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      • KCI등재

        스포츠 방송 중계영상과 저작권

        이봉림(Bong-Rim Lee) 한국비교사법학회 2009 比較私法 Vol.16 No.4

        Regarding the relay broadcasting in sport, a key point can be said to be whether the sports game itself can be protected copyright and whether the sports relay video can be protected copyright. In light of our country's copyright law, the requirements for works are being taken what there should be creativity and what expressed a human being's thought or emotion. “Fixation on tangible media of expression” is not taken requirement. Thus, the sports relay video will need to be evaluated as the audiovisual works. Also, in case of audiovisual works, a special case exists. Thus, the relay video in sports game is seen to be proper for being evaluated as audiovisual works. Furthermore, a conflict is being amplified these days between terrestrial broadcasting and some of relay-right selling businesses by using social conflict of the sports relay broadcasting rights. The demand increases from terrestrial monopoly to multi-channel platform. Thus, there is necessity for establishing an effective measure for a rapid rise in price of popular sport. Also, like a famous entertainer, even the names and portraits of famous sports players themselves are thought to have economic profit or value. Accordingly, the discussion about definite provisions pertinent to this is considered to be imminent.

      • KCI등재후보

        인격권으로서의 프라이버시권과 퍼블리시티권의 법리고찰

        이봉림(Lee, Bong-Rim) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2008 圓光法學 Vol.24 No.3

        Basically, the right of privacy means passive and defensive concepts in a sense that it aims to secure ‘secrecy and freedom of privacy' as stipulated in the Article 17 of Korean Constitution, but it has lately involved more active implications that include legitimate control over personal information and independent decision of behaviors. In further sense, it is constitutionally accepted that the right of privacy widely encompasses ‘personal interests deserving social protection from their unwanted disclosure and independent interests pertinent to making crucial decision, including personal right of marriage, childbirth, contraception and child nurture.’ On the other hand, the right of publicity means protection of personal name, portrait(image) and the like from their unauthorized use in favor of others' interests. Thus, it encompasses both the right of personality and that of property fundamentally. From this perspective, the right of publicity may be considered a sort of property right with different nature from the right of personality. However, it is undeniable that the right of publicity considers elements of personality right as the object of right, so it is possibly reasonable to consider the right of publicity as the right which may be restricted according to the principle of good faith from the perspectives of the detailed content of agreement, rather than compose it as genuine right of property. In Korea, the National Assembly Culture & Tourism Council discussed legislation of express provisions about the right of publicity on June 23, 2005, but came to nothing worthwhile. In latest situation of even slight but gradually increasing legal disputes about the right of publicity, it will be required to prepare corresponding legislative solutions sooner or later.

      • KCI등재

        나홀로 소송에 관한 각국의 입법례 검토 - 프로보노 제도를 중심으로 -

        이봉림(Bong Rim Lee) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2018 圓光法學 Vol.34 No.2

        The increase in lawsuits is a remarkable phenomenon in Korea, and it is time to study it. However, there are not many papers that have been studied in earnest. Therefore, it would be beneficial to study other countries where research on litigation is active and is being implemented in various ways. It is also an unfamiliar concept to us, but the consideration of the pro bono activity called the so-called public interest law movement is very important to us. The reason the people are suing alone is that they can not afford to pay the first lawyer s fee. Second, there are cases where lawsuits are more appropriate due to the nature of the case. Finally, Do-it-Myself. Therefore, our judiciary should provide information on actual lawsuits and various reference materials for the parties to the lawsuit, and introduce the helpers in complex cases. In the case of a case or a case in which a lawsuit is carried out by the intention of the applicant, it is necessary to simplify various forms, refine legal terms, and provide relevant information to the parties involved. In addition, it is necessary to study how to strengthen the jurisdiction of the people by eliminating unnecessary obstacles by examining whether procedures or systems are difficult to sue alone. 나홀로 소송의 증가는 우리나라의 주목할 만한 현상으로서 이에 관한 연구가 필요한 시점이다. 하지만 이에 대하여 본격적으로 연구한 논문은 별로 없는 실정이다. 따라서 나홀로 소송에 관한 연구가 활발하고 여러 방법으로 시행되고 있는 다른 국가의 경우를 연구하는 것은 유익할 것이다. 또한 우리에게는 낯선 개념이지만 이른바 공익법 운동이라는 프로보노 활동에 대한 고찰은 우리에게 시사하는 바가 크다. 국민이 나홀로 소송을 하는 이유는 첫째 변호사 비용을 지불할 경제적인 여유가 없다는 것이고, 둘째 사건의 성질상 나홀로 소송이 오히려 적당한 경우가 있으며, 마지막으로 변호사 비용을 지불하지 아니하고 스스 로 소송을 진행하겠다는 Do-it-Myself(DIY) 현상이 늘어났기 때문이다. 이에 우리 사법부는 나홀로 소송의 당사자를 위하여 실제 소송의 정보와 다양한 참고자료를 제공하고, 복잡한 사건의 경우 조력자를 소개해 주는 등의 역할을 해야 할 것이다. 사건의 성질이나 본인의 의사에 의하여 나홀로 소송을 수행하는 경우에는 이로 인한 어려움을 완화할 수 있도록 각종 서식을 간이화하고, 법률용어를 순화시키고, 본인소송 당사자에게 관련 정보를 제공할 필요가 있을 것이다. 또한 절차나 제도가 나홀로 소송에 어려움은 없는지 살펴서 불필요한 장애를 제거하도록 하여 국민의 사법권 강화를 위한 방법을 연구해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        사이버공간의 명예훼손 - 인터넷 서비스제공자의 책임을 중심으로

