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      • KCI등재

        난소 섬유종과 포막종의 호르몬 분비능에 관한 연구

        이숭덕,서진석,한영미,김정란,서정욱,함의근,이효표,Lee, Soong-Deok,Suh, Jin-Suk,Han, Young-Mee,Kim, Jung-Ran,Seo, Jeong-Wook,Ham, Eui-Keun,Lee, Hyo-Pyo 한국현미경학회 1989 Applied microscopy Vol.19 No.1

        Six cases of ovarian fibrous stromal neoplasm were studied clinically, light microscopically and ultrastructurally for the clinico-pathological evidences of hormone production. Of the six cases, two cases were fibroma, three cases were fibrothecoma, and one case was thecoma. Two cases of fibroma and one fibrothecoma were associated with clinical history of menstrual abnormality, however fat staining of the tumor was negative or weakly positive. Two cases of fibrothecoma and one thecoma were negative for the clinical history of hormone imbalance. Fat stain of those cases revealed positive in varying intensity. Ultrastructural examination of fibroma-thecoma group revealed dark and pale cells by their nuclear characteristics. The dark cells had indented nucleus and abundant cytoplasmic organelles of rough ER, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria. Intracytoplasmic cisternal spaces were seen in the dark cell cytoplasm and some lipid droplets were seen around the cisternae. Pale cells had pale swollen nucleus and fine chromatins. Their cytoplasm showed scanty amount of organelles. Fibroma-thecoma spectrum showed varying degree of population of dark cells, light cells and intervening collagenous stroma. Lipid droplet was structurally associated with intracytoplasmic cisterna and they were frequently seen in thecoma and two of the fibrothecoma. But clinical history of hormone imbalance was poorly related to the light microscopic morphology and ultrastructural organization.

      • KCI등재

        신체장애 평가체계구축을 위해 필요한 것들

        이숭덕(Soong Deok Lee) 한국보험법학회 2008 보험법연구 Vol.2 No.2

        최근 우리 사회에서는 사고를 해결하는 과정에서 여러 논란이 진행되고 있는데, 이 가운데 사람의 장애를 평가하는 것에 대한 것들이 상당부분을 차지하고 있다. 논란은 손해를 어떻게 배분할 것인지와 관련되어 있고, 이를 공정하게 해결하기 위해서는 사고와 관련된 사람들의 손상을 치료하고도 잔존하는 장애를 어떻게 평가할 것인지가 중요하다. 현재 우리나라에서는 목적에 따라 맥브라이드 평가방식, AMA 평가방식 혹은 각 법령에서 정하는 방식 등 여러 장애평가 기준을 채택하고 있는데, 모두 완전하지 않고 다양한 장ㆍ단점을 가지고 있다. 본고에서는 이들을 검토하여, 이전에 진행되었던 설문을 참고하여 현재 진행되고 있는 소위 한국형 장애평가 기준 마련을 위한 다양한 시도들이 가지는 문제점을 지적하고, 장차 우리나라에 적합한 체계 구성을 위해 필요한 것들이 무엇인지 확인하여 보고자 하였다. 결과적으로 현재 진행되고 있는 여러 시도들은 방향성이 명확하지 않고 일부 직역들의 사람들만이 참여하는 작업으로 합의를 도출하지 못할 가능성이 높아 결과적으로 산물의 활용성이 제한될 가능성이 매우 높아 보인다. 새로운 기준 마련을 위해 우리 모두가 추구하고자 하는 목적을 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 한편, 신체장애율 혹은 노동능력상실율 등 사업목적이나 추구하는 바가 서로 다를 가능성을 고려하면 단계적으로 접근할 필요가 있다. 즉, 우리나라에 적합한 신체장애율 판단 기준을 우선적으로 마련하고, 각 사업목적에 적합단 노동능력상실율로의 전환기준 등을 만들 필요가 있다. 그리고 새로운 장애평가 체계가 원활하게 활동할 수 있기 위해서는 적절한 감정료 산정, 전문가 집단에 대한 교육 등 주위 환경을 개선할 필요가 있고, 이를 위해서는 다양한 직역의 사람들의 참여가 필요하다. After accidents, there have been many different disputes between the assaulter and the injured, among which many are related with the way how to evaluate appropriately the impairment remained within the injured. In Korea several different systems have been adopted. McBride system or AMA systems are those, but none are optimal though. In here merits and demerits of each system were reviewed together with the problems which have been exposed during trials to establish new disability evaluation system in Korea. Based on the previous question, points that must be considered for the so called 'Korean disability evaluation system' was addressed. In concrete term, to divide the impairment evaluation and disability evaluation is necessary, and preparation of conversion factors from impairment to disability which could satisfy each purpose would be appropriate. For the settlement of new system, social surroundings including fee for expert opinion system or education system for the medical doctors were also stressed.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 유자광 묘 여부 논란이 있는 남원 영광 류씨 선산 내 회곽묘 출토 인골에 대한 인류학적 조사

