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      • KCI등재

        다양한 형태의 키토산이 창상치유에 미치는 효과

        이병하,서만수,류형호,박세정,양정덕,조병채,문정환,정호윤,이동걸,박재우,김인산,김상우,배은희,이동신 대한성형외과학회 2004 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.31 No.3

        This study is to compare the effect of wound healing using three different types of chitin, which include the shapes of sponge, velvet, thick non-woven fabrics, and thin non-woven fabrics. The sponge type had more capacity to absorb the first discharge of a wound than the velvet type and the two non-woven fabrics types. Instead of absorbing the discharge effectively, the velvet type showed a difficulty to take off the dressing stuff from a wound since it was solidly stuck to the wound. The sponge type showed less infiltration of inflammatory cells, producing angiogenesis and fibroblast faster than any other types. Next, the thick non-woven fabrics type was a little more effective than the thin non-woven fabrics type: However, there was no difference between two types. The velvet type sustained the infiltration of inflammatory cells for the longest duration, producing slower angiogenesis and fibroblast. In wound contraction and wound healing, the sponge type was most effective with statistical significance than any other types(p<0.05). The two types of non-woven fabrics did not present any statistical significance in wound contraction, wound epithelization and wound healing(p>0.05).In conclusion, the sponge type showed the best effectiveness to absorb the early discharge, facilitating the progress of inflammatory phase to increase the healing rate. It induced an early healing of wound caused by wound contraction rather than by wound epithelization.

      • KCI등재

        이주에 관한 국제협력과 동아시아 이주 거버넌스 구축의 가능성

        이병하 한국사회역사학회 2019 담론 201 Vol.22 No.1

        This paper aims to examine the current status of international cooperation on migration at the global and regional levels, and to explore how to construct migration governance in East Asia. Although international migration as a significant transnational issue requires global governance system, global migration governance is quite underdeveloped. While global migration governance is gradually enhanced, Regional Consultative Processes(RCPs) have developed as a multilateral form of international cooperation on migration. With recognition of the weakness of migration governance in East Asia, this paper aims to propose the principles of the migration governance such as adherence to global standards, discussion using objective data, and strong partnerships. It also argues that migration governance in East Asia needs to be built as a multilayered architecture. I suggest that East Asian states should consider establishing so-called East Asian Migration Network for creating objective data on migration in East Asia. Finally this paper claims that the states need to adopt an incremental approach to constructing migration governance in East Asia. 본 논문은 이주에 관한 국제협력의 현황을 글로벌 수준과 지역 수준으로 나누어 살펴보고, 동아시아 이주 거버넌스의 형성 방안을 모색 하고 있다. 초국가적 이슈인 국제이주의 문제를 해결하기 위한 글로벌 거버넌스의 필요성이 증가하고 있음에도 불구하고, 국제이주 분야의 글로벌 거버넌스 체제는 저발전된 상황이다. 이주에 관한 글로벌 수준의 협력이 서서히 가시화하고 있는 동안, 지역 수준에서는 지역협의체 방식이 발전하고 있다. 본 논문은 동아시아 지역의 이주 거버넌스가 취약하다는 문제의식 하에 동아시아 이주 거버넌스의 형성 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 논문은 동아시아 이주 거버넌스의 원칙으로 글로벌 기준과의 정합성, 객관적 데이터에 근거 한 논의, 강한 파트너십을 제시하고 있다. 또한 동아시아 이주 거버넌스는 다층적 거버넌스 체제를 지향하고, 객관적 정보를 공유하기 위한 동아시아 이주 네트워크를 구축해야 하며, 의제 설정 단계, 합의 구축 단계 등 단계별로 점진적 접근법이 필요하다고 주장한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Development of Korea’s Immigration Policies: Security, Accumulation, Fairness, and Institutional Legitimacy

        이병하 한국학술연구원 2009 Korea Observer Vol.40 No.4

        This article attempts to trace and critically review the development of immigration policies in Korea since the early 1990s. International migration as a global and universal phenomenon has challenged nation states, and theories of immigration policy seek to identify and explain factors affecting the choices made by states in this regard. However, two dominant theories, the political-economy and neo-institutionalist approaches, both of which emphasize economic interests and liberal principles, respectively, fail to provide a satisfactory explanation of the complex process of immigration policymaking when it comes to other factors including security and ethno-cultural diversity. Therefore, this article adopts the theory of the functional imperatives of the state, as suggested by Christina Boswell, focusing on security, accumulation, fairness, and institutional legitimacy in order to examine the complexity of immigration policymaking. Adopting Boswell’s theoretical framework, this article explores what functions of the state-embedded immigration policies have been emphasized by each administration since the early 1990s. This article also seeks to examine whether there have been changes in the immigration policy under the current Lee Myung-bak administration and, if so, in what areas the current government’s policy is distinguished from the policies of the two previous administrations.