        이봉림(Lee Bong Rim),이기용(Lee Ki Yong) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2007 성균관법학 Vol.19 No.3S

          In harmony with the era of information and communication revolution, the advancement of Internet and its speedy dispersion have expanded the influence throughout political, economic, social and cultural sectors in rapid fashion. However, while there is a positive aspect of pursuing usefulness and convenience such as exchange of broad and diverse information and opinion through Internet by many users, it has the unique feature in anonymity that people of ethical standard would be attempted with small deviation and thoughtless behaviors resulting in interfering with the rights of others in negative aspect as weil.<BR>  As such, it is possible to communicate with virtually limitless number of people beyond time and space on cyber space. one of the illegal activities frequently occurring is the case of defamation. Internet has fast speed of dispersion to unspecified number of people with broad range of dispersion that irresponsible and misleading information may result in irreparable damage to individuals, and there area growing number of cases unable to find the genuineness of such information. In addition, by having writing or moving picture that interferes with the right of individual on Internet social problems have emerged from the violation of human rights. However, it is extremely difficult to pin point the origin of fault with a number of characteristics of Internet.<BR>  This type of characteristics on Internet made the remedy of victims of illegal activities more difficult and the justification to remedy the victims has advanced to the issue of placing the liability upon the Internet service providers who gain benefit from providing the Internet service. However, it would be prudent to consider that the Internet service providers shall not be treated as having the same degree of legal liability because they are not the parties of placing the contents interfered with the right of individuality for others. Instead. there has to be an advance study on whether Internet service providers could be held liable for the case where the Internet service providers would be reasonable duty of deleting the contents that may interfere with the right to individuality but fail to take action in the regard. Also. the studies have to be on whether the Internet service providers would have the right or obligation to support such an act as weil.<BR>  Internet service provider is a responsible subject along with the emergence of Internet communication, and the standard of responsibility is not clear under the current laws. On the right of individuality such as defamation and others. there is no written provision, and only the tort claim under the Civil Act may be available. Pursuant to Article 44 of the Act on Promoting the Use of Information and Communication Network and Protection of Information. as implemented from July 1, 2001, the victims (holder of right to claim) whose personal right is interfered with are afforded with broader right now. however. it is still insufficient level in light of the legislation of other countries. Therefore. Korea has to take a prompt action to clarify the responsibility by preparing the new legislation as in the US or Germany for the Internet service providers.

      • KCI등재

        법률비용보험의 국내시장 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        이봉림(Lee Bong Rim) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2008 성균관법학 Vol.20 No.2

