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      • KCI등재

        버지니아 울프의 『댈러웨이 부인』에 나타난 `시간 트라우마` 연구

        이상규 ( Sanggyu Lee ) 21세기영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학21 Vol.29 No.4

        This essay aims at examining how the trauma related to time is shown artistically in Virginia Woolf`s Mrs Dalloway. The themes regarding `time` have been widely used by a lot of modernist writers including Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and Marcel Proust. However, most topics are focused on the subjective time based on the stream of consciousness instead of approaching the `being of temporality.` The `temporality of time` has the characteristics of being both undecidable and variable so that it tends to result in the `trauma` that has not been discussed not publicly until recently. Therefore it is needed that how the `being of temporality` and how it brings about `trauma` can be shown in the literary works. When we talk about the topics of trauma in Woolf`s work, we usually pull out the discussions on `sexual abuse` or `shell-shock` especially in Mrs. Dalloway. Woolf has the outstanding capacity to depict how the connection between `being of ephemerality` and `trauma` is represented through the work while creating the main characters like Septimus Smith and Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs Dalloway. Septimus is the key exemplar to show the main ideas about the `post-traumatic stress disorder` namely `PTSD` through his unavoidable suicide. Clarissa also plays an important role to explain her own identity as `being of temporality.` In conclusion, `being of temporality` comes to us as a state of strangeness, making us realize both the essence of being in the present and trauma.

      • KCI등재

        조혈세포의 분화과정에서 발현되는 유전자의 3' UTR 염기서열의 변화가 유전자 기능의 조절에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        이상규(Sanggyu Lee) 대한약학회 2005 약학회지 Vol.49 No.3

        The 3' UTR(3' untranslated region) plays important roles in controlling gene expression through regulating 3' polyadenylation, mRNA export, subcellular localization, translational efficiency, and mRNA stability. Changes in the 3' UTR sequence in an expressed transcript can result in functional changes of the genes that are expressed in pathological conditions compared with those genes expressed in normal physiologic conditions. A genome-wide survey of 3' UTR variation was performed for the genes expressed during hematopoietic differentiation from CD34+ stem/progenitor cells to CD15+ myeloid progenitor cells. Wide-spread differential usage of the 3' UTR was observed from the genes expressed during this celluar transition. This study implies that the 3' UTR can be a highly coordinated region for post-transcriptional regulation of the function of expressed genes.

      • 천연가스 액화공정 Simulation 연구

        이상규(Sanggyu Lee),이철구(Chulgu Lee),양영명(Young-myung Yang) 한국가스학회 2009 한국가스학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.4

        천연가스가 가스전에서부터 사용자에게 전달되는 방법은, 대단위 배관으로 전달하는 PNG (Pipeline Natural Gas) 방식과 액화해서 전달하는 LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) 방식으로 크게 분류된다. LNG 방식으로 천연가스를 이송할 경우, 천연가스를 약 -162 ℃로 액화해야 한다. 천연가스 액화플랜트는 크게 전처리설비, 중질분 분리설비, 액화설비, 그리고 저장설비로 분리되는데, 그중에 액화설비는 공정 형태에 따라, C3MR, Cascade, DMR 등 여러 공정으로 분류된다. 본 논문에서는 액화공정 중 세계적으로 가장 널리 적용된 C3MR공정에 대한 Simulation을 구성하고 액화 용량 변화에 따른 특성에 대한 연구결과를 설명하였다. There are two ways in the transportation methods of the natural gas from the gas wells to the end users: first, the PNG (Pipeline Natural Gas) method delivering the natural gas through the large-scale pipelines, and the second, the LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) method delivering the LNG after the liquefaction process. When using the LNG method to transport the natural gas, it is essential to liquefy the natural gas to -162℃. The natural gas liquefaction plant consists of a pre-processing process, fractionation process, liquefaction process, and storage tank. The natural gas liquefaction processes are classified into several kinds such as C3MR, Cascade, DMR and others. In this study, it is explained that the simulation study of the C3MR process which is applied worldwide and how the characteristics get changed according to train capacity.

