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      • KCI등재

        혼합현실 컨트롤에 최적화된 인터랙션을 위한 손 동작과 컨트롤 방식 Matching체계의 제안 - Augmented Behavior와 Meta Interface를 중심으로

        이사야,이은종,Lee, SaYa,Lee, EunJong 한국스마트미디어학회 2022 스마트미디어저널 Vol.11 No.9

        In an era where non-face-to-face meetings become common, eXtended Reality(XR) is rapidly developing and filling areas that are not satisfied in online meetings based on existing photos/video method. In particular, general users are also able to easily access and use HMD-type mixed reality devices. However, the basic operations applied in HMD-type in Mixed Reality(MR) with hands as the main input tool do not have a standardized system, and each manufacturer operates in a separate response to each other's hand movements. Therefore, this study considered that a systematic hand motion matching system considering the usability and efficiency of operations performed in mixed reality was necessary, and conducted a study to clarify this. First, the basic operation performed in the MR environment and its attributes were investigated, and at the same time, the structure of the hand and the attributes of the possible hand movements were identified. Based on the identified properties, it is intended to present a system that can intuitively and efficiently match basic operation properties in the MR environment with subtle operation properties according to the structure/context of the hand.

      • KCI등재

        OLED Barrier와 Encapsulation을 위한 원자층 증착 Polymer / Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> 다층 필름의 온습도 신뢰도 평가 분석

        이사야,송윤석,김현,류상욱,Lee, Sayah,Song, Yoon Seog,Kim, Hyun,Ryu, Sang Ouk 한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 2017 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        Encapsulation of organic based devices is essential issue due to easy deterioration of organic material by water vapor. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a promising solution because of its low temperature deposition and quality of the deposited film. Moisture permeation has a mechanism to pass through defects, Thin Film Encapsulation using inorganic / organic / inorganic hybrid film has been used as promising technology. $Al_2O_3$ / Polymer / $Al_2O_3$ multilayer film has shown excellent environmental protection characteristics despite of thin thicknesses of the films.

      • KCI등재

        OLED의 Barrier와 Encapsulation을 위한 원자층 증착 기술로 공정된 Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub>/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> 다층 필름

        이사야,송윤석,김현,류상욱,Lee, Sayah,Song, Yoon Seog,Kim, Hyun,Ryu, Sang Ouk 한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 2017 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Encapsulation of organic based devices is essential issue due to easy deterioration of organic material by water vapor. Thin layer of encapsulation film is required to preserve transparency yet protecting materials in it. Atomic layer deposition(ALD) is a promising solution because of its low temperature deposition and quality of the deposited film. $Al_2O_3$ or $Al_2O_3/TiO_2/Al_2O_3$ multilayer film has shown excellent environmental protection characteristics despite of thin thicknesses of the films. $Al_2O_3/TiO_2/Al_2O_3$ multilayer and 1.5 dyad layer of $Al_2O_3/polymer/Al_2O_3$ deposited by ALD was measured to have water vapor transmittance rate(WVTR) well below the detection limit($5.0{\times}10^{-5}g/m^2day$) of MOCON Aquatran 2 equipment.

      • KCI등재

        주행 공공 안내표지판의 맥락적 시인성 향상을 위한 표지판 디자인 연구

        이사야(Saya Lee),조익현(IkHyun Cho),김채희(ChaeHee Kim),이중섭(JongSup Lee),김승준(SeungJun Kim),이은종(EunJong Lee) 한국스마트미디어학회 2021 스마트미디어저널 Vol.10 No.4

        도로 위 공공 정보를 안내하는 표지판은 짧은 시간 내에 의사결정을 내릴 수 있도록 도와야 하므로 해당 지점에서 적합한 정보를 효과적으로 표현할 수 있어야 한다. 현재 법령에 의해 개정된 도로표지규칙은 도로명 주소를 기반으로 하려 기존의 도로표지판과 비교할 때 정보의 종류, 표현 방법, 표현 비중 등에서 크게 달라진 모습을 보여주고 있다. 본 연구는 도로명을 기준으로 달라진 개정된 도로표지판이 실제 지각-인지-이해-투영의 인지적인 관점에서 효과적인지를 분석하고 실제 주행하는 환경과 적합한 정보를 제공하고 있는지 검토하였다. 분석한 정보를 기반으로 개선된 디자인을 제시하고, 기존의 도로명 위주의 표지판과 비교하여 시인성 정도를 평가하는 실험을 진행하고 표지판 내용의 적합성에 대한 정성적 조사를 진행하였다. 이를 통해 보다 적합한 주행 정보와 직관적인 시인성을 높이는 방안을 검토할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. Public Signs guiding drivers on the road should help make decisions within a short period of time, so appropriate information should be effectively expressed at the point. Currently, the road marking rules revised by the law show a significant change in the type of information, expression method, and weight of expression compared to existing road signs to be based on road name addresses. This study analyzed whether the revised road signs changed based on the road name were effective in perspective of perception-cognition-understanding-projection and examined whether they provided appropriate information for the actual driving environment. Based on the analyzed information, an experiment was conducted to present an improved design, evaluate the degree of visibility compared to existing road name-oriented signs, and a qualitative investigation was conducted on the suitability of the sign contents. Through this, it is expected that more suitable driving information and measures to increase intuitive visibility can be reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        예언서에 나타나는 선교사상 -선교적 눈으로 요나서 읽기-