          The current Legal Expense Insurances(LEIs) of the world can be categorized into two types. One is the insurance of the commerce type which insurance companies make as one of the insurance product. This regards the situation which a legal service is required as an insurance accident and pays the fee of the legal service provided as a insurance payment. The other is the mutual aid type which makes funds for a prospective legal service and, with the funds, provides a legal service directly or pays the fee of it.<BR>  Korea is in urgent need of the introduction of LEI since the legal service market has been distorted mainly due to the lawyers" improper prestige, highly expensive lawyers" fee and the lack of understanding of legal dispute resolution process. In these reasons, several internet legal companies entered the stage of market recently. As these companies considered the legal counselling and LEI as profitable items, they developed LEI products co-working with domestic property insurance companies. In spite of close examination to introduce LEI, a number of facts prevented it to be successful. First, different from the other insurances, LEI guarantees expenses of highly specialized services. Second, the lawyers" fee is unreasonably high. Third, the character of "the problem of the adverse selection" is quite different from that of the other insurances. Finally, it is difficult to calculate the scale of legal service market with existing statistic records.<BR>  Recently, Financial Supervisory Service announced that domestic cyber-law firm will launch a new insurance item sooner or later. In this paper, I checked the present condition of the domestic legal market, all circumstances for and the effects of successful importation, and made a remark about some points to be improved.<BR>  Considering that the number of legal disputes including nonlitigation cases is almost 16 millions, market for LEI is fully matured and LEI will be the primary item of the insurance against loss without doubt. In addition, LEI should take root because it has public benefits to help the realization of social justice.

      • KCI등재

        4차 산업혁명시대 노동환경의 변화에 따른 법정책적 연구

        이봉림(Lee, Bong-Rim) 한국법학회 2022 법학연구 Vol.87 No.-

        4차 산업혁명의 시대에 이르러 인공지능은 우리 사회의 전 영역에 침투해 갈 것이다. 여기에서 기본권 영역도 예외는 아니라 할 것이다. 이세돌과 알파고의 대국에서 목격한 것처럼 인공지능의 잠재성과 발전 속도는 인간의 예상을 뛰어넘고 있다. 바둑에서 인간이 인공지능에 패배할 것이라고는 아무도 예측하지 못하였던 것과 같이 법조계에서도 같은 현상이 발생할 가능성은 충분하다. 기본소득은 자산심사나 노동조건이 없이 개인을 단위로 하여 모든 사람에게 무조건적으로 이행되는 정기적인 현금지급을 의미한다. 이에 일회성 급여가 아닌 정기성, 현물급여가 아닌 현금지급성, 가구단위가 아닌 개별성, 자산에 대한 심사가 없는 보편성, 노동이나 노동의향의 입증을 요구하지 않는 무조건성을 특징으로 한다. 4차 산업혁명을 맞아 기본소득에 대한 논의가 우리 사회에서 생명력을 얻고 생산적인 방향으로 흐르기 위해서는 기본소득 개념에 대한 유연한 태도가 요구된다. 특히 실천적 측면에서 완전한 기본소득의 도입으로 가기 위한 과도기적 수단으로서 참가소득이나 기한제한과 같은 이행기적 전략에 대한 진지하고 구체적인 논의가 병행되어야 함은 당연한 이야기가 될 것이다. By the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence will penetrate into all areas of our society. It is not an exception in the Fundamental rights of the area. As we have witnessed in the match between Lee Sedol and AlphaGo, the potential and evolution of artificial intelligence have surpassed human expectations. It is possible that the same phenomenon is likely to occur in the legal system, as nobody predicted that man would lose artificial intelligence in Baduk. Basic income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. That is, basic income has the following five characteristics: Periodic, Cash payment, Individual, Universal, Unconditional. In the wake of the 4th Industrial Revolution, it can be said that in order for discussions on basic income to gain vitality in our society and flow in a productive direction, a flexible attitude toward the concept of basic income is required. In particular, it is natural that serious and concrete discussions on transitional strategies such as participation income and deadline limitations should be held as a transitional means to go to the introduction of full basic income in practical terms.

