaginative Creation which ignores the moral and social assumptions of the Victorian novels. The story consists of two parts: part one of the story develops the motivation for Heathcliff's revenge, and part two presents Heathcliff's revenge. In fact, Heathcliff's passion for Catherine and his revenge is the main theme of the root of the story. In Wuthering Heights the living and the dead exist side by side and they are in communication. When Catherine dies, her spirit besieges Heathcliff with her passion as much as in life. Catherine and Heathcliff reach the final union through their death. Therefore in this novel death is not an end but a liberation of a spirit. Also the story starts in storm, wind, and snow as strong elements of Gothicism, which arouse in the reader chilly horrible sense that may keep him in some uncomfortable suspense. The re-established relationship of Catherine Linton and Hareton gives a sense of positive hope and continuity of life in nature. In the end the fatal love between Catherine and Heathcliff would go on in this world through the love of their descendants. I think Wuthering Heights is the unigue mysterious novel in the world.

      • 청소년기 여학생의 비전통적 직업선호 요인으로서의 직업정보의 탐색행동과 인지적 복잡성

        李玉 덕성여자대학교 학생생활연구소 1987 學生生活硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        Vocational cognitive complexity and explorative behaviors to acquire vocational informational nontrational preferences. Based on related literative review, the following hypothesis were established and tested. Hypotheses 1: The Vocational cognitive complexity level of female adolescents who indicated nontraditional occupational preference is higher than that of female adolescents who indicated traditional occupational preference. Hypotheses 2: The level of explorative behaviors to acquire vocational information of female adolescents who indicated nontraditional occupat ional preferenceis higher than that of female adolescents who indicated nontraditional occupational preference. Hypotheses 3: Two variables, vocational cognitive complexity and explorative behaviors to acquire vocational information are crrelated. The results of the study showed that hypotheses 1 was accepted (P . 05), however, hypothses 2 and hypotheses 3 are rejected. This study suggested that the vocational cognitive complexity level could be a factor of subjects'nontratitional career choice. On the other hand, further studies should be conducted with a more objective scale to measure subjects' explorative behaviors to acquire vocational information in order to conclude that there is no relation between two variables, subjects'explorative behaviors to acquire vocational information and vocational cognitive complexity.

      • 「두 도시 이야기 (A Tale of Two Cities)」에 나타난 디킨즈의 문학적 기교와 사회관 : Dickens's Literary Technique and His View of Society

        이옥 청주대학교 국제협력연구원 2002 國際文化硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        A Tale Two Cities is a historical novel of plot rather than character The characters are ruled by the plot, not the other way around, and the emphasis is on narrative rather than dialogue This novel is nth in imagery, especially· that of colour The abundant use of dramatic styles is also characteristic of A Tale of Two Cities By beginning this novel, and ending it, with the symbol of resurrection, Dickens brings the theme full circle. A Tale Two cities Is not only a work of art, it is also a tract for times, a conditional prophecy Dickens saw the Revolution as an inevitable course In the organic historical process bringing about the retributive destruction orginating from the conflict between the oppressor and the oppressed He implied in the tale that either side uncontrollable of their violent inclinations could be seriously· harmful to the other side and its result could be mutual destruction The Marquis is convinced that ‘repression is the only lasting philosophy’, whereas Darnay seeks mercy and Justice for the peasants on the estate Dickens attacked aristocratism by showing inhuman Marquis de Evr´emonde, and his influence upon peasant family Madam Defarge undercuts herself through an ironic imitation, She dedicates herself to destroying the Darnay´s family Just as her own family was destroyed The aristocracy must pay the price of the iniquities it has perpetrated, and the revolutionaries will pay the price of their own terrible violence Sydney Carton, who possesses the greatest love, to lay down his life for his friend, achieves an imitation of Christ in his death The novel´s scheme of symmetric contrasts culminates in his ascent to the scaffold, the stage of the Revolution's central rite, reciting the words of Christ, "I am the Resurrection and the Life" Dickens prophesied by the example of Carton's sacrifice that only the heartbreaking repentance and sacred sacrifice on the part of misbehaved classes could reform and Improve the present and future society What Dickens is ultimately concerned with in A Tale of Two Cities is not a particular historical event but rather the relationship between history and evil, how violent oppression breeds violent rebellion which becomes a new kind of oppression

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