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        A Compatible Variables Scheduling Algorithm for Register Allocation in Microprogram

        이상정,임인칠,Lee, Sang-Jeong,Lim, In-Chil The Institute of Electronics and Information Engin 1987 전자공학회논문지 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper proposes a compatible variables scheduling algorithm, which is the process to pack variables into same register without modifying program semantics, for efficient register allocation of microprogram. The algorithm constructs T-V matrix, obtains incompatible variable set and scheduling priority, and schedules compatible groups. By this algorithm, the number of compatible groups can be minimized. The algorithm was implemented with C language on VAX-11/780 computer. By applying the algorithm to practical microprograms, the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified.

      • KCI등재

        Analyzing Thermal Variations on a Multi-core Processor

        이상정(Sang-Jeong Lee),Pen-Chung Yew 大韓電子工學會 2010 電子工學會論文誌-CI (Computer and Information) Vol.47 No.6

        본 논문에서는 멀티코아 프로세서 상에서 프로세서와 메모리를 집중적으로 사용하는 다양한 워크로드들에 대한 온도특성을 연구한다. 일반적으로 프로세서의 온도관리를 위한 측정 지표로 평균온도와 온도범위 보다는 온도변화의 정도가 더 중요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 프로그램 실행 중에 온도변화를 분석하고, 워크로드의 온도변화의 정도를 정량화하는 측정 지표를 제안한다. 제안된 온도변화 측정 지표를 사용하여 인텔 Core 2 Duo 프로세서 상의 SPEC CPU2006 벤치마크들에 대해 쿨링 조건 및 클럭 주파수를 변경해 가며 온도변화를 분석한다. 분석 결과, 각 벤치마크 프로그램에 따라 서로 다른 유형의 온도 변화를 보였다. 이러한 온도변화는 쿨링 조건과 동작 클럭 주파수 및 멀티프로그래밍 워크로드에 영향을 받았다. 또한 코아들 사이의 공간적 위치에 따라서도 다른 온도 변화 특성을 보였다. 본 논문에서 제안된 온도변화 측정 지표와 연구 분석된 결과들은 향후 멀티코아 온도관리를 위한 연구에 활용하면 효과적인 온도관리가 기대된다. This paper studies thermal characteristics of a mix of CPU-intensive and memory-intensive application workloads on a multi-core processor. Especially, we focus on thermal variations during program execution because thermal variations are more critical than average temperatures and their ranges for thermal management. New metrics are proposed to quantify such thermal variations for a workload. We study the thermal variations using SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks with varying cooling conditions and frequencies on an Intel Core 2 Duo processor. The results show that applications have distinct thermal variations characteristics. Such variations are affected by cooling conditions,operating frequencies and multiprogramming workload. Also, there are distinct spatial thermal variations between cores. Our new metrics and their results from this study provide useful insight for future research on multi-core thermal management.

      • KCI등재

        우리 저작권법사의 전시권의 문제점

        이상정(Lee Sang Jeong) 경희대학교 경희법학연구소 2006 경희법학 Vol.41 No.2

        Our copyright law confers the author the Right of Exhibition The author shall have the right to exhibit the original or reproduction of work of art, etc ( work of art, etc. includes the work of art, the work of photographs and architectural works). And to harmonize the interest of the ownership of copyright and the ownership of material object, the copyright act prescribes that The owner of the original of a work of art, etc. or a person who has obtained the owner s authorization, may exhibit the works in its original form . The problem arises in the case of the copy owner of art, etc (Article 32). The problem arises in the case of the exhibition of the copy of a a work of art, etc.. And it was realized in the case of 「Seoul Central District Court Decision 2003 Na 51230 Delivered on November 11, 2004」. The court ruled that he who exhibited the copy of the photo which was in the calendar, infringed the copyright. I think it s non-sense. In Japan the author of an artistie work or of an unpublished photographic work shall have the exclusive right to exhibit publicly the original of his work. So the copyright owner of published photographic work has no right of Right of Exhibition. In USA the copyright owner of published photographic work has the exclusive right to displayed the copyrighted work publicly (ξ 106(5)). But the copyright act of USA has the limitations on exclusive rights: Effect of transfer of particular copy or phonorecord. The ξ 109 (c) prescribes as follows: (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106(5), the owner of a narticular copy lawfully made under this title, or any person authorized by such owner, is entitled without the authority of the copyright owner, to display that copy publicly, either directly or by the projection of no more than one image at a time, to viewers present at the place where the copy is located, It is one of the first sale doctrine. So I propose that the article 32 should be revised as follows: The owner of the original or reproduction of a work of art, etc, or a persion who has obtained the owner s authorization, may exhibit the works in its original or reproduction form.