      • KCI등재

        人格權에 關한 各國의 立法例 檢討

        이봉림(Lee Bong Rim) 성균관대학교 비교법연구소 2008 성균관법학 Vol.20 No.1

        We value our own nature intrinsically, and possess so-called interests or rights to free expressions of ourselves. The interests may come from relationships with others, or may remain only in our own sphere. It is personal rights that protect our interests. However, our civil law still fails to make positive provisions on personal rights, but abides by passive standpoints that violation of personal rights means a tort that meets basic requirements for justifying a claim for damages. In addition, with regard to general concepts on personal rights, majority opinions and judicial precedents in Korea consider Article 751 and 752 of Korean Civil Code just as cautionary and exemplary provisions for Article 750 of said Code. In the wake of examining the legislative examples in foreign countries on the rights of the personality, what is secured as the general right could be known to be the Declaration of the Rights of Man approved by the National Assembly of France in 1789. Following its spirit, the thought of human dignity is being realized by which the provision of elucidation is put even in Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted at the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. There is no specified provision on the rights of the personality in France. However, it is the real situation of being still protected by the stipulation with saying that “each person has a right of the respect for its privacy” in Article 9 for the French civil law and by being stipulated in Article 16 of the civil law by the Law on Bioethics and Biosafety. The ground of the positive law, which was approved on the general rights of the personality in Germany is starting from being prescribed ‘the declaration on the dignity of man’ in Article I, Chapter I and ‘the manifestation on free personality’ in Clause I, Article II for the German constitutional law (fundamental law). And, the enactment as the general rights of the personality can be raised to be Article 704 (currently Article 823). Meanwhile, in case of America, it is being addressed by being divided into the right of privacy, which is the moral benefit, and the right of the publicity, which is the property profit. In case of Switzerland, it is composed of two laws such as Zivilgesetzbuch in 1907 and Obligationerecht in 1911, and the enforcement of the law began from January 1, 1912. Unlike the German civil law and the French civil law, the Swiss civil law is approving the general rights of the personality as one of the private rights. In the meantime, Japan had ever been discussed the American right of privacy from the 1920s after being translated into the right of the secrecy or the right of the secret, but it was quite negative. And, an opportunity, which came to cause a big concern, starts from after a case of “宴の あと.” Regarding a legal method, the rights of life, the body, freedom, and pursuit of happiness in Article 13 of the constitutional law were being seen as the provision of the ground for the individual rights of the personality. However, the infringement on the rights of the personality started to be recognized as the illegal act, by introducing theories of Germany and America since then. The civil law of Japan is regarding this as illegal act given the infringement on absolute right called the right of the personality. Either a leading case or a doctrine sees this as illegal act when the act of infringing on benefit, which has value enough to be protected even if there is no violation on a right, is unlawful, and is addressing it as an issue of illegality. As for a method of relief given the infringement on the right of the personality, a right of claim for damages, and a right of claim for prohibition as a means of restitution, are being acknowledged. In contrast to this, our country is being revealed demerits in each e

      • KCI등재

        윤창호법 위헌 관련 여러 시각과 남은 과제

        이봉림(Lee, Bong-Rim) 한국법학회 2023 법학연구 Vol.89 No.-

        음주운전으로 인한 사고의 증가와 2018년 9월에 벌어진 윤창호 씨 사건 등의 영향으로 음주운전에 대한 전반적인 사회적 분위기가 처벌수위를 강화해야 한다는 방향으로 치우치게 되었다. 이를 반영하여 국회에서 위험운전치사상죄의 법정형을 상향조정하는 특정범죄가중법 개정이 2018년 12월 18일 이루어져 같은 날 시행되었는데, 이에 대해 헌법재판소에서는 2021년 11월 25일과 2022년 5월 26일 두 차례 위헌결정을 내렸다. 음주운전은 과실이 아닌 고의범죄이므로 이를 전범과 후범의 10년이라는 기한 제한을 둬야 한다는 이번 헌법재판소의 판단이 형법에서 말하는 책임원칙에 반한다고 할 수는 없을 것이다. 다만 본고에서 주안점을 둔 것은 헌법재판소의 판단이 잘못되었다는 것의 측면이 아닌 이번 법률개정이 여론이나 민심을 충실히 반영한 시의성 있는 입법이라는 성과의 이면에는 입법의 원리나 비판적 의견 등에 대한 충분한 검토가 이루어지지 않은 채 입법되었다는 비판적 시각도 존재한다는 점이다. 특정 법률이 위헌결정을 받게 되면, 입법적 보완이 이루어질 때까지 처벌근거가 사라지는 등 법적 공백이 발생할 뿐만 아니라 법질서의 안정성이 침해되는 등 여러 형태의 문제가 초래될 수 있다는 것은 자명한 사실이다. 그러므로 이번 헌법재판소 결정을 적시성을 확보하면서도 헌법 적합성이나 법체계 정당성을 충실히 검토할 수 있는 입법 과정에 대한 고민과 동시에 윤창호법의 입법정신을 다시 한 번 생각해보는 계기로 비판적인 시각에서 바라보는 것도 필요하다고 생각한다. Due to the increase in accidents caused by drunk driving and the incident of Yoon Chang-ho in September 2018, the overall social atmosphere of drunk driving has shifted toward strengthening the level of punishment. Reflecting this, the National Assembly revised the Specific Crime Weighted Law, which raises the statutory form of dangerous driving offenses, on December 18, 2018, and took effect on the same day. In response, the Constitutional Court ruled twice unconstitutional on November 25, 2021 and May 26, 2022. Since drunk driving is a deliberate crime, not an error, it can not be said that the judgment of the Constitutional Court that it should limit the period of 10 years for war criminals and criminals is contrary to the principle of responsibility in the criminal law. However, the main point of this article is not that the judgment of the Constitutional Court is wrong, but that the amendment of the law is a timely legislation that faithfully reflects public opinion and public opinion. There is also a critical view that it has been legislated without sufficient review. If a particular law is found to be unconstitutional, it is self-evident that there will be legal gaps such as the disappearance of the grounds for punishment until legislative supplementation is made, as well as various types of problems such as infringement of the stability of the law and order. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the Constitutional Court decision from a critical point of view as an opportunity to think about the legislative process that can faithfully examine the constitutional suitability and legitimacy of the legal system while securing the timeliness.

