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      • KCI등재

        자유주제 : 조선조 규방시인의 신분적 특성 및 한시세계

        이설화 ( Xue Hua Li ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2012 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.38

        조선조사회와 같은 부권제 사회에서의 여성은 줄곧 ``제2의 성`` 혹은타자``의 신분으로 사회 변두리적 존재였으며, 문학 활동에서도 역시 관조의 대상이지 심미주체가 아니었다. 여성들 자신이 직접 문학 활동에 가입하면서부터 그들만의 문학세계를 그려냈고 그 한시세계는 남성들이 창조해 낸 그것과 조금은 다른 모습을 보여주고 있다. 본고는 조선조 규방시인들의 신분적 특성과 아울러 그들이 창작을 통해 그려 낸 그들만의 한시세계에 대해 고찰하였다. 본고에서 거론되는 규방시인들은 그들의 특수한 신분으로 인해 문학창작에서 첩이나 기생들보다 더 많은 절제가 필요했으며 창작풍격은 더 우아하고 함축적이어야 했다. 규방시인들의 한시세계는 ``현모양처의 형상화와 초자아적인 도덕의 형상화``, 현실의 탈출과 유선세계의 갈망``, ``규중의 한적함과 풍류의 세계`` 등 세가지 내용으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. In the Patriarchal society, like the Joseon Dynasty, female have always been regarded as the "second sex" or "the other" who are isolated as the peripheral existence. In the literary sphere, female have never been the centers of aesthetic appreciation but the object of the meditation. However, after the female participation in the literary creation, they have formed their own literary field, and their Chinese poems are - to some extent - different from those of male poets. In this paper, the literary status of women poets and their literary field of Chinese poems are to be examined. Owing to their special status, the women poets studied in this paper - compared with the concubines or Korean Geishas, need to be more moderate, and their literary creations need to be more elegant and contracted. Chinese poems are composed of the embodiment of both a good wife and wise mother and the superego morality, the escape from reality and desire for the Wired World, and the tranquility of boudoir and the dissolute world.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 동목식이합사 `V+P/N+적(的)+O`구문의 유형 및 의미에 대한 분석

        이설화 ( Li Xue-hua ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2016 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.29

        This paper analyzes the structure of a pronoun or noun enters into a V-O separable words in modern Chinese from the seven different structure forms and their variations of the `V+P/N+O`. 1.In the structure of `?洗?的?`, the `P/N` which enters into the V-O separable words is the same word as the agent in this sentence. Meanwhile, this `P/N` also can sever as a substantive agent in sentence of `?洗?`. 2.In the sentence of `生?的氣`, the `P/N` can sever as a object. Such structure type can be transform to an prepositional sentence like `對/向?生氣`. 3.In the sentence of `幇?的忙`, the `P/N` can treat as a object. Such structure type can be transform to an prepositional sentence like `給(爲)?幇忙`. 4.In the sentence of `傷?的心`,the `P/N` can treat as a causative verb and such structure type can be transform to an causative sentence. 5.In the sentence of `??的整`,the `P/N` can treat a substantive agent and such structure type can be transform to an passive sentence. 6.In the sentence of `??的台`, the `P/N` can treat as a object being processed. Such structure type can be transform to an ba-construction sentence. 7.In the sentence of `吃公家的飯`, the `P/N` can sever as a word with the meaning of been a tool or a method. Such structure type can be transform to an a sentence `通過公家吃飯`.

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