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      • KCI등재

        그림책 유형별 반복적 읽어주기에 따른 유아반응연구: Sipe의 반응범주를 중심으로

        이석금 ( Lee Seog Geum ),이진희 ( Lee Jin-hee ) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2017 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 그림책 유형별 반복적 읽어주기에 대한 유아 반응을 Sipe(2008/2011)의 반응범주를 사용하여 분석함으로써 유형별 그림책에 대한 유아의 반응과 반복적 읽어주기 회차 별로 나타나는 유아의 반응에 대해 살펴보고자 하는 것이 목적이다. 연구대상은 만 5세 유아 6명이며, 사실주의, 환상, 포스트모던 그림책 각 2권씩을 사용하여 세 번 반복적 읽어주기와 개별 면담에서 나타난 유아의 반응을 녹화하고 녹음 후 전사하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 20.0 프로그램으로 그림책 유형별 반복적 읽어주기에 대한 반응범주별 반응빈도와 반복적 읽어주기 회차에 따른 반응범주별 반응빈도에 대해 카이제곱검정을 실시하였다. 연구결과로 먼저, 유형별 그림책 읽어주기에 관한 반응범주별 반응빈도에 차이를 살펴보면 첫째, 그림책 유형별 읽어주기에 관한 반응빈도는 포스트모던, 사실주의, 환상 그림책 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 유형별 그림책에 대한 반응범주별 최다반응은 분석적, 상호텍스트적, 동화된, 연행적 반응은 포스트모던 그림책에서, 개인적 반응은 사실주의 그림책에서 나타났다. 셋째, 유형별 그림책에 나타난 반응범주별 반응빈도는 분석적 반응(72.9%), 상호텍스트적 반응(12.0%), 개인적 반응(8.5%), 동화된 반응(3.5%), 연행적 반응(3.1%) 순으로 나타났다. 다음으로, 그림책 읽어주기 반복 회차에 따른 반응범주별 반응빈도에 관해 살펴보면, 첫째, 유형별 그림책의 회차별 반응빈도는 유의미한 차이가 있었으며, 회차가 거듭될수록 감소하였다. 둘째, 회차별 읽어주기에 따른 반응범주별 최다반응을 살펴보면, 1회 읽어주기에는 분석적, 동화된 반응, 2회에는 상호텍스트적 반응, 3회에는 개인적, 연행적 반응이 가장 많이 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 그림책 반복적 읽어주기에 대한 연구와 그림책 장르를 넘어선 보다 다양한 비교연구가 이루어지길 제안한다. The purpose of the study was to analyze children`s responses to repeated read-alouds with three types of picture books (following the picture book types) using Sipe`s response categories(2008/2011). The subjects of this study were 6 five-year-old children. The picture book types were used as the research materials, and the repeated read-alouds were audiotaped and videotaped for a total of three times. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 20.0 for the frequencies of responses and the Chi-square test by the times of repeated read-alouds. Based on the results, initially, the frequency of response categories depending on the type of book were in the order of postmodern, realistic, and fantasy picture books. Second, the highest responses of analytical, intertextual, personal, and transparent categories were shown for the postmodern picture book while person responses were highest for realistic picture books. Third, the frequencies of response categories by categories were analytical response (72.9%), intertextual response (12.0%), personal response (8.5%), transparent response (3.5%) and performative response (3.1%). Regarding the number of times of repeated read-alouds depending on the frequency of the response categories, they were significantly different and decreased gradually in general. Finally, the highest responses for the response categories by each of the repeated read-alouds times for picture book types indicated analytical response and transparent response as one time, intertextual response as two times, personal response and performative response as three times. These results call for, further studies on repeated read-alouds and more diverse approaches to compare children`s responses to picture books studies beyond traditional genre-based approaches.

      • KCI등재

        유아영어교육에 대한 부모들의 인식에 관한 연구

        이석금(Seog geum Lee),이진희(Jin Hee Lee) 현대문법학회 2015 현대문법연구 Vol.84 No.-

        This study explores views of mothers whose child attends a private kindergarten regarding the way their children learn English in kindergarten. We recruited eight participants in City A. We collected data through semi-structured interviews, and suggestions based on our findings are as follows. First, the level of difficulty for the English education programs in normal kindergartens are based on the parents needs rather than the practical level for the children of early childhood. Also the English classes in Kindergartens that are allegedly specialized with English Education focus on memorizing more than the child can bear, which is not appropriate for the development of children in their early childhood. Second, without a proper goal in English education, a manual for appropriate English education for early childhood was in need. Third, while in a dilemmatic situation in choosing a proper early childhood education establishment, mothers’ would choose a normal kindergarten, focusing on whole-rounded education, and Kindergartens that are allegedly specialized with English Education for the English education. And for further level of education, they preferred the Natural approach and Phonics approach, which were appropriate for their level of difficulty. This research implies that dialogues among stakeholders and studies on teaching strategies relevant for young children should take place for more meaningful and appropriate English education in early childhood programs.

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