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      • KCI등재

        경기도 동부권 광역자원 회수시설 조경설계

        이수동,장종수,강현경,Lee Soo-Dong,Jang Jong-Su,Kang Hyun-Kyung 한국조경학회 2006 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.34 No.2

        As the local self-government are stabilized and the environmental value is becoming more important among local residents, the occurrence of the anti-movements against waste treatment facilities is getting more frequent. Opposing to build the reuse facilities of wastes takes place because of concerning of health and hygiene, as well as matters of unclear policy making process. However, these facilities must be built in somewhere for the convenience and profit of the public. The NIMBY phenomenon against reuse facilities of wastes could be a burden for the city operation system, and it could worsen citizens' quality of life in the long run. In these lights, reuse and recycling facilities of wastes in East region are necessary facilities improving citizens' quality of life and enhancing the growth of cities in the region. However, there have been concerning of deforestation during the construction process of the facilities. The landscape design presented here for these facilities considers the features of the environmental ecosystem and tries to establish a plan to preserve the natural environment of the City of Ichon. This paper presents methods minimizing adverse effects of the facilities on the existing environments and promoting the city image with integrating culture, tourism, landscape and environment of the city. The landscape design makes efforts to harmonize natural environments in the site, human activities and culture. Well-being park was aimed to lead healthy and energetic outdoor activities of local residents. Ecological park was aimed to enhance the ecological functions of the forests and restore the valley ecology. Culture park was aimed to capture the city identity by creating a place that contains all the variety of meanings of the City of Ichon.

      • 세계 LPG 수급전망 및 국내 수급안정화 방안

        이수동,Lee, Su-Dong 대한석유협회 1991 석유와 에너지 Vol.1991 No.7

        이 자료는 지난 7월 2일 올림픽유스호스텔에서 열린 가스연맹 주최의 가스산업 워크샾에서 발표된 논문을 요약정리한 것이다. <편집자 주>

      • 핀-튜브형 액체건조제 제습기의 높이에 따른 성능특성에 관한 실험적 요구

        이수동(Su-dong lee),박문수(Moon-soo park),정진은(jin-Eun chung),이진수(jin-soo lee) 대한기계학회 2003 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2003 No.11

        Several desiccant cooling systems have been developed in terms of cost and performance. In this study a fin- tube exchanger has been used for liquid desiccant dehumidification system. This dehumidifier has been designed to study the adsorption characteristis of the aqueous triethylene glycol(TEG) solution which has the flow range from 20 to 50 LPM.The dehumidifier performance characterstic of woking factor variables such as inlet solution flow rate, air flow rate, solution concentration, solution temperature, brine temperature, air temperature and inlet air relation humidity has been analyzed. The result of this experiment can provide useful data for hybrid air conditioning systenm.

