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        부산의 복음화 현황과 교회의 역량

        이복수 ( Bok Soo Lee ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2008 복음과 선교 Vol.10 No.-

        The main theme of this thesis is about The Present State of Evangelization and Capability of Churches in Busan but in reality, this thesis examines the ratio of christians and capability of churches in Busan. The reason is the meaning of evangelization, people who have heard the true and real meaning of the Gospel, is in fact hard to tell if it``s true and real from non-christians point of view. But the ratio of christians in visible church is possible. Therefore this thesis talks about the ratios of christians. This study consists of 16 districts in Busan with regard to the ratio of christians and further show the different states in these districts. But on the whole, there are 60 denominations with 1557 churches in 16 districts in Busan. The current population of christians in Busan, 362,592, is only 10.38% of the total population. Furthermore, until now without clear investigations, people have talked that only 7% were christians which in reality is less than the actual ratio. From this point of statistics, each church in Busan should be responsible for 750 non-christian families, and each christian should also be responsible for 9 non-christians. By doing this, the ratios of christians in Busan will be increased.

      • KCI등재

        망루(望樓)의 질서로부터 공관(共觀)의 질서로

        이복수(Lee Bok-Soo) 한국사회학회 2007 韓國社會學 Vol.41 No.5

        벤담(J. Bentham)의 발상에 기초하여 푸코(M. Foucault)가 면밀하게 분석해 낸 원형감시의 시선과 권력은 그로 하여금 현대사회의 질서를 규율적 사회로 규정짓게 하였다. 그러나 신문에서 출발하여 TV를 거친 후 최근의 인터넷에 와서는 이와 대조적인 공관의 시선과 힘에 대한 인식과 관심이 등장하고 있다. 이 글은 오늘날 원형감시(혹은 ‘망루’)의 질서가 상존, 강화되는 와중에서도 특히 기술적(인터넷을 비롯한 대중매체의 철저한 확산 등) 및 사회적(시민운동의 다양화와 강화 등) 변화의 충격으로 기존의 질서에 도전하는 공관의 질서가 새롭게 태동하고 더 나아가 성숙해 가고 있다는 인식을 이론적으로 논증하고 경험적으로 확인하는 데에 목적이 있다. Michel Foucault has defined modern social order as a disciplinary’ one after analyzing elaborately the term ‘Panopticon’ coined by Jeremy Bentham. However, recent studies on modern and postmodern media, such as newspapers, TV’s, and the Internet put a contrastable term ‘Synopticon’ on the stage. This paper is to argue theoretically and identify empirically the recognition that Synopticism is going to evolve to challenge the establishment by the impact of technical and social changes such as rapid propagation of the Internet and proliferation of various civil movements in the midst of maintenance and enforcement of Panopticism.

      • KCI등재

        에딘버러 1910의 신학적 · 역사적 배경과 선교 이해

        이복수 ( Bok Soo Lee ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2010 복음과 선교 Vol.13 No.-

        Edinburgh 1910 is one of the most important meetings in the history of christian world mission. As a super denominational meeting the Conference was a stage to strive for an academic development of missiology, public ownership of the christian world mission, and missionary cooperation. The Conference maintained the standpoint of evangelical theology in relation to those members who were responsible for the Conference. However, the Conference could not thoroughly intercept the trend of a progressive theology in relation to its super denominational background. In the end, the result of the Conference was the birth of ecumenical missionary theology into the world. However at that time of its birth the understanding of mission was on a strong evangelical standpoint. The Conference understood mission as the Triune God`s mission, expressing obedience to the Great Commission of the Christ as the motive of mission. It also adopted the extension of the Kingdom of God as its aim of mission, emphasizing the unique opportunity and urgency of carrying the Gospel to all the non-Christian world as its object of mission, suggesting various methods as its missionary means, and insisting on the law of Christlike love as the manner in which evangelism is undertaken.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        기독교선교 영역으로서의 문화사역

        이복수 ( Bok Soo Lee ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2012 복음과 선교 Vol.17 No.-

        Is the Christian`s work for culture a part of mission? A clear answer to this question is important. For many Christians think that the Christian`s work for culture does not belong to mission. This understanding is related to a traditional concept of mission which was understood as evangelism. For this, some Christians who work in the area of culture do not think their works as missionary affairs, so they think they do not have any meaning in their lives or are worthy. Many local churches also have a tendency to be stingy in supporting and sending a christian to work for culture. Therefore this study aims to accurately point out that the Christian`s work for culture does belongs(is a part of) to mission. The reasons why the Christian`s work for culture belongs to mission are as follows. First, it belongs to the cultural mandate which was given to Christians. Even though this mandate was given to men at first, but after men sinned, Christians who were born again in Jesus can be accomplished it. Especially by the modern concept of mission as a comprehensive one, the cultural mandate is included in mission. Second, the Christian`s work for mission belongs to the expansion of the Kingdom of God as the aim of mission. It is justifiable for the work relating to the aim of mission to belong to mission. Third, the Christian`s work for culture belongs(is a part of) to various means of mission. In fact, without cultural means, it is impossible for mission to be accomplished. Therefore it is clear for the Christian`s work for culture to be included in mission.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        해방신학의 구원론에 포함된 개념들에 관한 고찰