      • KCI등재

        Specialty Fiber Coupler: Fabrications and Applications

        이병하,엄주범,Kwan Seob Park,Seong Jun Park,Myeong Jin Ju 한국광학회 2010 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.14 No.4

        We review the research on specialty fiber couplers with emphasis placed on the characteristics that make them attractive for biomedical imaging, optical communications, and sensing applications. The fabrication of fiber couplers has been carried out with, in addition to conventional single mode fiber, various specialty fibers such as photonic crystal fiber, double clad fiber, and hole-assisted fiber with a Ge-doped core. For the fiber coupler fabrication, the side polishing and the fused biconical tapered methods have been developed. These specialty fiber couplers have been applied to optical coherence tomography, fluorescence spectroscopy, fiber sensors, and optical communication systems. This review aims to provide a detailed statement on the recent progress and novel applications of specialty fiber couplers.

      • KCI등재

        The Arabidopsis thaliana NGATHA1 Transcription Factor Acts as a Promoter of a General Differentiation Program and a Carpel Identity Factor

        이병하,Tran Thi Mai,송종태,김정회 한국식물학회 2017 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.60 No.4

        The Arabidopsis thaliana NGATHA (NGA) familyis a four-membered subclade of the B3-type transcriptionfactor superfamily, and plays an essential role in the styledevelopment. NGAs also act as negative regulators of cellproliferation in leaf and petal growth. The notion that NGAsmight act as promoters of a general differentiation programhas been proposed to explain the involvement of NGAs inthese seemingly discrete functions. Here, we tested this notionby activating NGA1 transcription in the expression domainsof Arabidopsis thaliana Meristem Layer 1, AINTEGUMENTA,SHOOTMERISTEMLESS, CLAVATA3 (CLV3), and WUSCHEL(WUS), where cells remain mostly undifferentiated andpluripotent. We found that those specific cells expressingNGA1 lost their meristematic competence, becoming terminallydifferentiated. We also found that the inflorescence meristems ofthe plants expressing NGA1 in the CLV3 domain failed todevelop floral meristems and differentiated into a terminalcarpeloid cylinder without any other floral organs; similarly,the floral meristems of the plants expressing NGA1 in theWUS domain all developed into carpeloid cylinders with noother floral organs. Our results not only support the notionthat NGA1 seems to be a promoter of a general differentiationprogram, but also raise the possibility that NGA1 may act asa carpel identity factor.

      • KCI등재후보

        Delaire 변법을 이용한 편측 불완전 구순열 환자의 기능적 일차 봉합술: 증례보고

        이병하,박창주,황경균,심광섭,정필훈,서병무,Lee, Byung-Ha,Park, Chang-Joo,Hwang, Kyung-Gyun,Shim, Kwang-Sup,Choung, Pill-Hoon,Seo, Byoung-Moo 대한구순구개열학회 2008 대한구순구개열학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The outcome of primary surgery for cleft lip is judged by its effects on the quality of oro-facial function and development. Many surgical techniques have been tried to obtain better results, however, Delaire introduced a technique of functional closure of the lip and nose, based on the findings of no true hypoplasia in the tissues either side of the cleft. In a seven-month-old Asian male patient with unilateral incomplete cleft lip, we carried out the primary closure by modified Delaire's technique. With no alveolar bone graft, the vertical incision on the nasal base was omitted in this patient because of his acceptable symmetry of nose. Also, a small Z plasty was added on the non-cleft side. The V-shaped incisions, whose notch was located on each side of the red vermilion, were designed and beveled incisions were performed for the rehabilitation of lip length and thickness, considering the postoperative wound contracture. We assured that this modification of Delaire's technique could be applied for various cases of primary closure of incomplete cleft lip.

      • KCI등재

        Korean–Chinese Migrant Workers and the Politics of Korean Nationalism

        이병하,최준영,서정민 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 2014 Pacific Focus Vol.29 No.3

        Why has Korean migration policy been ethnicized? This research mainlyaims to explain ethnic preference in Korea’s immigration policy through thelens of Korean nationalism. The influx of ethnic Koreans in China (orJoseonjok) since the early 1990s has created a new dilemma for the SouthKorean government, which has long claimed to be the only legitimate polityof the Korean nation. The discrepancy between the legal citizenship andethnicity of the Korean–Chinese workers in Korean society has forced theKorean state to redefine both legal and discursive national boundaries. Thisstudy analyzes the bifurcation of the Korean state discourses regardingKorean–Chinese workers in Korean society.

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