      • KCI등재

        육임의 혼인점단(婚姻占斷) 이론체계 연구

        이수동(Lee, Su-dong) 실천민속학회 2018 실천민속학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        육임은 한 가지 사안의 길흉을 구체적으로 예측하는 학문이다. 이 학문이 발생한 이후로 많은 연구서가 편찬되었는데 이중의 하나가 청초에 편찬된 『육임지남』이다. 본고에서는 이 문헌에 수록되어 있는 육임 혼인점단에 관한 구체적인 이론과 예제를 연구하였다. 그 결과 육임 혼인점단의 이론적 바탕이 되는 것은 간지설(干支說), 음양오행설, 동양천문학이다. 육임의 천지반도와 과전도의 지반(地盤)·천반(天盤)·둔반(遁盤)은 모두 10간 12지로 기록된다. 그리고 육임 혼인점단에서 궁합과 금슬의 좋고 나쁨은 음양오행설이 주로 쓰인다. 일간과 일지가 서로 생(生)을 하면 대체로 좋고 궁합이 극(剋)을 하면 대체로 나쁜 궁합으로 보는 것이 그 예이다. 신랑신부의 운세와 길흉은 네 계절에 따른 휴왕(休旺)이 좌우한다. 육임 혼인점단에는 또한 동양천문학 이론이 적용된다. 동양천문학에서는 28수가 12지에 배속되어 있는데 우녀상회에서의 우수(牛宿)는 축방(丑方)에 배속되고 여수(女宿)는 자방(子方)에 배속되어 있다. 과전도에서 자(子)와 축(丑)이 천반과 지반에서 서로 만나서 성혼이 되는 이 이론은 동양천문학 이론을 육임에 접목한 것이다. Yukim(六壬) is the study with which people predicts a fortune about a matter in detail. Many research paper has been published since this study had been developed, one of them is Yukimjinam which was published in the period of early Qing. This study examined the detailed theory and examples about HoninJeomdan(婚姻占斷) which was in this book. In the result of the examination, the theoretical grounds of Honinjeomdan, Yukim are the Sexagenary Cycle Theory, Yin-Yang and Five Elements Theory and oriental astronomy. Jiban(地盤)·Cheonban(天盤)·Dunban(遁盤) in Jeonjibando(天地盤圖) and Gwajeondo(課傳圖) of Yukim are all recorded with 10-gan(干) and 12-ji(支). And what has good or bad chemistry and conjugal harmony in HoninJeomdan(婚姻占斷)of Yukim(六壬) is primarily written the principles of Emuyangohaeng(陰陽五行). Its example is what sees it mostly as good chemistry if Ilgan(日干) and Ilji(日支) mutually survive, and as wrong marital compatibility given outdoing. Fortune and good or ill luck(吉凶) of bride and groom rely upon Hyuwang(休旺) according to four seasons. HoninJeomdan(婚姻占斷) is also applied the theory of oriental astronomy. In the oriental astronomy, 28-su(二十八宿, twenty-eight mansions) is attached to 12-ji(十二支). In Unyeosanghoe(牛女相會), Usu(牛宿) is assigned to Chukbang(丑方). Yeosu(女宿) is attached to Jabang(子方). This theory, in which Ja(子) and Chuk(丑) in Gwajeondo(課傳道) mutually meet in Cheonban(天盤) and Jiban(地盤), resulting in becoming a marriage, is what integrated the theory of oriental astronomy into Yukim(六壬).

      • 건축기획의 역할평가를 위한 기초조사 - 파주출판단지의 기획서와 시공사례를 중심으로 -

        이수동(Lee Su-Dong),장성준(Jang Seong-jun) 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.2

        The study evolved to ascertain how this role plays in the Paju Publishing Culture Information Industry Site, and to suggest some remedies to improve and rationalize the construction project process, especially in the earlier phase, ie, pre-design and design phase.<br/> The objectives of the study are to analyze and evaluate the Paju Publishing Culture Information Industry Site and identify the problems derived from the implementation of the project though survey.

      • KCI우수등재

        EDI도입 성과 결정요인 및 문제해결 방안에 관한 연구

        이수동(Su Dong Lee),김주영(Ju Young Kim),손찬호(Chan Ho Son) 한국경영학회 1999 經營學硏究 Vol.28 No.4

        EDI has been one of the most utilized and important information technologies in channel management and it replaces old communication methods. The existing research defines success of EDI implementation based on one of two approaches. The first one focuses on effectiveness, and the other studies diffusion of EDI implementation. Therefore, they report equivocal results. In addition, the measurement variables are rather theoretical, so that there are limits in applying research results to real situation. We divide EDI success into effectiveness and utilization and further divide them into firm-internal aspect and firm-external aspect. Then, we identify key factors for a successful EDI implementation in each different EDI success and verify key success factors are different between the various EDI successes. This paper also investigates problems encountered during EDI application and problem solving. The existing research either focuses on identifying problems and solutions separately or ignores the condition of firm implementing EDI. Therefore, research findings are not helpful for firms to solve real problems. We classify problems and match solutions with the problems for each EDI success concept. The optimal solutions for each problem turn out to be different for successful firms and unsuccessful firms.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선 말기 명과학 시험교재 『선택기요』 연구