      • KCI등재

        청각전문가 자격에 관한 법률의 검토 및 대안

        이봉림 ( Lee Bong-rim ),김명수 ( Kim Myoung-su ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2016 홍익법학 Vol.17 No.4

        청각장애란 외부의 소리가 귀를 통해 뇌에까지 이르는 경로 중 어느 한 부분 또는 그 이상의 부분에 이상이 생겨서 청력이 지속적으로 또는 영구적으로 저하되어 있는 상태를 의미한다. 청각장애는 보이지 않지만 개인의 삶에 미치는 영향은 상당히 크기 때문에 어른들의 경우 직장 혹은 가정 내의 일상생활에서 여러 가지 어려움들을 겪게 되고, 아동들의 경우도 말이나 언어를 습득하거나, 학교 혹은 가정 내의 일상생활에서 어른과 비슷한 어려움을 겪게 된다. 따라서 언어 병리학적, 청각학적, 심리학적 서비스는 물론 물리치료, 작업치료, 레크리에이션, 사회복지 서비스, 학교건강 서비스뿐만 아니라 상담, 통학 서비스 및 진단을 목적으로 한 의료서비스가 필요하다. 이 역할을 담당하는 사람을 청능사라고 칭한다. 하지만 우리나라의 경우 청각장애로 인한 어려움을 최소화시키고 장애를 최대한 극복할 수 있도록 조기발견 및 예방, 적절한 평가, 효과적인 재활 프로그램 및 교육환경, 청각보조기구의 사용 등을 포함하는 `청각관련 지원서비스`를 담당해야 하는 청능사의 자격 검증을 민간에게 맡기고 있어 청각장애인들의 삶에 심각한 영향을 미치게 되고, 이들의 언어발달 및 학습능력에 상당한 우려가 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 또한 미국, 일본, 유럽 등의 입법례를 분석해보면 이들 역할의 중요성을 일찍이 판단하여 국가 공인의 청각전문가를 선발하여 청각손실자들의 복지를 증진하고 질 높은 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 따라서 물리치료사나 임상치료사와 같이 국민건강을 다루는 직종으로서 청능사 업무에 관한 국가자격의 필요성이 절실하다. 다행스럽게도 청능사자격검정원에서 시행하는 청능사 자격시험의 경우 그 교육과정이나 시험이 선진국처럼 매우 전문적으로 이루어지기 때문에 이를 기초하여 국가공인자격제도를 만들 수 있을 것이다. 청능사는 `소통을 가능하게 하는 직업`임을 상기했으면 한다. Hearing impairment means a condition in which hearing loss is continuously or permanently deteriorated due to an abnormality in one or more of the pathways in which the sound outside the ear reaches the brain through the ear. The impact of hearing impairment on an individual`s life is significant. Adults suffer from a variety of difficulties in daily life at work or in the home, and children experience difficulties similar to adults in their everyday lives at school or in the home. Therefore, language pathology, auditory and psychological services as well as physical therapy, occupational therapy, recreation, social services, school health services and medical services are also needed. The person in charge of this role is called an audiologist. However, in Korea, the auditing qualification of the audiologist who is responsible for the `hearing support service` is left to the private sector, which seriously affects the lives of the hearing impaired people, and there is a considerable concern about their language development and learning ability. The legislation of the United States, Japan and Europe judges the importance of these roles and selects the public hearing audiologists. There is a pressing need for national qualifications on the job of the audiologist. Since the curriculum and examinations are very professional, as in advanced countries, they should be based on the national qualifications system. The audiologistis `a job that enables communication`.

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