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      • 女子用 Boots에 關한 人間工學的 硏究(I) : 動作에 따른 下腿部와 足部의 皮膚面의 변화에 대하여 On the expansion and constraction of the skin surface of the leg and foot

        李年純 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1982 資源問題硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        This study evaluated various groups of incision lines to determine the most appopriate in the design of boots. In addition changes in leg and foot surfaces were investigates to develop the proper measurements to allow for various leg and foot shapes. and differing rates of expansion and contraction. The experimental study revealed the following facts: 1. The incision lines shown at Pig.5-3 were the most suitable. 2. The greatest chonges in motions were found to be the knees, ankles, and toes. 3. The measurements of expansion and contraction in foot and leg surfaces by somato-metry disclosed. 1) The maximun expansion was 1.46cm longitude on front knee and the maximum contraction was 1.8cm on back knee. 2) Front ankle contraction was 1.28cm, while back ankle expansion was 1.21cm. 3) Maximum latitude expansion was 1.26cm. It is concluded from these study results that: 1) Functionalism should be considered before boots are design. 2) It is necessary to make back nee line 1.8cm shorter than front. 3) In the areas of ankle and toes, elasticity of materials and design should be used when boots are made. 4) Excess should be allowed for Expansion and constraction according various mations.

      • KCI등재

        『미암일기』에 나타난 인물평가 방식

        이연순 동양고전학회 2010 東洋古典硏究 Vol.38 No.-

        미암 유희춘의 10년간 일기인 {미암일기}에는 당대의 많은 인물들에 관한 평가가 기록되어 있다. 이는 品評語를 활용하여 직접 평가한 방식과, 자신이 見聞한 내용을 그대로 인용함으로써 간접 평가한 두 가지 방식으로 분류할 수 있다. 본고는 이러한 {미암일기}의 인물 평가 방식을 통해 당시 미암이 중시한 가치와 그 의의는 무엇인지 찾아보고자 하였다. 그 결과 직접 평가에서는 한 인물에 관해 德과 度量, 善義와 孝誠, 학문과 재주 등의 품평어를 사용하여 평가하는 양상을 보였다. 여기서 미암이 善한 인물을 구하고자 하는 뜻이 컸으며, 독서와 학문은 물론, 변치 않는 군자의 도와 文才가 있는 것을 높이 샀고, 개성적인 성품도 수용하고 평가한 점을 발견할 수 있었다. 그리고 간접 평가는 다시 견문만을 그대로 인용한 경우와 견문 끝에 미암이 평을 附記한 두 가지 경우로 나누어보았다. 이 가운데 전자는 미암이 견문한 인물에 관한 평을 사실대로 인용하여 간접적으로 평가를 남김으로써, 후세에 진실을 전달하는 역할을 한 점에서 의의가 있다. 후자는 평을 덧붙이되 품평어를 사용하지 않고, 미암 자신의 소견을 서술하거나 시를 짓거나 행동을 기록하여 남긴 점에서 기존의 평가 방식과 차별화된 의의를 지닌다. This study was attempted to consider the Character Evaluations in Mi-Am Ilgi(眉巖日記) and find out the important value and meaning. In Mi-Am Ilgi(眉巖日記), Yu Hi-Chun(柳希春)' Journal Literature, he write down many Character's Evaluations. There are classified two ways, one is direct evaluations, the other is indirect evaluations. As a result, Mi-Am persuited the goodness, and highly evaluated an unchanged morality of gentleman and faithfulness in addition to reading and learning. And he admitted the personality. On the one hand, he recognized common person's uncommon experience. It has a meaning that the thinking of Sarim(士林) have been changed. They were undergone 士禍 and change of 16C's economy and society. I guess that there were finded out the possibility of development as narrative literature in Mi-Am Ilgi(眉巖日記).