        김이석(Yi-Suk Kim),오창석(Chang Seok Oh),이상섭(Sang-Seob Lee),김명주(Myeung Ju Kim),이숭덕(Soong Deok Lee),신명호(Myung Ho Shin),김우림(Woo Lim Kim),신동훈(Dong Hoon Shin) 대한체질인류학회 2011 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.24 No.2

        조선시대의 기록에 의하면 유자광(1439~1512)은 사망 후 부관참시를 염려하여 자신의 묘에 봉분을 하지 않고 감추어 두도록 유언을 하였다고 한다. 이 후 유자광의 묘는 실전(失傳) 되어 해당 기록처럼 문중 묘역 내 어딘가에 유자광의 묘가 실재할 가능성이 계속 제기되었다. 1974년 남원의 영광 류씨 문중 묘역 공사 중 발견된 무덤에서는 잘 보존된 사람 뼈가 발견되었는데 해당 무덤이 실전 된 유자광의 평토한 무덤일지도 모른다는 주장이 향토사학계를 중심으로 제기되었다. 이에 본 연구진은 유자광 인골 여부를 확인하기 위하여 해당묘에 수습된 인골에 대한 인류학적 조사를 수행하였다. 무덤에서 나온 남성 피장자는 신장이 160.5±3.8 cm로 추정되며 아래턱 왼쪽 송곳니의 박리 절편을 제작하여 피장자 연령을 계산한 결과 58.6±5.2세 정도로 추정되었다. 아래턱 두 개 치아에서는 고도의 치아우식증(dental caries)이 확인되었고 아래턱 이틀뼈 일부에서 치주농양의 존재를 시사하는 고도의 골 소실이 관찰되었다. 피장자는 척추를 비롯한 여러 뼈에서 사망 전 미만성 특발성 골격성 과골화증(Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, DISH)를 앓고 있었던 것 같은 소견이 확인되었으므로 생전 영양상태가 좋았던 것으로 생각된다. 피장자에 대한 유전학적 검사에서는 증폭가능한 핵 DNA가 Quantifiler analysis 결과 확인되지 않아 피장자가 영광 류씨 집안의 사람인지 Y 염색체 분석에 의해 확인하는 것이 불가능하다고 판단하였다. 방사선연대측정의 결과, 피장자는 지금으로부터 730±50년 전에 생존하였던 것으로 추정되었다. 전체적으로 보아 수집된 몇 가지 자료가 유자광에 대한 역사적 기록과 일치하지 않으므로 해당 인골 신원에 대해 긍정적인 평가를 내리기 어렵다. 다만 앞으로 우리나라에서 시행될 역사적 인물에 대한 유사한 인류학적 사례에 대한 기초적인 선구적 자료로서 본 연구가 갖는 의미를 평가할 수 있겠다. Anthropological study on human skeletons from Joseon tomb, for confirming Ryu Ja-Gwang, a famous historical figure of medieval Korea. Ryu Ja-Gwang (??子光) was the famous figure of Joseon Dynasty who achieved great successes in royal court. According to the records in Joseon Dynasty, he tried to hide his own tomb after death under the apprehension that the political enemies might do harm to his corpse. In 1974, the descendants of Younggwang Ryu clan discovered a Joseon tomb that was lost for the past several hundred years. Since they suspected if the tomb might be their legendary ancestor’s, anthropological studies were asked to be done on the skeletons collected from the tomb. In our study, the estimated stature of a male from the tomb was 160.5±3.8 cm. The age at death was estimated to be 58.6±5.2. He seems to have been suffered from diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), the disease prevalent among the people taking high-caloric diets. Since nuclear DNA could not be amplified in this case, the personal identification of the dead person could not be successfully traced by molecular techniques. Taken together, we could not conclude that the skeletons were those of Ryu Ja-Gwang because the radiocarbon dating, age at death or height data could not be well matched with those described in historical documents. Even so, this study could be significant to the related researchers because it was one of the first trials to identify debatable historical figure using various anthropological techniques. Considering that the anthropological studies on famous historical people have been performed briskly, our study could be the basis for the similar studies in Korea, performed in near future.