      • KCI등재

        버지니아 울프의 『파도』에 나타난 예술적인 생태시학 연구

        이상규 ( Sanggyu Lee ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.1

        이 연구의 주요 목표는 버지니아 울프의 예술적 생태학적 특성이 어떻게 『파도』의 주인공들을 통해 제시되는지를 분석하는 것이다. 『파도』의 여섯 명의 주요 등장인물들은 전통적인 모더니즘 작품에서 묘사된 것과 달리 등장인물들의 독백을 통한 자연에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 울프는 또한 객관성과 주관성 또는 인간과 비인간 사이의 이분법적 사고를 무너뜨리고 예술적인 생태시적 기술의 가치를 유지하기 위해 은유와 인지적 언어 경험을 모두 활용한다. 울프의 본질적인 생태시적 태도는 인간 등장인물들을 자연현상과 일치시키는 방법으로 생태현상학에 바탕을 두고 있다. 따라서 『파도』의 생태시적 모티브가 자유와 해방과 같은 특이한 감정을 불러일으킨다. 다시 말해 생태시적 서사가 단순한 감각을 넘어서 내면적으로 깊은 자기성찰을 낳기 때문이다. 결국 울프는 『파도』가 논리적이고 명확한 줄거리가 부족함에도 불구하고 생태시적 의미를 확장하기 위해 시적언어의 리듬, 독백, 인지 언어적 은유 등 다양한 수사적 기능을 충분히 활용하고 있다. The goal of this study aims at analyzing how Virginia Woolf’s artistic eco-poetics is shown through her main characters in The Waves. The six main characters in The Waves are distinct from the ones described in the traditional modernist works, focusing on nature through the characters’ monologues together with the rhythm of poetic language. Woolf also makes use of both the metaphors and cognitive language experience to maintain the value of artistic eco-poetic skills by breaking the binary thinking between objectivity and subjectivity or human and non-human beings. Woolf’s essential eco-poetic attitude is based on ecophenomenology by way of matching human characters with natural phenomena. This aspect causes the ecological poetic motif of The Waves to bring about an unusual feeling of freedom and liberation. That's because the ecological epics go beyond simple sensations, resulting in deep introspection internally. In other words, Woolf keeps trying to make full use of various rhetorical functions such as the rhythm of poetic language, monologue, and cognitive-linguistic metaphors to expand the meaning of eco-poetics despite lacking logical and clear plots.

      • KCI등재

        파울즈의『프랑스 중위의 여인』에 나타난 여성성과 자연

        이상규(Sanggyu Lee) 한국영미어문학회 2006 영미어문학 Vol.- No.80

          This paper aims at examining how the "eco-feminism" is shown in John Fowles" The French Lieutenant"s Woman. During the past male-centered authoritarian age until the beginning of 20-century, "eco-feminism" has rarely been discussed because the ideas of development and destruction have dominated the behavior of people. Nevertheless, eco-feminism intends to revamp the dominant traditional male-centered norm as well as the trend of scientific civilization on the basis of creating the new paradigm of "eco-feminism."<BR>  The beginning background of The French Lieutenant"s Woman is Lymes bay outstretching toward England"s southwestern leg. The long description of the background shows that the motif of this novel makes an attempt to create the human living together with nature in harmony. Fowles even describes the Lymes bay as an "English Garden of Eden." In addition to the natural background, the heroine Sarah Woodruff plays an import role regarding to studying femininity. She seems to be ambiguous and mysterious and even raises some questions on whether she is really feminist or tragic woman. Under the 19th century patriarch-centered society, she tries to act against the dominant theory that women is always located under control of the men. In spite of Mrs. Poulteney"s obstinacy and opposition, she feels comfortable by ingoing and outgoing to Ware Commons where women are not allowed to reach. Ware Commons gives her not only a natural asylum but also a kind of liberation emotion away from the authoritarian male-centered society.<BR>  In spite of the authoritarian environment, she tries to oppose the traditional dichotomy that classifies "culture and nature or male and female." She finds it foolish to put the different concepts into the opposite completely. Even though she has the origin of low-brow, she insists on "the universal parity of existence" that focuses on the importance of individual being together with nature. She has overcome the disgrace of "outcast" colored in Lymes bay, futhermore having a keen power of observation to look for the agreement between human and nature. Finally, she seeks not the ideology of liberation based on feminism theory, but the right universal equality.