      • KCI등재

        『미암일기(眉巖日記)』에 나타난 ‘노(怒)’ - ‘불천노(不遷怒)’의 실천 지향을 중심으로 -

        이연순 이화어문학회 2018 이화어문논집 Vol.44 No.-

        본고에서는 미암 유희춘이 자신의 일기인 『미암일기』에 ‘불천노’라 기 록한 점에 주목하고, 미암의 주자학적 이해에 따른 ‘노’의 인식과 실천 지 향에 대해 살펴보았다. 이에 본문에서는 미암이 ‘노’에 대해 인식하고 실천 지향을 보인 양상 에 대해 크게 공적 언행에서 드러낸 인식과 사적 생활에서 보인 실천 지 향으로 나누고, 전자는 중용의 중절을 통한 화(和) 중시와 함양, 그리고 정 자의 ‘정성서’에 바탕 한 경계 강조에 대해 경연일기에서 추출하여 살펴보 았다. 다음 후자는 인간관계에서 논어에 들어 있는 ‘불천노’의 실천을 지 향하고 성찰을 보인 점, 그리고 일상의 일에서 존심을 강조한 시문을 창 작하고 끊임없이 수양한 점 등에 대해 살펴보았다. 이 가운데 특히 미암의 ‘불천노’라는 기록에 대해, 본고는 실제 미암이 그 실천을 했다는 점에서보다는 그러한 실천을 지향했다는 점에서, 16세 기 중반 당시 주자학적 세계관에 따라 수양을 중시한 유학자의 면모에 의의를 부여할 수 있었다. I noticed ‘I hold my temper (不遷怒)’ written in Miam Journal. This article examines Miam’s awareness and direction of practice of anger based on an understanding of the doctrines of Chu-tzu. I divide the part of the text in which Miam recognized anger and aimed for practical purposes into the recognition of public words and the practice of private life. First, Miam’s recognition of anger was extracted citing “a golden mean (中庸).” Next, I discuss Mi-am’s willingness to avoid anger in human relationships, and his constant training and creation of poems that emphasize mental attitude in daily life. I conclude that Mi-am did not actually do what he did, and can say that he did so, and I emphasize the importance of discipline in accordance with the female-tester’s view of the 16th century.

      • KCI등재

        임부체형의 횡단적 연구

        이연순,박정미,나미향 한국의류학회 1993 한국의류학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        By cluster sampling measurements, passing months of pregnancy according to changes of pregnant women body forms. On the basis of the above mentioned data, sizes of pregnant women clothes were decided. The results are as follows. 1. By cluster sampling measurements, sixty-nine items of apparel were obtained during the three different periods of pregnancy. They included the mean and standard deviation of body form measurement and the minimum and maximum values (Chart 3-4). The results of these surveys made it possible to notice the changes of pregnant womens' physical characteristics, i. e., the increased physical proportions: frontal waist area, umbilicus width, abdominal girth, crotch length, the length of the nipple, and body weight and the decreased proportions: omphalos height, perineum dimension. There was little change in the rear parts of the body. 2. The analized results of principle factors for body form measurements by cluster measurements produced seven major factors for which the proper values were over 1.0. They were: form factor, pregnancy factor, posture factor, breast formation factor, rear body formation factor, and nipple to nipple breadth. 3. In deciding garment sizes of pregnant women, four different sizes were established; small, medium, large, and extra-large according to the third, fifth, eighth, and tenth month of pregnancy. The measurement value of each item was produced by estimate.

      • 織物 디자인 분야의 CAD 시스템 사용 현황에 대한 분석적 연구

        李年純 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1994 資源問題硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        In this study the writer investigated the concept of the CAD system on the textile design and the present use of the CAD system in Korea s domestic apparel and textile industry. The results of this study are as follow : 1. The CAD System is the design system backed up by computer, and widely usable to designing the textiles. 2. The CAD systems are be usable for drawing and modifing the pattern, making the silk screen film, printing and weaving the pattern on the textiles quickly and accurately. 3. The possession of the CAD system and usage of it in the Korea textiles and clothing industry can be seen: 1) In the Korean domestic apparel and textile industry, the use of the CAD System is significantly lower than in these same industries in the more advanced countries. 2) The CAD Systems mostly brought from foreign contries and were very expensive. 3) The selling agent usually trains the user. 4) The users are not famillar with the menus and funtions of the CAD system and use the CAD ststem mainly to copy the patterns. They don't use other possible funtion. 5) In order to effectively use to the CAD system for textile design. we need to identify the programs which can be most specifically adapted to Korean industry. We also need intensive training for textile designers. We must continue to be aware of technological improvement in this field and continue to train our designers to use and apply new design technologies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『續蒙求』 所載 여성 인물 일화의 특징 고찰 -인물 선택과 주제 구현 면에서 『蒙求』와 비교하여-