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기 증수무원록언해 시장기록에 기술된 해부학용어의 검토

        윤영현(Young Hyun Yun),신동훈(Dong Hoon Shin),홍성욱(Seonguk Hong),이숭덕(Soong Deok Lee),기호철(Ho Chul Ki),김창영(Chang Young Kim) 대한체질인류학회 2023 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.36 No.2

        검험 (檢驗)이라고 불리는 변사자 조사작업 기법은 중국 송대 (宋代)가 되면 크게 발전하였는데 우리나라도 여말선초 (麗末鮮初)에 도입된 무원록 (無寃錄)이 전통 법의학적 검시 기법의 확립에 큰 영향을 주었다. 이에 기반하여 조선시대에 작성된 검시문안 (檢屍文案) 일체를 검안 (檢案)이라 하는데 여기에는 시신 (屍身)을 검사한 후 작성한 소견서인 시장과 사건 관련자들을 심문한 조서가 포함되어 있기 때문에 근대 법의학 (法醫學)을 수용하기 이전의 자생적인 법의학적 사고 체계를 이해하는 데 매우 중요하다. 하지만 시장 (屍帳)에 기술되어 있는 검안 내역은 의학적 시각에서 검토하면 사망자의 사인과 정황과 관련된 중요한 정보를 얻을 수 있는 데 반해 이 자료에서 인체 부위를 가리키는 명칭에 대해서는 해부학적 검토가 현재까지도 미흡하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 조선시대 시장에서 기술되었던 신체 부위의 해부학적 위치를 명확히 추정하고자 하였다. 검토 결과 시장 도면 내 각 인체 부위 명칭은 무원록 한글 언해본의 기술 내용을 참고하면 이를 현대 해부학용어로 전환하는 것이 크게 어렵지 않았지만 머리 부분에서는 그 해부학적인 위치가 모호하게 기술되어 이에 대해서는 보다 치밀한 검토를 수행하였다. 본 연구 작업을 통해 확보한 의학적 정보는 인문학자가 밝힌 당시의 여러 역사학적 정황과 함께 조선시대 시장에 기술된 사건에 대한 보다 정확한 이해를 가능하게 할 것이라 본다. Jeungsu Muwonrok greatly influenced the establishment of traditional forensic investigation techniques in pre-modern East Asian countries. Joseon period documents based on Muwonrok are called Geoman, which includes the post-mortem investigation records and interrogation report that questioned those involved in the incident. By reviewing the contents of this document from a medical perspective, we could obtain important information related to the death of the deceased and the circumstances occurring at the time of the incident. However, the lack of anatomical review of the terminologies referring to each part of the human body has been a major obstacle to the accurate understanding of the document. In this study, it is therefore intended to help researchers conducting research on the post-mortem investigation records of Joseon Dynasty by accurately estimating the exact anatomical location of human body parts described in them. As a result of the review, it is not difficult to convert the names of each body part in the post-mortem document into modern anatomical terms. However, it is also true that anatomical positions at the head part were ambiguous, so a more thorough review was required for them. The information obtained in this report is expected to enable a more accurate understanding of the criminal scenes described in Joseon period postmortem investigation records.

      • KCI등재

        Cytochrome B 유전좌를 이용한 종 감별

        이숭덕,이윤성,이정빈 대한법의학회 2001 대한법의학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        The feasibility of species identification using sequence analysis of the cytochrome B (Cyt B) gene in mitochondrial DNA was investigated DNA was extracted from rune different animals that could be easily met in our surroundings and Cyt B gene was amplified. Direct sequencing results for the amplified PCR products were compared with each other. Human was also included Nucleotide sequence of the Cyt B gene for earth animals was also compared with the previously known ones registered in nucleotide databases, Genebank. The inter-species sequence variation was high as the percent similarity of each sequences ranged 64.6-83.5%. Compared to this the percent similarity of sequences obtained here were high when compared to the sequences of the same species registered in the database showing relatively low intra-species variation. This data shows that the nucleotide sequences of Cyt B gene in t certain biological materials can be identified at species level. The applicability of this method to the forensic field is also demonstrated by performing a casework, determination of the origin for the placentae which were commercial available as "invogorant". Points about the use of Cyt B gene in forensic field was also reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        서울지역 의과대학에서의 법의부검 : 서울의대에서 과거 5년동안 실시한 부검 경험 보고