        이사야 ( Sa Ya Lee ) 한국대학선교학회 2016 대학과 선교 Vol.30 No.-

        구약성서에서 선교라는 개념이나 사상을 찾기는 쉽지 않다. 본질적으로 구약성서는 다른 종교를 가지고 있는 민족을 이스라엘의 신앙범주 안으로 끌어오기 보다는 처음부터 그들을 배척하고 가까이 하지 말 것을 율법으로 천명하고 있기 때문이다. 그러나 구약은 본질적으로 선교적 사상의 보고(寶庫)이며, 모든 선교의 뿌리이다. 비록 유대교가 본질적으로 선교적인 종교는 아니지만, 구약은 선교적 책이다. 본 논문은 요나의 선교적 읽기를 시도한다. 요나서는 히브리 성경에서 이사야 66장 18-21절과 더불어 사자들이 실제로 이교도 민족들에게 파송되는 것을 보여주는 책이다. 더 나아가 책 전체가 선교적 메시지를 담고 있는 것은 구약성서에서 요나서가 유일하다. 예언서 이사야, 나훔과 요나의 앗수르 본문을 주석적으로 비교 고찰하여 예언서에 나타나는 선교사상을 살펴보고자 한다. 요나서의 선교적 메시지는 비단 니느웨 뿐 아니라, 뱃사람들 그리고 국수주의자 요나로 대변되는 포로후기의 유다 백성들을 향하고 있다. 그것은 주전 5세기, 에스라-느헤미야의 철저한 종교적, 정치적 개혁의 분위기 속에서 공동체가 놓치지 말아야 할 보편적 선교사상이었다. 요나서가 말하는 하나님의 백성은 이스라엘이라는 민족적 범주를 뛰어넘는다. 이스라엘은 하나님의 백성이지만, 하나님의 백성은 이스라엘보다 더 광범위하기 때문이다. It is difficult to find the conceptions or ideology of mission in the Old Testament. Actually, the Old Testament prohibits gentiles who believe other gods or have other religions in the name of laws(=torah) instead of drawing into the boundaries of Israel’s religion. However, the old testament is a treasure house of missionary thoughts and knowledges and simultaneously the root of all missionary works. Although Judaism is not substantially missionary religion, the Old Testament is essentially missionary book. This study tries to read the Book of Jonah with the eyes of mission. The Book of Jonah contains a Hebrew missionary sent to the gentiles in addition to Isa.66:18-21. Furthermore the book is the only book which contains missionary messages throughout the whole book. So, We shall compare the Assyria-related texts of the Isaiah, Nahum and Jonah with commentaries and examine the missionary thoughts in the book of prophets. The missionary messages of the Book of Jonah aims not only the people of Nineveh but also other gentiles and the people of post-ex ilic Israelites. That is the important universalism which the Israelite community should not miss in the atmosphere of political, religious reforms at the time of 5 century B.C. The conception of God’s people gets over the racial, ethnic conception of Israel in the Book of Jonah. Because the conception of God’s people is broader than Israel although Israel is the people of God.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        바람(wind)과 마음(mind): 구약에 나타나는 루아흐의 자연론적-인간론적 의미 연구

        이사야 ( Sa-ya Lee ) 한국대학선교학회 2020 대학과 선교 Vol.43 No.-

        구약성서에 나타나는 루아흐의 배경을 추적하는 일은 복잡하고 어려운 일이다. 루아흐에는 바람, 폭풍, 방향 등을 나타낼 때 사용된 자연론적인 의미가 있는가 하면 사람의 마음과 기질, 성향, 정서 등을 표현하는 인간론적인 의미가 있다. 그리고 고대 근동문헌에서는 확인되지 않는, 역사와 사람을 변화시키고 생명을 부여하는 하나님의 절대적인 힘과 영 그리고 존재로서의 신인식론적인 의미도 있다. 최근까지 국내 구약학 연구에서 하나님의 영에 대한 연구는 주로 신인식론적인 의미 즉 하나님의 영으로서의 루아흐에 대한 연구에 국한되었다. 본 연구는 고대 근동의 다른 언어들 속에서 나타나는 유사어들과 비교하면서 구약성서의 루아흐가 지니고 있는 일차적인 의미를 고찰하고, 구약성서의 루아흐가 다른 유사어와 구별되는 특징들을 살피고자 한다. 이를 통해 구약성서의 중요 연구 분야로서의 성령론에 대한 가능성을 다시 확인하며 그 활성화를 모색하고자 한다. Is there the (Theory of) Holy Spirit in the Old Testament? The Old Testament scholars have not provided a clear answer to this old question. Tracking the background of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament is a complex and difficult task. The meanings ruach of the Old Testament are is not simple. It has the meteological meanings used to express wind, storm, direction, etc., and has anthropological meanings that express the mind, temperament, disposition, and emotion of man. It also has the theoepistemological(=God-cognitive) meanings as God's absolute power and spirit that transform and give life to man, which are not seen in the ancient Near Eastern texts. Until recently, the study of the Spirit of God in Korean Old Testament research was mainly limited to the study of theoepistemological meanings as the Spirit of God. This study examines the primary meanings of ruach in comparison with similar words in other languages of the Ancient Near East, and examines the characteristics distinguishing ruach from other similar words. This study now rediscovers ruach as the theological centerpiece of the Old Testament and reconfirms the possibility of the theory of the Holy Spirit as an important field of study of the Old Testament, and and seeks to revitalize it.