      • KCI등재

        ADR을 통한 지적재산권분쟁 해결의 현황과 개선책

        이상정(Sang-Jeong Lee) 한국비교사법학회 2006 비교사법 Vol.13 No.1

          There are many Intellectual Property Dispute cases. Among them some cases are settled through ADR. In Korea there are three forms of ADR-negotiation, mediation, arbitration. Among ADR mediation is the most common form of dispute resolution and many committee are established since 1987-for example “The Copyright Commission for Deliberation and Conciliation”(CDCC),“Program Deliberation and M ediation Committee”(PDMC), etc..<BR>  But the results are not so successful. Maybe there are many reasons. One of them is the lack of mediator’s ability, enthusiasm. To fulfill these requirement the system must be revised. From government-initiative ADR to private-initiative ADR. From monopoly to competition. In normative view the varieties of effectiveness are also problem. One is the same as that of judgement, the other is that of compromise contract. It needs uniformity.<BR>  So I recommend we make the general rule applied to the ADR. Japanese act for promoting the ADR is a good example.

      • 지적재산법과 소비자 보호

        이상정(Lee Sang Jeong) 세창출판사 2016 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.83

        This paper studies on consumer related aspects of the Intellectual Property. Among intellectual property laws the trade mark law and unfair competition law, even though our law have some insufficiency to protect the consumer, are the consumer protection law in broad sense. On the contrary patent law and copyright law is not a consumer protection law. But consumer are a good deal influenced by the content and the enforcement of these laws. Especially copyright law directly influence the consumer in the era of digital and information society. So intellectual property law should be educated to the consumer and consumer organization keep watch on the intellectual property law not to impair the consumer interest. Moreover the consumer organization propose actively the enactment or revision of intellectual property law to protect the consumer.

      • KCI등재
      • 미술품 창작과 예술의 자유에 관한 일고

        이상정(Lee, Sang Jeong) 세창출판사 2009 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.55

        The atmosphere in which an artist creates should, ideally, be free of external constraints. So the Article 22 of the Korean Constitution prescribes "all citizens enjoy the freedom of learning and the arts". But there are a lot of censorship of the arts. A fundamental conflict arises between the government's legitimate interest in regulating political subversion and obscenity and the guarantee of freedom of arts. In Korea obscenity, McCarthyism(the violation of the National Security Law), flag desecration, defamation are good example. This paper study afore-mentioned area. In obscenity area, there are many cases. This paper contains the definition, the present rule, historical case -that is 'La maja desnuda' [known in English as The Naked (or Nude) Maja]. In the National Security Law area, this paper contains two cases- those are the 'National Liberation Movement' case and the 'Riceplanting' case. In the flag desecration area there are some cases in Korean society. But in the art creation part there is no case which is disputed in the court. So this paper introduce some American cases. In the area of defamation, this paper introduce the Silberman v. Georges case. As a conclusion this paper urges the freedom of art should be guaranteed. All censorship of arts must be abolished. Of course under the mask of arts, there may be some cases which are non-arts. But in the marginal case, the 'in dubio pro arte' principle must be abided by. When holding the Flag Protection Act of 1989 unconstitutional, the U.S. Supreme Court conclude that "punishing desecration of the flag dilutes the very freedom that makes this emblem so revered, and worth revering." That's the conclusion.

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