        이숭덕,이정빈,이윤성 대한법의학회 2000 대한법의학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        This is the statistical analysis about the medicolegal autopsy cases performed by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Seoul National University Medical College during the last 5 years. 1.The total number of cases was 330, among which male took 256(77.5%) cases, female 74(22.5%) cases. The natural death took 134(40.6%) cases, unnatural death 177(53.6%) cases. For remaining 19(5.8%) cases the cause of death was known, although thorough analyses including microscopic examination, toxicology study were done. The thirties were most as 25.4% of the total cases and the forties followed the second. 2.The number of autopsy showed severe variation annually or monthly in a year. 3.Among unnatural death, death by violent injury took 87(49.2%) cases, asphyxia 48(27.1%) cases, intoxication 17(9.6%) cases and death by thermal injuries or electric injuries 25(14.1%) cases. 4.Among natural death the abnormality in cardiovascular system were the most as 73(54.5%) cases, gastrointestinal system 38(28.4%) cases and central nervous system 12(8.9%) cases. 5.There were some differences between these and the data from other institute in the ratio of male to female, ratio of natural death to unnatural death and the ratio of specific cause of death among natural and unnatural death. 6.During this work, there were some difficulties in the aspect the irregularity of the work, in requesting toxicology and in the expense needed for the process. Considering the educational aspect for the students and the residents in pathology, performing medicolegal autopsy in medical college should be encouraged. The small number of autopsy and the closeness of the scene made the scene investigation possible in several cases, which is the ideal form that we must consider when we set up our system for the postmortem investigation.

      • KCI등재

        Amelogenin 유전좌를 이용한 성별검색의 유용성에 관한 연구

        이숭덕,이정빈,이윤성 大韓法醫學會 2000 대한법의학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The aim of this study was to validate the sex typing based on amplification of X-Y homologous Amelogenin locus in Korean including mutation rate in this locus. It was found that there was no case with reported mutation that may hinder the exact sex typing among 240 Koreans, and the sex typing was successful even with subnanogram quantities of male and female DNA. There was no difference in the sensitivity of reaction among male and female. Differential amplification between X and Y amelogenin bands in some samples was noted, and dilution study revealed that this phenomenon was more frequent when the quantity of sample was low, usually less than 10 ng. That phenomenon was variable between amplification reactions, and was also dependent on different Taq enzyme used for the amplification. When there was differential amplification, the intensity ratio (Y band/X band) ranged about 0.68-0.87.

      • KCI등재

        대량재해에 있어 미토콘드리아 DNA의 다형성을 이용한 개인식별

        이숭덕,김기범,이윤성,최영태,신창호,이정빈 大韓法醫學會 1996 대한법의학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) is a small extranuclear DNA molecule that has been sequenced in man. the mtDNA has distinct characteristics over nuclear DNA. First, the evolutionary rate of nucleotide substitution appears to be larger compared with the nuclear DNA. Second, mtDNA is maternally inherited, so the determination of the various haplotype is unequivocal and no recombination has to be involved. Third, there is a 1.1 kb long control region, which shows severe polymorphism. These characteristics have been applied for several evolutionary study. Furthermore, they exist in cytoplasm with numerous copy number and their size, 16,569 bp is small relative to nuclear DNA, so they are more resistant to degradation or can be types in samples with only cytoplasm such as hair shaft without hair root. These presented the possibility of mtDNA as a tool in individual identification, especially when the nuclear DNA be unavailable. Actually, polymorphism in control region has been applied to individual identification for the skeletal remain found in Vietnam war. So we decided to apply the polymorphism of mtDNA in control region for the individual identification in case of mass disaster-"Downfall of Sampoong Department". Human remains from total 27 different individuals and 178 control persons were submitted for the individual identification. As the mtDNA comparison could be done through maternal lineage, 12 individual from 9 families from the control group were ruled out, because these families were consisted of father or were seeking for their father. Sequencing for the mtDNA control region was done using ABI automatic sequencer and DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit. For convenience, sequencing reaction was done for two separate control region, region I from 16016-16401 in Anderson sequence, and regionⅡ from 048-388. First, sequences in regionⅡ of all samples and control persons were compared, and 20 samples were ruled out with no identical sequences in control group. Remaining 7 samples showed identical sequences with some of the control persons in three groups, and these identical pairs underwent mtDNA region I study. After region I study all samples except two dropped out in blood relationship. For the confirmation, STR and VNTR study such as MCT118, apoB, YNZ22, vWF, MBP, D21S11, TC-11 were done for remaining the two samples. The result denied the blood relationship between these two samples and any of the control group.

      • KCI등재

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