      • KCI등재

        사사시대와 사사기의 하나님 임재 상징

        이사야(Sa-Ya Lee) 한국종교학회 2010 宗敎硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        God in the Old Testament is the One who always accompanies Israel but simotaneously is cannot be seen by human eyes. Old testament religion is iconoclastic religion. It forbids strictly Israel to make the shape or image of God as well as other gods. Neverthless, ancient Israelite needed the symbol of the God’s presence and made it. It was the ark. In the period of judges, God reigned as invisible heavenly king over Israel. At that time, the ark took place as the absolute symbol to maintain Israelite’s faith that their God’s continuous being with themselves. Virtually, in the Book of Joshua and the fore part of the First book of the Samuel deals the ark with specific gravity. But the Book of Judges which is filled with the history from 12th century B.C. to the 10th, ironically enough, is not concerned about the ark. The reason the Book of Judges is reserved in speech with the ark is that the author of the book presents another symbol of the God’s Presence, namely charismatic leaders who received ruah YHWH(??? ????). These small number of charismatic leaders are shown as the symbol of the Gods presence in place of the ark. Historically, judges had to carry the ark in the time of the war against enemies. But the author spoke about the ruah YHWH instead of the ark. And that is because the book reflects the background of the thought 6-5th century B.C. although it portrays the period of 12-10th century B.C.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        모압 여인의 하나님

        이사야(Sa Ya Lee) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2012 신학논단 Vol.69 No.-

        The Book of Ruth is one of the elaborate literary works in the Old Testament as others. Since Gunkel classified this book as novelle, it settled its own position as one of the most beautiful and impressive literary and religious books in the Bible for a long time. It presents personal and national affection, dedication, love, faith through two women who lived as widows and foreigners in the time of judges. So many preachers focus on filial devotion of Ruth and emphasize her devotion and faith because she overcame many difficulties in the land of Israel and became one of the female ancestors of the king David (and Jesus Christ). The author of this book uses literal chiasmus and contrast effectively especiaally in chap. 1 of the book. Neverthless we should read the Book of Ruth as theologically not only as literally. It challenges against the extreme nationalism and anti-international marriage in the time of Ezra-Nehemijah and traditional deuteronomistic faith which forbids Moabites" immgration or entrance into the people of Israel. It also presents delicately very important theological themes such as hidden God who works silently, universalism which permits foreigners as the people of God, levirate marriage, protection of the social weak, ideology of anti-monarchy and practice of goel etc. when we read the Book of Ruth theologically, we can see the stable faith in God the redeemer from the boundary of a person to a nation in the hopeless period like the time of judges. As the confessions of Naomi and neighbor women, we can see the theological hope from the emptiness to the fullness, from bitterness(=Mara) to delight(=Naomi). The Book of Ruth is one of the elaborate literary works in the Old Testament as others. Since Gunkel classified this book as novelle, it settled its own position as one of the most beautiful and impressive literary and religious books in the Bible for a long time. It presents personal and national affection, dedication, love, faith through two women who lived as widows and foreigners in the time of judges. So many preachers focus on filial devotion of Ruth and emphasize her devotion and faith because she overcame many difficulties in the land of Israel and became one of the female ancestors of the king David (and Jesus Christ). The author of this book uses literal chiasmus and contrast effectively especiaally in chap. 1 of the book. Neverthless we should read the Book of Ruth as theologically not only as literally. It challenges against the extreme nationalism and anti-international marriage in the time of Ezra-Nehemijah and traditional deuteronomistic faith which forbids Moabites" immgration or entrance into the people of Israel. It also presents delicately very important theological themes such as hidden God who works silently, universalism which permits foreigners as the people of God, levirate marriage, protection of the social weak, ideology of anti-monarchy and practice of goel etc. when we read the Book of Ruth theologically, we can see the stable faith in God the redeemer from the boundary of a person to a nation in the hopeless period like the time of judges. As the confessions of Naomi and neighbor women, we can see the theological hope from the emptiness to the fullness, from bitterness(=Mara) to delight(=Naomi).

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