      • KCI등재

        맥카시의 『노인을 위한 나라는 없다』를 통한 악의 실체와 심연의 정신 연구

        이상규 ( Sanggyu Lee ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.5

        본 연구는 표면적으로 살인과 폭력의 느와르 장르로 인식될 수 있는 맥카시의 『노인을 위한 나라는 없다』를 융의 분석 심리학을 통해 접근한다. 우선적으로, 시거는 연쇄 살인마로 ‘악’의 상징 인물로 등장한다. 시거는 당시 법과 질서 그리고 정의의 시대정신인 보안관보, 평범한 시민인 용접공 모스를 살해한다. 우리는 한 인간이 어떻게 인간의 존엄성을 잔인하게 파괴할 수 있는지를 극단적인 시거의 살인을 통해서 위급한 시대정신에 대해 경각심을 갖게 된다. 다음으로, 맥카시는 노쇠한 보안관 벨을 제시하여 악과 맞서 싸우지도 못하고 조용히 은퇴자로서 인생 여정을 마무리 시킨다. 작가는 벨이 용맹스럽지는 않지만 노회한 보안관으로 국가와 시민들을 위해서 평생 봉직해온 그의 성실성과 애국심을 높이 평가하고 있다. 보안관 벨은 연쇄 살인마 시거와 맞서 싸우다 죽어 일시적으로 영웅이 되기보다는 생존하여 미래의 세대에 희망의 불빛을 전달하는 심연의 정신을 구현하는 인물로 남는다. 심지어 벨과 시거는 한 몸으로서 두 개의 인격체를 가진 인물로서 사회의 악과 심연의 정신을 재현하는 역할을 한다. 인간사회에서 삼라만상을 단순하게 악과 선을 구분하는 것은 위험하다라는 것을 깨닫게 해준다. This study aims at analyzing at approaching McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men, which can superficially be recognized as a noir genre of murder and violence, through Jung’s analytical psychology. First of all, Chigurh is a serial killer as a symbol of ‘evil.’ Chigurh kills the deputy sheriff, the spirit of justice, who represents law and order. Moss is the common citizen as a welder. We become aware of the urgent vigilance through extreme examples of how a man can brutally destroy human dignity through the murder. Next, McCarthy presents the decrepit old sheriff Bell, who can’t fight evil and quietly completes his life journey as a retiree. The writer highly appreciates Bell's sincerity and patriotism, which he has served for the nation and its citizens as an old sheriff, although not brave. Rather than temporarily becoming a hero after fighting against the serial killer Chigurh, Bell remains a figure embodying the spirit of the depth that conveys the light of hope to future generations. Bell and Chigurh even serve as one-body figures with two personalities to recreate the evil and the spirit of the depth. It makes us realize that in human society, it is dangerous to distinguish between evil and good.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        버지니아 울프의 『파도』에 나타난 언어의 다성적 타자성 연구

        이상규 ( Sanggyu Lee ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2017 현대영미소설 Vol.24 No.1

        This essay shows how the idea of the `otherness` of language is represented in Virginia Woolf`s The Waves. Language is a system of interdependent terms in which the value of each term results solely from the simultaneous presence of the `other.` We can see that the being of the `other` is indispensable to communicate through words in the world. Human beings have polyphonic characteristics which make themselves distinguished from other people. Woolf makes an effort to represent the `other` in her novel The Waves in which six characters(Jinny, Susan, Louis, Neville, Rhoda, Bernard) appear with different voices of personality through their distinctive languages. Jinny is in the habit of using the language of entertainment, favoring the performance of dance. Susan portrays as overcoming the fundamental features of conflict and anxiety among existential beings by depending on nature called the `other.` Louis finds himself the `other` because of his using a local English accent rather than the traditional English accent. Neville tries to survive as a being in order to maintain the homosexual relationships with Percival, just as Woolf does with Vita Sackville-West. Rhoda imagines that she alone diverges from others, while other five characters can get to be a self by taking a detour through some realization of the `other.` She seems to float on the white petals, swimming from shore to shore. Bernard is an outstanding character for his magical use of words well to pay much more attention to the `other` than any other characters. His life looks like the panorama of life, composed of quite a different features.

      • KCI등재

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