        이수동(Lee, Su-dong) 한국학중앙연구원 2014 장서각 Vol.0 No.32

        『협길통의』와 『선택기요』 편찬 이전에는 중국에서 저술된 택일 서책이 陰陽科 명과학 시험교재로 채택되었지만, 두 책이 편찬된 이후로는 조선에서 편찬된 서책이 음양과의 명과학 시험교재로 채택되었다. 특히 『선택기요』는 1867년(고종 4) 이후 조선말기의 유일한 명과학 시험교재로 채택되었고, 또한 조선 후기에 편찬·간행되어 현대에 전해졌으므로 조선 후기 택일 연구에 좋은 자료가 되고 있으며, 특히 관상감 관원들이 공동으로 편찬하고 감수하여 간행한 서책이어서 학술적 가치 또한 높다고 말할 수 있다. 이 서책의 서언을 쓴 이는 조선 후기를 대표하는 천문학자이면서 관상감 제조를 오랫동안 역임했던 남병길이다. 그는 『예기』에서 “밖의 일은 양일(甲·丙·戊·庚·壬)에 하고 안의 일은 음일(乙·丁·己·辛·癸)에 한다”는 문구를 인용하면서 서언을 열고 있다. 이 서책의 본원을 고찰한 결과 『선택기요』의 이론적 배경은 고대 동아시아에서 유전되어 오던 음양오행설과 하도·낙서 그리고 선천팔괘와 후천팔괘에 근거한 구궁설임을 알 수 있다. 본문에는 일상생활에서 필요한 택일이 거의 망라되어 있다. 제1문은 성인식에 관한 冠?類, 제2문은 혼례의식에 관한 嫁娶類, 제3문은 일상생활에서 여러 가지 종류의 택일에 관한 用事類, 제4문은 매장과 이장 그리고 破墓 등에서의 택일에 관한 造葬類, 제5문은 군대 운용에 관한 기본 이론과 用兵에서의 길흉일을 가리는 詰戍類가 수록되어 있다. Before being compiled Hyeopgiltongeui (協吉通義) and Seontaekgiyo (選擇紀要), a book of selecting an auspicious day, which was written in China, was adopted as test material of myeonggwahak (命課學) in eumyanggwa (陰陽科). However, after being compiled two books, a book of having been compiled in Joseon was adopted as test material of myeonggwahak in eumyanggwa. Especially, Seontaekgiyo adopted as the only test material of Myeonggwahak in the late Joseon period following 1867 (the 4th year of King Gojong). Also, it was compiled and published in the late Joseon period and then was transmitted into modern times, thereby being good material for a research of selecting an auspicious day in the late Joseon period. Especially, it is a book that was published by being compiled and supervised jointly by public officials of Gwansanggam (觀象監), thereby being able to be said to be high, too, in academic value. The person, who wrote a preface of this book, is Nam Byeong-gil who is an astronomer of representing the late Joseon period and who had served for a long time as director of Gwansanggam. He is opening a preface in Lichi (禮記) with quoting the phrase as saying that “external work is done on yang’s day (陽日)(gap (甲)·byeong (丙)·mu (戊)·gyeong (庚)·im (壬)) and internal work is done on yin’s day (陰日)(eul (乙)·jeong (丁)·gi (己)·shin (辛)·gye (癸)).” As a result of considering the text of this book, the theoretical background in Seontaekgiyo can be known to be gugung theory (九宮說) based on taoistic yinyang and five elements theory (陰陽五行說) & Hado (河圖)·Nakseo (洛書) and seocheonpalgwae (先天八卦) & hucheonpalgwae (後天八卦), which had been inherited from the ancient East Asia. The text is almost included selecting an auspicious day of being needed in daily life. Chapter 1 is contained Gwangyeryu (冠?類) on coming-of-age ceremony. Chapter 2 is contained Gachiryu (嫁娶類) on wedding ceremony. Chapter 3 is contained Yongsaryu (用事類) on several kinds of selecting an auspicious day in daily life. Chapter 4 is contained Jojangryu (造葬類) on selecting an auspicious day in burial, change of burial site (移葬), and Pamyo (破墓). Chapter 5 is contained the basic theory on military operation, and Hilsuryu (詰戍類), which distinguishes a lucky day and a bad day in tactics (用兵).