        이복수 ( Bok Soo Lee ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2012 복음과 선교 Vol.19 No.-

        Liberation theology is a representative theology of various political theologies and was formed through the state of political and economical oppression in Latin America. Therefore it is a theology which concentrates the Bible upon the theme of liberation from situations of oppression. Owing to the situation of Latin America, philosophical thoughts of humanism, secularism and optimism were added to it. The more concrete influences on it was theological elements as secular thoughts of liberal theology and the decisions of Vatican II in which the Roman Catholic churches emphasized the church`s social activities. This Liberation Theology expressed many differences from orthodox teachings of many theological themes. Especially the differences in opinion between Liberation Theology`s conception of salvation and orthodox teachings of salvation are distinct. Liberation Theology`s conception of salvation emphasizes salvation as political liberation in which social salvation, salvation of the whole man or of all present situations of man, universal salvation, and salvation within history were formed as its core points. Liberation theology`s point of view of salvation concentrates on an improvement of social evils because of its conceptions of salvation as an accomplishment of an ideal society through solving the problems of oppression and exploitation. Then social evils are only a phenomenon or result of sin, so that Liberation Theology`s salvation is not related with any solution to the essence of sin itself. In this trend Liberation Theology emphasized Jesus Christ as the liberator rather than the redeemer. Therefore the church`s work for salvation is to do activities according to the example of Jesus as the liberator. This teaching of Liberation Theology`s salvation is different from the salvation which is given from God through Jesus. On that ground it is very important for the true teaching of salvation to be proclaimed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Mycobacterium leprae , M . lepreae Phenolic Glycolipid - 1 및 Cytokine 이 RAW 264 . 7 대식세포의 Nitric Oxide 생성에 미치는 영향

        박석돈(Seok Don Park),이재승(Jae Sung Lee),이복수(Bok Soo Lee),전창덕(Chang Duk Jun),정헌택(Hun Taeg Chung),김종구(Jong Gu Kim) 대한피부과학회 1994 대한피부과학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        Background: Nitric oxide(NO) has been reproted to play an important role in macrophage-mediated microbicidal capacity for a variety of intracellular pathogens. NO generation is used as an indicator of microbicidal function of macrophages. Objective : Our purpose is to investigate the production of NO rom macrophages phagocytized with Mycobacterium leprae or M. leprae phenolic glycolipid-1(PGL-1) for the purpose of elucidating the pathogenesis of leprosy. Methods : We used a murine macrophage cell line, RAW 264.7. Macrophages were incubated with dead M. leprae or PGL-1, respectively and then treated with interfer n-gamma(IFN-r) and/or tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-a). The release of NO was determined spectrophotometrically by measuring nitrite. Results : M. Leprae and PGL-1 failed to stimulnte NO secretion execept at high bacteria-to-cell rations(50:1)and at the higheat concentrat,ion(100pg/ml) of PGL-1. IFN-r or IFN-r plus TNF-a markedly stimulated macrophages phagocyt,ized with M. leprae or PGL-1 to release NO . Conclusion : Defective IFN-r-dependent NO production of macrophages may be an important factor in the pathogenesis of leprosy. (Kor J Dermatol 1994 ; 32(1), 234-244)

      • KCI등재

        기술노트 : NPS-WET 모형을 이용한 인공습지의 수질정화효과 분석

        이한필 ( Han Pil Rhee ),정광욱 ( Kwang Wook Jung ),이복수 ( Bok Soo Lee ),함종화 ( Jong Hwa Ham ),손영권 ( Yeong Kwon Son ) 한국물환경학회 2012 한국물환경학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        A combination system of catch canal and constructed wetland was designed and suggested to improve water quality in gagricultural region of lower Dong-jin river basin. In order to evaluate an water quality improvement efficiency of the designed combination system, the NPS-WET model was applied in this study. Simulation result of the NPS-WET shown that the nutrient load removal rate of constructed wetland was BOD, T-N, T-P and SS was 30.7~39.0%, 46~60%, 40.7~57.0% and 68.2~74.7%, respectively. Nutrients reduction of constructed wetland was higher in growing season than winter season because vital activity of microorganism, macrophyte and algae was augmented with high air and water temperature. Effluents from constructed wetland can affect water-quality of catch canal drains, especially, water-quality on junction point to Dong-jin river. Water-quality improvement in low-flowed catch canal (Un-san) was more significant than in high-flowed catch canal (Won-pyeong). In conclusion, a feasible design of constructed wetland is necessary to treat large quantity of receiving water. The NPS-WET is useful tool for assessing water-quality improvement efficiency using constructed wetland.

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