        이연순 한국고전연구학회 2019 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.46

        I examined the features of the female character anecdote in a book written by Miam(眉巖) Yu Hui-chun(柳希春) during his exile, and revealed its significance and limitations. Compared with 『Sok-Monggu(續蒙求)』 and 『Monggu(蒙求)』, some differences are found in the way it chooses woman characters and embodies the theme. As a result, in the choice of female character anecdotes, only exemplary words and deeds of the upper-class women in China history are found in 『Sok-Monggu(續蒙求)』. And in 『Sok-Monggu(續蒙求)』, its theme was intended to present an ideal female image that conformed to the Confucian worldview. This is the difference from the point that『Monggu(蒙求)』 chooses anecdotes of women of various status, not just women of the upper class in China, and also at a point that 『Monggu(蒙求)』 describes a woman who has committed an evil deed in the anecdote. 본고는 16세기 주자학자인 미암 유희춘이 유배지에서 찬술한 『속몽구』가 기존에 조선의 인물도 포함하여 다룸으로써 주체적인 시각을 긍정적으로 평가받은 데 대해, 그 안에 수록된 여성 인물의 일화의 경우는 당대적 한계가 있음을 문제로 지적하고, 인물 선택과 주제 구현의 측면에서 『몽구』의 경우와 차이를 보이는 점을 비교하여 그 특징을 살피고 의의와 한계를 밝히고자 하였다. 그 결과 『속몽구』에 들어 있는 여성 인물 일화는 인물 선택 면에서 역사상 중국의 상층 여성의 모범적인 언행만이 다루어진 점과, 주제 구현 면에서 주자학적 세계관에 부합하는 이상적 여성상을 제시하려 한 점에서 『몽구』 의 경우와 차이를 보이는 점이 있음을 발견하였다. 이로써 조선시대 중기 여성 인물 일화에 대해 다룬 저술로서 『속몽구』의 당대적 의의를 부여하고 한계를 밝힐 수 있었다. 본고에서는 이와 더불어 미암의 여성 인식과 나아가 여성 교육의 측면과도 연관하여 볼 수 있으리라 기대하였으나 거기까지는 미처 다루지 못하여 추후의 연구로 미룬다.