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 선택서의 혼례택일 방법론 고찰

        이수동(Lee, Su-Dong) 실천민속학회 2016 실천민속학연구 Vol.28 No.-

        본고에서는 민속에서의 택일의 의미와 택일방법론, 택일에 필요한 책력(冊曆), 혼례의 의미와 절차, 조선후기 선택서 『선택기요』에서의 혼례택일 방법론을 고찰하였다. 혼례택일은 길월 ⇢ 길일 ⇢ 길시 순으로 한다. 길월은 ‘여명가취월분도(女命嫁娶月分圖)’를 활용하여 고르고, 길일은 7종 12개의 길신(吉神)과 18종 23개의 흉살(凶殺)로 고르며, 길시는 ‘황흑도길흉정국(黃黑道吉凶定局)’ 및 ‘육임신장살몰귀등천문(六壬神藏殺沒貴登天門)’ 이론으로 고른다. 현재 우리나라에서 가장 많이 하고 있는 택일은 혼례택일로서 철학관, 사주카페, 사찰 혹은 인터넷상에서 운영되고 있는 관련 업소에서 날을 받아 혼례를 치르고 있다. 그런데 택일을 대행해 주고 있는 대부분의 업소에서는 단지 수 개의 신살만으로 길흉일을 채출한 민력을 이용하거나 혹은 아예 택일이론과 무관한 사주 이론으로 택일을 하고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 두 가지 방법은 택일문헌에 의한 택일과는 거리가 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 조선후기 선택서(選擇書)에 수록되어 있는 혼례택일 이론으로 혼례택일 방법론을 고찰하였다. A Study of Methods on the Choice of Best Days for Wedding Ceremony Shown in the Books in the Latter Part of the Choson Dynasty Period – Centering on “Sontaekgiyo” This paper studied the meaning and the method on the choice of best days for the folks, the book calendar needed for the choice of best days, the meaning and procedures of wedding ceremony, and the method on the choice of best days for wedding ceremony shown in “Sontaekgiyo”, a book for the choice of best days for wedding ceremony in the latter part of the Choson Dynasty period. The choice of best days for wedding ceremony will be made in the order of Month, Day and Hour. The best month will be selected by referring to the “yomyong Kachwi Wolbundo (zodiacal constellations chart for marriage)”. The best day will be selected by referring to seven types of 12 lucky signs and 18 types of 23 bad signs. The best hour will be selected by referring to both the Ecliptic Chart and the Yukim Chart showing lucky and bad signs. Nowadays, in South Korea, the choice of best days for wedding ceremony is made most frequently than any other ones. It is made at temple or on the internet site. However, most of the establishments make the choice of best days for ceremonies by referring to the civil calendar that records best and bad days only based on several kinds of lucky and bad signs. Otherwise, they make the choice by only referring to Saju Theory that has no relation with the orthodox theory. Such a method is quite different from the method based on the documents. Therefore, this paper studied the methods on the choice of best days for wedding ceremony shown in the books of choice those were published in the latter part of the Choson Dynasty period.

      • KCI등재

        가격할인율 크기와 가격할인 빈도가 할인정책 호감도와 할인브랜드 선호도에 미치는 효과 -고관여 유형의 조절효과를 고려하여-

        이수동 ( Su Dong Lee ),박진영 ( Jin Young Park ) 한국고객만족경영학회 2015 고객만족경영연구 Vol.17 No.1

        소비자가 제품을 구매할 때 가격할인은 구매의사결정에 중요한 단서로서 영향을 미치는 것이다 (Kotler and Keller, 2008). 이는 제품의 가치를 평가 할 때 가격의 정보는 가장 중요한 요소이기 때문이다. 선행연구에서 가격이 제품의 평가 및 구매선택과 결정에 대한 부수적 단서(semantic cue)로서 미치는 영향에 대한 많은 결과를 내놓았다(Seawell and Goldstein, 1979; Berkowitz and Walton, 1980; Blair and Landon, 1981; Liefeid and Heslop, 1985; Monroe, 1973, 1990; Jacobson and Obemiller, 1990; Sumarta and Myaskovsky, 1994; Alba et al., 1999). 그럼에도 불구하고 가격할인이 제품 평가에 미치는 영향에서 소비자의 개인적 성향과 환경 수준에 따른 제품의 평가와 구매의사 결정에 대한 연구는 아직 미미한 편이다(Monroe and Mazumdar, 1988; Nagle and Holden,1994; Coy, 1997; Kerwin, 1997). 본 연구는 정상가격에 가격할인이라는 자극이 주어졌을 때 개인의 주관적 제품 평가가 휴리스틱에 의해 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 분석하는 것이다. 이와 같이 본 연구는 다양한 가격할인정책이 소비자의 구매의사결정에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 복합적인 높은 가격할인율과 낮은 가격할인빈도, 낮은 가격할인율과 높은 가격할인빈도를 원인변수로 사용하였으며, 개인의 주관적 특성인 관여도의 유형을 조절 변수로 사용하였다. 이와 같은 변수를 사용하여 소비자의 할인정책 호감도가 할인브랜드선호도에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. Discount pricing is one of the most effective marketing strategies to motivate consumer purchasing(Kotler and Keller, 2008). This is because price information is the most important element in evaluating the value of a product. Previous studies have proposed many theories regarding the impact of price on product evaluation and that of semantic cue on product evaluation, buying decisions, and selection(Seawell and Goldstein, 1979; Berkowitz and Walton, 1980; Blair and Landon, 1981; Liefeid and Heslop, 1985; Monroe, 1973, 1990; Jacobson and Obemiller, 1990; Sumarta and Myaskovsky, 1994; Alba et al., 1999). However, studies on subjective evaluation in price discounts based on consumers’ individual environment and income level as well as buying decisions according to their characteristics are still highly controversial(Monroe and Mazumdar, 1988; Nagle and Holden,1994; Coy, 1997; Kerwin, 1997). The basic focus of this study is to analyze how an individual’s subjective evaluation is carried out through heuristic techniques when the stimulation of a price discount is given instead of the normal price. For analysis, this study used high discount rate and low discount frequency, and low discount rate and high discount frequency as causal variables, and type of involvement, which is a subjective characteristic of individuals, as a moderating variable. To find the preference of sales promotion about price discount, by the sales promotion attitude, the study verifies an interactive effect between an influence of discount frequency and range on the preference of the discount policy, and symbolic and functional involvement, which are highly involved types. The results show that sale policy preference by promotion attitude is higher in symbolic involvement situations than in functional involvement situations with low discount frequency and high discount depth. On the other hand, sale policy preference by promotion attitude appeared to be higher in functional involvement situations than in symbolic involvement situations with high discount frequency and low discount depth. The results of this study strongly imply that discount promotions including both discount rate and discount frequency influence the evaluation of brands as perceived by consumers. Moreover, by determining the differences in the subjective evaluation of consumers according to individual personality characteristics as well as purchasing goals, this study provided a more systematic conceptual framework for consumer buying behavior based on discount strategy.