      • KCI등재

        『속몽구분주(續蒙求分註)』의 교육적 활용 방안 - 현행 한문과 교육과정에서 ‘성어(成語)’의 개발 가능 분야를 중심으로

        이연순 이화어문학회 2019 이화어문논집 Vol.48 No.-

        본고에서는 현행 한문과 교육과정의 내용 요소로 ‘성어’의 학습이 중요하게 제시되고 있는 것과 관련하여, ‘성어’를 많이 포함하고 있고, 그 유래까지 잘 알려주는 한문 고전 교육서로서 미암 유희춘의 『속몽구분주』에서 해당 예를 살펴보고 학습 내용의 개발 가능 분야를 제안하고자 하였다. 『속몽구분주』는 미암 유희춘이 유배지에서 17년간 공들여 저술한 책으로, 이 책의 목차 제목과 본문 내용 안에는 이자성어, 사자성어, 오자성어, 육자성어 등 고사성어들이 다수 들어 있다. 이들이 특별히 『속몽구분주』에만 수록되어 있는 성어는 아니나, 『속몽구분주』는 책 앞부분에 「인물언론출처」라는 항목을 제시하여, 여기서 인물과 관련한 정보와 일화의 인용 출처를 분명히 알려주고 있다는 점에서 다른 교육서와 차별화된다. 이에 본고에서는 『속몽구분주』에 수록된 성어를 단순히 글자 수에 따라 분류하기보다 현행 교육과정에서 학습 내용의 개발 가능 분야로서 이미 관용적으로 쓰이고 있는 성어와 새로 발굴되어야 할 성어로 구분해 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 그동안 미암의 또 다른 교육서로 한자 학습서인 『신증유합』이 그 이전에 나온 『유합』과 함께 지금까지도 교육용으로 활용되고 있고, 『속몽구분주』가 모범으로 삼은 당 나라 이한의 『몽구』 또한 활용된 데 반해, 『속몽구분주』는 교육서로서 거의 활용되지 못했는데, 이번에 본고에서 『속몽구분주』에 들어 있는 ‘성어’들을 찾아 현행 교육과정에서 성취기준으로 제시한 학습 내용을 개발하고, ‘성어’들의 유래를 알 수 있게끔 체제가 되어 있는 사실을 부각함으로써, 그 교육적 활용 가능성을 적극 모색한 데 의의가 있다. This article attempts to develop the possibility of educational use of the Sok-Monggu-Bunju(續蒙求分註) written by Miam Yoo Hee-chun(眉巖 柳希春) while in exile. The book contains many idioms that originate in ancient events. Therefore, I have divided the possible areas of the development of the learning content of the idioms originate in ancient events into two categories. The first are idioms originating in ancient events used now, and the second are old idioms that need to be newly developed. The outcomes of this investigation are as follows. First, I was able to find idioms in Sok-Monggu-Bunju that originated in an ancient event, and develop learning content that was presented as a standard of achievement in the current curriculum. Second, I was able to present new idioms in Sok-Monggu-Bunju originated from an ancient event that need to be developed. This is proof that there is great potential for the educational use of Sok-Monggu-Bunju. Thus, this article is meaningful in that it suggests the possibility of the educational use of Sok-Monggu-Bunju, which has not been used educationally, unlike Monggu from the Tang Dynasty of China, even though it was an educational book written by Miam Yoo Hee-chun(眉巖 柳希春) in the 16th century. I hope that further study of Sok-Monggu-Bunju will continue in this direction in the future.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전통조각보 및 토시를 응용한 텍스타일 디자인 제안 및 디지털 프린트 직물 개발에 관한 연구

        이연순,최효선 한국의상디자인학회 2011 한국의상디자인학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        In this study, document research on Jogakbo and Tosi were carried out and textile designs were developed by applying Jogakbo and Tosi together for motives. The purposes of this study were to develop a unique textile design, and then to enhance the competitiveness of Korean textile industry in the world market and pass down a Korean traditional fiber art cultural legacy. The results are as follows;First, the title of textile design was decided to“innocence of childhood”and the concepts are“sim·ple·heart·ed, pure heart, sweet”, in order to develop textile design for the young generation Second, Motives were chosen Jogakbo and Tosi to reflect Korean traditionality and identity and textile designs were expressed on ground fashion trends for modernity. Third, developed textile designs were printed with digital printing method for eco-friendly and productivity, and various articles clothing, nectie, shoes, bag, bedings were producted with developed fabrics for multipurpose. Forth, the developed textile designs were evaluated highly in point of Korean traditionality and identity, felling of simplehearted, pure hear and sweet, modernity and fashion trend, and preference by a sensory test of developed test design.

      • KCI등재

        피복 구성을 위한 경부 형태의 관찰

        이연순 대한인간공학회 1991 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.10 No.2

        To understand the shape of the neck in a view of garment planning, principal component analysis has been appliedto the measurement of the neck. The neck surface development and the cross sections of the neck have been observed. The materials consist of the body mearsurements, the neck surface developments and the cross sec- tions of the necks of a total of 108 korean woman students. The difference between the right side and the left side of the neck has not been reconginiged. But the differenece among the height of the front neck point, that of the side neck point and that of the back neck point has been recognized. 2. The initial 41 items have been found having variety and duplication. So two criteria have been made to solve those problems and the selection of 34 items have been made by each criterion. 3. 43 and 34 items have been compared by means of accumulative ratios of contribution and of clearness within the meaning of principal component. As a result, 34 measurement items have been further anylysis. 4. As a result of principal component analysis on the 34 items, the four principal components have been found obtaines and inter-preted. The four principal components are 1) the thick of the neck, 2) the front neck-line on the waist basic pattern, basic pattern, 3) the shape of the neck surface development, and 4) the back neck-line on the waist basic pattern. 5. According to the graphic informations concerning these principal components, the meaning of these four principal components has been grasped on the visual. As a result, there is a large individual difference in the shape of neck.

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