      • KCI등재

        가격할인 빈도와 브랜드 충성도 관계를 매개하는 가치인식의 효과: 고관여도 유형을 조절변수로 고려하여

        이수동 ( Su Dong Lee ),박진영 ( Jin Young Park ) 한국고객만족경영학회 2013 고객만족경영연구 Vol.15 No.4

        가격할인은 단기적으로 구매율을 높이는 수단이다. 신규 고객 확보 뿐 아니라 경쟁 브랜드에 대해 가격 민감도를 높임으로써 비교 우위 전략으로 사용 되고 있다. 그러나 기존 연구에서 가격할인 전략에 대한 부정적인 연구들이 나오면서 가격할인 전략을 수행하는데 보다 정밀한 접근이 필요하게 되었다. 기존 연구에서 가격할인 프로모션에 대하여 많은 연구가 진행되었지만 대부분 가격할인에 따른 실제 매출과 관련한 경제적 효과와 가격할인에 대한 소비자의 휴리스틱(heuristic)에 의해 지각하는 태도의 변화가 대부분이다. 그러나 가격할인에 대한 소비자의 지각된 교환가치는 소비자 개인의 특성 및 구매 목적에 따라서도 평가와 선택이 다를 것으로 예측 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 가격할인 프로모션의 빈도가 높고 낮음에 따라 소비자의 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식에 미치는 영향을 알아보고, 고관여의 유형인 상징적 관여와 기능적 관여를 조절 변수로 하여 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석 결과 낮은 가격할인 빈도에서 상징적 관여가 기능적 관여보다 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식이 더욱 높게 나타났으며, 높은 가격할인 빈도에서 기능적 관여가 상징적 관여보다 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식이 더욱 높게 나타났다. 또한 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식에 의한 브랜드 충성도는 낮은 가격할인 빈도에서는 상징적 관여가 기능적 관여보다 높게 나타났으며, 높은 가격할인 빈도에서는 기능적 관여가 상징적 관여 보다 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향이 높게 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 기존 선행연구에서 가격할인에 대한 지각인식의 일반화 된 개념과는 달리 소비자의 고관여의 유형에 따라 상반된 정보처리과정을 거쳐 다르게 인식하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통하여 기능적 속성을 강조하는 제품과 상징적 속성을 강조하는 제품 간에서 소비자의 고관여 유형에 따라 가격할인 전략을 달리 하는 브랜드 관리에 이론적 및 실무적 의미가 있을 것으로 판단된다. Price discount is the means to increase the purchase rate in the short run. It is used as the strategy for competitive advantage that invites new customers and increases price sensitivity against competing brands. Previous studies appeared negative views on the price discount promotion which have influence on firms in long run, and now a more rigorous approach is required for implementing the price discount strategy. A number of studies were conducted in the past on price discount promotion, and most of them focus on the economic impact of the price discount in relation to the actual sales and the change in consumers` attitude of perception based on their heuristic concerning the price discount. However, it is predictable that the evaluation and choice in relation to value of the trade-off perceived by consumers concerning price discount may vary depending on consumers` individual characteristics and purchase goal. This study examined the impact of high and low frequency of price discount promotion on the acquisition value and transaction value perceived by customers and analyzed how perceived acquisition value and perceived transaction value influence the brand loyalty by using symbolic involvement and functional involvement which are the types of high involvement. Result of this research appeared that symbolic involvement appeared more intensively than functional involvement concerning brand loyalty influenced by perceived acquisition value and perceived transaction value, and the functional involvement and high price discount frequency It`s the reverse. In addition, interaction effect between price discount frequency and moderating variables has a significant effect. Such results showed that the price discount frequency and high involvement type influence the perceived acquisition value and transaction value to influence brand loyalty. The results of this study suggest theoretical and practical implications. Thus for price discount frequency, low or high, firms should make efforts to manage all the two dimensions of high involvement types. In particular, for products have all two types of attitude, symbolic or functional, it is critical to consider two dimensions of involvements for a consumer satisfaction.

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